11 research outputs found


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    Proyeksi di sektor perikanan sangat bermanfaat untuk memprediksi ketersediaan produksi ikan pada masa yang akan datang. Volume produksi ikan yang selalu fluktuatif di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Sibolga khususnya ikan tuna, cakalang dan tongkol (TCT) menyebabkan proyeksi menjadi suatu kajian yang penting, mengingat ikan TCT merupakan komoditas penting yang paling banyak didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Sibolga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi umum perikanan TCT serta mengestimasi ketersediaan ikan TCT di PPN Sibolga hingga tahun 2025. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data produksi bulanan ikan TCT tahun 2016-2021. Analisis yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan nilai estimasi adalah dekomposisi multiplikatif dan untuk perhitungan nilai kesalahan menggunakan perhitungan MAPE (Mean Absolute Percent Error). Hasil estimasi produksi ikan TCT hingga tahun 2025 diperkirakan akan terjadi kenaikan pada ikan cakalang dengan kecenderungan kenaikan sebesar 2% pertahun dan tongkol krai sebesar 5%, sementara itu pada madidihang dan tongkol komo diprediksi akan mengalami penurunan dengan kecendrungan penurunan sebesar 26% pertahun pada madidihang dan sebanyak 37% per tahun pada tongkol komo.Projection in the fisheries sector is useful to predict the availability of fish production in the future. The volume of fish production that always fluctuates at the Sibolga Fishing Port especially tuna, skipjack and little tunas (TCT) causes projection turn to be an important research, considering that TCT species are an important commodity that are mostly landed at Sibolga Fishing Port. This research objective are to describe the general condition of TCT fisheries and estimate the availability of TCT at Sibolga fishing port until 2025. The data collected in the form of monthly production of TCT species in 2016-2021. The analysis used to generate the estimated value is multiplicative decomposition and for calculating the error value using the MAPE (Mean Absolute Percent Error) calculation. The estimated result of TCT production until 2025 is that there will be an increase in skipjack with a tendency to increase by 2% per year and frigate tuna by 5%, while in yellowfin tuna and kawakawa are predicted to decrease with a decrease of 26% per year for yellowfin tuna and as much as 37% for kawakawa


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    ABSTRAKPanglima Laot adalah salah satu lembaga adat di Aceh yang mengatur segala permasalahan di laut seperti pengelolaan lingkungan maupun penyelesaian perselisihan adat. Pengelolaan perikanan yang baik sangat penting dilakukan untuk menjamin pemanfaatan sumberdaya perikanan dalam jangka waktu yang panjang sehingga dapat mewujudkan rencana pengelolaan perikanan berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui rincian indikator pengelolaan perikanan berbasis EAFM (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management) dan tingkat efektivitas hubungan lembaga adat Panglima Laot di Kota Banda Aceh terhadap pengelolaan perikanan berbasis EAFM. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari sampai Maret 2017 di Kota Banda Aceh. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dengan memperoleh data primer (wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner) dan data sekunder (data dari instansi terkait). Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis komposit dengan rataan aritmatika sederhana dan visualisasi model bendera (flag modeling). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lembaga Panglima Laot sudah berperan baik dalam pengelolaan perikanan berbasis EAFM. Masing-masing lembaga Panglima Laot Lhok Pasie Tibang memperoleh nilai agregat 195,7, Panglima Laot Lhok Kuala Aceh dan Panglima Laot Lhok Kuala Cangkoi secara berturut-turut yaitu 207.2 dan 229.9. Diharapkan kepada stakeholder dapat meningkatkan kinerja kerja dan mengevaluasi implementasi pengelolaan perikanan berbasis EAFM secara berkelanjutan, agar pengelolaan perikanan berkembang menjadi lebih baik lagi.Kata kunci : Pengelolaan Perikanan, EAFM, Panglima Laot?ABSTRACTPanglima Laot is one of the traditional institutions in Aceh, which manages all the problems in the sea areas, such as environmental management and costumary conflict resolutions. Good management of fisheries is extremely important to be implemented to ensure the utilization of fishery resource in the long run so that it can materialize the planning of the sustainable fisheries. The objectives of this research is to highlight the details of the indicators of fisheries management of based EAFM (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management) and the level of affectivity of the relationship between the customary institution of Panglima Laot in Banda Aceh to fisheries management on the basis of EAFM. This research was conducted from January to March 2017 in Banda Aceh. Data collection methods used to obtain primary data (interviews and questionnaires) and secondary data (data from relevant agencies). This research was conducted from Januari to March 2017 in Banda Aceh city. The methods of data colletion used by acquiring primary data (interview and questionnaires) and secondary data (the data from related institutions). The method of data analysis utilized composite analysis with the average simple Arithmatics and visualization of flag modeling. The result of this study indicate the institutions of Panglima Laot has played a good role in fisheries management based on EAFM. Institution of Panglima Laot Pasie Tibang obtained the value of composite aggregate that is 195.7 and Each of the institutions of Panglima Laot Kuala Aceh and Panglima Laot Kuala Cangkoi also obtained the value of composite aggregate consecutively, that is 207.2 and 224.9. It is expected that the stakeholders can improve their working ethos and evaluate the implementation of fisheries management based on EAFM sustainably in order that the fisheries management will be better.Key word : Fisheries management, EAFM, Panglima Lao


