523 research outputs found

    Attitudes towards gambling, gambling participation, and gambling-related harm : cross-sectional Finnish population studies in 2011 and 2015

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    Background: Information about public gambling attitudes and gambling participation is crucial for the effective prevention of gambling-related harm. This study investigates female and male attitudes towards gambling, gambling participation, and gambling-related harm in the Finnish population aged 15-74. Methods: Cross-sectional random sample data were collected in 2011 (n = 4484) and 2015 (n = 4515). The data were weighted based on gender, age and region of residence. Attitudes were measured using the Attitudes Towards Gambling Scale (ATGS-8). Gambling-related harms were studied using the Problem Gambling Severity Index and the South Oaks Gambling Screen. Results: Attitudes towards gambling became more positive from 2011 to 2015. Female attitudes were generally negative, but nonetheless moved in a positive direction except in age groups under 25. Occasional gambling increased among women aged 18-24. Women aged 18-24 and 45-54 experienced more harms in 2015 than in 2011. Both land and online gambling increased among women aged 65-74. Male attitudes towards gambling were generally positive, and became more positive from 2011 to 2015 in all age groups except 15-17. Weekly gambling decreased among males aged 15-17. Gambling overall increased among males aged 18-24. Gambling several times a week decreased among men aged 35-44 and 45-54, and gambling 1-3 times a month increased in the latter age group. Online gambling increased only among men aged 55-64. Conclusions: Attitudes towards gambling became more positive in all except the youngest age groups. Under-age male gambling continued to decrease. We need to make decision-makers better aware of the continuing growth of online gambling among older people and women's increasing experiences of gambling-related harm. This is vital to ensure more effective prevention.Peer reviewe

    The extent and type of gambling harms for concerned significant others : A cross-sectional population study in Finland

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    Aims: This study investigates the proportion of concerned significant others (CSOs) of problem gamblers at population level and describes the extent and type of gambling harms for CSOs. Methods: Cross-sectional random sample data (n = 4515) were collected in 2015. The data were weighted based on age, gender and residence. CSOs were identified using a question including seven options. Gambling harms were inquired using structured questions. Descriptive statistics and Chi-Squared and Fischer's exact tests were used. Results: Overall, the proportion of CSOs was 19.3%. Males had close friends with gambling problems more often than females, while females had family members with gambling problems more often than males. Of the CSOs, 59.5% had experienced one or more harms. Females experienced more harms than males. Typical harms were worry about health or well-being of close ones, emotional distress and problems in interpersonal relationships. CSOs with a problem gambler in the family, particularly a partner, child/children or mother, experienced harms more often than CSOs with a problem gambler as a close friend. Conclusions: Female gender was associated with a larger extent of harms. The extent of harms was greatest if the problem gambler was a family member; however, a substantial amount of harms were experienced when the problem gambler was a close friend. CSOs and their position in evaluating gambling harms in general should be acknowledged. Persons beyond the nuclear family and the harms they encounter should be better acknowledged in prevention and harm minimisation. Early identification and a clear referral path to tailored support in occupational, social and healthcare settings may be considered.Peer reviewe

    Parenting satisfaction and parenting self-efficacy during the postpartum period: evaluation of an internet-based intervention

