171 research outputs found

    La pesca deportiva de los peces de pico en Venezuela : analisis de los datos del club de playa Grande (1961-1987)

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    Une analyse historique de la pêche sportive des marlins et du voilier a été réalisée à partir des données de capture et d'effort du Club de la Playa Grande du littoral central du Vénézuela, qui abrite environ 50% de la flotte pratiquant cette activité. L'analyse des rendements a été menée mensuellement entre 1961 et 1987. Nous avons essayé de calculer un effort dirigé sur chacune des 3 espèces au cours de la période étudiée. La structure en taille des captures, entre 1987 et 1988, ainsi que quelques considérations sur les différentes de puissances de pêche en fonction de la participation ou non à un tournoi sont également présentée

    How do consumers face the decision to buy fair trade products? A marketing approach

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    ABSTRACT: In this paper we propose and empirically test a causal model to understand how consumer social orientation, the credibility of non-profit organisations, perceptions of fair trade products, and attitude towards the fair trade brand interact and affect the buying intentions of fair trade products in a sample of 292 Spanish consumers. The model is built upon the fair trade marketing literature that has empirically explored consumer buying intentions. The findings show that consumer social orientation has the greatest effect on buying intentions, above consumer perceptions of fair trade products, the credibility of the trading non-profit organisations, and consumer attitude towards the fair trade brand. Actually, consumer attitude towards the fair trade brand has no significant effect on consumer buying intentions. The findings also demonstrate that the credibility of non-profit organisations only influences buying intentions indirectly through consumer perceptions of the functional utilities of fair trade products

    Information and Knowledge as Antecedents of Consumer Attitudes and Intentions to Buy and Recommend Fair-Trade Products

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    The authors propose and empirically test a causal model to understand how the availability of fair-trade information and consumer knowledge about this issue affect consumers? attitudes and intentions toward fair-trade products. The model is built upon the attitude-behavior paradigm and the premises of agency theory. It is tested through structural equation modeling with a sample of 292 Spanish consumers. The findings are that consumers do not have good knowledge about fair trade and that this is significantly determined by the lack of information about this in the market. It is also observed that consumers? perceptions about the availability of fair-trade information have negative effects on their concern about this issue and that such information as is available is not effective in reducing consumer skepticism. The research represents an extension of previous fair-trade literature because the role of information and communication in improving consumer attitudes and buying intentions has rarely been explored in the case of ethical products

    The role of brand utilities: application to buying intention of fair trade products

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    ABSTRACT: The authors focus on the ethical consumption and propose a model of buying intention of fair trade products, including the utilities of the fair trade generic brand as direct determinants. The authors measure the functional and symbolic utilities provided by this brand, together with the attitude towards the commercialising organisations, consumer concern and perceived knowledge about fair trade issues. The model is tested through a structural equation model on a sample of members (students, lecturers and staff) of a "Fair trade University". The results confirm that perceived functional utility is the most important antecedent of the buying intention, while the symbolic dimension has a significant but weaker explanatory power. Conversely, the consumer attitude towards the organisation has no influence. The authors also highlight the importance of communication and concern to stimulate consumer behaviour

    The borders and illustrations in Arnao Guillén de Brocar’s works

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    RESUMEN: El siguiente trabajo constituye una revisión de los grabados insertos en orlas e ilustraciones en las obras impresas por Arnao Guillén de Brocar, considerado uno de los mejores impresores del Renacimiento español. Desde 1490 hasta 1523, año de su fallecimiento, estableció diferentes centros impresores en Pamplona, Logroño, Alcalá de Henares, Valladolid y Toledo, destacando su etapa en Alcalá de Henares donde colaboró como editor de la Biblia Políglota Complutense, gran proyecto del cardenal Cisneros. La claridad de sus composiciones y la belleza de sus grabados y adornos hacen que su figura, como maestro impresor, fuera reconocida en su época y permanezca hasta nuestros días.ABSTRACT: The following paper constitutes an overhaul of Arnao Guillen de Brocar’s engravings inserts in borders and illustrations in the works printed by Brocar, considered one of the best printers of the Spanish Renaissance. From 1490 to 1523, the year which he died, he set up different printing centers in Pamplona, Logroño, Alcalá de Henares, Valladolid and Toledo. We have to stand out his period in Alcalá de Henares by their collaboration as editor of the cardinal Cisnero’s great project, la Biblia Políglota Complutense. He made wonderful engravings art that made him a master printer. He was also recognized in his time and remains to the present day.Grado en Histori

