315 research outputs found

    La Libre Pensée :

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    « La Libre PensĂ©e : Heidegger et la dĂ©couverte de la libertĂ© comme le fondement de la vĂ©rité » Dans La Critique de la Raison Pratique, Kant met en relief l’incon­ditionnalitĂ© de la libertĂ© en tant que « l’origine » de toute action de façon systĂ©matique. De maniĂšre analogue, Heidegger aussi met l’accent sur l’an­tĂ©rioritĂ© ontologique de la libertĂ© par rapport Ă  la cĂ©lĂšbre distinction mĂ©ta­physique entre la thĂ©orie et  la pratique dans L’Être et Le Temps. Dans ses Ă©crits postĂ©rieurs Ă  cette Ɠuvre majeure, Heidegger distingue sa con­ception de la libertĂ© de celles de Kant et Schelling et va jusqu’à affirmer que « la libertĂ© est l’essence de l’ĂȘtre-dans-le-monde ». La libertĂ©, pour Heidegger des annĂ©es 1930 et 1940, est celle de son appropriation en tant que la « vĂ©rité » de l’Être et celle de son envoi historial tout court. Tou­tefois, la libertĂ©, au sens fondateur que l’Ɠuvre de Heidegger lui confĂšre, n’est pas celle de la rĂ©alisation d’un projet. Elle n’est pas, fonciĂšrement, un attribut de Dasein. Elle consiste en un « com-portement » vers les choses dans « l’Ouverture » de leur manifestation. Un « com-portement » qui les laisse ĂȘtre ce qu’ils sont et ne bloque pas leur dĂ©voilement (ainsi que leur voilement) en les soumettant aux concepts mĂ©taphysiques tels que, par exemple, « l’objet » de la philosophie moderne. En tant que libre « com-portement » vers les choses dans « l’Ouverture » de leur manifestation, la libertĂ©, pour Heidegger, est « l’essence » mĂȘme de la « vĂ©rité » et celle de tout questionnement philosophique. “Free Thought: Heidegger and the discovery of freedom as the foundation of truth” In the Critique of Practical Reason Kant stresses the unconditional character of freedom as the origin of any action. Similarly Heidegger also stresses the ontological anteriority of freedom vis-Ă -vis the famous meta­physical distinction between theory and practise in Being and Time. In the texts written after this major work, Heidegger makes a distinction between his own conception the freedom of being-in-the-world. Freedom for Hei­degger in the 30s and in the 40s is that of its historical appropriation and dispen­sation. However, freedom, in its core meaning defined by Heidegger, is not that of realising projects. It is not, fundamentally, an attribute of Dasein. It stands as a com-portment towards things in the opened-ness of their manifestation. A com-portment that lets them be what they are and doesn’t block their unveiling, or veiling too, by submitting them to meta­physical concepts such as, for example, the object of modern philosophy. As a free com-portment towards things in the opened-ness of their mani­festation, freedom, for Heidegger, is the very essence of truth and that of all philosophical questioning. “El Libre Pensamiento : Heidegger y el descubrimiento de la libertad como fundamento de la libertad” En la CrĂ­tica de la RazĂłn PrĂĄctica, Kant pone de relieve la incondicionalidad de la libertad como « origen » de toda acciĂłn de modo sistemĂĄtico. De manera anĂĄloga, Heidegger pone tambiĂ©n el acento en la anterioridad ontolĂłgica de la libertad con respecto a la famosa distinciĂłn metafĂ­sica entre la teorĂ­a y la prĂĄctica en El Ser y el tiempo. En lo que escribiĂł despuĂ©s de esta obra fundamental, Heidegger distingue su propia concepciĂłn de la libertad de las de Kant y Schelling y llega a afirmar que « la libertad es la esencia del ser-en-el mundo ». La libertad, para el Heidegger de los años 1930 y 1940, es la de su apropiaciĂłn como « verdad » del Ser. Sin embargo, la libertad, en el sentido fundador que le confiere la obra de Heidegger, no es la de la realizaciĂłn de un proyecto. Fundamentalmente, no es un atributo de Dasein. Consiste en un « com-portamiento » hacia las cosas en la « apertura » de su manifestaciĂłn. Un « com-portamiento » que les deja ser lo que son y no impide su apariciĂłn (ni tampoco su desapariciĂłn) sometiĂ©ndolas a los conceptos metafĂ­sicos como por ejemplo el « objeto » de la filosofĂ­a moderna. Como libre « com-portamiento » hacia las cosas en la « apertura » de su manifestaciĂłn, la libertad, segĂșn Heidegger, es la « esencia » misma de la « verdad » y la de todo cuestionamiento filosĂłfico.“Das Freidenkertum: Heidegger und die Entdeckung der Freiheit als Grundlage der Wahrheit” Die Freiheit mĂŒsse als „Ursprung“ jedes systematischen Handelns bedin­gungslos sein, so Kant in der „Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Heidegger behauptet seinerseits, dass die Freiheit ontologisch allem anderen voran­geht, dies auf Bezug auf den berĂŒhmten metaphysischen Gegensatz zwis­chen Theorie und Praxis in „Sein und Zeit“. In seinen folgenden Werken distanziert er sich aber von Kant und Schelling was die Freiheit betrifft und sagt, die „Freiheit sei das Wesen des In-der-Welt –sein“, die Freiheit sei ein „Ver-halten“

