284 research outputs found

    Semmosia ja tämmösii - Jälkitavujen A-loppuiset vokaaliyhtymät tamperelaisnuorten puhekielessä

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    Tämä reaaliaikainen trenditutkimus käsittelee jälkitavujen A-loppuisten vokaaliyhtymien, erityisesti UA- ja iA-yhtymien, variaatiota tamperelaisnuorten puhekielessä. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu 44:stä vuosina 1991 ja 2011 kerätystä spontaanista henkilöhaastattelusta. Molempina ajankohtina informantteina toimivat 17–20-vuotiaat tamperelaisnuoret, jotka edustavat sosiolingvistiselle tutkimukselle ominaisesti eri sukupuoli- ja koulutusryhmiä. Puhenauhoitteiden lisäksi aineistoa on kerätty kansanlingvististä kieliasennetutkimusta soveltavalla kyselyllä, jolla selvitettiin tamperelaisnuorten asenteita assimiloituneita UU- ja ii-variantteja kohtaan sekä heidän omaa raportointiaan assimiloituneiden ja säilyneiden vokaaliyhtymävarianttien käyttösuhteista. Analyysini osoittaa, että sekä eA- että OA-yhtymissä tilanne on molempina ajankohtina vanhan murrekannan mukainen siten, että assimiloitunut variantti on valta-asemassa ja yleiskieliset vokaaliyhtymät ovat lähinnä yksittäistapauksia. UA-yhtymissä sen sijaan on tapahtunut pitkävokaalistumiskehitystä 20 vuoden aikana: 1991-aineistossa UA-yhtymä edustuu lähes poikkeuksetta säilyneenä vokaaliyhtymänä, kun taas 2011-aineistossa assimilaatioedustus kattaa vajaan neljänneksen esiintymistä. Myös iA-yhtymissä on tapahtunut muutosta, sillä 1991-aineistossa assimiloitunutta ii-varianttia ei esiinny juuri lainkaan, mutta 2011-aineistossa 10 % esiintymistä on assimiloituneita variantteja. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella UA- ja iA-yhtymien eri varianttien käyttösuhteissa on tapahtunut muutosta, ja pitkävokaaliset variantit ovat levinneet tamperelaisnuorten puhekieleen. Tähän muutokseen ovat vaikuttaneet monet kielensisäiset ja -ulkoiset muuttujat. Analyysini osoittaa erityisesti muutamien frekventtien sanojen ja sanaryhmien olevan alttiimpia variaatiolle. Kielenulkoisten seikkojen tarkastelu osoittaa, että UA- ja iA-yhtymien pitkävokaalistumiskehitys on pisimmällä ammattikoulutytöillä, joiden ero esimerkiksi vanhaa murrekantaa suosiviin ammattikoulupoikiin on huomattava. Idiolekteittain tarkasteltuna tamperelaisnuoret osoittautuvat melko heterogeeniseksi joukoksi UA- ja iA-yhtymien pitkävokaalistumiskehityksen kannalta. Kansanlingvistiikan näkökulmasta mielenkiintoinen huomio on se, että assimiloituneita UU- ja ii-variantteja ei 2011-aineiston informanttien keskuudessa pidetä kovinkaan negatiivisesti leimautuneina piirteinä, ja informantit kokivat myös itse käyttävänsä kyseisiä variantteja huomattavasti enemmän kuin puheaineisto osoittaa.  Asiasanat:variaationtutkimus, sosiolingvistiikka, kielenmuutos, reaaliaikatutkimus, kansanlingvistiikka, hämäläismurteet, puhekieli, vokaaliyhtymät, pitkävokaalistumiskehity

    Primary Prevention of Airway Allergy

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    The aim of this paper is to review and summarize the current knowledge of prevention of airway allergy.Peer reviewe

    First record of the invasive Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii (Gobiiformes: Odontobutidae) in Finland

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    In recent decades, the Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii, a freshwater fish originally from eastern Asia, has become an invasive species in many parts of Europe. Here, we describe the first record of this species from Finland. A probably deliberately introduced population, which is living in a small pond in Southwest Finland, was discovered in 2022. The population appears to be established, and the presence of juveniles suggests that the fishes are reproducing.Peer reviewe

    First record of the invasive Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii (Gobiiformes: Odontobutidae) in Finland

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    In recent decades, the Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii, a freshwater fish originally from eastern Asia, has become an invasive species in many parts of Europe. Here, we describe the first record of this species from Finland. A probably deliberately introduced population, which is living in a small pond in Southwest Finland, was discovered in 2022. The population appears to be established, and the presence of juveniles suggests that the fishes are reproducing.Peer reviewe