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    Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin vauvaperheiden äitien ja isien tyytyväisyyttä vanhemmuuteen ja vauvanhoitovalmiuksia sekä niihin yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa arvioitiin vanhempien tyytyväisyydessä ja vauvanhoitovalmiuksissa tapahtuvaa muutosta 6-8 viikkoa lapsen syntymän jälkeen. Tutkimukseen kahteen vaiheeseen osallistui yhteensä 1633 äitiä ja 961 isää vuosina 2006-2008 kahdessa eteläsuomalaisessa synnytyssairaalassa. Tutkimus oli osa laajempaa Urbaani vanhemmuus -hanketta, jossa kehitettiin vauvaperheiden vanhemmille tarkoitettu verkkopalvelu (www.vauvankaa.fi). Verkkopalvelun osa-toiminnot olivat tiedonhakupalvelu, vertaiskeskustelu ja mahdollisuus kysyä asiantuntijalta sähköpostitse. Tässä tutkimuksessa arvioitiin myös kehitettyä verkkopalvelua vauvaperheiden äitien ja isien näkökulmasta. Vertailut tehtiin koe- ja kontrollisairaaloissa äideille ja isille erikseen. Äidit olivat isiä tyytyväisempiä vanhemmuuteen ja vauvanhoitovalmiuksiinsa. Vanhemmat arvioivat vauvanhoitoon liittyvät emotionaaliset valmiudet heikommiksi kuin tiedolliset ja käyttäytymiseen liittyvät valmiudet. Minäkuva, masennusoireet, kotiutusmieliala ja vanhemman näkemys vauvasta olivat yhteydessä vanhempien tyytyväisyyteen. Se kuinka keskeinen sija vauvalla oli vanhempien ajatuksissa, oli yhteydessä vanhempien tyytyväisyyteen. Suhtautuminen tulevaan vanhemmuuteen odotusaikana oli yhteydessä äitien tyytyväisyyteen lapsen syntymän jälkeen. Lasten määrä oli yhteydessä vauvanhoitovalmiuksiin ja äitien tyytyväisyyteen, mutta sillä ei ollut vaikutusta isien tyytyväisyyteen. Perheen toimivuus, perheen terveys ja synnytysvuodeosaston hoitajien ohjeet olivat yhteydessä sekä vanhempien tyytyväisyyteen että vauvanhoitovalmiuksiin. Sekä äitien että isien tyytyväisyys vanhemmuuteen ja vauvanhoitovalmiudet paranivat lapsivuodeaikana. Emotionaaliset valmiudet paranivat eniten verrattuna tiedollisiin ja käyttäytymiseen liittyviin valmiuksiin. Muutos oli samanlainen kohdesairaaloissa. Vanhemmat, erityisesti isät, saattavat hyötyä aikaisempaa perhekeskeisemmästä hoidosta ja hoitajien vankemmista ohjeista. Vauvan käyttäytymiseen ja uneen keskittyvät interventiot ovat kannatettavia vanhemmuuden tukemiseksi. Lisäksi imetysongelmista kärsiville äideille tulisi tarjota tehostettua tukea. Tunnistamalla odotusaikana vanhemmuuteen pelokkaasti, huolestuneesti tai epävarmana suhtautuvat vanhemmat, voidaan heille tarjota tehokkaampaa tukea jo ennen lapsen syntymää. Tutkimuksen mukaan äitien ja isien vanhemmuuden kokemukset kehittyvät 6-8 viikkoa lapsen syntymän jälkeen samantyyppisesti, mutta eri tahtiin. Vauvanhoitoon liittyvässä pystyvyyden tunteessa tapahtunut myönteinen muutos oli suurempi kuin muutos tyytyväisyydessä vanhemmuuteen. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella kehitetyllä verkkopalvelulla ei ollut vaikutusta vanhemmuuden kokemuksiin 6-8 viikkoa lapsen syntymän jälkeen. Tutkimustulokset kuitenkin osoittavat että verkkopalvelun välityksellä tavoitettiin hyvin monentyyppisiä vanhempia, erityisesti äitejä. Tämä luo hyvän lähtökohdan terveydenhuollon verkkopohjaisten palvelujen kehittämiselle tulevaisuudessa. Jatkossa tulisi kuitenkin kiinnittää aikaisempaa enemmän huomioita isille suunnattujen palvelujen kehittämiseen.The aims of this study were to evaluate Finnish mothers? and fathers´ parenting satisfaction and parenting self-efficacy (PSE) after childbirth and to identify contributing factors. Furthermore, the aim was to investigate changes in parenting satisfaction and PSE during the postpartum period, and to evaluate the effectiveness of an internet-based intervention. The data (N=2600) were collected from parents at two maternity hospitals in southern Finland. A correlational and cross-sectional design was used with the data from cohort I in order to evaluate parenting satisfaction and PSE after childbirth and to develop the intervention. The intervention was designed to offer online support for parenting, breastfeeding and infant care beginning from midway through pregnancy. It comprised an information database, a peer discussion forum and expert advice. The data from cohort II were collected using a quasi-experimental design. This dataset was used to evaluate parenting satisfaction and PSE and the effectiveness of the intervention six to eight weeks postpartum. Parenting satisfaction was measured by the Evaluation subscale of the revised What Being the Parent of a New Baby is Like instrument. The PSE instrument was specially developed for this research. Comparisons were made between the parents in the intervention and control hospitals. A total of 1,633 mothers and 961 fathers participated in the study. Mothers had a more positive assessment of their parenting satisfaction and PSE than fathers. Parents had a weaker assessment of their affective skills related to PSE than of their cognitive and behavioural skills. Self-concept, depressive symptoms, state of mind on discharge and perception of infant contributed significantly to both mothers´ and fathers´ parenting satisfaction and PSE. Infant centrality contributed to parenting satisfaction, but not to PSE. Parenting attitude during pregnancy contributed significantly to mothers´ parenting satisfaction. Parity contributed significantly to both parents´ PSE, but not to fathers´ parenting satisfaction. Family functioning, family health and advice from nursing professionals were major contributory factors to parenting satisfaction and PSE. Parenting satisfaction and PSE scores became more positive during the postpartum period. This change was statistically significant for mothers´ parenting satisfaction and for both mothers´ and fathers´ PSE. Affective skills related PSE improved more than cognitive and behavioural skills. Different groups of mothers and different groups of fathers showed equally positive changes in parenting satisfaction and PSE. Parents´ perception of themselves, their infants and family were associated with parenting experience. The results indicate that parents, and fathers in particular, may benefit from more family-focused care and sound advice. Interventions in infant behaviour and sleep may also offer strong support for parenting. Mothers experiencing breastfeeding difficulties should have ready access to more intensive support. If professionals can identify parents, especially mothers, who are afraid or concerned or who feel insecure during pregnancy, extended support can be provided even before the child is born. Both mothers and fathers showed similar changes in their parenting experience, although the timing of those changes was different The positive changes seen in parenting experience were greater in measurements of PSE than in measurements of parenting satisfaction. No intervention effects were found on parenting satisfaction and parenting self-efficacy

