972 research outputs found

    Defentsa eskubidearen lege organikoaren aurreproiektuaren gabezietan oinarritutako kritika

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    [EU]Jarraian aurkezten den Gradu Amaierako Lan honetan (GrAL aurrerantzean) Defentsa Eskubidearen Lege Organikoaren aurreproiektuaren gabezietan oinarritutako kritika egingo da. Bertan, Defentsa Eskubidearen Lege Organikoaren aurreproiektuaren iruzkin integrala egiten da, oinarrian 2023ko urtarrilaren 26an Botere Judizialaren Kontseilu Nagusiak aho batez onartu zuen Defentsa Eskubidearen Lege Organikoaren aurreproiektuaren inguruko txosten teknikoa aurkitzen delarik. Jarraian, analisi sakon honen ostean aurkitutako gabeziak identifikatu eta kritikatzen dira, aurreproiektua osatzeko ezinbesteko aspektuak banan-banan garatuz, bertan aurki daitezkeelarik GrAL honen autoreak behin analisia burututa egindako ekarpen propioak. GrAL honen helburu nagusia, Defentsa Eskubidearen Lege Organikoaren aurreproiektuaren analisitik ateratako gabeziak mahaigaineratu eta kritikatzea da, ganorazko defentsa-eskubideen inguruko Lege Organiko bat formulatzeko ezinbesteko aspektuak jorratzen direlarik

    Six Sigma Improvement Project for Automotive Speakers in an Assembly Process

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    This Six Sigma application examined an automotive speaker production process in a multinational corporation twin plant. The process was a semiautomatic assembly operation. A six index assembler chemically bonded a coil to a diaphragm.  The problem is described in the first part of the paper, which pinpoints the separation between those two parts. This is a critical process characteristic that was not properly controlled. Operations were malfunctioning. High scrap and rework rates, and high levels of in process inventory as well as inspection stations all contributed to the problem. Variables were measured to determine the problem with accuracy. The fixture and tool capabilities were estimated in the analysis as well. The authors found that the large variation could be attributed to the product and operator procedure. Variation in the product was determined to be explained by unsuitable fixtures and tools. This resulted in having the fixtures and tools re-dimensioned and re-designed. Measurements were then taken to determine whether the improved process design would make significant contributions.  A control process and operating procedures were established to insure that the initial process conditions would not be repeated.                  

    Agresividad y madurez psicológica en adolescentes de una Institución Educativa de Barranca-Lima, 2022

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    El estudio planteó como objetivo determinar la relación entre agresividad y madurez psicológica en los adolescentes de una Institución Educativa de Barranca-Lima. Es una investigación básica de diseño no experimental y de nivel correlacional. La muestra estuvo constituida por 78 alumnos. Como instrumento de medición se usaron el cuestionario de Agresión de Buss y Perry, pero en la versión española de Matalinares et al. (2012); y el Cuestionario de Madurez Psicológica, que elabora Morales et al. (2012). Los resultados reflejaron que las variables no presentan correlación (Sig. >.05); mientras que, el 50% de estudiantes presentan una agresividad media, y el 76% presentan un nivel medio de madurez psicológica. En conclusión, la variable de agresividad no se relaciona significativamente con la variable de madurez psicológica, precisando que indicadores tales como la falta de control de impulsos, ira, conductas agresivas no se asocian inversamente con características como la estabilidad, control de emociones, autorreflexión y autoconocimiento