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    Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera (PPS) Lampulo merupakan pelabuhan terbesar sebagai sentra perikanan di Provinsi Aceh dengan karakteristik hasil tangkapan yang beragam, salah satunya ikan tongkol. Permasalahan utama pengelolaan perikanan tongkol di lokasi ini adalah status pemanfaatannya diduga mencapai ‘fully exploited’ seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah armada penangkapan pukat cincin. Jika tidak ada perbaikan pengelolaan dikhawatirkan mengancam keberlanjutan stok sumber daya ikan tongkol. Suatu upaya pengelolaan terintegrasi dengan pendekatan ekosistem (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management) diperlukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi status pengelolaan sumber daya ikan tongkol yang berbasis di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Lampulo. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara observasi langsung dan wawancara di lapangan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan multi kriteria dengan pengembangan indeks komposit. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tren CPUE menurun sebesar 13,4% pertahun, ukuran panjang ikan tangkapan cenderung lebih kecil dibandingkan penelitian sebelumnya, proporsi ikan yuwana yang tertangkap sebesar 66%, dan komposisi hasil tangkapan didominasi oleh ikan target tangkapan sebesar 99%, daerah penangkapan nelayan semakin jauh, dan terdapat spesies ETP (Endangered, Threatened, and Protected species) yang tertangkap. Berdasarkan indikator-indikator EAFM tersebut, maka status pengelolaan sumber daya ikan tongkol di lokasi ini termasuk dalam kategori ‘sedang’, sehingga tindakan pengelolaan yang bersifat ‘kehati-hatian’ perlu diterapkan.Lampulo Ocean Fishing Port is the largest fishing port and as fishery business center in Aceh Province with high diversity of catches and dominated by pelagic fishes, particularly little tuna. The main problem of the little tuna fishery management has been considered as ‘fully exploited’ utilization status due to increasing number of purse seine vessels which in turn threaten sustainability of the fish stock. Therefore, an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) is urgently needed to implement for this fishery. The objective of this study is to evaluate the existing management condition and status of the little tuna fishery in this area by means of an integrated assessment approach. An observation and direct interview were conducted to collect the data, and then analyzed by a multi criteria analysis with composite index development. The result of this study showed that the trend of CPUE has been annually decreased of 13.4%, the fork length of catch was tended smaller than previous studies, juvenile proportion was 66%, and catch composition dominated by target species (99%) then shifting fishing ground (range collapse indication) and ETP (Endangered, Threatened and Protected) species was caught. Based on EAFM indicators, the management status of the little tuna fishery based in PPS Lampolo was ‘moderate’ category, thus a precautionary management approach should be implemented

    Identification of pathogenic bacteria (Vibrio sp) in the waters of the industrial area of north aceh regency and lhokseumawe city

