249 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Growth, Poverty, and Inequality in Pakistan

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    The relationship between growth, inequality, and poverty has been a moot point. On the one hand growth is considered central or the best course to reduce poverty (e.g. World Development Report 1990) with the preconditions that access to education, health, and social services are available to all by means of other policies. On the other hand, there is a realisation that growth, inequality, and poverty relations are non-linear, complex, and path dependent in their dynamics. An important point made in this context by Kuznets (1955) was the empirical finding of an inverted U (arch) shape relationship between growth and inequality which suggested that the inequality would increase with growth in the beginning, but will decline at higher levels of growth as the benefits of growth trickle down to lower income strata. This argument has been debated since then in the literature with empirical support gathered for and against this hypothesis. Recent theoretical literature on the issue tries to find the micro-foundations of the dynamical relations between these three variables (see for example, proceedings of the 5th ABCDE Annual (World) Bank Conference on Development Economics). Institutional factors do not change in a few years while they matter in the reduction of poverty as well as in sustaining it at low levels. Hence these relationships are likely to be non-linearity and path dependent, i.e., history matters in the determination of the impact of growth on poverty, of growth on inequality, of inequality on poverty etc. Therefore an understanding of these relationships require knowledge of both the short-run as well as the long-run elasticities of poverty. The method developed by Kakwani (1993) and Kanbur (1987), make use of single survey and provides information on the short-term elasticities but remain silent about longer term relationships between poverty, growth, and inequality.

    Dynamics of Growth, Poverty, and Inequality in Pakistan

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    The relationship between growth, inequality, and poverty has been a moot point. On the one hand growth is considered central or the best course to reduce poverty (e.g. World Development Report 1990) with the preconditions that access to education, health, and social services are available to all by means of other policies. On the other hand, there is a realisation that growth, inequality, and poverty relations are non-linear, complex, and path dependent in their dynamics. An important point made in this context by Kuznets (1955) was the empirical finding of an inverted U (arch) shape relationship between growth and inequality which suggested that the inequality would increase with growth in the beginning, but will decline at higher levels of growth as the benefits of growth trickle down to lower income strata. This argument has been debated since then in the literature with empirical support gathered for and against this hypothesis. Recent theoretical literature on the issue tries to find the micro-foundations of the dynamical relations between these three variables (see for example, proceedings of the 5th ABCDE Annual (World) Bank Conference on Development Economics)


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    As the world is moving towards autonomous technology and every aspect of human lives is influenced by technology so does the academics andacademic institutions, learning management systems work in academic institutes across the globe, this paper gives a comparison between differentlearning management systems and their comparative analysis, it will help any individual who wants to compare and choose the best learning managementsystem with respect to the requirements of their institute


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    In the title compound, C26H21N3O, the phenyl ring of the 4-amino­anti­pyrine group and the heterocyclic five-membered ring along with its substituents, except for the N-bound methyl group (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0027 Å), form a dihedral angle of 54.20 (5)°. Two S(6) ring motifs are formed due to intra­molecular C—H⋯N and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked into supra­molecular chains along the a-axis direction via C—H⋯O contacts

    Performance Comparison of DSR and AODV Routing Protocols for Soft Delay Deadlines in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network

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    Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (WMSN) is a collection of the vast amount of different types of sensors like camera sensor, video and scalar sensors which are involved in retrieving multimedia data from the large environment. The real-time sending of video and audio content to the destination before a strict playout deadline has been necessary for multimedia environment. Otherwise, it will be dropped at the destination. In WMSN sending real time multimedia data with soft play deadlines is a challenging task to solve this challenge, routing protocols play an important role in WMSN. Routing demands of multimedia content of WMSNs need to be perfect routing protocols to optimize path selection and guarantee communication. This paper presents a performance comparison between two reactive routing protocols; namely AODV and DSR, with soft delay deadlines and efficient utilization of resources in WMSN. The objective is to assess the real-time behavior of these two protocols upon sending multimedia content. Here, we evaluate the performance with respect to the use of these matrices like latency, Average jitter, Average delay and throughput and factors includes are CBR and multimedia traffic with varying packet size and bandwidth. DSR perform better as compared to AODV routing protocol since it discovers the routes more efficiently. AODV is better in term of Jitter than DSR. NS-2 simulator tool used for the purpose of this comparison


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    In the title compound, C16H13ClN2S, the mean planes fitted through all non-H atoms of the heterocyclic five-membered and the benzene rings are oriented at a dihedral angle of 5.19 (7)°. In the crystal, a weak C—H⋯π inter­action occurs, along with weak π–π inter­actions [cenroid–centroid distance = 3.7698 (11) Å]


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    In the title compound, C13H12N2O3, the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 7.94 (12)°. In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds generate R 2 2(6) loops. Weak π–π [centroid–centroid separations = 3.7480 (13) and 3.9047 (13) Å] and C—H⋯π inter­actions help to consolidate the packing

