266 research outputs found

    Läheisten kokemukset syöpäsairauden vaikutuksista sairastuneen seksuaalisuuteen

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa Lounais-Suomen Syöpäyhdistys ry:n (LSSY) ja Turun Ammattikorkeakoulun yhteistä vuosille 2010-2015 ajoittuvaa Syöpäpotilaiden hyvä hoitopolku –tutkimus- ja kehittämishanketta. Hankkeen lähtökohtana on kysymys: Ketkä hyötyvät ja miten syöpää sairastavien kuntoutuksesta? Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa läheisten kokemuksia syöpäsairauden vaikutuksista sairastuneen seksuaalisuuteen. Tavoitteena oli kehittää kuntoutustoimintaa sekä seksuaalisuuteen liittyvän tiedon saannin ja ohjauksen toteutumista hoitopolun eri vaiheissa. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan läheisen näkökulmasta syöpäsairauden vaikutuksia sairastuneen minäkuvaan, seksuaalisuuteen ja seksuaaliseen parisuhteeseen. Lisäksi tutkitaan syöpäsairaan läheisen näkökulmasta tiedon ja tuen saantia hoitojen eri vaiheissa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kuntoutus- ja sopeutumisvalmennuskursseille osallistuneilta syöpäkuntoutujien (n=70) läheisiltä LSSY:n ja Turun Ammattikorkeakoulun yhteistyössä kehittämällä puolistrukturoidulla kyselylomakkeella. Tutkimukseen osallistuneista läheisistä naisia oli 31 ja miehiä 37. Vastausprosentti oli 91. Aineistonkeruu tapahtui vuoden 2011 tammikuun ja syyskuun välillä. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen sisällönerittelyä, kuitenkin niin, että joidenkin kysymysten analysoinnissa käytettiin soveltaen apuna myös aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset osoittavat, että syöpäsairaus vaikuttaa sairastuneen minäkuvaan kokonaisvaltaisesti fyysisten, psyykkisten ja sosiaalisten muutosten kautta. Sairauden vaikutukset seksuaalisuuteen ja seksuaaliseen parisuhteeseen voivat olla merkittäviä ja vaikuttaa pariskunnan molempiin osapuoliin elämänlaatua heikentävästi. Läheiset kokevat tiedon ja tuen saannin olevan heikkoa syöpähoitojen eri vaiheissa. Tietoa ja tukea tulisikin tarjota entistä enemmän ja sen saantia kehittää tulevaisuudessa myös parisuhdelähtöisempään suuntaan.The present Bachelor´s thesis is part of the research and development project ´Cancer Pa-tients´ Good Treatment Path` carried out in 2010-2015 by Southwestern Finland cancer society and Turku University of Applied Sciences. The starting point of the project was the question: Who benefits and how from the rehabilitation of cancer patients? The aim of the thesis was to map out the experiences of significant others about the effects of the cancer on sexuality. The objective was to develop rehabilitation and access to information on sexuality as well as the implementation of relevant guidance along the treatment path. This thesis studies, from the point of view of significant other, the effects of the cancer on self-image, sexuality and a sexual couple relationship. Moreover, access to information and support during different courses of treatment is looked at from the viewpoint of significant others. The data was collected from significant others (n=70) who attended a course in rehabilitation and adjustment training. The method was a semi-structured questionnaire devised in co-operation by Southwestern Finland cancer society and Turku University of Applied Sciences. There were 31 females and 37 males who participated. The response rate was 91 %. The data was collected between January and September 2011 and subjected to content analysis, how-ever, so that in examining some questions also data-oriented content analysis was applied. The findings showed that cancer has a comprehensive impact on the patient´s self-image through physical, mental and social changes. The effects of the disease on sexuality and a sex-ual couple relationship may be significant and deteriorate both partners´ quality of life. Signifi-cant others feel that the access to information and support in different phases of treatment is poor. Therefore, more information and support should be provided, and access to them ought to be developed in the future with more focus on a couple relationship

    Pitäskö soittaa pojille? : Kilpailevat diskurssit lentäjien ja matkustamomiehistön välisessä viestintäsuhteessa

