30 research outputs found

    In-depth inhomogeneities in CIGS solar cells: identifying regions for performance limitations by PIXE and EBS

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    When considering materials to be used as active layers in solar cells, an important required parameter is the proper knowledge of their elemental composition. It should be heavily controlled during growth in order to obtain the desired bandgap and to decrease recombination defects and then increase the solar cell electrical performance. Ion beam analytical techniques and, in particular particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and elastic backscattering spectrometry (EBS), are quite suitable to determine the thickness and composition of such active layers. Furthermore, if these techniques are performed using a nuclear microprobe, lateral and in-depth inhomogeneities can be clearly observed from 2D maps. In many cases, composition variations can be detected from the classical 2D maps obtained from the PIXE spectra. In this work, it is shown how the in-depth variations can also be studied when considering 2D maps reconstructed from the EBS spectra. Such variations are derived from processing conditions and can be related to: i) composition, ii) thickness, iii) roughness, iv) other non-trivial issues. Examples obtained on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 based cells are presented and discussed. Furthermore, the combination of ion beam analytical techniques such as PIXE and EBS is shown to be a competitive and alternative method to those more used and established techniques such as X-ray fluorescence for checking the average composition of the solar cells active layers or SIMS for the determination of elemental depth profile.publishe

    Exploiting the Optical Limits of Thin‐Film Solar Cells: A Review on Light Management Strategies in Cu(In,Ga)Se 2

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    Light management strategies are of utmost importance to allow Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) technology market expansion, as it would enable a conversion efficiency boost as well as thinner absorber layers, increasing sustainability and reducing production costs. However, fabrication and architecture constraints hamper the direct transfer of light management architectures from other photovoltaic technologies. The demand for light management in thin and ultrathin CIGS cells is analyzed by a critical description of the optical loss mechanisms in these devices. Three main pathways to tackle the optical losses are identified: front light management architectures that assist for an omnidirectional low reflection; rear architectures that enable an enhanced optical path length; and unconventional spectral conversion strategies for full spectral harvesting. An outlook over the challenges and developments of light management architectures is performed, establishing a research roadmap for future works in light management for CIGS technology. Following the extensive review, it is expected that combining antireflection, light trapping, and conversion mechanisms, a 27% CIGS solar cell can be achieved.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and Fundo Social Europeu (FSE) are acknowledged through the projects IF/00133/2015, UIDB/ 50025/2020, UIDP/50025/2020, UIDB/04730/2020, UIDP/04730/2020, and DFA/BD/4564/2020. This research was also supported by NovaCell—Development of novel Ultrathin Solar Cell Architectures for low-light, low-cost, and flexible optoelectronic device project (028075) cofunded by FCT and ERDF through COMPETE2020. This research was supported by InovSolarCells–Development of innovative nanostructured dielectric materials for interface passivation in thin-film solar cells project (029696) cofunded by FCT and ERDF through COMPETE2020. The authors acknowledge the financial support of the project Baterias 2030, with the reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046109, cofunded by Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cd and Cu interdiffusion in Cu(In,Ga)Se2/CdS hetero-interfaces

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    We report a detailed characterization of an industry-like prepared Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS)/CdS heterojunction by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and photoluminescence (PL). Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) shows the presence of several regions in the CIGS layer that are Cu deprived and Cd enriched, suggesting the segregation of Cd-Se. Concurrently, the CdS layer shows Cd-deprived regions with the presence of Cu, suggesting a segregation of Cu-S. The two types of segregations are always found together, which, to the best of our knowledge, is observed for the first time. The results indicate that there is a diffusion process that replaces Cu with Cd in the CIGS layer and Cd with Cu in the CdS layer. Using a combinatorial approach we identified that this effect is independent of focused-ion beam sample preparation and of the TEM-grid. Furthermore, photoluminescence measurements before and after an HCl etch indicate a lower degree of defects in the post-etch sample, compatible with the segregates removal. We hypothesize that Cu2-xSe nanodomains react during the chemical bath process to form these segregates since the chemical reaction that dominates this process is thermodynamically favourable. These results provide important additional information about the formation of the CIGS/CdS interface.publishe

    Breve caracterização da situação profissional dos licenciados em ortoprotesia pela ESTeSL entre 2004/2005 e 2012/2013