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    North Aceh Regency and Lhokseumawe City’s waters are mangrove ecosystems, estuaries, fisheries management activities, and industrialization activities. Activities in the industrial areas of North Aceh Regency and Lhokseumawe City have the ability to contaminate waters and affect the chemical and physical composition of the water, which has a direct impact on the abundance of harmful bacteria (Vibrio sp). The study looked at the distribution of harmful bacteria (Vibrio sp) in water near industrial areas in North Aceh Regency and Lhokseumawe City. The purpose of this study is to investigate the abundance of pathogenic bacteria (Vibrio sp.) in the waterways of North Aceh Regency and Lhokseumawe City's industrial areas. This study will also look into the relationship between water quality factors and the abundance of harmful bacteria. The study was carried out in July and August 2023 at four stations placed in marine waters near the industrial area. The research methods used in this research are survey methods and laboratory analysis. Purposive sampling and the ANOVA test were the analysis and sampling techniques employed in this study. The findings demonstrated that there was no discernible variation in Vibrio parahaemolyticus between stations 1, 2, 3, and 4. Station 2 saw a strong Vibrio cholerae effect (p > 0.05), resulting in 87.20 74.36b CFU/ml. Vibrio total from the four research stations that significantly affected station 2 (p > 0.05) were 280.00 167.26b CFU/ml

    Efficiency of drift gillnets in nagan raya district, aceh, indonesia

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    The achievement of technical and economic efficiency is one indicator in assessing the fishing process's capability. The purpose of this study was to formulate production factors of drift gillnets at The Kuala Tadu and The Kuala Tuha fishing base and to calculate the technical and economic efficiency of the use of production factors for drift gillnets at both locations. Production factors that support the success of drift gillnets operation are net depth, net length, boat size, amount of fuel, trip duration, mesh size, and engine power analyzed using the Cobb-Douglas approach. The results showed that the equation of production function for drift gillnet is LnY = 3.110 +0.112 LnX2 + 0.191 LnX3 + 0.105 LnX4 + 0.251 LnX6 with a value of R2 is 0.833. The technical efficiency study of 20 units of drift gillnets showed that the value of production elasticity (EP) for using production factors for net length (0.112), vessel size (0.191), amount of fuel (0.105), and mesh size (0.251) was 1

    Performance analysis of catch fisheries in Sabang Waters

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    Sabang waters is one of the centers of capture fisheries production at the tip of the Sumatera Island which has a large potential of fish resources. However, information related to the performance of capture fisheries including fish production, fishing gear, fishing fleet, number of fishermen and fishing areas is still limited. This study aims to analyse and describe information related to capture fisheries performances in the waters of Sabang. Performance data were analysed descriptive quantitatively and obtained by survey method. The results showed that the trend of capture fisheries production tends to increase by 15% annually and catches are dominated by large pelagic fish, namely tuna (Thunnus sp). The type of fishery business is dominated by fishermen who operate vessels measuring 0 - 5 GT (57.9%) with fishing areas between the coast to 2 nautical miles. Fishermen in Sabang Waters are categorized as small businesses. because use small boats and using handlines as fishing gear that aim to meet daily needs, not for business scale. Keywords: Fish production Fishing gear Fishing fleet Fishing ground Capture fisherie


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    The waters of the western part of Aceh are located in the eastern part of the Indonesian Ocean. This area is a dynamic waters because it is part of Indonesian waters which is located between two continents and two oceans. The concentration of chlorophyll-a varies monthly basis in these waters. This study observed variability of chlorophyll-a concentration based on monsoon circulation. Analysis of chlorophyll-a concentration can be used to estimate the productivity of a waters. We found that the concentration of chlorophyll-a in the West Monsoon was higher than in the East Monsoon. In contrast, the concentration of chlorophyll-a in the East Monsoon was lower than in the West Monsoon.Perairan Aceh bagian Barat terletak di bagian Timur Samudera Indonesia. Kawasan ini merupakan perairan yang dinamis karena merupakan bagian dari perairan Indonesia yang terletak di antara dua benua dan dua samudera. Konsentrasi klorofil-a bervariasi secara bulanan di perairan ini. Penelitian ini mengamati variasi konsentrasi klorofil-a berdasarkan sirkulasi angin muson. Analisis konsentrasi klorofil-a dapat digunakan untuk membantu perkiraan produktivitas sebuah perairan. Kami menemukan bahwa konsentrasi klorofil-a di Monsun Barat lebih tinggi daripada di Monsun Timur. Sebaliknya, konsentrasi klorofil-a di Monsun Timur lebih rendah dibandingkan di Monsun Barat