    Socio-Demographic Factors, Gambling Behaviour, and the Level of Gambling Expenditure : A Population-Based Study

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    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between socio-demographic factors, gambling behaviour, and the level of gambling expenditure. The data were drawn from the population-based Gambling Harms Survey 2016 and 2017 conducted in Finland. The data were linked to register-based variables. Past-year gamblers were included (Wave 1; n=5 805, both Waves; n=2 165). The study showed that of the 4.2% of gamblers that produced 50.0% of the total GE in 2016, 33.1% of the GE was produced by those with a gambling problem and 43.3% by those with at-risk gambling pattern. Compared to gamblers in the lowest GE group, those in the highest GE group were more likely to be men, aged 25 or older, with upper secondary education, have a high income, be on dis- ability pension or sickness allowance, be frequent gamblers, gambling at least six game types, and showing at-risk and problem gambling patterns. Cumulative weekly GE by income tertiles remained fairly stable between the years. The results suggest that GE is highly concentrated. Among the small group of high-intensity consumers, the majority of the revenue comes from at-risk and problem gambling. Participants in the low GE group differ from those in the intermediate and high GE groups in terms of socio-demographics and gambling behaviour.The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between socio-demographic factors, gambling behaviour, and the level of gambling expenditure. The data were drawn from the population-based Gambling Harms Survey 2016 and 2017 conducted in Finland. The data were linked to register-based variables. Past-year gamblers were included (Wave 1; n=5 805, both Waves; n=2 165). The study showed that of the 4.2% of gamblers that produced 50.0% of the total GE in 2016, 33.1% of the GE was produced by those with a gambling problem and 43.3% by those with at-risk gambling pattern. Compared to gamblers in the lowest GE group, those in the highest GE group were more likely to be men, aged 25 or older, with upper secondary education, have a high income, be on dis- ability pension or sickness allowance, be frequent gamblers, gambling at least six game types, and showing at-risk and problem gambling patterns. Cumulative weekly GE by income tertiles remained fairly stable between the years. The results suggest that GE is highly concentrated. Among the small group of high-intensity consumers, the majority of the revenue comes from at-risk and problem gambling. Participants in the low GE group differ from those in the intermediate and high GE groups in terms of socio-demographics and gambling behaviour.Peer reviewe

    How gambling motives are associated with socio-demographics and gambling behavior - A Finnish population study

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    Background and aims: The aims were to examine how socio-demographics and gambling behavior relate to both primary and additional gambling motives, and whether the gambling motives change during a one-year-period. Methods: The Finnish Gambling Harms Survey data was used. Gambling motives were measured with a categorical question. Gambling severity was measured using the Problem and Pathological Gambling Measure (PPGM). Using the first-wave data including only past-year gamblers (n = 5,684), five logistic regression models were utilized to explore the associations of gambling motives with socio-demographics and gambling behavior. The stability of gambling motives was assessed with McNemar's test using longitudinal data (n = 2,078). Results: Gambling for positive feeling was associated with younger age, high income, high gambling involvement and at-risk gambling. Monetary motive was associated with female gender, high gambling involvement, online or mixed-mode and at-risk gambling. Supporting worthy causes was associated with older age, monthly and weekly gambling, and land-based gambling. Socializing was associated with younger age and gambling occasionally on land-based venues with multiple game types. Finally, the motive to escape was intensified among 25-34-year-olds, homemakers, and those with high gambling involvement and at-risk or problem gambling. Gambling motives remained relatively stable for one year. Discussion and conclusions: Gender and age profiles varied in different motives. Positive feeling, socializing and escape motive was heightened among younger respondents while supporting worthy causes was heightened among the oldest. Women gambled for money more often than men. Escape motive was associated with problem gambling. Longer follow-up is needed to confirm the longitudinal results.Peer reviewe

