16 research outputs found

    Constitutional court and constitutional economy: A study on decisions of Indonesian constitutional court

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    Indonesian constitutional court has the authority to determine the constitutionality of statutes. This paper focuses on the study on the decisions of the Constitutional court in judicial review cases concerning legal issues of economic system as promulgated in article 33 of the Constitution. Study on the decisions on the cases of electricity law, water law and oil and gas law shows how the Constitutional court take part in economic policy. It is argued that constitutional interpretation of judges upon the question of economy converges at the following issue: the role of state in economic system; the meaning of welfare state; and economic market and interrelation among them. However, in broader perspective, the role of constitutional court raise more general questions about the interrelations of law (constitution) and economics and the role of economic reasoning in judicial review


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    Pasal 25A Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 pada penambahan afiks “yang berciri nusantara” memberikan derivasi terhadap konsep negara kepulauan sebagaimana diatur dalam United Nations Conventions on The Law of The Sea Tahun 1982, bahwa ada ciri khusus bagi Indonesia dalam memaknai konsep negara kepulauan. Untuk membahas hal tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konsep, dan pendekatan sejarah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ratio legis derivasi konsep negara kepulauan dalam konstitusi Indonesia pada amandemen kedua sebagai penguatan kedaulatan negara dalam pembangunan wilayahnya harus berciri nusantara. Founding constitution sejak awal perumusan, menyatakan bahwa wilayah Indonesia memiliki ciri khusus, hal tersebut juga menjadi dasar logis deklarasi Juanda bahwa Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan. Maka, akibat hukum pembangunan wilayah yang tidak didasarkan atas ketentuan konstitusi, khususnya politik hukum negara kepulauan yang berciri nusantara, memiliki potensi inkonstitusional. Kerangka hukum Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan yang berciri nusantara

    Legal Status of Village Regulations in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

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    Village regulations are shown as a basic device for the legitimacy of village government administrators in running the village government, in other words, village regulations are prepared as a reference in implementing government and development in the village. The purpose of this studywas to determine the legal status of village regulations in Indonesian legislation. In addition to knowing democratization in running village government. The research method used is a normative legal research method that examines laws and related literature. The results of the study indicate that that the legal status of village regulations in the statutory system is still recognized and the position of Village Regulations as a village legal product has a very strong juridical footing with the enactment of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. Although Village Regulations no longer appear in the hierarchy of laws and regulations after the birth or enactment of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislations, their existence is strictly regulated and the position of Village Regulations is getting stronger because they have been used as a juridical basis for village regulations. With the issuance of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages


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    Asas Tanggunggugat Mutlak (risico aansprakelijkheid/ strict liability) labir dilatar belakangi oleh adanya kesulitan bagi korban (penggugat) dalam hal sengketa lingkungan yang disebabkan pencemaran dan! atau perusakan lingkungan hidup untuk memperoleh ganti rugi. Kesulitan yang dialami oleh korban dalam gugatan berdsarkan kesalaban yang bertumpu pada ketentuan Pasal 1365 BW adalah pembuktian adanya unsur kesalahan dan beban pembuktian sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 1865 BW. Disamping itu pula teIjadi perkembangan yang pesat dalam kegiatan usaha (industri) sehingga memunculkan berbagai resiko