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    Introdução – Atualmente, devido à elevada taxa de desemprego e à emigração de jovens licenciados, estes veem a carreira e o futuro profissional comprometidos no seu país de origem. Deste modo, a existência de uma reflexão sobre a sua situação profissional poderá clarificar o futuro dos estudantes e recém-licenciados da área de ortoprotesia. Objetivos – Quantificar a situação profissional dos licenciados em ortoprotesia pela Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) e criar uma ferramenta de reflexão sobre as perspetivas profissionais futuras. Metodologia – Estudo quantitativo: aplicação de um questionário fechado online, através da plataforma LimeSurvey® ao universo dos ortoprotésicos licenciados na ESTeSL. Resultados/Discussão – A maioria dos licenciados é jovem e do sexo feminino e uma minoria possui ou está em formação pós graduada (17%). Dos inquiridos, a maioria encontra-se empregada na área da ortoprotesia (78,3%) e a taxa de desemprego situa-se em 8,7%. Constata-se uma mobilidade geográfica para o distrito de Lisboa, quer para estudos como posteriormente para o local de emprego. Conclusão – A elevada taxa de desemprego verificada nos jovens licenciados em Portugal não parece ter um impacto direto na população analisada, uma vez que a taxa de desemprego obtida e a duração da procura do primeiro emprego obtidas são ambas reduzidas; contudo a, taxa de desemprego é semelhante à de outros cursos das tecnologias da saúde. Registe-se a carência de investimento em formação pós-graduada ou de complementos de formação após a licenciatura

    Optical lithography patterning of SiO2 layers for interface passivation of thin film solar cells

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    Ultrathin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells are a promising way to reduce costs and to increase the electrical performance of thin film solar cells. In this work, we develop an optical lithography process that can produce sub-micrometer contacts in a SiO2 passivation layer at the CIGS rear contact. Furthermore, an optimization of the patterning dimensions reveals constrains over the features sizes. High passivation areas of the rear contact are needed to passivate the CIGS interface so that high performing solar cells can be obtained. However, these dimensions should not be achieved by using long distances between the contacts as they lead to poor electrical performance due to poor carrier extraction. This study expands the choice of passivation materials already known for ultrathin solar cells and its fabrication techniques.publishe

    Optoelectronic simulations for novel light management concepts in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells

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    One of the trends making its way through the Photovoltaics (PV) industry, is the search for new application possibilities. Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film solar cells stand out due to their class leading power conversion efficiency of 23.35 %, flexibility, and low cost. The use of sub-μm ultrathin CIGS solar cells has been gaining prevalence, due to the reduction in material consumption and the manufacturing time. Precise CIGS finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and 3D-drift diffusion baseline models were developed for the Lumerical suite and a 1D electrical model for SCAPS, allowing for an accurate description of the optoelectronic behavior and response of thin and ultrathin CIGS solar cells. As a result, it was possible to obtain accurate descriptions of the optoelectronic behavior of thin and ultrathin solar cells, and to perform an optical study and optimization of novel light management approaches, such as, random texturization, photonic nanostructures, plasmonic nanoparticles, among others. The developed light management architectures enabled to push the optical performance of an ultrathin solar cell and even surpass the performance of a thin film solar cell, enabling a short-circuit current enhancement of 6.15 mA/cm2 over an ultrathin reference device, without any light management integrated.publishe

    Secondary crystalline phases identification in Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films: contributions from Raman scattering and photoluminescence

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    In this work, we present the Raman peak positions of the quaternary pure selenide compound Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) and related secondary phases that were grown and studied under the same conditions. A vast discussion about the position of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) reflections of these compounds is presented. It is known that by using XRD only, CZTSe can be identified but nothing can be said about the presence of some sec- ondary phases. Thin films of CZTSe, Cu2SnSe3, ZnSe, SnSe, SnSe2, MoSe2 and a-Se were grown, which allowed their investigation by Raman spectroscopy (RS). Here we present all the Raman spectra of these phases and discuss the similarities with the spectra of CZTSe. The effective analysis depth for the common back-scattering geometry commonly used in RS measurements, as well as the laser penetration depth for photoluminescence (PL) were esti- mated for different wavelength values. The observed asymmetric PL band on a CZTSe film is compatible with the presence of CZTSe single-phase and is discussed in the scope of the fluctuating potentials’ model. The estimated bandgap energy is close to the values obtained from absorption measurements. In general, the phase identifica- tion of CZTSe benefits from the contributions of RS and PL along with the XRD discussion.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    On the importance of joint mitigation strategies for front, bulk, and rear recombination in ultrathin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells

