25 research outputs found

    Kurtturuusulajikkeiden lisääntymiskyky

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    Kurtturuusun perusmuoto (Rosa rugosa L.) on ollut vuosikymmenten ajan suosittu koristekasvi pitkän kukintakautensa, kestävyytensä ja helppohoitoisuutensa takia. Kuitenkin nykyisin kurtturuusu luokitellaan Suomessa erittäin haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi. Kurtturuusua pidetään haitallisena vieraslajina myös Luoteis- ja Keski-Euroopassa sekä Pohjois-Amerikassa. Risteymätaustansa takia kurtturuusulajikkeiden ja –risteymien lisääntymiskyvyn on oletettu olevan heikompi kuin kurtturuusulla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia kurtturuusun puutarhamuotojen lisääntymiskykyä ja arvioida niiden leviämisalttiutta luontoon. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä lajikkeita tai risteymiä voitaisiin suositella käytettäväksi kurtturuusun sijaan. Leviämisalttiutta arvioitiin vesomisen, kukinnan ja kiulukoiden tuoton runsauden, kiulukkakohtaisen siemenmäärän, siementen elinkyvyn ja siementen itävyyden avulla. Aineistoa kerättiin sekä Etelä- että Pohjois-Suomesta ja mukana oli kurtturuusun perusmuodon lisäksi 12 ruusulajiketta tai –risteymää, joiden vanhempiin kurtturuusu kuuluu. Tutkimuksessa näiden puutarhamuotojen lisääntymiskykyä verrattiin kurtturuusun perusmuodon lisääntymiskykyyn. Kukinta- ja vesomishavainnot tehtiin kesällä 2011 ja kiulukat kerättiin syyskuussa 2011. Siementen elinkyky testattiin tetrazoliumtestin avulla ja kaksivuotinen idätyskoe Helsingin yliopiston Viikin kampuksella kesti syyskuusta 2011 lokakuuhun 2013. Tutkimuksen mukaan puutarhamuotojen lisääntymiskyvyssä on paljon vaihtelua niin taksonien kuin kasvupaikkojen välillä. Osalla puutarhamuodoista oli yhtä hyvä lisääntymiskyky kuin perusmuodolla. Kurtturuusun puutarhamuodot tuottivat kiulukkakohtaisesti vähemmän siemeniä kuin perusmuoto. Niiden siemenet olivat yhtä elinkykyisiä kuin kurtturuusun perusmuodon, mutta keskimääräinen itävyys oli heikompi kuin kurtturuusun perusmuodon siementen. Puutarhamuotojen välillä oli eroja niin siemenmäärissä kuin siementen elävyydessä ja itävyydessä. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella ei suositella käytettäväksi sellaisia puutarhamuotoja, jotka tekevät paljon siemeniä tai joiden siemenet hyvän elinkyvyn lisäksi itävät keskivertaisesti. Pitkäkestoiselle jatkotutkimukselle on tarvetta, jotta lisääntymiskykyyn liittyvien ominaisuuksien vuotuisesta vaihtelusta voitaisiin varmistua

    Interaction in context: Guest editorial

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    The value of children’s daily interactions in early childhood settings is currently unquestionable. Substantial evidence has shown that interactions are the key drivers for child development and well-being. Still, a number of pressing issues calls for further research. Given their dynamic and reciprocal nature, interactions are highly complex, multimodal and multifaceted, and they are experienced by several individuals, which produces conceptual and methodological challenges. Moreover, although interactions are often examined at the group level, they are always embedded in specific cultural contexts that are part of broader early childhood education and care (ECEC) systems that are guided by different policies, values and norms. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of interactions requires attention to the ECEC context in which interactions take place, including the cultural values, regulations, quality standards and broader societal level. Although interactions are preconditions for human life, development and well-being, it is still very difficult to find a fully aligned and agreed-upon definition for what an interaction actually is. The articles in this special issue highlight the richness of interaction research and diversity of the disciplines, along with the background assumptions involved in what we term interaction. The aim of this special issue is to compile the current discussion about interactions in ECEC by focusing on those who construct interactions in the ECEC context.Non peer reviewe