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    ABSTRAKPasal 25A Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 pada penambahan afiks “yang berciri nusantara” memberikan derivasi terhadap konsep negara kepulauan sebagaimana diatur dalam United Nations Conventions on The Law of The Sea Tahun 1982, bahwa ada ciri khusus bagi Indonesia dalam memaknai konsep negara kepulauan.  Untuk membahas hal tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konsep, dan pendekatan sejarah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ratio legis derivasi konsep negara kepulauan dalam konstitusi Indonesia pada amandemen kedua sebagai penguatan kedaulatan negara dalam pembangunan wilayahnya harus berciri nusantara. Founding constitution sejak awal perumusan, menyatakan bahwa wilayah Indonesia memiliki ciri khusus, hal tersebut juga menjadi dasar logis deklarasi Juanda bahwa Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan. Maka, akibat hukum pembangunan wilayah yang tidak didasarkan atas ketentuan konstitusi, khususnya politik hukum negara kepulauan yang berciri nusantara, memiliki potensi inkonstitusional. Kerangka hukum Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan yang berciri nusantara.  Kata kunci: delegasi peraturan; konstitusi; negara kepulauan. ABSTRACTArticle 25A -The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945. The addition of affixes "which was characterized by nusantara" certainly provided a derivation of the concept of an archipelagic state as stipulated in the United Nations Convention on the Sea 1982, that there were special characteristics for Indonesia in interpreting the concept of an archipelagic state. To discussed this, this research used a legal research method with statute approach, conseptual approach, and historical approach. The result of this research indicated that the ratio legis of derivation the consept of an archipelagic state in Indonesian constitution in the second amandement as strengthening the souverignty of country in development of its territory must be characterized by Nusantara. Founding constitution since the beginning of formulation, stated that the territory of Indonesia had special characteristics, it also became logical basic for the Juanda Declaration that Indonesia was archipelagic state. Thus, the legal consequences of regional development that were not based on constitutional provisions, especially the legal politics of archipelagic state that characterized by nusantara, had unconstitutional potensial. The legal framework of the unitary state of the Republic Indonesia was an archipelagic state that characterized by Nusantara.   Keywords: archipelagic state; constitution; regulatory delegation. 


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    Pembiayaan merupakan aspek terpenting yang mempengaruhi intensitas keterlibatan sektor swasta dalam proyek infrastruktur. Minimnya pembiayaan swasta dalam pembangunan infrastruktur, utamanya didasari faktor hukum, diantaranya perubahan kebijakan dan regulasi selama masa investasi yang diperparah dengan disharmonisasi regulasi terkait dengan prinsipprinsip hukum bisnis yang memberi kepastian berinvestasi, misalnya pemberian jaminan perbankan. Di sisi lain, jaminan pemerintah tidak dapat diberikan terhadap seluruh proyek infrastruktur, dan apabila terjadi dispute, tidak mudah dicairkan karena harus memperhatikan prinsip pengelolaan dan pengendalian risiko keuangan APBN. Sehingga konsep risk sharing sulit untuk terlaksana dan jelas menghalangi tujuan percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur. Tulisan ini mengelaborasi hambatan-hambatan hukum dalam proses penyediaan infrastruktur, termasuk mengevaluasi peraturan perundang-undangan terkait dan kesesuaiannya dengan prinsip hukum bisnis, khususnya hukum kontrak yang menjadi syarat utama hubungan hukum para pihak. Penulisan menerapkan metode penelitian hukum melalui pendekatan perundangundangan dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan risiko hukum dalam proyek infrastruktur berupa risiko lokasi, risiko desain, konstruksi, dan uji operasi, risiko finansial dan risiko operasional, sedangkan regulasi terkait belum menyediakan sistem pengawasan yang baik sehingga belum menjamin keberlanjutan skema kerjasama pemerintah dan swasta serta belum menjamin alokasi risiko yang tidak menyimpang dari prinsip pengelolaan dan pengendalian risiko keuangan APBN. Sehingga diperlukan payung hukum yang koheren antar sektor terkait pembangunan infrastruktu

    The Challenges and Opportunities of the Constitutional Court Decision Implementation on Recognition of the Indigenous Religions in Indonesia

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    The Constitutional Court of Indonesia has held the followers of the indigenous religion (the Penghayat) can have their own religious identity on their identity card (ID) in 2016. The 1945 Constitution of Indonesia mentions a non-discriminatory principle which has been applied by the Constitutional Court to this case.  However, the implementation of the Constitutional Court decision will face challenges and opportunities on the field. The author has used of both normative and empirical methodology by providing related legal information and the result of the interview with the local leader of the indigenous religion as sources of analysing the issues. As the result of the research shows the following challenges for the implementation of the Constitutional Court decision ;  a. unification of the laws, b. lack of affirmative action for the followers of the indigenous religions, c. Lack of the updated  and integrated administrative data base of the citizens with the Constitutional Court decision, d. religiously and ethnically based politics effecting the decision of public officials to accommodate public services for the followers of the indigenous religions while the following opportunities of the implementation of the Constitution Court decision are  the constitutional recognition and protection of the indigenous community, the existence of the National Ombudsman Commission, the rule law principle in the 1945 Constitution, final and legally binding status of the Constitutional Court decision

