11 research outputs found
The Predictive Ability of Type D Personality Pattern, Anxiety, and Depression in Cardiac Disease
A growing body of empirical evidence suggests psychological and personality risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Western developed countries. This study expands that line of health research to a community sample of 309 Jordanians (half of whom were diagnosed with heart problems). Using the Distress Scale, Beck Depression Inventory-II, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, this study determined that Type D personality, depression, and anxiety have value in predicting cardiovascular disease. The results showed that older individuals with high levels of social inhibition are more likely to have heart disease compared to younger participants. Anxiety and depression were also potent risk factors. The emerging pattern confirms the cross-cultural validity of Type D personality as well as depression and anxiety indices in predisposing individuals to cardiovascular disease. This study calls for using a multiple-level-analysis approach combining personality and social influences. Patients and health providers can engineer health through psychological wellness and health-promotive behavior. Programs based on self-empowerment theory that target the roots of anxiety and depression, as well as the social inhibition and negative affectivity dimensions of Type D personality (e.g., rage, hostility), should be an integral component of any therapy or intervention
Parent-Adolescent Conflict and Its Resolution in Monogamous and Polygamous Bedouin Arab Families in Southern Israel
The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to compare whether children from polygamous family structures significantly differ from children from monogamous family structures with regard to the frequency of parent-child conflict, and (2) whether children from these two structures employ different patterns of family conflict resolution.To address these questions, a random sample of 212 high school students (60.8% monogamous) completed a self-administered survey. The results of MANOVA show no significant differences (p > 0.05) between these two structures with regard to the frequency of parent-child conflict. The results also show similar conflict management styles between these two family structures within each of the following five domains (privacy, school and career, money spending, going out and leisure, and physical appearance).This study is unique in that it is the first empirical research to be conducted in the field of conflict resolution among youth and adolescents in polygamous marital structures and therefore, further investigation is needed to replicate these results utilizing different cross-cultural populations practicing polygamy