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    Several optoelectronic issues, such as poor optical absorption and recombination limit the power conversion efficiency of ultrathin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells. To mitigate recombination losses, two combined strategies were implemented: a Potassium Fluoride (KF) Post-Deposition Treatment (PDT) and a rear interface passivation strategy based on an Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3) point contact structure. The simultaneous implementation of both strategies is reported for the first time on ultrathin CIGS devices. Electrical measurements and 1-D simulations demonstrate that, in specific conditions, devices with only KF-PDT may outperform rear interface passivated based devices. By combining KF-PDT and rear interface passivation, an enhancement in open-circuit voltage of 178 mV is reached over devices that have a rear passivation only and of 85 mV over devices with only a KF-PDT process. Time-Resolved Photoluminescence measurements showed the beneficial effects of combining KF-PDT and the rear interface passivation at decreasing recombination losses in the studied devices, enhancing charge carrier lifetime. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements indicate the presence of a In and Se rich layer that we linked to be a KInSe2 layer. Our results suggest that when bulk and front interface recombination values are very high, they dominate and individual passivation strategies work poorly. Hence, this work shows that for ultrathin devices, passivation mitigation strategies need to be implemented in tandem.publishe

    On the importance of joint mitigation strategies for front, bulk, and rear recombination in ultrathin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells

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    Several optoelectronic issues, such as poor optical absorption and recombination limit the power conversion efficiency of ultrathin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells. To mitigate recombination losses, two combined strategies were implemented: a Potassium Fluoride (KF) Post-Deposition Treatment (PDT) and a rear interface passivation strategy based on an Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3) point contact structure. The simultaneous implementation of both strategies is reported for the first time on ultrathin CIGS devices. Electrical measurements and 1-D simulations demonstrate that, in specific conditions, devices with only KF-PDT may outperform rear interface passivated based devices. By combining KF-PDT and rear interface passivation, an enhancement in open-circuit voltage of 178 mV is reached over devices that have a rear passivation only and of 85 mV over devices with only a KF-PDT process. Time-Resolved Photoluminescence measurements showed the beneficial effects of combining KF-PDT and the rear interface passivation at decreasing recombination losses in the studied devices, enhancing charge carrier lifetime. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements indicate the presence of a In and Se rich layer that we linked to be a KInSe2 layer. Our results suggest that when bulk and front interface recombination values are very high, they dominate and individual passivation strategies work poorly. Hence, this work shows that for ultrathin devices, passivation mitigation strategies need to be implemented in tandem.publishe

    Coronary computed tomography angiography-adapted Leaman score as a tool to noninvasively quantify total coronary atherosclerotic burden

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    To describe a coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA)-adapted Leaman score (CT-LeSc) as a tool to quantify total coronary atherosclerotic burden with information regarding localization, type of plaque and degree of stenosis and to identify clinical predictors of a high coronary atherosclerotic burden as assessed by the CT-LeSc. Single center prospective registry including a total of 772 consecutive patients undergoing CCTA (Dual-source CT) from April 2011 to March 2012. For the purpose of this study, 581 stable patients referred for suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) without previous myocardial infarction or revascularization procedures were included. Pre-test CAD probability was determined using both the Diamond-Forrester extended CAD consortium method (DF-CAD consortium model) and the Morise score. Cardiovascular risk was assessed with the HeartScore. The cut-off for the 3rd tercile (CT-LeSc ≥8.3) was used to define a population with a high coronary atherosclerotic burden. The median CT-LeSc in this population (n = 581, 8,136 coronary segments evaluated; mean age 57.6 ± 11.1; 55.8 % males; 14.6 % with diabetes) was 2.2 (IQR 0-6.8). In patients with CAD (n = 341), the median CT-LeSc was 5.8 (IQR 3.2-9.6). Among patients with nonobstructive CAD, most were classified in the lowest terciles (T1, 43.0 %; T2, 36.1 %), but 20.9 % were in the highest tercile (T3). The majority of the patients with obstructive CAD were classified in T3 (78.2 %), but 21.8 % had a CT-LeSc in lower terciles (T1 or T2). The independent predictors of a high CT-LeSc were: Male sex (OR 1.73; 95 % CI 1.04-2.90) diabetes (OR 2.91; 95 % CI 1.61-5.23), hypertension (OR 2.54; 95 % CI 1.40-4.63), Morise score ≥16 (OR 1.97; 95 % CI 1.06-3.67) and HeartScore ≥5 (OR 2.42; 95 % CI 1.41-4.14). We described a cardiac CT adapted Leaman score as a tool to quantify total (obstructive and nonobstructive) coronary atherosclerotic burden, reflecting the comprehensive information about localization, degree of stenosis and type of plaque provided by CCTA. Male sex, hypertension, diabetes, a HeartScore ≥5 % and a Morise score ≥16 were associated with a high coronary atherosclerotic burden, as assessed by the CT-LeSc. About one fifth of the patients with nonobstructive CAD had a CT-LeSc in the highest tercile, and this could potentially lead to a reclass