    Optimalisasi Bumdes di Desa Taro, Pasca PP No. 11 Tahun 2021 Tentang Badan Usaha Milik Desa

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    Keberlakuan UU No. 6 Tahun 2023 tentang Penetapan Perpu Cipta Kerja memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap eksistensi BUMDes. Pengaturan lebih lanjut tentang BUMDes diatur dalam PP No. 11 Tahun 2021 tentang Badan Usaha Milik Desa yang mewajibkan BUMDes melakukan beberapa penyesuaian. Untuk mengoptimalisasi fungsi BUMDes, Desa Taro telah memiliki BUMDes bernama Sarwada Amerta yang memiliki beberapa unit usaha dibawahnya. Pada perkembangannya, BUMDes ini telah melakukan beberapa upaya penyesuaian pasca keberlakuan beberapa peraturan terbaru, namun berdasarkan hasil dari kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat yang telah dilakukan masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah yuridis dan empiris dengan pendekatan sosiolegal dan partisipatif. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah masih ditemukan beberapa hal yang belum optimal untuk dapat mengembangkan BUMDes lebih jauh seperti pemanfaatan perkembangan teknologi, kesesuaian pada sektor perijinan, kemudian pada aspek peraturan yang dibuat oleh Pemerintah Desa, serta pada sektor promosi yang belum masif. Dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat yang telah dilakukan, ada beberapa rekomendasi untuk BUMDes Sarwada Amerta yang berpotensi dapat lebih meningkatkan kiprah BUMDes lebih jauh lagi seperti pemanfaatan teknologi dalam hal promosi, penjualan, serta penyesuaian rancangan kontrak dan regulasi baik untuk kesesuaian peraturan dan prinsip keseimbangan, serta kesesuaian pada aspek leglitas dan perijinan

    The Concept of Special Courts in the Settlement of Regional Head Election Cases in Indonesia

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    A special court for the settlement of regional head election cases needs to be established / held for the settlement of cases for regional head elections and this special court is established before the implementation of regional head elections simultaneously nationally. This special court for regional head elections is nothing new, but something that already exists. Moreover, this special election court has been implemented in Uruguay. The authority of the Election Court in Uruguay appears to be very broad, covering everything related to elections, from the making of the regulations, the implementation, to the settlement of the case. The form and design of the special election court institutions must be adapted to the conditions of the temporary (ad hoc) Indonesian state under the Supreme Court and has the authority to handle all cases that arise in the election process, ranging from administrative cases and election crimes to dispute over results. Regional elections. Keywords: Special Courts, the Settlement, Regional Head


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    The Constitutional Court of Republic of Indonesia is centralized judicial review institution which implements a posteriori and abstract control. Constitutional court decision often politically sensitive and involve important issues. On the one hand handing down strong decisions that uphold important constitutional principles can bring great benefits to citizens and can strengthen support for democracy but on the other hand, strong role of the court in judicial review tends to encroach increasingly on the territory of the law making institution. This article examines the decision of constitutional court in the framework of a tension between constitutionalism and democracy, especially from theoretical or conceptual approach. As result of examining its decisions, Indonesian Constitutional Court may reflect two characters; judicial activism as characterized by acting as law-maker and using policy in judicial decisions and/ or judicial self-restraint.  Recent  Indonesian experience shows that judicial review of legislation is not a simply of judicial control over law-making institution, as it brings  tension in the context of power relations in the scheme of separation of power. Relationship between the court and legislature, in respective of judicial review, will culminate in the philosophy of the judiciary. However, as constitutionalism and democracy are virtue, decisions of the Constitutional Court in judicial review should create mode of self-limitation within the framework of the principle of separation of powers