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    El presente trabajo materia de investigación tiene como objetivo explicar cómo se afecta el debido proceso en la tramitación del proceso por faltas en el juzgado de paz letrado de amarilis 2014 – 2016, para ello planteamos la siguiente hipótesis afirmando que, si se observa el cumplimiento del debido proceso en el juzgado de paz letrado de amarilis entonces habrá seguridad jurídica en los procesos por faltas, desglosando e identificando de ello la variable dependiente al proceso por faltas, del cual desarrollamos sus antecedentes normativos e históricos, la legislación nacional, de igual modo realizamos con el debido proceso como variable independiente, de otro lado nuestra investigación jurídica es de tipo aplicada, de enfoque cuantitativo cuyo nivel es descriptiva – explorativa, nuestra población abarca personas y expedientes judiciales, para lo cual emplearemos los instrumentos de ficha, cuestionario, guía de entrevista y matriz documental para la recolección de datos. Cuyo resultado nos permite señalar que las personas encuestados y entrevistados refieren que se vulnera el derecho a la defensa e igualdad de armas cuando la defensoría no designa abogado para la audiencia citada pese al requerimiento del órgano jurisdiccional, agregando a ello no consideran correcto la aplicación del artículo 110° del código procesal penal referido al desistimiento del querellante particular debido a que la normatividad jurídica que regula el trámite para los procesos por faltas están contemplados en el libro quinto de los procesos especiales del código procesal penal, el cual transgrede el derecho a la obtención de una resolución fundada en derecho, los cuales son coherentes con el resultado del análisis documental de expedientes judiciales; cabe enfatizar que los magistrado en su labor de administración de justicia tienen la obligación de interpretar aplicando adecuadamente las normas vigentes y pertinentes para el caso en concreto en base al principio de la supremacía de la constitución, en este caso debe regirse por las características de los procesos por faltas, siendo la competencia, medidas de coerción, bienes jurídicos tutelados, defensor público, presencia facultativa de la parte agraviada para la instalación de la audiencia.Tesi

    Calidad de servicio y satisfacción del usuario en la empresa de Transportes Felipe J. Huanca Alvitez E.I.R.L. Trujillo - 2022

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre calidad del servicio y satisfacción del usuario en la Empresa de Transportes Felipe J. Huanca Alvitez E.I.R.L. Trujillo, pues se ha visto que en el rubro de transportes hay una fuerte demanda lo cual es muy positivo, por ende, se debe trabajar en lo que es satisfacción del usuario brindando un servicio de calidad y cumpliendo con las expectativas que requiere este servicio. Esta investigación es de tipo aplicada de diseño transeccional – correlacional, con una población y muestra de 65 usuarios. Como técnica de recolección de datos se realizo un cuestionario los cuales fueron 20 ítems para calidad de servicio y 20 ítems para satisfacción del usuario la cual fue aplicada mediante una encuesta, se obtuvo por resultado que la calidad de servicio el 75 % de usuarios perciben que la Calidad de Servicio que brinda la empresa es regular y satisfacción de usuario el 91% de la encuestados, dio a conocer que el nivel de satisfacción que brinda la empresa es regular, teniendo un rho de spearman de 30.6 %, de la misma manera es significativa ya que su p valor es de 0.013, por lo que calidad de servicio es un punto muy importante en lo que respecta la satisfacción de los usuarios. Los resultados nos permiten concluir que existe correlación positiva entre la variable calidad de servicio y nivel de satisfacción

    Innovative instrumentation and methodology to characterize long distance heliostat beam quality in commercial solar power tower plants

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    The characterization of the whole solar field of a solar tower power plant is a time consuming labor that has to be performed to know the optical quality of each heliostat in the field. This allows to correct some deviations of each heliostat, leading to an improvement in its individual performance, and thus, improving the final performance of the whole field. The current methodology to characterize the optical quality of a heliostat is based on using a lambertian target, in which the solar beam is focused and its reflected radiation is captured using cameras. This leads to important measurement inaccuracies due to the non-uniformity of the lambertian target and the behavior of the camera. But the fact that the sun beam can overflow the size of the target, and its power density can be almost in the order of the ambient light, implies that a huge part of the heliostats in a plant cannot be well-characterized by these systems. These issues are even more important taking into account that plant size tends to grow even larger, increasing the distance of the furthest heliostats, and that small heliostats begin to be introduced in solar fields, whose reflected power is lower than that of common heliostats. Those issues will be overcome thanks to a new measurement system based on a non-tracking way to scan the sun spot, using an array of optoelectronic detectors which can be installed in new plants and even in plants that are now in operation

    Two Different Populations within the Healthy Elderly: Lack of Conflict Detection in Those at Risk of Cognitive Decline

