172 research outputs found

    Simulating snow maps for Norway: description and statistical evaluation of the seNorge snow model

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    Daily maps of snow conditions have been produced in Norway with the seNorge snow model since 2004. The seNorge snow model operates with 1 × 1 km resolution, uses gridded observations of daily temperature and precipitation as its input forcing, and simulates, among others, snow water equivalent (SWE), snow depth (SD), and the snow bulk density (ρ). In this paper the set of equations contained in the seNorge model code is described and a thorough spatiotemporal statistical evaluation of the model performance from 1957–2011 is made using the two major sets of extensive in situ snow measurements that exist for Norway. The evaluation results show that the seNorge model generally overestimates both SWE and ρ, and that the overestimation of SWE increases with elevation throughout the snow season. However, the <i>R</i><sup>2</sup>-values for model fit are 0.60 for (log-transformed) SWE and 0.45 for ρ, indicating that after removal of the detected systematic model biases (e.g. by recalibrating the model or expressing snow conditions in relative units) the model performs rather well. The seNorge model provides a relatively simple, not very data-demanding, yet nonetheless process-based method to construct snow maps of high spatiotemporal resolution. It is an especially well suited alternative for operational snow mapping in regions with rugged topography and large spatiotemporal variability in snow conditions, as is the case in the mountainous Norway

    Simulating the Fate of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Sunndalsfjord

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    Årsliste 2005As part of the ongoing discussion on remedial actions against PAH contaminated sediments in the Sunndalsfjord, the SedFlex-Tool was applied to the Sunndalsfjord system in order to investigate the magnitude PAH transport from the inner Sunndalsfjord (i.e. near Sunndalsøra) to outer fjord areas (e.g. the Tingvollfjord), concentrations of PAHs in blue mussels in the Tingvollfjord if future emissions from the Sunndal plant are assumed to be zero, and how the concentrations of PAHs in the sediments in the Sunndalsfjord and Tingvollfjord will change with time. Maine conclusions are: - The transport of PAHs from the inner Sunndalsfjord to outer fjord areas in 2000 was initially estimated to be approximately 1000 kg year-1, dominated by the flux from the contaminated sediments. - The total PAH and Benzo[a]Pyrene concentrations in blue mussels inhabiting the surface layer (0 – 5 m) in the Tingvollfjord will fall rapidly once direct emissions to the system cease. The model also demonstrated that inputs from background atmospheric and riverine sources control the long-term levels of PAHs in blue mussels, rather than remobilization of contaminants from the sediments The initial total PAH levels in sediments (surface, intermediate and deep) in the Sunndalsfjord and Tingvollfjord were estimated to be approximately 11 720 µg kg-1 and 1035 µg kg-1 respectively. The model indicated that these levels decline relatively quickly and reach levels approximately 2-3 orders of magnitude lower over the simulation periodA-T Trepark AS

    Novel Solution for Multi-connectivity 5G-mmW Positioning

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    \ua9 2018 IEEE. The forthcoming fifth generation (5G) systems with high beamforming gain antenna units, millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency bands together with massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) techniques are key components for accurate positioning methods. In this paper, we propose the positioning technique that is relying on the sparsity in the MIMO-OFDM channel in time and spatial domains, together with effective beamforming methods. We will study the proposed solution in a multi-connectivity context, which has been considered so far for the purpose of improving the user equipment (UE) communication data rate. We utilize the multi-connectivity for positioning, in order to improve robustness to measurement errors and increase positioning service continuity. In particular, we show that when a UE that has connectivity to more base stations, the total power and delay needed for positioning can be reduced

    Ropinirole eye drops induce vomiting effectively in dogs: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study

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    There is a need for an effective and safe emetic agent that dog owners could easily administer to their dogs following veterinary advice in cases of potential poisoning. As a response to this need, a randomised, double-blind, multi-site, clinical field study was performed to assess the efficacy, safety and usability of ropinirole eye drops to induce vomiting in dogs. Ropinirole (target dose 3.75 mg/m2) was applied to eyes of 100 dogs, and 32 dogs received placebo. The drug was administered by the dog owner at a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a veterinarian and led to vomition in 95% of the ropinirole-treated dogs within 30 min. The median time to first vomit was 10 min (range: 3–37 min). None of the dogs receiving placebo vomited in this time period. All owners were able to administer the product and 96% of them assessed the administration to be very easy or easy, which was confirmed by the observing veterinarian. Some ocular signs were seen both with ropinirole and placebo, hyperaemia being the most common. All observed signs were transient and in most cases mild. Ropinirole eye drops provided an effective, safe and reliable means to induce emesis in dogs

    Risikovurdering av Litlevatn - beregning av akseptabelt nivĂĄ pĂĄ avrenning av DEHP til Litlevatn

