8 research outputs found

    Terveysalan opiskelijan ja potilaan vÀlinen suhde kliinisessÀ oppimisympÀristössÀ

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    Kandidaatin tutkielman tarkoitus on kartoittaa aikaisempien tutkimustulosten pohjalta terveysalan opiskelijoiden ja potilaiden vÀlistÀ suhdetta kliinisessÀ oppiympÀristössÀ. Terveysalalla opintoihin kuuluu olennaisena osana oppiminen kliinisessÀ oppimisympÀristössÀ. KliinisessÀ oppimisympÀristössÀ keskeisenÀ tekijÀnÀ on potilas. TÀmÀn kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoitus on kuvata terveysalan opiskelijan ja potilaan vÀlistÀ suhdetta kliinisessÀ oppimisympÀristössÀ sekÀ terveysalan opiskelijan, ettÀ potilaan nÀkökulmasta, ja tavoitteena on lisÀtÀ ymmÀrrystÀ terveysalan opiskelijan ja potilaan vÀlisestÀ suhteesta kliinisessÀ oppimisympÀristössÀ. Kirjallisuuskatsaus on toteutettu mukaillen systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineisto on hankittu hyödyntÀen hoitotieteen viitetietokantoja Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PubMed, Medic, Ovid Medline ja Google Schoral. Aineistoon valittiin tutkimusartikkeleita (n=8), joiden keskeisenÀ aiheena oli terveysalan opiskelija ja potilas, ja heidÀn vÀlissÀ oleva suhde. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimusartikkeleiden tulosten mukaan voidaan todeta, ettÀ opiskelijan ja potilaan vÀlissÀ tapahtuva suhde kliinisessÀ oppimisympÀristössÀ koettiin positiivisena molempien nÀkökulmasta. Molemmat kokivat saavansa hyötyÀ suhteesta ja opiskelijat kokivat omien ammatillisten- ja ihmissuhdetaitojen kehittyvÀn suhteen aikana. Opiskelijan ja potilaan vÀlissÀ tapahtuvaa suhdetta on tutkittu hoitotyön puolella enemmÀn kuin muiden terveysalojen. Hoitotyön puolen tutkimuksista nousi esille tarve tutkia myös muita terveysaloja, joten tÀmÀ kirjallisuuskatsauksen aihe nousi sieltÀ. TÀmÀ kirjallisuuskatsauksen hyöty on lisÀtÀ tietoa myös muista terveysalan opiskelijoiden ja potilaan suhteesta kliinisessÀ oppimisympÀristössÀ

    Effects of a 360° virtual counselling environment on patient anxiety and CCTA process time: A randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction This study investigated whether a 360° virtual counselling environment (360°VCE) was more effective at decreasing patients' anxiety than routine standard of care counselling for patients undergoing coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA), and if there was any difference in the process times for both of these groups. Methods A total of 86 patients underwent CCTA in this randomised controlled trial. Patients were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The 360°VCE was developed using spherical panoramic images and non-immersive 360° technology. The primary outcome, anxiety, was measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The secondary outcome, CCTA process time, was measured from the time of arrival in the department until end of examination. Results Pre-scan anxiety was lower among patients in the 360°VCE group immediately before CCTA in comparison to patients in the control group (p = 0.015). Women demonstrated higher levels of anxiety than men in both groups. No between-group differences were discerned in CCTA process time. Conclusion Access to 360°VCE can reduce patients’ pre-CCTA anxiety levels. Implications for practice The presented results can be used to improve patient counselling and care, reduce anxiety among patients undergoing CCTA, and optimise the CCTA examination procedure

    Development and validation of a psychometric scale for assessing healthcare professionals’ knowledge in radiation protection

