19 research outputs found

    Evaluation de la variabilité spatiale des paramètres géotechnique du sol à partir de mesures géophysiques : application à la plaine alluviale de Nahr-Beyrouth (Liban)

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    The spatial variability of geological formations makes it difficult to determine the geotechnical parameters necessary for the evaluation of natural hazards (seismic and gravity). The geophysical imaging methods, non-destructive and fast, are now increasingly used for heterogeneous structures of sub-surface recognition. Geophysical and geotechnical tests were carried out in the alluvial plain of Beirut (Lebanon), city with high seismic risk, to characterize the variability in the alluvial layers. Analyses of these tests were used to characterize the 3D structure of the site and to detect the presence of a shallow soft clay layer of variable thickness. This layer of low compactness, which made the interpretation of dispersion curves of surface waves complex, could be of prime importance for seismic response of the site. Using all the collected data, the uncertainties related to the spatial variability of geotechnical (N60) and geophysical (Vs, ρ) properties of soil were quantified in the layers encountered and the distribution functions of these parameters were determined in each layer, in both directions (vertical and horizontal). The autocorrelation distance in the vertical (Vs, N60) and horizontal (ρ) directions and the coefficient of variation are within the range of values founded in the literature. The dynamic response (spectral amplification) of the alluvial plain of Beirut was modeled by one dimensional probabilistic model and we quantified the effect of the three statistical parameters (autocorrelation function, autocorrelation distance and coefficient of variation) describing the elastic variability properties of soil (Vs). To obtain realistic seismic responses, we proposed a probabilistic (Vs) profile selection criteria in order to retain only compatible profiles (in a range of uncertainty) with the obtained dispersion curve. Probabilistic modeling showed significant differences from the deterministic modeling. It appeared that the main factor controlling probabilistic spectral amplification is the coefficient of variation (COVVs) followed by the autocorrelation distance, while the type of autocorrelation function has little influence. Finally, Human activity was also found to have a significant influence on the application of geophysical prospecting at this urban site. This case illustrates the need of combining investigation methods in order to understand the geophysical measurements in a complex medium and to reach a robust 2D/3D model.La variabilité spatiale des formations géologiques rend difficile la détermination des paramètres géotechniques nécessaires pour l'évaluation des aléas naturels (sismiques et gravitaires). Les méthodes d'imagerie géophysique, non-destructives et rapides, sont de plus en plus utilisées pour la reconnaissance de telles structures hétérogènes. Une campagne d'essais géophysiques et géotechniques a été réalisée dans la plaine alluviale de Beyrouth (Liban), ville soumise à un fort risque sismique, en vue de caractériser la variabilité des couches alluviales. Les résultats combinés ont permis de caractériser la structure 3D du site et de détecter la présence d'une couche d'argile molle, peu profonde et d'épaisseur variable. Cette couche de faible compacité, qui a rendu complexe l'interprétation des courbes de dispersion des ondes de surface, a une influence importante sur la réponse sismique du site. Les incertitudes reliées à la variabilité spatiale des propriétés géotechnique (N60) et géophysiques (Vs, ρ) ont pu être quantifiées au sein des couches rencontrées et les fonctions de distribution de ces paramètres ont été déterminées dans chaque couche à partir de ces essais, à la fois verticalement et horizontalement. Les valeurs de distance d'autocorrélation verticale (Vs, N60) et horizontale (ρ) obtenues ainsi que les valeurs de coefficient de variation se situent dans la gamme de valeurs trouvées dans la littérature. La réponse dynamique (amplification spectrale) de la plaine alluviale de Beyrouth a été simulée avec des modèles probabilistes unidimensionnels, et l'effet des trois paramètres statistiques (loi d'autocorrélation, distance d'autocorrélation et coefficient de variation) décrivant les variabilités des propriétés élastiques du sol (Vs) a été quantifié. Pour obtenir des réponses sismiques réalistes, un critère de sélection des profils Vs générés de façon probabiliste a été introduit afin de ne retenir que les profils compatibles (dans une gamme d'incertitude) avec la courbe de dispersion établie. Les modélisations probabilistes ont montré des différences significatives par rapport aux modélisations déterministes. Le principal paramètre probabiliste contrôlant l'amplification spectrale est le coefficient de variation, suivi de la distance d'autocorrélation, alors que le type de loi a peu d'influence. Enfin, nous avons vu que l'activité humaine peut avoir une influence significative sur l'application des méthodes géophysiques en site urbain. La compréhension d'un milieu complexe dans ce contexte nécessite de combiner toutes les méthodes géotechniques et géophysiques d'investigation afin d'obtenir un modèle robuste 2D/3D de la structure du so

