410 research outputs found

    Water treatment of selected water wells of Al- Muqdadiyah town-Iraq using burned initiated bentonite as a granulated Natural ion- exchanger via columnar method.

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    The aim of this study was to find a general method, cheap and easy to deal with water wells. Treatment of selected water wells of  Al – Muqdadiyah town was carried out at (25­± 0.1) ºC, using natural granulated Iraqi  Na – montmorillonite clay ( initiated burned bentonite), in known flow packed columns. The Na – montmorillonite clay mineral was characterized by FT – IR spectroscopy. [Total dissolved solids (TDS), Electrical conductivity (EC), Total hardness (T.H.CaCo3), Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+, and pH] quantification was done before and after treatment of water samples using (MI – 180 Multi – Bench meter MARTINI – Instruments). Calcium Ca+2, Magnesium Mg+2, and Sodium Na+ were measured using flame photometer [PFP7 flame photo meter from (JENWAY)], Total Hardness was measured using titration method using UniVer1 hardness reagent. The results indicated that the values of these parameters are within or lower than the international drinking  water supplies average, , and Iraq drinking water standards. Keywords: natural ion exchanger, wells water treatment, burned Na – montmorillonite clay, packed column

    Electrical behavior and Optical Properties of Copper oxide thin Films

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    In this work the structural, electrical and optical Properties of CuO semiconductor films had been studied, which prepared at three thickness (100, 200 and 500 nm) by spray pyrolysis method at 573K substrate temperatures on glass substrates from 0.2M CuCl2•2H2O dissolved in alcohol. Structural Properties shows that the films have only a polycrystalline CuO phase with preferential orientation in the (111) direction, the dc conductivity shows that all films have two activation energies, Ea1 (0.45-0.66 eV) and Ea2 (0.055-.0185 eV), CuO films have CBH (Correlated Barrier Hopping) mechanism for ac-conductivity. The energy gap between (1.5-1.85 eV)

    Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Chemical Composition of Some Selected Steel Reinforcements Used in Nigeria

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    Mechanical properties and chemical composition of some selected steel reinforcement bars used for construction works in Nigeria were investigated. Six nominal sizes of bars from four selected brands, including: Real steel reinforcing pty Limited, code name Red; Phoenix steel mills, code name White; Pulkit alloy and steel limited, code name Blue; and African foundries limited, code name Black were evaluated. The tensile test was carried out at the mechanical engineering department, University of Ilorin using Universal Testing Machine (UTM) while the chemical compositions of the steel samples were analyzed using optical emission spectrometer at the laboratory of African foundries limited, Ikorodu Lagos State. The results obtained were compared with BS 449:2005 +A3:2016 standard provision. The outcome of the study showed that 70.8 % of the tested steel bars failed the characteristic tensile strength test, though with a very good percentage elongation satisfying the required specification. Chemical composition tests revealed that most of the failed samples contained low carbon content or excess phosphorus composition plus other impurities.

    Trunk Refugia : A Simple, Inexpensive Method for Sampling Tree Trunk Arthropods

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    Trees host a large share of the global arthropod diversity. Several methodologies have been described to sample arthropods from trees, ranging from active sampling techniques (e.g., visual searching, beating, or shaking the branches) to passive sampling devices. The majority of these collection techniques are destructive, and do not specifically target the tree trunk arthropod fauna. Here, we describe an alternative sampling method called trunk refugia (TR). TR are cylindrical shelters made of corrugated cardboard that can be secured to trees using string, and can remain exposed for varying time periods. These refugia are inexpensive, easy to use, and suitable to monitor a diverse array of insects and arachnids. Moreover, TR are nonlethal sampling tools, and allow collecting live individuals for behavioral studies or for rearing.RESUMEN: Los árboles albergan una gran parte de la diversidad global de artrópodos. Varias metodologías han sido descritas para muestrear artrópodos de árboles, desde técnicas activas (e.g., búsqueda visual, red de golpeo) hasta dispositivos de muestreo pasivo. La mayoría de estas técnicas son letales, y no están dirigidas específicamente a los artrópodos de troncos de árboles. Describimos aquí un método alternativo llamado trampas refugio (TR). Las TR son refugios hechos de cartón corrugado que se colocan en los troncos usando cuerda, y pueden permanecer expuestos por períodos variables. Estas trampas son económicas, fáciles de usar, y apropiadas para monitorear una gran variedad de insectos y arácnidos. Además, las TR son no-letales, por lo que permiten la colección de individuos vivos para estudios de comportamiento o crianza.Jacob Blaustein Center for Scientific Cooperation; Israel Nature and Parks Authorities (INPA); Israel's National Nature Assessment Program (HAMAARAG); Israel Ministry of Agriculture (131-1793-14)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Performance evaluation of ad-hoc based aerial monitoring system

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    Recently there is a huge interest in designing and implementing systems that can be used in surveillance and emergency situations. These systems are designed and implemented using two main technologies that are: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) and the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). MANETs with its unique characteristics of rapid deployment, self-organization and cost effectivenes had made it a popular topic for designers and developers to design and implement such systems. In this paper, a prototype system was designed and implemented using MANETs and UAVs; this system can be developed to be used as an aerial monitoring system in surveillance and security issues, the system was used to record and send a real-time video from source to destination node over a multihop path. This system was first implemented and tested using testbed method, then it was simulated using network simulator (NS-3) with two case studies to evaluate the performance of the system using two routing protocols (Ad-hoc On-Demand Destance Vector AODV[1] and Optimised Link State Routing OLSR [2]). The evaluating metrics used here are; delay, average jitter, packet loss ratio (PLR) and packet delivery factor (PDF) against variable number of nodes. The optained results of the test bed method showed the configuration parameters and self-organization characteristics of MANET, the results obtained from the simulation platform illustrated that the OLSR had outperformed the AODV protocol in dense networks and the optimum number of nodes needed to cover the simulation area were 90 nodes