    Interaction in context: Guest editorial

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    The value of children’s daily interactions in early childhood settings is currently unquestionable. Substantial evidence has shown that interactions are the key drivers for child development and well-being. Still, a number of pressing issues calls for further research. Given their dynamic and reciprocal nature, interactions are highly complex, multimodal and multifaceted, and they are experienced by several individuals, which produces conceptual and methodological challenges. Moreover, although interactions are often examined at the group level, they are always embedded in specific cultural contexts that are part of broader early childhood education and care (ECEC) systems that are guided by different policies, values and norms. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of interactions requires attention to the ECEC context in which interactions take place, including the cultural values, regulations, quality standards and broader societal level. Although interactions are preconditions for human life, development and well-being, it is still very difficult to find a fully aligned and agreed-upon definition for what an interaction actually is. The articles in this special issue highlight the richness of interaction research and diversity of the disciplines, along with the background assumptions involved in what we term interaction. The aim of this special issue is to compile the current discussion about interactions in ECEC by focusing on those who construct interactions in the ECEC context.Non peer reviewe

    Perinatal and perioperative factors associated with mortality and an increased need for hospital care in infants with transposition of the great arteries : A nationwide 11-year population-based cohort

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    Introduction Newborn infants with transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA) need immediate care for an optimal outcome. This study comprised a nationwide 11-year population-based cohort of d-TGA infants, and assessed whether the implementation of a nationwide systematic fetal screening program, or other perinatal, or perioperative factors, are associated with mortality or an increased need for hospital care. Material and methods The national cohort consisted of all live-born infants with simple d-TGA (TGA +/- small ventricular septal defect, n = 127) born in Finland during 2004-2014. Data were collected from six national registries. Prenatal diagnosis and perinatal and perioperative factors associated with mortality and length of hospitalization were evaluated. Results Preoperative mortality was 7.9%, and the total mortality was 8.7%. The prenatal detection rate increased after introducing systematic fetal anomaly screening from 5.0% to 37.7% during the study period (P <.0001), but the total mortality rate remained unchanged. All prenatally diagnosed infants (n = 27) survived. Lower gestational age (odds ratio 0.68,P = .012) and higher maternal age at birth (odds ratio 1.16,P = .036) were associated with increased mortality in multivariable analysis. Older infant age at time of operation (P = .002), longer aortic clamp time (P <.001), and higher maternal body mass index (P = .027) were associated with longer initial hospital stay. An extended need for hospital care during the first year of life was multi-factorial. Conclusions In our cohort, none of the prenatally diagnosed d-TGA infants died. As a result of the limited prenatal detection rates, however, the sample size was insufficient to reach statistical significance. The d-TGA infants born with lower gestational age and to older mothers had increased mortality.Peer reviewe

    Food and Nutrient Intake and Nutritional Status of Finnish Vegans and Non-Vegetarians

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    Background Vegetarian and vegan diets have become more popular among adolescents and young adults. However, few studies have investigated the nutritional status of vegans, who may be at risk of nutritional deficiencies. Objective To compare dietary intake and nutritional status of Finnish long-term vegans and non-vegetarians. Methods Dietary intake and supplement use were estimated using three-day dietary records. Nutritional status was assessed by measuring biomarkers in plasma, serum, and urine samples. Vegans' (n = 22) data was compared with those of sex-and age-matched non-vegetarians (n = 19). Results All vegans adhered strictly to their diet; however, individual variability was marked in food consumption and supplementation habits. Dietary intakes of key nutrients, vitamins B12 and D, were lower (P <0.001) in vegans than in non-vegetarians. Nutritional biomarker measurements showed lower concentrations of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH) D3), iodine and selenium (corrected for multiple comparisons, P <0.001), Vegans showed more favorable fatty acid profiles (P <0.001) as well as much higher concentrations of polyphenols such as genistein and daidzein (P <0.001). Eicosapentaenoic acid proportions in vegans were higher than expected. The median concentration of iodine in urine was below the recommended levels in both groups. Conclusions Long-term consumption of a vegan diet was associated with some favorable laboratory measures but also with lowered concentrations of key nutrients compared to reference values. This study highlights the need for nutritional guidance to vegans.Peer reviewe

    Conserved lysine residues in decorin binding proteins of Borrelia garinii are critical in adhesion to human brain microvascular endothelial cells

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    Lyme borreliosis is a tick-borne disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato spirochetes (Lyme borreliae). When the disease affects the central nervous system, it is referred to as neuroborreliosis. In Europe, neuroborreliosis is most often caused by Borrelia garinii. Although it is known that in the host Lyme borreliae spread from the tick bite site to distant tissues via the blood vasculature, the adherence of Lyme borreliae to human brain microvascular endothelial cells has not been studied before. Decorin binding proteins are adhesins expressed on Lyme borreliae. They mediate the adhesion of Lyme borreliae to decorin and biglycan, and the lysine residues located in the binding site of decorin binding proteins are important to the binding activity. In this study, we show that lysine residues located in the canonical binding site can also be found in decorin binding proteins of Borrelia garinii, and that these lysines contribute to biglycan and decorin binding. Most importantly, we show that the lysine residues are crucial for the binding of Lyme borreliae to decorin and biglycan expressing human brain microvascular endothelial cells, which in turn suggests that they are involved in the pathogenesis of neuroborreliosis.</p

