4,013 research outputs found

    Behaviours of natural organic matter in membrane filtration for surface water treatment : a review

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    Membrane application in surface water treatment provides many advantages over conventional treatment. However, this effort is hampered by the fouling issue, which restricts its widespread application due to increases in hydraulic resistances, operational and maintenance costs, deterioration of productivity and frequency of membrane regeneration problems. This paper discusses natural organic matter (NOM) and its components as the major membrane foulants that occur during the water filtration process, possible fouling mechanisms relating to reversible and irreversible of NOM fouling, current techniques used to characterize fouling mechanisms and methods to control fouling. Feed properties, membrane characteristics, operational conditions and solution chemistry were also found to strongly influence the nature and extent of NOM fouling. Findings of such studies are highlighted. The understanding of the combined roles of controlling factors and the methods used is very important in order to choose and optimize the best technique and conditions during surface water treatment. The future potential of membrane application for NOM removal is also discussed

    Fibrilasi Atrium sebagai Faktor Risiko Kejadian Stroke Non Hemoragik di Bagian Saraf RSUD Dr Soedarso Pontianak

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    Latar Belakang: Meningkatnya usia harapan hidup di Indonesia yangdiperkirakan akan menempati posisi keenam tertinggi di dunia pada tahun2020 cenderung meningkatkan risiko terjadinya penyakit vaskular. Salahsatu penyakit vaskular berbahaya adalah stroke. Salah satu faktor risikoyang meningkatkan kejadian stroke non hemoragik adalah fibrilasi atrium.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fibrilasi atrium sebagaifaktor risiko kejadian stroke non hemoragik di RSUD dr. SoedarsoPontianak. Metodologi: Penelitian ini merupakan studi analitik denganpendekatan case control yang dilakukan terhadap 32 subyek kelompokkasus dan 32 subyek penelitian kelompok kontrol yang dirawat inap diRSUD dr. Soedarso Pontianak. Data diperoleh dari rekam medik pasiendan pengambilan data dilakukan dengan proses matching usia dan jeniskelamin yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji Mc. Nemar dengantingkat kemaknaan p1. Hasil: Didapatkan fibrilasi atriumsebagai faktor risiko kejadian stroke non hemoragik dengan nilai oddsratio 6,61 (IK 95% 1,66-26,349) dan terdapat hubungan yang bermaknaantara fibrilasi atrium dan kejadian stroke non hemoragik (p=0,001).Kesimpulan: Fibrilasi atrium merupakan faktor risiko kejadian stroke nonhemoragik di RSUD dr. Soedarso Pontianak

    Wanprestasi dalam Perjanjian Asuransi Kebakaran: Studi Kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung-ri Nomor: 911 K/pdt/2009

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    Insurance business has long existed in the Indonesian economy and participated in the national history, along with the other economic activities. However, it does not guarantee that it runs smoothly. Legal problem like default case of default in the fire insurance between PT. Pupuk Subur Makmur and PT. Asuransi Wahana Tata. The conclusion of the research was that PT. Pupuk Subur Makmur had been inattentive in carrying out its obligation by declaring default to PT. Pupuk Subur Makmur. In consequence, it had to be fined as it was decided by the Panel of Judges of the Supreme Court No. 911K/Pdt/ 2009. It is recommended that both parties have sense of justice in carrying out their right and obligation in the insurance contract, they have to be honest in order to avoid dispute in making an insurance contract between the guarantor and the insured

    Modelling of particle breakage of coarse aggregates incorporating strength and dilatancy

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    Optimized bio-inspired kernels with twin support vector machine using low identity sequences to solve imbalance multiclass classification

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    The function of enzymes is performed differently depending on their bio-chemical mechanisms and important to the prediction of protein structure and function. In order to overcome the weaknesses of imbalance data distribution in subclasses prediction we proposed Bio-Twin Support Vector Machine (Bio–TWSVM). The TWSVM approach as also allow for kernel optimization where in this study we have introduced the bio-inspired kernels such as the Fisher, spectrum and mismatch kernels which at the same time incorporate the biological information regarding the protein evolution in the classification process


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    This research aims to identify the effectiveness of assessment application based on Decision Support System (DSS). This effectiveness is viewed from teacher’s needs and accuracy of this application in detecting impairment suffered by children with special needs. Research method used in this research is qualitative method with the subject of data are teachers from 10 cities in Central of Java teaching children with special needs. This research’s result shows that the effectiveness assessment application based on Decision Support System (DSS) is suitable with teacher’s need, namely: 50% very good, 37,5% good, 12,5% not very good, and 0% not good. While, accuracy test’s results of assessment application based on Decision Support System (DSS) are 50% very good, 40% good, 7.5% not very good, and 2,5% not good. It can be concluded that assessment application based on Decision Support System (DSS) effectives to meet the needs and accuracy in identifying and assessing.  Article visualizations

    Private Information Retrieval Schemes for Coded Data with Arbitrary Collusion Patterns

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    In Private Information Retrieval (PIR), one wants to download a file from a database without revealing to the database which file is being downloaded. Much attention has been paid to the case of the database being encoded across several servers, subsets of which can collude to attempt to deduce the requested file. With the goal of studying the achievable PIR rates in realistic scenarios, we generalize results for coded data from the case of all subsets of servers of size tt colluding, to arbitrary subsets of the servers. We investigate the effectiveness of previous strategies in this new scenario, and present new results in the case where the servers are partitioned into disjoint colluding groups.Comment: Updated with a corrected statement of Theorem

    The power of implicit social relation in rating prediction of social recommender systems of social recommender

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    The explosive growth of social networks in recent times has presented a powerful source of information to be utilized as an extra source for assisting in the social recommendation problems. The social recommendation methods that are based on probabilistic matrix factorization improved the recommendation accuracy and partly solved the cold-start and data sparsity problems. However, these methods only exploited the explicit social relations and almost completely ignored the implicit social relations. In this article, we firstly propose an algorithm to extract the implicit relation in the undirected graphs of social networks by exploiting the link prediction techniques. Furthermore, we propose a new probabilistic matrix factorization method to alleviate the data sparsity problem through incorporating explicit friendship and implicit friendship. We evaluate our proposed approach on two real datasets, Last.Fm and Douban. The experimental results show that our method performs much better than the state-of-the-art approaches, which indicates the importance of incorporating implicit social relations in the recommendation process to address the poor prediction accuracy

    Pembuatan Sistem Pelayanan Taksi dengan Menggunakan Android, Google Maps, dan Ruby On Rails

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    With the increase of the number of population and economy especially in big cities, the need for any modes of public transportation is also increases. One of the mode of transportation with increasing demand by the medium-to-high income population is taxi. The fact that the current operation of taxies is still using conventional and inefficient ways of communication such as two-way radios, and phone calls, raises the possibility of using more efficient tools such as using Android devices, Google Map API, and Ruby of Rails framework as proposed in this paper. It can be shown that the application of these technologies can provide an integrated taxi service system which is more informative, effective and efficient
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