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    Communication between airline pilots and cabin crew plays an important role in aviation safety. However, little research has been conducted in the area of pilot-cabin crew communication and relationship. The aim of this study was to identify and name competing discourses in pilot-cabin crew relationship and to describe how these discourses compete with one another. Theory of relational dialectics (Baxter JA Montgomery 1996; Baxter 2011) was used as the theoretical framework. Eight members of cabin crew and six pilots were intervieved. Members of cabin crew were interviewed in pairs. Two of the pilots were interviewed individually and four in pairs. The interviews were analyzed using contrapuntal analysis. Contrapuntal analysis aims to identify competing discourses and their interplay. Six competing discourses were identified in pilot-cabin crew communication and relationship. They were predictability-novelty, one crew-two crews and ideal-real. The predictability-novelty struggle became apparent in the discursive struggle of different work positions being occupied with different crew memebers and in the discursive struggle of official and unofficial communication during the flight. The discourses of one crew and two separate crews were played against one another in the discursive struggles of equality-hierarcy and efficiency-politeness. The discursive struggle of ideal-real constitutes a scene on which the other discourses compete. One coherent and egalitarian crew, where each crew member communicates openly and predictably according to the rules and regulations attached to his/her position was presented as ideal. This ideal is often, but not always, accomplished.Lentäjien ja matkustamomiehistön viestinnällä on tärkeä tehtävä lentoturvallisuuden varmistamisessa. Ammattiryhmien välistä viestintää on kuitenkin tutkittu vähän. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tunnistaa ja nimetä lentäjien ja matkustamomiehistön välisessä viestintäsuhteessa esiintyviä diskursseja sekä tarkastella sitä, miten nämä diskurssit kilpailevat keskenään. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä oli Baxterin ja Montgomeryn (1996) ja Baxterin (2011) relationaalinen dialektiikka. Tutkimukseen haastateltiin kahdeksaa matkustamomiehistön jäsentä ja kuutta lentäjää. Matkustamohenkilökunnan haastattelut toteutettiin neljänä parihaastatteluna ja lentäjien haastattelut kahtena parihaastatteluna ja kahtena yksilöhaastatteluna. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttämällä kontrapunktista analyysiä (Baxter 2011), jonka avulla pyrittiin tunnistamaan keskenään kilpailevia diskursseja ja tarkastelemaan niiden välistä kamppailua. Lentäjien ja matkustamomiehistön välisessä viestintäsuhteessa kilpailevia diskursseja olivat ennustettavuus ja yllätyksellisyys, yksi ja kaksi miehistöä sekä ideaali ja todellinen. Ennustettavuuden ja yllätyksellisyyden välinen kamppailu ilmeni erilaisten miehistönjäsenten toimiessa samanlaisina pysyvillä työskentelypositioilla sekä epävirallisen ja virallisen viestinnän välisessä vaihtelussa lennon aikana. Yhden ja kahden miehistön välinen diskursiivinen kamppailu esiintyi tasa-arvon ja hierarkian sekä tehokkuuden ja kohteliaisuuden välisessä diskursiivisessa kilpailussa. Ideaalin ja todellisen välinen diskursiivinen kamppailu muodostaa eräänlaisen näyttämön, jolla muut diskurssit kilpailevat. Ideaalina esitettiin yksi yhtenäinen ja tasa-arvoinen miehistö, jossa kunkin miehistönjäsenen viestintä on hänen positioonsa liittyvien sääntöjen ja määräysten mukaista, ennustettavaa ja avointa. Tämä ideaali saavutetaan usein, mutta ei aina

    Grundskolans elever kommunvis höstterminen 1973

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    Suomen virallinen tilasto (SVT

    Allergic rhinitis alone or with asthma is associated with an increased risk of sickness absences

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    SummaryThe aim of the study is to examine the risk of sickness absence in public sector employees with allergic rhinitis or asthma or both conditions combined.This is a prospective cohort study of 48 296 Finnish public sector employees. Data from self-reported rhinitis and asthma were obtained from survey responses given during either the 2000–2002 or 2004 periods. Follow-up data on sickness absences for the public sector employees surveyed were acquired from records kept by the employers.During the follow-up, mean sick leave days per year for respondents were 17.6 days for rhinitis alone, 23.8 days for asthma alone and 24.2 days for both conditions combined. Respondents with neither condition were absent for a mean of 14.5 days annually. The impact of asthma and rhinitis combined on the risk of sick leave days was marginal compared to asthma alone (RR 1.1; 95% CI 1.0–1.3). In the subgroup analysis (those with current asthma or allergy medication), the risk ratio for medically certified sickness absence (>3 days) was 2.0 (95% CI 1.9–2.2) for those with asthma and rhinitis combined.Rhinitis, asthma and both these conditions combined increased the risk of days off work

    Organisational justice protects against the negative effect of workplace violence on teachers' sleep : a longitudinal cohort study

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    Objectives This study aimed to examine the longitudinal association of workplace violence with disturbed sleep and the moderating role of organisational justice (ie, the extent to which employees are treated with fairness) in teaching. Methods We identified 4988 teachers participating in the Finnish Public Sector study who reported encountering violence at work. Disturbed sleep was measured in three waves with 2-year intervals: the wave preceding exposure to violence, the wave of exposure and the wave following the exposure. Data on procedural and interactional justice were obtained from the wave of exposure to violence. The associations were examined using repeated measures log-binomial regression analysis with the generalised estimating equations method, adjusting for gender and age. Results Exposure to violence was associated with an increase in disturbed sleep (RR 1.32 (95% CI 1.15 to 1.52)) that also persisted after the exposure (RR 1.26 (95% CI 1.07 to 1.48)). The increase was higher among teachers perceiving the managerial practices as relatively unfair (RR 1.46 (95% CI 1.01 to 2.09) and RR 1.59 (95% CI 1.04 to 2.42) for interactional and procedural justice, respectively). By contrast, working in high-justice conditions seemed to protect teachers from the negative effect of violence on sleep. Conclusion Our findings show an increase in sleep disturbances due to exposure to workplace violence in teaching. However, the extent to which teachers are treated with justice moderates this association. Although preventive measures for violence should be prioritised, resources aimed at promoting justice at schools can mitigate sleep problems associated with workplace violence.Peer reviewe

