321 research outputs found

    La eficiencia en Educación Secundaria y el entorno social del alumnado. Un estudio frontera a nivel de centro

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos de una investigación realizada con el objetivo general de analizar la eficiencia de la educación secundaria en Andalucía. Se efectúa, asimismo, una aproximación a algunos aspectos relacionados con el entorno social del alumnado correspondiente, que a su vez se relacionan con dicha eficiencia, sobre la base de la relación existente entre ambos. Aplicando métodos no paramétricos de estimación de función frontera, que incorporan variables de entorno, aplicando un método en tres etapas, se estima una eficiencia técnica media del 78%, con una posibilidad media de mejora de resultados en torno al 40%. Las nuevas tecnologías resultan no asociadas con el nivel de eficiencia con lo que las pautas de medidas a tomar deben de ir en relación a las variables encontradas como incidentes en la productividad. En base a esto, podemos concluir que los esfuerzos a realizar por parte de la Administración Publica, deben de ir encaminados a mejorar tanto la actitud del alumnado ante el estudio, como su nivel de bienestar socia

    El quiste óseo aneurismático en niños y adolescentes

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    Desde el año 1981 hasta el año 1996 hemos tratado en nuestro servicio un total de 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de Quiste Óseo Aneurismático (QOA). Esta entidad clínico-patológica continúa hoy teniendo un origen incierto que en la mayoría de las ocasiones no puede reconocerse. Los tratamientos empleados fueron: legrado e injerto óseo en siete casos, resección en bloque en tres casos, y en 2 casos tratamiento expectante. Los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico fueron satisfactorios en el 75% de los casos, encontrando un 25% de recidivas, que ocurrieron en los pacientes más jóvenes con quistes más agresivos. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 4 años (mínimo 1 - máximo 8). Realizamos en el trabajo, además, una comparación con otros métodos de tratamiento publicados como son la crioterapia intratumoral y la embolizacón arterial selectiva, los cuales encontramos de utilidad relativa ya que requieren una alta especialización y una selección precisa de los casos. También la radioterapia que tiene una utilidad restringida a aquellos casos de inaccesibilidad operatoria.From 1981 to 1996 twelve patients were treated in our orthopaedic department with the diagnosis of Aneurismal Bone Cyst (ABC). This pathologic and clinical entity has an unknown etiology that in the majority of cases it can¿t be elucidated. The threatment was: curettage and bone graft in seven cases; in bloc excision in three cases and expectant in two. Surgical treatment results were satisfactory in 75% of cases, with 25% of local recurrences that took place in younger patients with more aggressive cysts. Mean follow-up was four years (range: 1-8). In this study we make a comparison with other methods of treatment reported like intratumoral criotherapy and selective arterial embolization. We find these methods of relative utility due to their high level of orthopaedist specialization and precise selection of cases. The radiotherapy has restricted application to cases of unresectable tumours

    Fracturas femorales en pacientes portadores de artroplastia de cadera

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    Se han revisado 25 pacientes con fractura femoral portadores de artroplatia de cadera. Las fracturas se clasifican según los tipos de Johansson. Se encontraron 9 tipo I, 9 tipo II y 7 tipo III. El tratamiento fue en 4 ocasiones conservador y en 21 quirúrgico: 2 osteosíntesis con tornillos de compresión, 9 recambios de vástago y 9 osteosíntesis con placa. Se valora el resultado del tratamiento de la fractura. Consolidaron todas salvo una tras el tratamiento inicial. El resultado de la artroplastia fue valorado según la Escala de Merle D'Aubigne siendo bueno en un 68% de los casos. Las complicaciones fueron 2 consolidaciones en varo, una infección superficial y una infección profunda. Se evalúan los diferentes tratamientos realizados y se expone nuestra actitud actual ante estas fracturas.The present study includes 25 patients with hip replacement who presented an ipsilateral fracture of the femur. According to Johansson's grading system, there were 9 types I fractures, 9 types II and 7 types III. Surgical treatment was indicated in 21 cases, and conservative treatment in 4. Of the 21 patients operated on 9, required stem replacement, 9 internal fixations with plate and screws, and inter-fragmentary compression screws in 2 cases. Outcome assessment showed that, except one case, all fractures healded after treatment. The results of the arthroplasty were good in 68% of cases according to the Merle D'Aubigne scale. Complications included 2 various deformities, one superficial infection and one deep infection

    sSLAM: Speeded-Up Visual SLAM Mixing Artificial Markers and Temporary Keypoints

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    Environment landmarks are generally employed by visual SLAM (vSLAM) methods in the form of keypoints. However, these landmarks are unstable over time because they belong to areas that tend to change, e.g., shadows or moving objects. To solve this, some other authors have proposed the combination of keypoints and artificial markers distributed in the environment so as to facilitate the tracking process in the long run. Artificial markers are special elements (similar to beacons) that can be permanently placed in the environment to facilitate tracking. In any case, these systems keep a set of keypoints that is not likely to be reused, thus unnecessarily increasing the computing time required for tracking. This paper proposes a novel visual SLAM approach that efficiently combines keypoints and artificial markers, allowing for a substantial reduction in the computing time and memory required without noticeably degrading the tracking accuracy. In the first stage, our system creates a map of the environment using both keypoints and artificial markers, but once the map is created, the keypoints are removed and only the markers are kept. Thus, our map stores only long-lasting features of the environment (i.e., the markers). Then, for localization purposes, our algorithm uses the marker information along with temporary keypoints created just in the time of tracking, which are removed after a while. Since our algorithm keeps only a small subset of recent keypoints, it is faster than the state-of-the-art vSLAM approaches. The experimental results show that our proposed sSLAM compares favorably with ORB-SLAM2, ORB-SLAM3, OpenVSLAM and UcoSLAM in terms of speed, without statistically significant differences in accuracy