    “COVID-19” and its Cardiovascular Complications – Review

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    By the end of December in 2019, the world got trapped under the dark shadow of the deadly novel virus that was given the name as “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome‐coronaVirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2)”. Due to its rapid spread in all the continents, “Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)” was announced as the pandemic due to its high potential of infecting the human beings. This viral infection not only become the reason of mortality, but it also lethally effected the the infrastructure of public health care system and the global economic situation. “COVID-19” generally maifestated as the “viral pneumonia”, sporadically leading to “acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)” and death. Frequent clinical studies have depicted an interrelation between this deadly virus and cardiovascular diseases. Precedent cardiovascular disease in a person seems to be linked with adverse consequences and high chances of mortality in patients with (COVID-19 infection), whereas this virus itself has a potential of inducing the arrhythmia, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial injury and venous thromboembolism. One of the most significant point of concern is the drug & disease interactions that affect the patients with viral infection and comorbid cardiovascular diseases. By integrating the data and information regarding the biological features of this contagious novel virus, this review has summarized the pivotal cardiac manifestations, their management, and future implications. By correlating the facts and figures related to the biological conditions of this lethal virus with the reported clinical findings, we can ameliorate our conceptions regarding the significant mechanisms underlying (COVID-19), ultimately leading towards the control of this viral infection by the progressive development in preventions and treatments

    Future of Cooperative Farming in Pakistan

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    The main objective of this study was to work out production efficiency of some cooperative and non cooperative farmers in the central Punjab, Pakistan. For this purpose a survey of central Punjab was conducted in the year of 2008-09. Two type samples were taken for the study. First type sample was comprised of 15 respondents who had joined together in different ways to cultivate their available lands. Second type included 60 respondents, 20 from each district of Jhang, Faisalabad and TT Singh. The results obtained through t-statistics analysis revealed that the per acre use of Agri inputs and outputs obtained for all the cash crops was significantly different and  higher in case of cooperatives than non-cooperatives farmers. The benefit cost   (B-C) ratio indicated that it was 38% higher for cooperative than non-cooperatives as it was 1.98 and 1.43 for respective categories. But these cooperatives farming could not sustain for longer time due to the lake of education and conflicts between the members. Keywords: Cooperatives, Farming, Punjab, Pakista

    Cabaran Usahawan Muda dalam Perniagaan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) di Malaysia

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    Sektor perniagaan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) dianggap penting memandangkan ia memberikan sumbangan yang besar kepada pendapatan ekonomi negara sekali gus melahirkan usahawan muda berjaya. Usahawan muda yang berjaya bukan sahaja mencipta perniagaan baru malahan meningkatkan peluang pekerjaan dan sebagainya. Kejayaan usahawan muda dalam bidang perniagaan IKS memberikan satu impak positif dalam pembangunan ekonomi negara. Oleh itu, objektif kajian adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mendorong kejayaan usahawan muda dalam menghadapi cabaran perniagaan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif yang melibatkan seramai 138 orang responden yang kini bergelar Local Champion yang terdiri daripada usahawan muda yang berjaya dalam perniagaan (IKS) masing-masing. Kesemua responden merupakan Local Champion yang telah terlibat secara langsung di dalam Program Rural Business Challenge dan menetap di sekitar Malaysia yang terdiri daripada Zon Timur, Zon Tengah/Selatan, Zon Utara, Sabah dan juga Sarawak. Data yang diperoleh daripada responden akan dianalisis. Faktor pendorong kejayaan yang dikaji dibahagikan kepada 7 dimensi iaitu Sikap/Minat/Kesedaran diri sendiri, Modal, Pemasaran yang baik, Pemikiran Inovatif dan kreatif, Persekitaran Perniagaan, Kemahiran dan Pengetahuan serta Pengurusan Organisasi dan Kerjasama Luar. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa faktor “Sikap, Minat, Kesedaran diri sendiri” bagi seseorang usahawan itu merupakan faktor paling utama yang mendorong kejayaan seseorang usahawan muda dalam menjalankan perniagaan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS). Kesimpulannya, sikap usahawan yang berdisiplin tinggi dalam mengendalikan perniagaan, berani dan sanggup menghadapi risiko, berfikiran kreatif dan inovatif, sentiasa mendalami ilmu perniagaan sangat menyumbang terhadap kejayaan usahawan muda IKS di Malaysia bagi mengembangkan lagi perniagaan ke arah peringkat global dan akhirnya menyumbang kepada pembangunan ekonomi negara. Segala faktor dimensi cabaran tersebut sangat mempengaruhi seseorang usahawan untuk mencapai kejayaan sekali gus bagi meningkatkan pembangunan ekonomi negara dan usaha ini harus berterusan dilaksanakan untuk menambahbaikkan kualiti kehidupan komuniti dan masyarakat setempat