    First record of the invasive Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii (Gobiiformes: Odontobutidae) in Finland

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    In recent decades, the Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii, a freshwater fish originally from eastern Asia, has become an invasive species in many parts of Europe. Here, we describe the first record of this species from Finland. A probably deliberately introduced population, which is living in a small pond in Southwest Finland, was discovered in 2022. The population appears to be established, and the presence of juveniles suggests that the fishes are reproducing

    Airway Epithelial Dynamics in Allergy and Related Chronic Inflammatory Airway Diseases

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    Allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinosinusitis, and asthma are highly prevalent, multifactorial chronic airway diseases. Several environmental and genetic factors affect airway epithelial dynamics leading to activation of inflammatory mechanisms in the airways. This review links environmental factors to host epithelial immunity in airway diseases. Understanding altered homeostasis of the airway epithelium might provide important targets for diagnostics and therapy of chronic airway diseases.Peer reviewe

    Using machine learning for the personalised prediction of revision endoscopic sinus surgery

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    BackgroundRevision endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is often considered for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) if maximal conservative treatment and baseline ESS prove insufficient. Emerging research outlines the risk factors of revision ESS. However, accurately predicting revision ESS at the individual level remains uncertain. This study aims to examine the prediction accuracy of revision ESS and to identify the effects of risk factors at the individual level. MethodsWe collected demographic and clinical variables from the electronic health records of 767 surgical CRS patients >= 16 years of age. Revision ESS was performed on 111 (14.5%) patients. The prediction accuracy of revision ESS was examined by training and validating different machine learning models, while the effects of variables were analysed using the Shapley values and partial dependence plots. ResultsThe logistic regression, gradient boosting and random forest classifiers performed similarly in predicting revision ESS. Area under the receiving operating characteristic curve (AUROC) values were 0.744, 0.741 and 0.730, respectively, using data collected from the baseline visit until six months after baseline ESS. The length of time during which data were collected improved the prediction performance. For data collection times of 0, 3, 6 and 12 months after baseline ESS, AUROC values for the logistic regression were 0.682, 0.715, 0.744 and 0.784, respectively. The number of visits before or after baseline ESS, the number of days from the baseline visit to the baseline ESS, patient age, CRS with nasal polyps (CRSwNP), asthma, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug exacerbated respiratory disease and immunodeficiency or suspicion of it all associated with revision ESS. Patient age and number of visits before baseline ESS carried non-linear effects for predictions. ConclusionsIntelligent data analysis identified important predictors of revision ESS at the individual level, such as the frequency of clinical visits, patient age, Type 2 high diseases and immunodeficiency or a suspicion of it.Peer reviewe

    Correction to: A comparison of biologicals in the treatment of adults with severe asthma : real-life experiences

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    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article

    Nasal saline irrigation : prescribing habits and attitudes of physicians and pharmacists

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    Objectives To explore the opinions, the usage and the patient education given on nasal saline irrigation by physicians and pharmaceutical personnel working in Finland. Design An internet-based survey with predetermined, multiple-choice answers. Setting Primary care centres, occupational health centres and private care centres in Eastern Finland as well as pharmacies in Finland. Main outcome measures Healthcare professionals views, practice and general knowledge of nasal irrigation for sinonasal symptoms and conditions. Results We received 595 completed surveys (110 physicians, 485 pharmacists). The majority of the respondents recommended nasal saline irrigation for their patients either as a symptomatic treatment (98.0%) or to treat a specific condition (97.5%) such as acute rhinosinusitis, chronic rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis. Nasal saline irrigation was also often recommended as a prophylaxis for airway-infections (71.9%) and to enhance the health of the nasal mucosa (58.2%). In general, the possible adverse effects were recognised poorly by both professions. There was a clear difference between the two professions, as physicians were more conservative in recommending nasal saline irrigation and recognised possible adverse effects, such as epistaxis, pain, and dryness of the nose, better (75% vs. 59%, p = 0.002). Conclusions Nasal saline irrigation seems to be a popular treatment recommended by many health care professionals in Finland. Physicians and pharmaceutical personnel had variable opinions on the indications, utility and risks of nasal saline irrigation. There are also clear differences between physicians and pharmaceutical personnel's practices. There is a need to better educate professionals about nasal saline irrigation and to further study whether nasal saline irrigation is efficient and safe option for the different common sinonasal conditions.Peer reviewe
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