    sSLAM: Speeded-Up Visual SLAM Mixing Artificial Markers and Temporary Keypoints

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    Environment landmarks are generally employed by visual SLAM (vSLAM) methods in the form of keypoints. However, these landmarks are unstable over time because they belong to areas that tend to change, e.g., shadows or moving objects. To solve this, some other authors have proposed the combination of keypoints and artificial markers distributed in the environment so as to facilitate the tracking process in the long run. Artificial markers are special elements (similar to beacons) that can be permanently placed in the environment to facilitate tracking. In any case, these systems keep a set of keypoints that is not likely to be reused, thus unnecessarily increasing the computing time required for tracking. This paper proposes a novel visual SLAM approach that efficiently combines keypoints and artificial markers, allowing for a substantial reduction in the computing time and memory required without noticeably degrading the tracking accuracy. In the first stage, our system creates a map of the environment using both keypoints and artificial markers, but once the map is created, the keypoints are removed and only the markers are kept. Thus, our map stores only long-lasting features of the environment (i.e., the markers). Then, for localization purposes, our algorithm uses the marker information along with temporary keypoints created just in the time of tracking, which are removed after a while. Since our algorithm keeps only a small subset of recent keypoints, it is faster than the state-of-the-art vSLAM approaches. The experimental results show that our proposed sSLAM compares favorably with ORB-SLAM2, ORB-SLAM3, OpenVSLAM and UcoSLAM in terms of speed, without statistically significant differences in accuracy.This research was funded by the project PID2019-103871GB-I00 of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, FEDER, Project 1380047-F UCOFEDER-2021 of Andalusia and by the European Union–NextGeneration EU for requalification of Spanish University System 2021–2023

    Electronic structure of rhombus-shaped nanographenes: system size evolution from closed- to open-shell ground states

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    We theoretically study and characterize a set of rhombus-shaped nanographenes of increasing size, or n-rhombenes, where n = 2–6, displaying zigzag edges leading to an enhancement of the (poly)radicaloid nature and the appearance of intrinsic magnetism as a function of n. Due to that system-dependent radicaloid nature, we employ spin-flip methods able to capture the challenging physics of the problem, thus providing accurate energy differences between high- and low-spin solutions. The theoretical predictions agree with the experimentally available magnetic exchange coupling for the recently synthesized 5-rhombene, as well as with the size at which the transition from a closed-shell to an open-shell ground-state solution occurs. We also investigate if standard DFT methods are able to reproduce the trend disclosed by spin-flip methods and if the results are highly dependent on the functional choice and/or the intrinsic spin contamination.This work is supported by projects PID2019-106114GB-I00 (“Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación”), AICO/2021/093 and PROMETEO/2021/017 (“Generalitat Valenciana”)

    Correlation vs. exchange competition drive the singlet-triplet excited-state inversion in non-alternant hydrocarbons

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    In this work, we focus on the understanding of the driving force behind the S1 - T1 excited-state energy inversion (which would thus violate the Hund’s rule, situating the S1 state lower in energy than the T1 state) of two non-benzenoid non-alternant hydrocarbons, composed of odd-membered rings. The molecules considered here have identical chemical composition but different atomic configuration in space. The delicate interplay between structural and electronic factors that might induce the inversion and its energy extension, only by few meV, are systematically investigated here by state-of-the-art calculations. Qualitative and quantitative accurate predictions are obtained employing post-HF methods, thanks to the balanced and careful inclusion of electron correlation effects. The obtained results might guide and rationalize new searches of molecules violating Hund’s rule, concomitantly advising the importance of key contributions from the theoretical method of choice.The work in Alicante is supported by project PID2019-106114GB-I00 (“Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación”). M.E.S.-S. acknowledges the funding by the United Kingdom Research and Innovation (U.K.R.I.) under the U.K. government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee (grant number EP/X020908/1). Y.O. acknowledges the funding by the “Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS” under Grant n. F.4534.21 (MIS-IMAGINE). G.R. acknowledges a grant from the “Fonds pour la formation a la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture” (F.R.I.A.) of the F.R.S.-F.N.R.S. Computational resources were also provided by the “Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif” (C´ECI), funded by the “Fonds de la Recherche Scientifiques de Belgique” (F.R.S.-F.N.R.S.) under Grant No. 2.5020.11. D.C. acknowledges funding by projects PID2019-109555GB-I00 and RED2018-102815-T (“Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación”) and from project No. PIBA19-0004 (“Eusko Jaularitza”)