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    During healthy aging, inhibitory processing is affected at the sensorial, perceptual, and cognitive levels. The assessment of event-related potentials (ERPs) during the Stroop task has been used to study age-related decline in the efficiency of inhibitory processes. Studies using ERPs have found that the P300 amplitude increases and the N500 amplitude is attenuated in healthy elderly adults compared to those in young adults. On the other hand, it has been reported that theta excess in resting EEG with eyes closed is a good predictor of cognitive decline during aging 7 years later, while a normal EEG increases the probability of not developing cognitive decline. The behavioral and ERP responses during a Counting-Stroop task were compared between 22 healthy elderly subjects with normal EEG (Normal-EEG group) and 22 healthy elderly subjects with an excess of EEG theta activity (Theta-EEG group). Behaviorally, the Normal-EEG group showed a higher behavioral interference effect than the Theta-EEG group. ERP patterns were different between the groups, and two facts are highlighted: (a) the P300 amplitude was higher in the Theta-EEG group, with both groups showing a P300 effect in almost all electrodes, and (b) the Theta-EEG group did not show an N500 effect. These results suggest that the diminishment in inhibitory control observed in the Theta-EEG group may be compensated by different processes in earlier stages, which would allow them to perform the task with similar efficiency to that of participants with a normal EEG. This study is the first to show that healthy elderly subjects with an excess of theta EEG activity not only are at risk of developing cognitive decline but already have a cognitive impairment

    Vision-based Situational Graphs Generating Optimizable 3D Scene Representations

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    3D scene graphs offer a more efficient representation of the environment by hierarchically organizing diverse semantic entities and the topological relationships among them. Fiducial markers, on the other hand, offer a valuable mechanism for encoding comprehensive information pertaining to environments and the objects within them. In the context of Visual SLAM (VSLAM), especially when the reconstructed maps are enriched with practical semantic information, these markers have the potential to enhance the map by augmenting valuable semantic information and fostering meaningful connections among the semantic objects. In this regard, this paper exploits the potential of fiducial markers to incorporate a VSLAM framework with hierarchical representations that generates optimizable multi-layered vision-based situational graphs. The framework comprises a conventional VSLAM system with low-level feature tracking and mapping capabilities bolstered by the incorporation of a fiducial marker map. The fiducial markers aid in identifying walls and doors in the environment, subsequently establishing meaningful associations with high-level entities, including corridors and rooms. Experimental results are conducted on a real-world dataset collected using various legged robots and benchmarked against a Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR)-based framework (S-Graphs) as the ground truth. Consequently, our framework not only excels in crafting a richer, multi-layered hierarchical map of the environment but also shows enhancement in robot pose accuracy when contrasted with state-of-the-art methodologies.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Vaccination of nulliparous gilts against porcine epidemic diarrhoea can result in low neutralising antibody titres and high litter mortality

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    Porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PED) is a disease caused by an alphacoronavirus and the symptoms include watery diarrhoea and vomiting, with more than 80% mortality amongst newborn piglets. The placentation in sows hinders the transference of antibodies to the foetus, therefore, the vaccination of pregnant females and transference of antibodies to piglets through colostrum are essential to protect them against virus particles. The aim of the study was to determine whether vaccination of nulliparous gilts could induce a high colostrum antibody titre and lower litter mortality, in comparison with vaccinated multiparous sows previously exposed to the virus. Samples of colostrum were obtained from 11 nulliparous gilts with two previous vaccinations (inactivated vaccine) and from 9 multiparous sows with three or more vaccinations (inactivated vaccine) that had been exposed to the virus. The IgG antibody titre was determined through anti-PED enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and the neutralisation of antibodies was evaluated through plaque reduction neutralisation tests (PRNT). The colostrum of nulliparous gilts, when compared to the multiparous sows, presented a lower anti-PED IgG antibody titre as well as fewer neutralising antibodies. Furthermore, the piglets of multiparous sows experienced higher survival in comparison with those of nulliparous gilts (P<0.01), and mortality was dependent on the ‘farrowing’ variable (P<0.01). In conclusion, these results show that vaccinating nulliparous gilts does not increase the survival of their piglets in comparison with multiparous sows and that the IgG titres and neutralising antibodies are significantly lower in the former. These results suggest that a modified vaccine strategy is needed for nulliparous gilts to increase piglet protection

    Triamcinolona intravítrea en el tratamiento de la oclusión de rama venosa retiniana

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    Clinical cases: Five eyes with branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) were treated with intravitreal injection of 4 mg of triamcinolone. Four cases showed good visual acuity and macular thickness evolution after one dose. The remaining one case suffered a relapse three months later. Therefore a second injection was performed in that case. Discussion: Several treatments have been suggested to manage macular edema in BRVO. Intravitreal triamcinolone may be a therapeutic option to increase visual acuity and decrease macular thickness in patients with macular edema secondary to BRV