    Health- and work-related predictors of work disability among employees with a cardiometabolic disease - A cohort study

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    Objective: The proportion of aging employees with cardiometabolic diseases, such as heart or cerebrovascular disease, diabetes and chronic hypertension is on the rise. We explored the extent to which health- and work-related factors were associated with the risk of disability pension among individuals with such cardiometabolic disease. Methods: A cohort of 4798 employees with and 9716 employees without a cardiometabolic disease were followed up for 7 years (2005-2011) for disability pension. For these participants, register and survey data (from 2004) were linked to records on disability pensions. Cox proportional hazards modeling was used for estimating the hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: Individuals with heart or cerebrovascular disease had 2.88-fold (95% CI = 2.50-331) higher risk of all cause disability pension compared to employees with no cardiometabolic disease. Diabetes was associated with a 1.84-fold (95% CI = 1.52-2.23) and hypertension a 1.50-fold (95% CI = 131-1.72) increased risk of disability pension. Obesity in cases of diabetes and hypertension (15%) and psychological distress in cases of heart or cerebrovascular disease (9%) were the strongest contributing factors. All 12 health- and work-related risk factors investigated accounted for 24% of the excess work disability in hypertension, 28% in diabetes, and 11% in heart or cerebrovascular disease. Cause-specific analyses (disability pension due to mental, musculoskeletal and circulatory system diseases) yielded similar results. Conclusions: In this study, modifiable risk factors, such as obesity and mental comorbidity, predicted permanent exit from the labor market due to disability in individuals with cardiometabolic disease. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Employee control over scheduling of shifts and objectively measured working hour characteristics : a cross-sectional analysis of linked register and survey data

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    We aimed to study the association of perceived control over scheduling of shifts with objectively measured working hour characteristics in shift workers. The participants were 5128 hospital employees (91% women, 85% nursing personnel, average age 43 years) in period-based work (114:45h/3 weeks) from the 2015 Finnish Public Sector study. Survey responses to a measure of control over scheduling of shifts were linked to payroll data on working hour characteristics during the 91 days preceding the survey. We used multinomial logistic regression to assess differences in dichotomized proportion of working hour characteristics (being full-time worker, number of work shifts, long work weeks (>40h and >48h/week), long work shifts (>12-h), evening and night shifts, quick returns (4 consecutive work shifts, and variability of shift length with cut points at 10% or 25% between employees with high, intermediate, or low control over scheduling of shifts. Analyses were adjusted for age, sex, education, full-/part-time work (where applicable), duration of shift work experience, perceived work ability, children 25%) of weekend work was lower among employees with low control over scheduling of shifts compared to high control (OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.61-0.93). High proportion (>25%) of having >4 consecutive work shifts was associated with lower control over scheduling of shifts (OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.13-1.62). Variability of shift length was lower among employees with intermediate and low control over scheduling of shifts compared to those with high control (OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.66-0.93; OR 0.62, 95% CI 0.51-0.75, respectively). No association was observed between the level of control over scheduling of shifts and high proportion of long work weeks (>25% of >40h weeks and >10% of >48h weeks), long work shifts (>25%), quick returns (>25%), single days off (>25%), and evening or night shifts (>10%) in the whole sample. In subgroup analyses, women with low control over scheduling shifts had lower odds ratio (OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.37-0.91) and men had higher odds ratio (OR 2.97, 95% CI 1.26-6.98) for large proportion of >12-h shifts. In conclusion, the employees with high control over scheduling of shifts had slightly more often unsocial working hour characteristics than those with intermediate or low control over scheduling of shifts. The findings, however, suggest that good work time control in shift work can be possible without compromising shift ergonomics.Peer reviewe

    Associations between shift work and use of prescribed medications for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia : a prospective cohort study

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    Objective This study examined the associations between shift work and use of antihypertensive, lipid-lowering, and antidiabetic medications. Methods Survey data from two cohorts of Finnish men (N=11998) and women (N=49 944) working in multiple occupations where shift work was used were linked to national Drug Prescription Register data, with up to 11 years of follow-up. In each cohort, age-stratified Cox proportional hazard regression models were computed to examine any incident use of prescription medication for each of the three medical conditions, separately comparing each of two groups of rotating shift workers (those whose schedules included night shifts. and those whose schedules did not include night shifts) with day workers who worked in a similar range of occupations. Results In the larger cohort, among participants aged 40-49 at baseline, shift work without night shifts was associated with increased use of type-2 diabetes medication after adjustments for sex, occupational status, marital status, alcohol consumption, smoking, and physical activity [hazard ratio (HR) 1.28, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01-1.62], while shift work with night shifts was associated with increased use of dyslipidemia medication after adjustments (HR 1.33, 95% CI 1.12-1.57). There were no such associations among younger and older shift workers. Also in the larger cohort, among those aged Conclusions There was mixed evidence regarding the use of medications for cardiovascular risk factors by shift workers. Selection effects may have affected the associations.Peer reviewe