219 research outputs found

    Regulation of stanniocalcin-1 secretion by BeWo cells and first trimester human placental tissue from normal pregnancies and those at increased risk of developing preeclampsia.

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    Stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1) is a multi-functional glycosylated peptide present in the plasma of healthy women postpartum and increased further in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. Although the STC-1 gene is expressed by the placenta what regulates its secretion and from which cells at the feto-maternal interface is unknown. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that the syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast are a major site of STC-1 protein expression in first trimester placental tissue. Further, in response to low oxygen, first trimester chorionic villous tissue from pregnancies at increased risk of developing preeclampsia secreted significantly more STC-1 than normal tissue under the same conditions. Using the human trophoblast cell line BeWo we have shown that low oxygen increased the secretion of STC-1 but it required co-stimulation with the Adenosine-3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) analogue, 8-Bromo adenosine-3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate cAMP (8 Br-cAMP) to reach significance. Inhibition of Hypoxia inducible factor 2α (HIF-2α) and the Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3 -Kinase)/AKT/Serum and glucocorticoid-induced kinase-1(SGK-1) pathway resulted in significant inhibition of STC-1 secretion. As both low oxygen and cAMP are known to play a central role in placental function, their regulation of STC-1 points to a potentially important role in the maintenance of a normal healthy pregnancy and we would hypothesize that it may act to protect against prolonged placental hypoxia seen in preeclampsia

    Exhaled Breath Condensate as a Suitable Matrix to Assess Lung Dose and Effects in Workers Exposed to Cobalt and Tungsten

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether exhaled breath condensate (EBC), a fluid formed by cooling exhaled air, can be used as a suitable matrix to assess target tissue dose and effects of inhaled cobalt and tungsten, using EBC malondialdehyde (MDA) as a biomarker of pulmonary oxidative stress. Thirty-three workers exposed to Co and W in workshops producing either diamond tools or hard-metal mechanical parts participated in this study. Two EBC and urinary samples were collected: one before and one at the end of the work shift. Controls were selected among nonexposed workers. Co, W, and MDA in EBC were analyzed with analytical methods based on mass spectrometric reference techniques. In the EBC from controls, Co was detectable at ultratrace levels, whereas W was undetectable. In exposed workers, EBC Co ranged from a few to several hundred nanomoles per liter. Corresponding W levels ranged from undetectable to several tens of nanomoles per liter. A parallel trend was observed for much higher urinary levels. Both Co and W in biological media were higher at the end of the work shift in comparison with preexposure values. In EBC, MDA levels were increased depending on Co concentration and were enhanced by coexposure to W. Such a correlation between EBC MDA and both Co and W levels was not observed with urinary concentration of either element. These results suggest the potential usefulness of EBC to complete and integrate biomonitoring and health surveillance procedures among workers exposed to mixtures of transition elements and hard metals

    Cellular differentiation determines the expression of the hypoxia-inducible protein NDRG1 in pancreatic cancer

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    N-myc downstream-regulated gene-1 (NDRG1) is a recently described hypoxia-inducible protein that is upregulated in various human cancers. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, called pancreatic cancer, is a highly aggressive cancer that is characterised by its avascular structure, which results in a severe hypoxic environment. In this study, we investigated whether NDRG1 is upregulated in these tumours, thus providing a novel marker for malignant cells in the pancreas. By immunohistochemistry, we observed that NDRG1 was highly expressed in well-differentiated cells of pancreatic cancer, whereas the poorly differentiated tumour cells were negative. In addition, hyperplastic islets and ducts of nonquiescent pancreatic tissue were positive. To further explore its selective expression in tumours, two well-established pancreatic cancer cell lines of unequal differentiation status were exposed to 2% oxygen. NDRG1 mRNA and protein were upregulated by hypoxia in the moderately differentiated Capan-1 cells; however, its levels remained unchanged in the poorly differentiated Panc-1 cell line. Taken together, our data suggest that NDRG1 will not serve as a reliable marker of tumour cells in the pancreas, but may serve as a marker of differentiation. Furthermore, we present the novel finding that cellular differentiation may be an important factor that determines the hypoxia-induced regulation of NDRG1