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    Training on the use of GPS technology as a fishing operation tool for Aceh's millennial generation was carried out on June 21 – 27, 2021 at the Unimal Campus Reuleut, North Aceh Regency and the Indian Ocean. This training aims to educate and improve the skills of the millennial generation of Aceh Province to take advantage of the use of GPS to help detecting the presence of fish in the ocean. The training was delivered using a community development approach that included lectures and focus group discussions (FGD), as well as theory and field practice. The training was well-structured, smooth, and successful, involving the Acehnese millennial generation aged 20-25 years, with the training divided into four stages planning, preparation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. The material provided in the theory class includes knowledge and developments in the use of GPS globally, whereas the practical class involves the operation of GPS directly on the ship. The monitoring and evaluation results revealed that participants benefited greatly from using GPS catching tools in detecting the presence of fish, allowing them to increase catches and easily locate fishing grounds

    Inovasi desain keramba untuk budidaya tiram dalam meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat pesisir di Gampong Cot Seurani, Kabupaten Aceh Utara (Innovation of cage design for oyster cultivation on improving the economy of coastal communities in Cot Seurani Village, Aceh Utara District)

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    Cot Seurani Village is one of the coastal villages in Muara Batu District, North Aceh Regency which has fisheries and marine potential that can be used as oyster cultivation land. The people in Cot Seurani Village predominantly work as fishermen, the potential of existing oysters has not been utilized optimally, they still collect them directly from nature, such as on rocks at TPI and its surroundings. The aim of this service activity is to introduce, socialize and directly practice the innovation of oyster cages which can be used as oyster cultivation business land in Cot Seurani Village, North Aceh in order to encourage oyster farmers to open oyster cultivation businesses independently and in a measurable manner using economical materials. The stages of this activity include program planning, preparation, socialization on making oyster cages, lowering oyster cages into the sea and monitoring and evaluating to publishing the results of the service in print media and scientific journals, as well as making reports on the results of the service. The final result, in the form of samples of oyster cage products that have been lowered into the sea, can be used by oyster farmers as an environmentally friendly oyster cultivation area to facilitate the production process and improve the welfare of oyster farmers in Cot Seurani Village

    Social, economic and institutional study of purse seine fisheries based on the ecosystem approach in the Fishing Port of Kutaraja, Banda Aceh

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    Purse seine is the most dominant fishing gear used by fishermen at the Fishing Port of Kutaraja. It affects increasing the number of fishing fleets and fishing efforts per year. The increase is considered to have a negative impact on fishers because it can trigger competition and conflict between fishers, violate the law, and even affect fishermen's income. This study aims to assess the status and formulate fisheries management actions regarding social, economic, and institutional aspects of fishing based on purse seines in the Fishing Port of Kutaraja. This research was conducted in 2018, and data were collected through a survey method by conducting in-depth interviews with several respondents and analyzed using the Flag Modelling technique. The results showed the composite value of the social domain was 91.66% in a ‘very good’ category, the economic domain was 33.33% in ‘poor’ condition, and the institutional domain was 67.66% in a ‘good’ shape. These results indicate that economic management actions need to be better pursued so that purse seine fisheries remain sustainable in accordance with social, economic, and institutional conditions by; (1) implement a profit-sharing system in accordance with applicable regulations; (2) strengthening good cooperation between stakeholders; (3) open dissemination of the importance of Panglima Laot customary rules; (4) improve supervision and law enforcement; (5) increase the synergy of regulations, institutions and stakeholder capacities