    The Association of Lymphocyte count, CRP, D-Dimer, and LDH with Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Meta-Analysis

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    Background: The rapid progression of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and its increasing burden on health systems necessitate the identification of parameters of severe infection to help in monitoring, prognoses and development of treatment algorithms. Objectives: This review aims to investigate the association of lymphocyte count, CRP, LDH, and D-Dimer with the severity of COVID-19. Methods: This review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The databases of MEDLINE/PubMed, WHO-Virtual Health Library (VHL), and ScienceDirect were used for the systematic search. Random effects model was used to estimate the pooled standardized mean differences (SMD) with the corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI), using OpenMeta Analyst software. Results: A total of 11 studies, with 2437 COVID-19 patients, which fulfilled the eligibility criteria were included in the meta-analysis. The analysis revealed that lymphocyte count was significantly lower in patients with the severe form of COVID-19 (SMD = - 1.025, P value <.001). Also, the analysis of SMD showed that patients with severe COVID-19 have a significantly higher serum levels of CRP (SMD = 3.363, P value <.001), D-Dimer (SMD = 1.073, P value <.001), and LDH (SMD = 3.345, P value <.001). Conclusion: Low lymphocyte count and high levels of CRP, LDH, and D-Dimer are associated with severe COVID-19. These laboratory markers could be used as clinical indicators of worsening illness and poor prognosis of COVID-19

    Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Knowledges Dialectics in Management of Kajang Customary Forest, District of Bulukumba, South Sulawesi

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    Local and non-local knowledges play an important role in the management of Kajang customary forest. This study aimed to analyze the existence of indigenous knowledge of Kajang   Communities and dialectic with the knowledge or wisdom from outside Kajang costumary communities in managing indigenous forests. The study was conducted in January 2012 to June 2012 in the village of Tuna Toa, District of Kajang, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This location was chosen because it is an area that still applies local knowledge for keeping their forests sustain until today. The approach taken in this study was a qualitative approach in order to describe and provide an explanation, providing a holistic understanding (comprehensive) and in-depth about the phenomenon that became the object of study. Research showed that there were a variety of local knowledges Kajang costumary communities in utilizing forest derived from the teachings of “Pasang” and non-local knowledge from the Government and private parties. Dialectics then arise and influence in the form of distribution of the forest complex by function, exploitation prohibitions and sanctions based on legislation. It was concluded that the dialectic is reflected in the form of coexistence, domination and hybridization. Referrals ecosystem management is to reconcile local and non-local knowledges especially elements that have been hybridized and still maintain rules that are dominated by “Pasang” rules

    Topical piroxicam in vitro release and in vivo anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects from palm oil esters-based nanocream

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    During recent years, there has been growing interest in use of topical vehicle systems to assist in drug permeation through the skin. Drugs of interest are usually those that are problematic when given orally, such as piroxicam, a highly effective anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, and analgesic, but with the adverse effect of causing gastrointestinal ulcers. The present study investigated the in vitro and in vivo pharmacodynamic activity of a newly synthesized palm oil esters (POEs)-based nanocream containing piroxicam for topical delivery

    Applying Best Practices for The Prevention of Surgical Site Infection (SSI) and Reducing Risk Factors for Patients: Meta-Analysis Theoretical Review

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    This study aimed at providing a comprehensive range of evidence-based recommendations for interventions to be applied during the pre-, intra- and postoperative periods for the prevention of the surgical site infection SSI, while also considering aspects related to resource availability and values and preferences. An initial search identified more than 200 titles published in 2006-2017 as relevant for data extraction, the researchers dealt with the extracted information included study design and methodology, reported cumulative incidence and post-surgical time until onset of SSI, and odds ratios and associated variability for all factors considered in univariate and/or multivariable analyses. And then the study recommended the best producers for reducing the risk factors for patients by conducting the findings of the meta-analysis theoretical review. Keywords: Surgical Site Infection, Risk Factors, Best Practices, Patient

    Stability Studies of Nano-Scaled Emulsions Containing Ibuprofen for Topical Delivery

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    Biphasic systems, like emulsions and nano-scaled emulsions, are naturally unstable. The extent and rate of the destabilization process differ from system to another. The stability of such systems upon storage is an important aspect to ensure their abilities to exert the expected effects and consequently render them pharmaceutically acceptable. In the present study, the stability of the nano-scaled emulsion containing newly synthesized palm oil esters (POEs) was assessed under different storage conditions and over specified durations. Three nano-scaled emulsion formulae were chosen for this investigation. They basically comprised ibuprofen as the active ingredient, triethanolamine aqueous solution pH 7.4 as the external phase, POEs as the oil phase, Tween 80 as an emulsifier, Carbopol® 940 as the rheology modifier and menthol or limonene as penetration promoters. The evaluation processes were carried out at several temperatures (4, 25 and 40 °C) with factors, such as droplets size, electrical conductivity, drug content, pH and flow properties were relatively held constant. The data collectively showed that all formulations were stable over an observation period of three months.Keywords: Ibuprofen, nano-scaled emulsion, palm oil esters, stabilit