    Down-Regulation of NDRG1 Promotes Migration of Cancer Cells during Reoxygenation

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    One characteristic of tumor microenvironment is oxygen fluctuation, which results from hyper-proliferation and abnormal metabolism of tumor cells as well as disorganized neo-vasculature. Reoxygenation of tumors can induce oxidative stress, which leads to DNA damage and genomic instability. Although the cellular responses to hypoxia are well known, little is known about the dynamic response upon reoxygenation. In order to investigate the transcriptional responses of tumor adaptation to reoxygenation, breast cancer MCF-7 cells were cultured under 0.5% oxygen for 24 h followed by 24 h of reoxygenation in normoxia. Cells were harvested at 0, 1, 4, 8, 12, and 24 h during reoxygenation. The transcriptional profile of MCF-7 cells upon reoxygenation was examined using Illumina Human-6 v3 BeadChips. We identified 127 differentially expressed genes, of which 53.1% were up-regulated and 46.9% were down-regulated upon reoxygenation. Pathway analysis revealed that the HIF-1-alpha transcription factor network and validated targets of C-MYC transcriptional activation were significantly enriched in these differentially expressed genes. Among these genes, a subset of interest genes was further validated by quantitative reverse-transcription PCR. In particular, human N-MYC down-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) was highly suppressed upon reoxygenation. NDRG1 is associated with a variety of stress and cell growth-regulatory conditions. To determine whether NDRG1 plays a role in reoxygenation, NDRG1 protein was overexpressed in MCF-7 cells. Upon reoxygenation, overexpression of NDRG1 significantly inhibited cell migration. Our results revealed the dynamic nature of gene expression in MCF-7 cells upon reoxygenation and demonstrated that NDRG1 is involved in tumor adaptation to reoxygenation

    Pristup procjeni zdravstvenoga rizika za ljude prilikom izgradnje gradskoga parka

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    A Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) was undertaken for a proposed park development “River Landing”, to be constructed along the north bank of the South Saskatchewan River in the City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The purpose of the HHRA was to determine whether chemical constituents identified at the site, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), and toxic and heavy metals, would adversely affect the health of construction workers and potential park users. Although more traditional remediation options were considered, the risk assessment approach was chosen since it represented the best available technology. The HHRA was undertaken using protocols and methodologies proposed and readily accepted by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Health Canada, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Results of the risk assessment revealed that the magnitude and distribution of the chemicals at the site were such that extensive remediation was not required, and that the site could be developed without any significant restrictions on the proposed use. The assessment revealed that potential exposure to soil constituents would not result in adverse health risk to construction workers involved in park development or future park users.Napravljena je procjena zdravstvenoga rizika za ljude (izv. human health risk assessment, HHRA) za projekt gradskoga parka “River Landing” koji bi se trebao izgraditi duž sjeverne obale rijeke South Saskatchewan u Saskatoonu, saveznoj državi Saskatchewan u Kanadi. Svrha je procjene bila utvrditi mogu li kemijski spojevi zatečeni na gradilištu, uključujući policikličke aromatske ugljikovodike, naftne ugljikovodike te toksične i teške metale, štetno utjecati na zdravlje građevinskih radnika i korisnika parka. Premda je razmotrena i uporaba tradicionalnijih metoda sanacije, izabran je ovaj pristup procjeni rizika zbog toga što rabi najbolju dostupnu tehnologiju. Procjena rizika provedena je prema protokolima i metodama koje je odmah usvojio Kanadski savjet ministara za zaštitu okoliša (izv. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, CCME), savezni ured za zdravlje Health Canada te Agencija za zaštitu okoliša Sjedinjenih Država (izv. United States Environmental Protection Agency, US EPA). Procjena rizika pokazala je da količina i rasprostranjenost kemikalija na gradilištu nisu takvi da zahtijevaju opsežniju sanaciju, te da se lokacija može izgraditi bez značajnih ograničenja u namjeni. Procjenom je također utvrđeno da eventualno izlaganje sastavnicama tla neće dovesti do štetnih posljedica za zdravlje građevinskih radnika koji rade na parku, a niti za buduće korisnike parka