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    NIVA har på oppdrag fra DYNEA gjort en risikovurdering av akseptabelt nivå på avrenning av DEHP (plastmykner) til Litlevatn i Ålesund. Det ble beregnet at den målte avrenningen på 500-1500 g DEHP/år vil gi miljømessig akseptable konsentrasjoner i vann. I sedimenter forventes en PEC/PNEC på ≤0.71, som vurderes som akseptabelt for miljøet. Med en usikkerhet i måling av tilførsel av DEHP kan PEC/PNEC variere mellom ≤ 0.49 og ≤ 1.28 for sediment. De øvre verdiene er over grenseverdien for miljørisiko, og kan således utgjøre en fare for sedimentlevende organismer. Siden det ikke er tatt hensyn til nedbrytning i vann eller sediment, og heller ikke tatt hensyn til fortynning, er sannsynligheten stor for at konsentrasjonene i sedimentet likevel er akseptable.DYNEA ved Trond Jorange

    Undersøkelser for å styrke modeller knyttet til beslutningsstøtte for tiltak mot forurensede sedimenter i Grenlandsfjordene

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    Årsliste 2009I forbindelse med problemstillingene om sedimenttiltak i Grenlandsfjordene, er undersøkelser utført for å styrke beslutningsgrunnlaget for eventuelle tiltak mot dioksinforurensede sedimenter i fjordområdet. Dette arbeidet har bestått i en avansert kalibrering av den såkalte SedFlex-modellen for å styrke usikkerhetsestimatene i modellsimuleringene. Betydningen av skipsoppvirvling ved Herøya for dioksinutviklingen i Frierfjorden er modellert. Videre er tykkelsen på det aktive, bioturberte overflatelaget på 39 stasjoner i Grenlandsfjordene bestemt ved hjelp av SPI-sedimentkameraet. Tre stasjoner for ”overvåket naturlig forbedring” er blitt opprettet hvor den feltmessige variansen er beskrevet og utsagnskraften i et overvåkingsprogram beregnet. Transport av dioksiner fra Frierfjorden til fjordområdet utenfor er beregnet både gjennom direkte målinger ved bruk av passive prøvetakere og ved simuleringer i SedFlex-modellen.Norsk Hydr

    The Hydrophobicity of Lignocellulosic Fiber Network Can Be Enhanced with Suberin Fatty Acids

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    Suberin fatty acids were extracted from outer bark of Silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) using an isopropanolic sodium hydroxide solution. Laboratory sheets composed of lignocellulosic fiber networks were prepared from unbleached and unrefined softwood kraft pulp and further impregnated with suberin fatty acid monomers and cured with maleic anhydride in ethanol solution. The treatment resulted in hydrophobic surfaces, in which the contact angles remained over 120 degrees during the entire measurement. The fiber network also retained its water vapor permeability and enhanced fiber–fiber bonding resulted in improved tensile strength of the sheets. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images revealed that the curing agent, together with suberin fatty acids, was evenly distributed on the fiber surfaces and smoothing occurred over the wrinkled microfibrillar structure. High concentrations of the curing agent resulted in globular structures containing betulinol derivates as revealed with time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Also, the larger amount of suberin fatty acid monomers slightly impaired the optical properties of sheets

    The Hydrophobicity of Lignocellulosic Fiber Network Can Be Enhanced with Suberin Fatty Acids

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    Suberin fatty acids were extracted from outer bark of Silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) using an isopropanolic sodium hydroxide solution. Laboratory sheets composed of lignocellulosic fiber networks were prepared from unbleached and unrefined softwood kraft pulp and further impregnated with suberin fatty acid monomers and cured with maleic anhydride in ethanol solution. The treatment resulted in hydrophobic surfaces, in which the contact angles remained over 120 degrees during the entire measurement. The fiber network also retained its water vapor permeability and enhanced fiber–fiber bonding resulted in improved tensile strength of the sheets. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images revealed that the curing agent, together with suberin fatty acids, was evenly distributed on the fiber surfaces and smoothing occurred over the wrinkled microfibrillar structure. High concentrations of the curing agent resulted in globular structures containing betulinol derivates as revealed with time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Also, the larger amount of suberin fatty acid monomers slightly impaired the optical properties of sheets

    Convergent communication, sensing and localization in 6g systems: An overview of technologies, opportunities and challenges

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    Herein, we focus on convergent 6G communication, localization and sensing systems by identifying key technology enablers, discussing their underlying challenges, implementation issues, and recommending potential solutions. Moreover, we discuss exciting new opportunities for integrated localization and sensing applications, which will disrupt traditional design principles and revolutionize the way we live, interact with our environment, and do business. Regarding potential enabling technologies, 6G will continue to develop towards even higher frequency ranges, wider bandwidths, and massive antenna arrays. In turn, this will enable sensing solutions with very fine range, Doppler, and angular resolutions, as well as localization to cm-level degree of accuracy. Besides, new materials, device types, and reconfigurable surfaces will allow network operators to reshape and control the electromagnetic response of the environment. At the same time, machine learning and artificial intelligence will leverage the unprecedented availability of data and computing resources to tackle the biggest and hardest problems in wireless communication systems. As a result, 6G will be truly intelligent wireless systems that will provide not only ubiquitous communication but also empower high accuracy localization and high-resolution sensing services. They will become the catalyst for this revolution by bringing about a unique new set of features and service capabilities, where localization and sensing will coexist with communication, continuously sharing the available resources in time, frequency, and space. This work concludes by highlighting foundational research challenges, as well as implications and opportunities related to privacy, security, and trust
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