    Reacciones hacia la publicidad de responsabilidad social corporativa de entidades financieras

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    ABSTRACT: LCSR communication is necessary but it remains a challenge because of the potential scepticism that it can provoke in audiences. Along this line, this study analyses consumer reactions - in terms of beliefs (attributions), affects (emotions and attitudes) and behaviour - to CSR advertisements of financial entities with different social reputations. As a result, it was observed that reputation is a key variable, it explains differences in audience reactions, and it may condition the effectiveness of advertising.RESUMEN: La comunicación de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) es necesaria, pero sigue generando dudas, por la suspicacia que puede provocar en la audiencia. En esta línea, este estudio analiza las reacciones de los consumidores, en términos de creencias (atribuciones), afectos (emociones y actitud hacia el anuncio) y conducta ante la publicidad de una causa filantrópica por parte de entidades financieras con distinta reputación social. Como resultado, se aprecia que la reputación es un elemento clave que explica diferencias en las reacciones de los públicos, y puede condicionar la efectividad de la publicidad de RSC

    CSR communication and media channel choice in the hospitality and tourism industry

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    Despite extensive research on corporate engagement in corporate social responsibility (CSR), studies on CSR communication in the hospitality and tourism industry are scarce. Deepening this line of research is necessary to understand properly the real effects of CSR communication on consumers' attitudinal and behavioral responses to companies. In this paper, we test a causal model of CSR communication for this industry based on the hierarchy-of-effects framework. Based on attribution theory, we also explore whether media channel choice affects consumers' perceptions, attitudes, and behavioral intentions in the model. Performing an ANOVA test and multisampling structural equation modeling (SEM), we test our model of CSR communication with two samples that receive the same CSR information about a restaurant chain through a controlled media channel (i.e., corporate website) and a media channel that is uncontrolled by the company (i.e., online newspaper). We collected data from 226 and 240 participants, respectively. The findings suggest that the conceptual model is consistent across the two samples, although the media channel choice significantly affects the strength of several relationships in the model. While consumer?company identification is a stronger mediator in consumers' responses to the CSR message when read in the newspaper, trust is more important for consumers when they evaluate the corporate website. Nevertheless, both media channels report good business returns to the company in terms of consumers' purchase and advocacy intentions. These findings have relevant implications for hospitality and tourism companies, promoting the incorporation of both controlled and uncontrolled media channels into integrated marketing communication strategies

    Una aproximación al tratamiento de la imagen y la comunicación en las empresas. Aplicación en los operadores de comunicaciones móviles

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    RESUMEN. En entornos competitivos los activos intangibles adquieren gran importancia. La imagen de la empresa, entendida como representación mental que influye en los comportamientos, debe ser convenientemente dirigida desde el interior a partir de dos elementos clave, la identidad y la comunicación. La importancia de esta variable se ha dejado sentir particularmente en el sector de las telecomunicaciones. A este respecto, los operadores de comunicaciones móviles no han sido ajenos a los cambios del entorno y han abandonado su orientación a la tecnología para instaurar nuevos valores, en los que prima el acercamiento al cliente y el establecimiento de relaciones, basadas en la confianza y en una buena imagen.ABSTRACT. In competitive enviroments the intangible assets acquire great importance. The image of the company, seen as a mental representation that influences the behaviour, should be managed by the company following two key elements: identity and communication. The importance of this variable has been specially felt by the telecommunication sector. Due to this, operations in mobile phones have realised that there have been changes in the enviroment and they have adapted their orientation to technology to come up with new values in which the customer and customer relations, based on trust and image, have taken prime position

    Do all CSR news affect market value equally?

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    This research explores the effects that media coverage of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) news related to primary stakeholders (e.g., customers, employees and investors) and secondary stakeholders (e.g., community) have on the market value of companies, measured as the impact generated in the positive and negative abnormal returns for those companies