    Perturbations in nucleosome structure from heavy metal association

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    Heavy metals have the potential to engage in strong bonding interactions and can thus function in essential as well as toxic or therapeutic capacities. We conducted crystallographic analyses of heavy cation binding to the nucleosome core particle and found that Co2+ and Ni2+ preferentially associate with the DNA major groove, in a sequence- and conformation-dependent manner. Conversely, Rb+ and Cs+ are found to bind only opportunistically to minor groove elements of the DNA, in particular at narrow AT dinucleotide sites. Furthermore, relative to Mn2+ the aggressive coordination of Co2+ and Ni2+ to guanine bases is observed to induce a shift in histone–DNA register around the nucleosome center by stabilizing DNA stretching over one region accompanied by expulsion of two bases at an opposing location. These ‘softer’ transition metals also associate with multiple histone protein sites, including inter-nucleosomal cross-linking, and display a proclivity for coordination to histidine. Sustained binding and the ability to induce structural perturbations at specific locations in the nucleosome may contribute to genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of carcinogenesis mediated by Co2+ and Ni2+

    Metals detected by ICP/MS in wound tissue of war injuries without fragments in Gaza

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The amount and identity of metals incorporated into "weapons without fragments" remain undisclosed to health personnel. This poses a long-term risk of assumption and contributes to additional hazards for victims because of increased difficulties with clinical management. We assessed if there was evidence that metals are embedded in "wounds without fragments" of victims of the Israeli military operations in Gaza in 2006 and 2009.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Biopsies of "wounds without fragments" from clinically classified injuries, amputation (A), charred (C), burns (B), multiple piercing wounds by White Phosphorus (WP) (M), were analyzed by ICP/MS for content in 32 metals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Toxic and carcinogenic metals were detected in folds over control tissues in wound tissues from all injuries: in A and C wounds (Al, Ti, Cu, Sr, Ba, Co, Hg, V, Cs and Sn), in M wounds (Al, Ti, Cu, Sr, Ba, Co and Hg) and in B wounds (Co, Hg, Cs, and Sn); Pb and U in wounds of all classes; B, As, Mn, Rb, Cd, Cr, Zn in wounds of all classes, but M; Ni was in wounds of class A. Kind and amounts of metals correlate with clinical classification of injuries, exposing a specific metal signature, similar for 2006 and 2009 samples.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The presence of toxic and carcinogenic metals in wound tissue is indicative of the presence in weapon inducing the injury. Metal contamination of wounds carries unknown long term risks for survivors, and can imply effects on populations from environmental contamination. We discuss remediation strategies, and believe that these data suggest the need for epidemiological and environmental surveys.</p

    Epigenetic Factors in Cancer Risk: Effect of Chemical Carcinogens on Global DNA Methylation Pattern in Human TK6 Cells

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    In the current study, we assessed the global DNA methylation changes in human lymphoblastoid (TK6) cells in vitro in response to 5 direct and 10 indirect-acting genotoxic agents. TK6 cells were exposed to the selected agents for 24 h in the presence and/or absence of S9 metabolic mix. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry was used for quantitative profiling of 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine. The effect of exposure on 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine between control and exposed cultures was assessed by applying the marginal model with correlated residuals on % global DNA methylation data. We reported the induction of global DNA hypomethylation in TK6 cells in response to S9 metabolic mix, under the current experimental settings. Benzene, hydroquinone, styrene, carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethylene induced global DNA hypomethylation in TK6 cells. Furthermore, we showed that dose did not have an effect on global DNA methylation in TK6 cells. In conclusion we report changes in global DNA methylation as an early event in response to agents traditionally considered as genotoxic