    Lógica Exorbitante: no limite da Metafísica da Contradição *

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    RESUMO**: O artigo pretende traçar o itinerário da metafísica como metafísicada contradição. O itinerário aqui apresentado incluirá quatro etapas. A primeiramostrará como, com os gregos, especialmente Aristóteles, a orientação para acontradição se estabelece junto com a disciplina da lógica. A segunda marcará adivergência decisiva adotada por Kant. A terceira voltar-se-á ao limite hegeliano,onde a metafísica se torna explicitamente metafísica da contradição. E, finalmen-te, além deste limite, o prospecto de uma lógica exorbitante será aberto.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: lógica; princípio de não-contradição; lógica exorbitante.ABSTRACT:The present article intends to trace an itinerary for metaphysics asmetaphysics of contradiction. The itinerary here presented includes four steps.The first one will show how, with the Greeks, especially Aristotle, the orientationtoward contradiction establishes itself together with logic. The second willmark the decisive divergence adopted by Kant. The third will aim at the Hegelianlimit, where metaphysics explicitly becomes metaphysics of conradiction. Finally,beyond this limit, the prospect of an exorbitant logic will be opened.KEYWORDS: logic; principle of non-contradiction; exorbitant logic

    Controlling Influence of Phosphocitrate In Vitro and In Vivo on Calcium Oxalate Crystal Formation and Growth

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    Calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystallization in the presence of phosphocitrate (PC) was studied by both in vitro and in vivo techniques. Crystals of the monohydrate (COM) and the dihydrate (COD) forms were generated under controlled conditions in a silica gel matrix. Our data indicated only COD crystals formed when PC was present, inferring that the COD to COM transformation was being impeded. COD crystals were smaller in size than controls and there was evidence of interpenetral twinning. An in vivo study using a rat bladder implant model noted similar findings. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that implants recovered from PC treated rats had primarily COD crystals deposited, whereas both the surface and inner layers of encrusted implants from normal rats contained predominantly COM crystals. Infrared (IR) analysis confirmed the visual findings indicating quantitatively that there was a higher proportion of COD present on the implants recovered from the treated rats than in the controls. It is concluded that although total CaOx crystallization cannot be eliminated by PC, its action could assist in reducing the harmful nature of such crystallites in the urine