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    Abstract Introduction: Healthcare professionals must sufficiently understand ionising radiation and the associated protection measures to avoid unnecessarily exposing patients and staff to ionising radiation. Hence, a proper safety culture is important to lowering health risks. The development and establishment of an instrument that can indicate healthcare professionals’ understanding/knowledge of radiation protection concepts can greatly contribute to a good safety culture. Aim:The purpose of the present study was to develop and psychometrically test the Healthcare Professional Knowledge of Radiation Protection (HPKRP) self-evaluation scale, which was designed to measure the knowledge level of radiation protection by healthcare professionals working with ionising radiation in a clinical environment. Methods: The presented research employed a cross-sectional study design. Data were collected from eight Finnish hospitals in 2017. A total of 252 eligible nurses responded to the newly developed HPKRP scale. The face and content validity were tested with the Content Validity Index (CVI). Explorative factor analysis was used to test construct validity, whereas reliability was tested with Cronbach’s alpha. Results: Overall S-CVI for the HPKRP scale was 0.83. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a three-factor model for the HcPCRP scale containing 33 items. The first factor was defined by Radiation physics and principles of radiation usage, the second factor by Radiation protection, and the third factor by Guidelines of safe ionising radiation usage. These three factors explained 72% of the total variance. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the scale ranged from 0.93 to 0.96. Conclusion: The results provide strong evidence for the validity and reliability of the HPKRP scale. Additionally, educators can use the scale to evaluate healthcare students’ understanding in radiation safety before and after education

    Nurses’ knowledge of radiation protection:a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Introduction: Nursing roles are changing, as several countries have amended legislation so that nurses can make referrals for medical imaging examination that utilize ionising radiation. Nevertheless, nurses’ radiation knowledge remains a poorly studied concept. The aim of the study was to characterize Finnish nurses’ knowledge of radiation use and radiation safety. In this study, nurses were working in operating theaters, first aid clinics and cardiology laboratories. Methods: A cross-sectional design was applied in which data were simultaneously collected from nurses working in eight hospitals. All nurses working in operating theaters, first aid clinics and cardiology laboratories (N = 1500) at the hospitals in Finland were invited to participate in the study. The response rate was 17% (n = 252). The employed Healthcare Professional Knowledge of Radiation Protection (HPKRP) scale included three areas of knowledge: radiation physics, biology and principles of radiation use; radiation protection; and guidelines of safe ionizing radiation use. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analyses were used to identify factors that influence these three areas. Results: Nurses reported high knowledge levels in radiation protection but low knowledge levels in radiation physics, biology and principles of radiation use. Moreover, nurses who had not received radiation education reported lower knowledges across all three areas than the nurses who had completed education. Conclusion: This study identified one major factor that significantly affects nurses’ radiation knowledge, namely, having completed medical radiation education, as this factor positively influenced all three of the included areas of radiation knowledge factors. Therefore, healthcare organizations should concentrate on providing education to all nurses working with, or exposed to, radiation

    Effects of a 360° virtual counselling environment on patient anxiety and CCTA process time:a randomised controlled trial

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    Abstract Introduction: This study investigated whether a 360° virtual counselling environment (360°VCE) was more effective at decreasing patients’ anxiety than routine standard of care counselling for patients undergoing coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA), and if there was any difference in the process times for both of these groups. Methods: A total of 86 patients underwent CCTA in this randomised controlled trial. Patients were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The 360°VCE was developed using spherical panoramic images and non-immersive 360° technology. The primary outcome, anxiety, was measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The secondary outcome, CCTA process time, was measured from the time of arrival in the department until end of examination. Results: Pre-scan anxiety was lower among patients in the 360°VCE group immediately before CCTA in comparison to patients in the control group (p = 0.015). Women demonstrated higher levels of anxiety than men in both groups. No between-group differences were discerned in CCTA process time. Conclusions: Access to 360°VCE can reduce patients’ pre-CCTA anxiety levels. Implications for practice: The presented results can be used to improve patient counselling and care, reduce anxiety among patients undergoing CCTA, and optimise the CCTA examination procedure

    Breast cancer patient viewpoint versus staff thoughts regarding mammography and radiation therapy services

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    The purpose was to compare breast cancer patients’ opinions about mammography and radiation therapy services to what health care staff thought to be success factors for these service