    Effect of the Soil Spatial Variability on the Static and Dynamic Stability Analysis of a Lebanese Slope

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    The accidental topography and heterogeneous Lebanese geology in addition to the active seismicity have initiated the static and dynamic stability analysis of Lebanese slopes. In this paper, the stability of a sandy Lebanese slope situated at Mansourieh near Beirut is investigated using deterministic and probabilistic approaches. The characterization of the variability of the slope soil properties is done based on geological investigation, as well as geophysical (Resistivity and Ambient noise) and geotechnical tests performed on this slope. Three dimensional 3D static deterministic analyses is performed to determine the overall safety factor of the slope and to find the location of the critical failure surface. The deterministic model is based on numerical simulations using the finite difference code FLAC3D. Then, two-dimensional probabilistic analysis is carried out on the critical section obtained from the 3D model. In the probabilistic analysis, the soil properties are modeled using the random field theory. An efficient uncertainty propagation methodology based on the expansion optimal linear estimation EOLE method is used to discretize the random field. Concerning the dynamic analysis, it is implemented in order to determine the amplification at the top of slope, where the looseness of the soil there may amplify the earthquake acceleration. The results have shown a small safety factor as well as high amplification. The importance of using the probabilistic approach versus the deterministic one is also presented and discussed

    The use of passive seismological imaging in speleogenetic studies: an example from Kanaan Cave, Lebanon

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    Among many parameters that control the evolution of caves stands the volume of unconsolidated clay sediments generally produced by the alteration of the calcareous rocks. Here we introduce the use of a passive seismological imaging technique to investigate the clay deposits and estimate its total volume in a cave. Applied for the first time for speleogenesis studies, the HVSR (Horizontal / Vertical Spectral Ration) is a geophysical technique that can help better interpret cave geomorphology. We apply seismological spectral techniques (H/V ratio) on ambient noise vibrations to derive the clay volume, as well as its shape. This technique applied on the clay volume reveals some internal details, such as fallen blocks prior to the deposit accumulation and helps to understand deposit evacuation dynamics. The study focuses on the Kanaan Cave, located in Metn District, Lebanon, and reveals new stages related to the cave speleogenesis. This technique could be applied on ‘paragenetic’ caves where clay volume is frequently present in order to constrain the clay volume and reconstruct the buried floor shape of the cave, underneath the clay deposit

    Evaluation of the spatial variability of geotechnical parameters of soil from geophysical measurements : application to the alluvial plain of Nahr Beirut (Lebanon)