    Comparative validation of the IPAQ and the 7-Day PAR among women diagnosed with breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The criterion-related validity and measurement bias of the long form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was compared to the 7-Day Physical Activity Recall (PAR). METHODS: Participants were women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and enrolled in the ongoing Women's Healthy Eating and Living Study. Women (N = 159, average age 57 years) wore an accelerometer for one week and then completed the IPAQ or the PAR. RESULTS: The validity correlation of the PAR was significantly higher (p < 0.001) than the IPAQ (0.73 vs. 0.33, respectively). The PAR and IPAQ overestimated total physical activity by 13% vs. 247%, respectively. The PAR had better sensitivity (p = 0.14) and specificity (p < .01) than the IPAQ (100% vs. 71% and 84% vs. 59%, respectively) in predicting attainment of the ACSM physical activity guideline. CONCLUSION: The PAR was superior to the IPAQ in terms of validity, measurement bias, and screening statistics

    Girls\u27 perception of physical environmental factors and transportation: reliability and association with physical activity and active transport to school

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    Background Preliminary evidence suggests that the physical environment and transportation are associated with youth physical activity levels. Only a few studies have examined the association of physical environmental factors on walking and bicycling to school. Therefore, the purpose of this study was (1) to examine the test-retest reliability of a survey designed for youth to assess perceptions of physical environmental factors (e.g. safety, aesthetics, facilities near the home) and transportation, and (2) to describe the associations of these perceptions with both physical activity and active transport to school. Methods Test and retest surveys, administered a median of 12 days later, were conducted with 480 sixth- and eighth-grade girls in or near six U.S. communities. The instrument consisted of 24 questions on safety and aesthetics of the perceived environment and transportation and related facilities. Additionally, girls were asked if they were aware of 14 different recreational facilities offering structured and unstructured activities, and if so, whether they would visit these facilities and the ease with which they could access them. Test-retest reliability was determined using kappa coefficients, overall and separately by grade. Associations with physical activity and active transport to school were examined using mixed model logistic regression (n = 610), adjusting for grade, race/ethnicity, and site. Results Item-specific reliabilities for questions assessing perceived safety and aesthetics of the neighborhood ranged from 0.31 to 0.52. Reliabilities of items assessing awareness of and interest in going to the 14 recreational facilities ranged from 0.47 to 0.64. Reliabilities of items assessing transportation ranged from 0.34 to 0.58. Some items on girls\u27 perceptions of perceived safety, aesthetics of the environment, facilities, and transportation were important correlates of physical activity and, in some cases, active transport to school. Conclusion This study provides some psychometric support for the use of the questionnaire on physical environmental factors and transportation for studying physical activity and active transport to school among adolescent girls. Further work can continue to improve reliability of these self-report items and examine their association of these factors with objectively measured physical activity

    Characterization of alcohol polygenic risk scores in the context of mental health outcomes:Within-individual and intergenerational analyses in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children

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    Background: Heavy alcohol consumption often co-occurs with mental health problems; this could be due to confounding, shared biological mechanisms, or causal effects. Polygenic risk scores (PRS) for alcohol use can be used to explore this association at critical life stages. Design: We characterized a PRS reliably associated with patterns of adult alcohol consumption by 1) validating whether it predicts own alcohol use at different life-stages (pregnancy, adolescence) of interest for mental health impact. Additionally, we explored associations of alcohol PRS on mental health phenotypes 2) within-individuals (using own alcohol PRS on own phenotypes) and 3) intergenerationally (using maternal alcohol PRS on offspring phenotypes). We used data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) (n = 960–7841). Additional substance abuse behaviors and mental health/behavioral outcomes were investigated (alcohol phenotypes n = 22; health phenotypes n = 91). Findings: Maternal alcohol PRS was associated with consumption during pregnancy (strongest signal: alcohol frequency at 18 weeks’ gestation: ÎČ = 0.041, 95%CI = 0.0.02–0.06), p = 1.01 × 10−5, adjusted R2 = 1.6 %), offspring alcohol PRS did not predict offspring alcohol consumption. We found evidence for an association of maternal alcohol PRS with own perinatal depression (OR = 1.10, 95% CI = 1.02 to 1.18, p = 0.022) and decreased offspring intellectual ability (ÎČ=-0.209, 95% CI -0.38 to -0.04, p= 0.016). Conclusions: These alcohol PRS are a valid proxy for maternal alcohol use in pregnancy. Offspring alcohol PRS was not associated with drinking in adolescence. Consistently with results from different study designs, we found evidence that maternal alcohol PRS are associated with both prenatal depression and decreased offspring intellectual ability