    Comparative analysis of vaginal microbiota sampling using 16S rRNA gene analysis

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    Background Molecular methods such as next-generation sequencing are actively being employed to characterize the vaginal microbiota in health and disease. Previous studies have focused on characterizing the biological variation in the microbiota, and less is known about how factors related to sampling contribute to the results. Our aim was to investigate the impact of a sampling device and anatomical sampling site on the quantitative and qualitative outcomes relevant for vaginal microbiota research. We sampled 10 Finnish women representing diverse clinical characteristics with flocked swabs, the Evalyn (R) self-sampling device, sterile plastic spatulas and a cervical brush that were used to collect samples from fornix, vaginal wall and cervix. Samples were compared on DNA and protein yield, bacterial load, and microbiota diversity and species composition based on Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. We quantified the relative contributions of sampling variables versus intrinsic variables in the overall microbiota variation, and evaluated the microbiota profiles using several commonly employed metrics such as alpha and beta diversity as well as abundance of major bacterial genera and species. Results The total DNA yield was strongly dependent on the sampling device and to a lesser extent on the anatomical site of sampling. The sampling strategy did not affect the protein yield or the bacterial load. All tested sampling methods produced highly comparable microbiota profiles based on MiSeq sequencing. The sampling method explained only 2% (p-value = 0.89) of the overall microbiota variation, markedly surpassed by intrinsic factors such as clinical status (microscopy for bacterial vaginosis 53%, p = 0.0001), bleeding (19%, p = 0.0001), and the variation between subjects (11%, p-value 0.0001). Conclusions The results indicate that different sampling strategies yield comparable vaginal microbiota composition and diversity. Hence, past and future vaginal microbiota studies employing different sampling strategies should be comparable in the absence of other technical confounders. The Evalyn (R) self-sampling device performed equally well compared to samples taken by a clinician, and hence offers a good-quality microbiota sample without the need for a gynecological examination. The amount of collected sample as well as the DNA and protein yield varied across the sampling techniques, which may have practical implications for study design.Peer reviewe

    At-risk and problem gambling among Finnish youth : The examination of risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, mental health and loneliness as gender-specific correlates

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    AIMS - The aims were to compare past-year at-risk and problem gambling (ARPG) and other at-risk behaviours (computer gaming, risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking) by age and gender, and to explore how ARPG is associated with risky alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, poor mental health and loneliness in males and females. DESIGN - Data from respondents aged 15-28 (n = 822) were derived from a cross-sectional random sample of population-based data (n = 4484). The data were collected in 2011-2012 by telephone interviews. The Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI, score >= 2) was used to evaluate ARPG. Prevalence rates for risk behaviours were compared for within gender-specific age groups. Regression models were gender-specific. RESULTS - The proportion of at-risk and problem gamblers was higher among males than females in all age groups except among 18-21-year-olds, while frequent computer gaming was higher among males in all age groups. The odds ratio (95% CI) of being a male ARPGer was 2.57 (1.40-4.74) for risky alcohol consumption; 1.95 (1.07-3.56) for tobacco smoking; 2.63 (0.96-7.26) for poor mental health; and 4.41 (1.20-16.23) for feeling lonely. Likewise, the odds ratio (95% CI) of being a female ARPGer was 1.19 (0.45-3.12) for risky alcohol consumption; 4.01 (1.43-11.24) for tobacco smoking; 0.99 (0.18-5.39) for poor mental health; and 6.46 (1.42-29.34) for feeling lonely. All 95% CIs of ARPG correlates overlapped among males and females. CONCLUSIONS - Overall, past-year at-risk and problem gambling and computer gaming seem to be more common among males than females; however, for risky alcohol consumption similar gender differences were evident only for the older half of the sample. No clear gender differences were seen in correlates associated with ARPG.Peer reviewe