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    La variabilité spatiale des formations géologiques rend difficile la détermination des paramètres géotechniques nécessaires pour l'évaluation des aléas naturels (sismiques et gravitaires). Les méthodes d'imagerie géophysique, non-destructives et rapides, sont de plus en plus utilisées pour la reconnaissance de telles structures hétérogènes. Une campagne d'essais géophysiques et géotechniques a été réalisée dans la plaine alluviale de Beyrouth (Liban), ville soumise à un fort risque sismique, en vue de caractériser la variabilité des couches alluviales. Les résultats combinés ont permis de caractériser la structure 3D du site et de détecter la présence d'une couche d'argile molle, peu profonde et d'épaisseur variable. Cette couche de faible compacité, qui a rendu complexe l'interprétation des courbes de dispersion des ondes de surface, a une influence importante sur la réponse sismique du site. Les incertitudes reliées à la variabilité spatiale des propriétés géotechnique (N60) et géophysiques (Vs, ρ) ont pu être quantifiées au sein des couches rencontrées et les fonctions de distribution de ces paramètres ont été déterminées dans chaque couche à partir de ces essais, à la fois verticalement et horizontalement. Les valeurs de distance d'autocorrélation verticale (Vs, N60) et horizontale (ρ) obtenues ainsi que les valeurs de coefficient de variation se situent dans la gamme de valeurs trouvées dans la littérature. La réponse dynamique (amplification spectrale) de la plaine alluviale de Beyrouth a été simulée avec des modèles probabilistes unidimensionnels, et l'effet des trois paramètres statistiques (loi d'autocorrélation, distance d'autocorrélation et coefficient de variation) décrivant les variabilités des propriétés élastiques du sol (Vs) a été quantifié. Pour obtenir des réponses sismiques réalistes, un critère de sélection des profils Vs générés de façon probabiliste a été introduit afin de ne retenir que les profils compatibles (dans une gamme d'incertitude) avec la courbe de dispersion établie. Les modélisations probabilistes ont montré des différences significatives par rapport aux modélisations déterministes. Le principal paramètre probabiliste contrôlant l'amplification spectrale est le coefficient de variation, suivi de la distance d'autocorrélation, alors que le type de loi a peu d'influence. Enfin, nous avons vu que l'activité humaine peut avoir une influence significative sur l'application des méthodes géophysiques en site urbain. La compréhension d'un milieu complexe dans ce contexte nécessite de combiner toutes les méthodes géotechniques et géophysiques d'investigation afin d'obtenir un modèle robuste 2D/3D de la structure du solThe spatial variability of geological formations makes it difficult to determine the geotechnical parameters necessary for the evaluation of natural hazards (seismic and gravity). The geophysical imaging methods, non-destructive and fast, are now increasingly used for heterogeneous structures of sub-surface recognition. Geophysical and geotechnical tests were carried out in the alluvial plain of Beirut (Lebanon), city with high seismic risk, to characterize the variability in the alluvial layers. Analyses of these tests were used to characterize the 3D structure of the site and to detect the presence of a shallow soft clay layer of variable thickness. This layer of low compactness, which made the interpretation of dispersion curves of surface waves complex, could be of prime importance for seismic response of the site. Using all the collected data, the uncertainties related to the spatial variability of geotechnical (N60) and geophysical (Vs, ρ) properties of soil were quantified in the layers encountered and the distribution functions of these parameters were determined in each layer, in both directions (vertical and horizontal). The autocorrelation distance in the vertical (Vs, N60) and horizontal (ρ) directions and the coefficient of variation are within the range of values founded in the literature. The dynamic response (spectral amplification) of the alluvial plain of Beirut was modeled by one dimensional probabilistic model and we quantified the effect of the three statistical parameters (autocorrelation function, autocorrelation distance and coefficient of variation) describing the elastic variability properties of soil (Vs). To obtain realistic seismic responses, we proposed a probabilistic (Vs) profile selection criteria in order to retain only compatible profiles (in a range of uncertainty) with the obtained dispersion curve. Probabilistic modeling showed significant differences from the deterministic modeling. It appeared that the main factor controlling probabilistic spectral amplification is the coefficient of variation (COVVs) followed by the autocorrelation distance, while the type of autocorrelation function has little influence. Finally, Human activity was also found to have a significant influence on the application of geophysical prospecting at this urban site. This case illustrates the need of combining investigation methods in order to understand the geophysical measurements in a complex medium and to reach a robust 2D/3D model

    Screening for cervical cancer among women with behavioral health conditions-A systematic review

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    Cervical cancer screening is credited with dramatically reducing cervical cancer mortality in the United States. There is a lack of consensus on whether women with behavioral health conditions (mental health or substance use) receive cervical cancer screening at rates similar to women without the conditions.Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines, we searched for articles and abstracts of conference proceedings in PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science and the EBSCO databases: CINAHL, PsycINFO, Psychosocial and Behavioral Science Collection, Academic Search Premier Databases, and the ProQuest database Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts from January 1, 2000 to July 31, 2020. Eligibility criteria included studies conducted in the United States, published in English, and comparing cervical cancer screening rates of women with and without behavioral health conditions. Of 1,242 unique articles screened, 52 were included in the full text review. And after title/abstract/and full-text review, 14 articles met the eligibility criteria. Six studies examined both mental health and substance use conditions, two studies only examined substance use disorders, and six studies examined only mental health conditions. Substance use disorders were associated with a decreased likelihood of receiving screening. This study yeilded inconclusive findings on the relationship between mental health conditions and cervical cancer screening. More research is needed to better understand the relationship between behavioral health conditions and cervical cancer screening