    Scale Development for Perceived School Climate for Girls’ Physical Activity

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    Objectives: To test an original scale assessing perceived school climate for girls\u27 physical activity in middle school girls. Methods: Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: CFA retained 5 of 14 original items. A model with 2 correlated factors, perceptions about teachers\u27 and boys\u27 behaviors, respectively, fit the data well in both sixth and eighth-graders. SEM detected a positive, significant direct association of the teacher factor, but not the boy factor, with girls\u27 self-reported physical activity. Conclusions:School climate for girls\u27 physical activity is a measurable construct, and preliminary evidence suggests a relationship with physical activity

    Scale Development for Perceived School Climate for Girls’ Physical Activity

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    Objectives: To test an original scale assessing perceived school climate for girls\u27 physical activity in middle school girls. Methods: Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: CFA retained 5 of 14 original items. A model with 2 correlated factors, perceptions about teachers\u27 and boys\u27 behaviors, respectively, fit the data well in both sixth and eighth-graders. SEM detected a positive, significant direct association of the teacher factor, but not the boy factor, with girls\u27 self-reported physical activity. Conclusions: School climate for girls\u27 physical activity is a measurable construct, and preliminary evidence suggests a relationship with physical activity

    Engaging School Governance Leaders to Influence Physical Activity Policies

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    Background: Most youth are not meeting physical activity guidelines, and schools are a key venue for providing physical activity. School districts can provide physical activity opportunities through the adoption, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies. This paper reports results of a 2009 survey of California school governance leaders on the barriers and opportunities to providing school-based physical activity and strategies to promote adoption of evidence-based policies. Methods: California school board members (n = 339) completed an 83 item online survey about policy options, perceptions, and barriers to improving physical activity in schools. Results: Board members’ highest rated barriers to providing physical activity were budget concerns, limited time in a school day, and competing priorities. The key policy opportunities to increase physical activity were improving the quantity and quality of physical education, integrating physical activity throughout the school day, supporting active transportation to/from school, providing access to physical activity facilities during nonschool hours, and integrating physical activity into before/after school programs. Conclusions: Survey findings were used to develop policy resources and trainings for school governance leaders that provide a comprehensive approach to improving physical activity in schools

    What do older people do when sitting and why? Implications for decreasing sedentary behaviour

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    Background and Objectives: Sitting less can reduce older adults’ risk of ill health and disability. Effective sedentary behavior interventions require greater understanding of what older adults do when sitting (and not sitting), and why. This study compares the types, context, and role of sitting activities in the daily lives of older men and women who sit more or less than average. Research Design and Methods: Semistructured interviews with 44 older men and women of different ages, socioeconomic status, and objectively measured sedentary behavior were analyzed using social practice theory to explore the multifactorial, inter-relational influences on their sedentary behavior. Thematic frameworks facilitated between-group comparisons. Results: Older adults described many different leisure time, household, transport, and occupational sitting and non-sitting activities. Leisure-time sitting in the home (e.g., watching TV) was most common, but many non-sitting activities, including “pottering” doing household chores, also took place at home. Other people and access to leisure facilities were associated with lower sedentary behavior. The distinction between being busy/not busy was more important to most participants than sitting/not sitting, and informed their judgments about high-value “purposeful” (social, cognitively active, restorative) sitting and low-value “passive” sitting. Declining physical function contributed to temporal sitting patterns that did not vary much from day-to-day. Discussion and Implications: Sitting is associated with cognitive, social, and/or restorative benefits, embedded within older adults’ daily routines, and therefore difficult to change. Useful strategies include supporting older adults to engage with other people and local facilities outside the home, and break up periods of passive sitting at home
