167 research outputs found

    Paolo Sylos Labini e la Facoltà di scienze statistiche

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    Weak Convergence of Probability Measures Revisited

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    The hypo-convergence of upper semicontinuous functions provides a natural framework for the study of the convergence of probability measures. This approach also yields some further characterizations of weak convergence and tightness

    On the Convergence in Distribution of Measurable Multifunctions, Normal Integrands, Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Infima

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    The concept of the distribution function of a closed-valued measurable multifunction is introduced and used to study the convergence in distribution of sequences of multifunctions and the epi-convergence in distribution of normal integrands; in particular various compactness criteria are exhibited. The connections with the convergence theory for stochastic processes is analyzed and for purposes of illustration we apply the theory to sketch out a modified derivation of Donsker's Theorem (Brownian motion as a limit of random walks). We also suggest the potential application of the theory to the study of the convergence of stochastic infima

    Indicatori AVA di ateneo: il contesto nazionale e Sapienza a confronto con i grandi atenei

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    Nell'ambito del sistema di Autovalutazione, Valutazione periodica e Accreditamento (AVA), rivolto alla valutazione periodica dei servizi didattici e all'accreditamento delle sedi e dei corsi di studio, l'ANVUR ha recentemente predisposto una serie di criteri e parametri nalizzati alla valutazione dell'ecienza accademica degli atenei italiani nei suoi molteplici aspetti. In questo articolo vengono analizzati i dati relativi alla prima rilevazione degli indicatori AVA di ateneo sulle cosiddette universita tradizionali (non telematiche). Oltre alla descrizione della variabilita che caratterizza il corpo delle universita italiane, l'analisi ore un inquadramento della performance di Sapienza Universita di Roma nel panorama accademico nazionale

    Convergence of Functions: Equi-Semicontinuity

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    The ever increasing complexity of the systems to be modeled and analyzed, taxes the existing mathematical and numerical techniques far beyond our present day capabilities. By their intrinsic nature, some problems are so difficult to solve that at best we may hope to find a solution to an approximation of the original problem. Stochastic optimization problems, except in a few special cases, are typical examples of this class. This however raises the question of what is a valid "approximate" to the original problem. The design of the approximation , must be such that (i) the solution to the approximate provides approximate solutions to the original problem and (ii) a refinement of the approximation yields a better approximate solution. The classical techniques for approximating functions are of little use in this setting. In fact very simple examples show that classical approximation techniques dramatically fail in meeting the objectives laid out above. What is needed, at least at a theoretical level, is to design the approximates to the original problem in such a way that they satisfy an epi-convergence criterion. The convergence of the functions defining the problem is to be replaced by the convergence of the sets defined by these functions. That type of convergence has many properties but for our purpose the main one is that it implies the convergence of the (optimal) solutions. This article is devoted to the relationship between the epi-convergence and the classical notion of pointwise-convergence. A strong semicontinuity condition is introduced and it is shown to be the link between these two types of convergences. It provides a number of useful criteria which can be used in the design of approximates to difficult problems

    Diventare ingegnere un gioco da ragazze

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    La mancanza di ragazze nelle facoltà tecnico-scientifiche ha un costo economico e sociale molto alto, questo è ormai un dato di fatto di cui sono consapevoli anche i governi. Alla Sapienza alcune donne hanno cercato di capire cosa c'è che non va e cosa si può fare per cambiar

    Dalla realizzazione dello spazio europeo della ricerca allo sviluppo economico. Verso il superamento degli squilibri di genere: il caso dell’Università La Sapienza

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    La realizzazione dell’European Research Area (ERA) si basa su cinque priorità, interrelate e interdipendenti e che dovrebbero essere implementate in maniera sinergica sia a livello di Stati membri sia di singola istituzione in ciascun Paese. Per le singole università o centri di ricerca, le priorità richiedono l’allocazione dei fondi su base competitiva, trasparente e basata su peer-review internazionale, la pubblicizzazione delle open position a livello internazionale, l’accesso, lo sviluppo e il trasferimento di conoscenza attraverso strumenti digitali e l’implementazione di un Gender Equality Plan (GEP) di ateneo. Il lavoro richiama brevemente le interrelazioni esistenti tra superamento degli squilibri di genere e sviluppo economico. Delinea le caratteristiche di genere di Sapienza Università di Roma, il più grande ateneo d’Europa, che rappresenta circa il 7% del sistema universitario italiano, anche in relazione alle medie Europea e Italiana. Propone alcune misure per incrementare l'accesso delle ragazze alle facoltà scientifiche e tecnologiche e mitigare gli effetti della segregazione orizzontale. Presenta infine le principali misure di policy che potrebbero favorire l’implementazione dell’ERA, delineando un GEP adeguato a far convergere le strategie di un grande ateneo con quelle indicate dall’ERA, per generare occupazione e crescita in un Paese con ancora troppo bassi livelli di investimento in Ricerca e Sviluppo e senza slanci per il futuro, come dimostra il modesto obiettivo del 1.5% per il 2020 (Comunicazione della Commissione Europea COM 2014 339 del 10 giugno 2014)

    Growth and Welfare Status of Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Post-Larvae Reared in Aquaponic Systems and Fed Diets including Enriched Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Prepupae Meal

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    Due to the limited application of insect meal in giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) culture, the present study aimed to (i) produce spirulina-enriched full-fat black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) prepupae meal (HM) and (ii) test, for the first time, two experimental diets characterized by 3% or 20% of fish meal and fish oil replacement with full-fat HM (HM3 and HM20, respectively) on M. rosenbergii post-larvae during a 60-day feeding trial conducted in aquaponic systems. The experimental diets did not negatively affect survival rates or growth. The use of spirulina-enriched HM resulted in a progressive increase in α-tocopherol and carotenoids in HM3 and HM20 diets that possibly played a crucial role in preserving prawn muscle-quality traits. The massive presence of lipid droplets in R cells in all the experimental groups reflected a proper nutrient provision and evidenced the necessity to store energy for molting. The increased number of B cells in the HM3 and HM20 groups could be related to the different compositions of the lipid fraction among the experimental diets instead of a nutrient absorption impairment caused by chitin. Finally, the expression of the immune response and stress markers confirmed that the experimental diets did not affect the welfare status of M. rosenbergii post-larvae

    Capacity building to boost information and communication skills inside an institute of research

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    To enhance its visibility, the Library of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) along with the Scientific Communication Unit of the same institution delivered a set of informal online training sessions, or webinars, on their fields of expertise: information retrieval, publication, effective communication, and research evaluation, specifically addressed to internal users. The collaboration was extremely useful in terms of improved knowledge on skills available among the personnel of these two services. It increased trust in the competencies of internal staff and at the same time it contributed to develop awareness of the value of the services rendered. Skills to use available online resources for training were improved as well as ISS staff cohesion favouring the development of new collaborations
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