    Breast density and the likelihood of malignant MRI-detected lesions in women diagnosed with breast cancer

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    Objectives: To assess whether mammographic breast density in women diagnosed with breast cancer correlates with the total number of incidental magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-detected lesions and the likelihood of the lesions being malignant. Methods: Patients diagnosed with breast cancer meeting the EUSOBI and EUSOMA criteria for preoperative breast MRI routinely undergo mammography and ultrasound before MRI at our institution. Incidental suspicious breast lesions detected in MRI are biopsied. We included patients diagnosed with invasive breast cancers between 2014 and 2019 who underwent preoperative breast MRI. One reader retrospectively determined breast density categories according to the 5th edition of the BI-RADS lexicon. Results: Of 946 patients with 973 malignant primary breast tumors, 166 (17.5%) had a total of 175 (18.0%) incidental MRI-detected lesions (82 (46.9%) malignant and 93 (53.1%) benign). High breast density according to BI-RADS was associated with higher incidence of all incidental enhancing lesions in preoperative breast MRIs: 2.66 (95% confidence interval: 1.03–6.86) higher for BI-RADS density category B, 2.68 (1.04–6.92) for category C, and 3.67 (1.36–9.93) for category D compared to category A (p < 0.05). However, high breast density did not predict higher incidence of malignant incidental lesions (p = 0.741). Incidental MRI-detected lesions in the contralateral breast were more likely benign (p < 0.001): 18 (27.3%)/48 (72.7%) vs. 64 (58.7%)/45 (41.3%) malignant/benign incidental lesions in contralateral vs. ipsilateral breasts. Conclusion: Women diagnosed with breast cancer who have dense breasts have more incidental MRI-detected lesions, but higher breast density does not translate to increased likelihood of malignant incidental lesions. Clinical relevance statement: Dense breasts should not be considered as an indication for preoperative breast MRI in women diagnosed with breast cancer. Key Points: • The role of preoperative MRI of patients with dense breasts diagnosed with breast cancer is under debate. • Women with denser breasts have a higher incidence of all MRI-detected incidental breast lesions, but the incidence of malignant MRI-detected incidental lesions is not higher than in women with fatty breasts. • High breast density alone should not indicate preoperative breast MRI.Peer reviewe

    Ohjauskeinoja kotitalouksien kulutuksen hiilijalanjäljen pienentämiseen

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    Suomen keskipitkän aikavälin ilmastosuunnitelmassa kannustetaan kuluttajia puolittamaan hiilijalanjälki. Tässä tutkimuksessa muodostettiin ohjauskeinoyhdistelmiä vahvistamaan kotitalouksien kulutuksen (asuminen, liikenne, ruoka, muut tavarat ja palvelut) ilmasto-ohjausta. Päästövähennysten lisäksi on arvioitu hyväksyttävyyttä, toteutettavuutta, oikeudellisia näkökohtia ja kustannuksia. Arviointiin osallistettiin tutkijayhteisöä Delfoi-menetelmällä. Kotitalouksien kulutuksen hiilijalanjälki perustuu tarkasteluun ympäristölaajennetulla panos-tuotosmallilla (ENVIMAT). Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin mallia ja päivitettiin tilannekuva Suomen kansantalouden kasvihuonekaasupäästöistä (julkinen kulutus, kotitaloudet, investoinnit) vuonna 2019 ja kotitalouksien kulutuksen aikasarja vuosille 2000–2021. Myös kotitalouksien kulutuksen hiilijalanjälki perusura ilmasto- ja energiapolitiikan valossa vuonna 2035 tuotettiin ENVIMAT-mallilla. Perusuran ja päästövähennyksiä vahvistavien keinojen yhdistelmällä voitaisiin pienentää kotitalouksien kulutuksen hiilijalanjälkeä lähes puoleen vuosien 2016 ja 2035 välillä. Ohjausta tulisi vahvistaa liikkumistarpeeseen, kulkutapoihin ja sähköistymisen kohdentumiseen vaikuttamalla; ruokavaliomuutosta tukemalla; tavaroiden käyttöiän pidentämisellä; ja tavaroiden ja palveluiden vähähiilisyyteen vaikuttamalla.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa (tietokayttoon.fi). Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä