722 research outputs found

    Substitution effects on the temperature vs. magnetic-field phase diagrams of the quasi-1D effective Ising spin-1/2 chain system BaCo2_2V2_2O8_8

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    BaCo2_2V2_2O8_8 is a one-dimensional antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain system with pronounced Ising anisotropy of the magnetic exchange. Due to finite interchain interactions long-range antiferromagnetic order develops below TN≃5.5T_{\rm N} \simeq 5.5 K, which is accompanied by a structural distortion in order to lift magnetic frustration effects. The corresponding temperature vs.vs. magnetic-field phase diagram is highly anisotropic with respect to the magnetic-field direction and various details are still under vivid discussion. Here, we report the influence of several substitutions on the magnetic properties and the phase diagrams of BaCo2_2V2_2O8_8. We investigate the substitution series Ba1-x_{\text{1-x}}Srx_{\text{x}}Co2_{\text{2}}V2_{\text{2}}O8_{\text{8}} over the full range 0≤x≤10\le x \le 1 as well as the influence of a partial substitution of the magnetic Co2+^{2+} by small amounts of other magnetic transition metals or by non-magnetic magnesium. In all cases, the phase diagrams were obtained on single crystals from magnetization data and/or high-resolution studies of the thermal expansion and magnetostriction.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Low-Frequency Noise Phenomena in Switched MOSFETs

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    In small-area MOSFETs widely used in analog and RF circuit design, low-frequency (LF) noise behavior is increasingly dominated by single-electron effects. In this paper, the authors review the limitations of current compact noise models which do not model such single-electron effects. The authors present measurement results that illustrate typical LF noise behavior in small-area MOSFETs, and a model based on Shockley-Read-Hall statistics to explain the behavior. Finally, the authors treat practical examples that illustrate the relevance of these effects to analog circuit design. To the analog circuit designer, awareness of these single-electron noise phenomena is crucial if optimal circuits are to be designed, especially since the effects can aid in low-noise circuit design if used properly, while they may be detrimental to performance if inadvertently applie

    The Effect of a Reduction in Phosphate Application on Soil Phosphate Pools

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    Excessive use of manure and fertilisers in western Europe has led to high phosphorus (P) contents in many agricultural soils leading to environmental P losses by overland flow, subsurface drainage and leaching to groundwater. To stop phosphate build up in the soil and leaching to surface and ground waters, the Dutch government is gradually reducing allowable phosphate application on grassland from 130 kg/ha per year in 2005 to 90 kg/ha per year in 2015. This will lead to a reduction of the phosphate surplus from 40 in 2005 to 0 kg/ha per year. To investigate the impact of reductions in application rates on soil phosphate, leaching and grass production, a field experiment was started in 1997 on four dairy farms on two sandy soils, a peat and a clay soil

    Characterization of air ions in boreal forest air during BIOFOR III campaign

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    International audienceThe behavior of the concentration of positive small (or cluster) air ions and naturally charged nanometer aerosol particles (aerosol ions) has been studied on the basis of measurements carried out in a boreal forest at the Hyytiälä SMEAR station, Finland, during the BIOFOR III campaign in spring 1999. Statistical characteristics of the concentrations of cluster ions, two classes of aerosol ions of the sizes of 2.5?8 nm and 8?ca 20 nm and the quantities that determine the balance of small ions in the atmosphere have been given for the nucleation event days and non-event days. The dependence of small ion concentration on the ion loss (sink) due to aerosol particles was investigated applying a model of bipolar diffusion charging of particles by small ions. The small ion concentration and the ion sink were closely correlated (correlation coefficient 87%) when the fog events and the hours of high relative humidity (above 97%), as well as nocturnal calms and weak wind (wind speed-1 had been excluded. In the case of nucleation burst events, variations in the concentration of small positive ions were in accordance with the changes caused by the ion sink due to aerosols; no clear indication of positive ion depletion by ion-induced nucleation was found. The estimated average ionization rate of air at the Hyytiälä station in early spring, when the ground was partly covered with snow, was about 4.8 ion pairs cm-3 s-1. The study of the charging state of nanometer aerosol particles (2.5?8 nm) revealed a strong correlation (correlation coefficient 88%) between the concentrations of particles and their charged fraction (positive air ions) during nucleation bursts. The estimated charged fraction of particles, which varied from 3% to 6% considering various nucleation event days, confirms that these particles are almost quasi-steady state charged. Also the particles and air ions in the size range of 8?ca 20 nm showed a good qualitative consistency; the correlation coefficient was 92%

    Characterization of positive air ions in boreal forest air at the Hyytiälä SMEAR station

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    International audienceThe behavior of the concentration of positive small (or cluster) air ions and naturally charged nanometer aerosol particles (aerosol ions) has been studied on the basis of measurements carried out in a boreal forest at the Hyytiälä SMEAR station, Finland, during the BIOFOR III campaign in spring 1999. Statistical characteristics of the concentrations of cluster ions, two classes of aerosol ions of the sizes of 2.5?8 nm and 8?ca. 20 nm and the quantities that determine the balance of small ions in the atmosphere have been given for the nucleation event days and non-event days. The dependence of small ion concentration on the ion loss (sink) due to aerosol particles was investigated applying a model of bipolar diffusion charging of particles by small ions. The small ion concentration and the ion sink were closely correlated (correlation coefficient ?87%) when the fog events and the hours of high relative humidity (above 95%), as well as nocturnal calms and weak wind (wind speed ?1) had been excluded. However, an extra ion loss term presumably due to small ion deposition on coniferous forest with a magnitude equal to the average ion loss to pre-existing particles is needed to explain the observations. Also the hygroscopic growth correction of measured aerosol particle size distributions was found to be necessary for proper estimation of the ion sink. In the case of nucleation burst events, variations in the concentration of small positive ions were in accordance with the changes caused by the ion sink due to aerosols; no clear indication of positive ion depletion by ion-induced nucleation was found. The estimated average ionization rate of the air at the Hyytiälä station in early spring, when the ground was partly covered with snow, was about 6 ion pairs cm?3 s?1. The study of the charging state of nanometer aerosol particles (2.5?8 nm) revealed a strong correlation (correlation coefficient 88%) between the concentrations of particles and positively charged particles (positive air ions) during nucleation bursts. The estimated charged fraction of particles, which varied from 3% to 6% considering various nucleation event days, confirms that these particles are almost quasi-steady state charged. Also the particles and air ions in the size range of 8?ca. 20 nm showed a good qualitative consistency; the correlation coefficient was 92%

    Nanotextured Superhydrophobic Electrodes Enable Detection of Attomolar-Scale DNA Concentration within a Droplet by Non-Faradaic Impedance Spectroscopy

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    Label-free, rapid detection of biomolecules in microliter volumes of highly diluted solutions (subfemtomolar) is of essential importance for numerous applications in medical diagnostics, food safety, and chem-bio sensing for homeland security. At ultra-low concentrations, regardless of the sensitivity of the detection approach, the sensor response time is limited by physical diffusion of molecules towards the sensor surface.We have developed a fast, low cost, non-faradaic impedance sensing method for detection of synthetic DNA molecules in DI water at attomolar levels by beating the diffusion limit through evaporation of a micro-liter droplet of DNA on a nanotextured superhydrophobic electrode array. Continuous monitoring of the impedance of individual droplets as a function of evaporation time is exploited to dramatically improve the sensitivity and robustness of detection. Formation of the nanostructures on the electrode surface not only increases the surface hydrophobicity, but also allows robust pinning of the droplet contact area to the sensor surface. These two features are critical for performing highly stable impedance measurements as the droplet evaporates. Using this scheme, the detection limit of conventional non-faradaic methods is improved by five orders of magnitude. The proposed platform represents a step-forward towards realization of ultra-sensitive lab-on-chip biomolecule detectors for real time point-of-care application. Further works are however needed to ultimately realize the full potential of the proposed approach to appraise biological samples in complex buffer solutions rather than in DI water

    Comparison of simulated forest soil response to acid deposition reduction with two models of differing complexity

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    International audienceGreat effort has been dedicated to developing soil acidification models for use on different scales. This paper focuses on the changes in model performance of a site scale soil acidification model (NUCSAM) and a national to European scale soil acidification model (SMART 2). This was done to gain insight into the effects of model simplification. Because these models aim to predict the response to reduction in acid deposition, these models must be tested under such circumstances. A straightforward calibration and validation of the regional model, however, is hampered by lack of observations over a sufficient time period. Consequently, NUCSAM was calibrated and validated to a manipulation experiment involving reduced acid deposition in the Speuld forest, the Netherlands. SMART 2 was then used with calibrated input data from NUCSAM. The acid deposition was excluded by a roof beneath the canopy. The roofed area consists of a plot receiving pristine deposition levels of nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) and a control plot receiving ambient deposition. NUCSAM was calibrated on the ambient plot, followed by a validation of both models on the pristine plot. Both models predicted soil solution concentrations within the 95% confidence interval of the observed responses for both the ambient plot and the pristine plot at 90 cm depth. Despite the large seasonal and vertical (spatial) variation in soil solution chemistry, the trends in annual flux- weighted soil solution chemistry, as predicted by SMART 2 and NUCSAM, corresponded well.The annual leaching fluxes below the root zone were also similar although differences exist for the topsoil. For the topsoil, NUCSAM simulated the nutrients and acid related constituents better than SMART 2. Both models overestimated the ammonium (NH4) concentration at 10 cm depth. SMART 2 underestimated calcium and magnesium (BC2+) concentration at 10 depth, whereas NUCSAM overestimated BC2+ concentration at 90 cm depth. NUCSAM predicted the effect of deposition reduction on N concentrations at both depths, whereas SMART 2 underestimated the effect of deposition reduction at 10 cm depth. Both models predicted faster effects of deposition reduction on aluminum (Al), sulphate (SO4) and base cations than was observed. Generally, it appeared that the differences were large during the period of profound deposition changes whereas small differences occurred during slight variations in deposition level. It is concluded that a simpler model description does not affect the model's performance significantly as regards flux-weighted annual average concentrations at greater depth. Model improvements must focus on processes related to N-dynamics
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