71 research outputs found


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    Abstract The study deals with the writing of definition and exemplification exposition both if using and without using an outline. It aims at finding out (1) the interaction effects between using an outline and not using an outline across the definition and exemplification exposition on the idea development quality of students' composition, (2) the quality of composition using outline and without using outline, (3) the quality of definition and exemplification using outline, (4) the quality of definition and exemplification without using outline. The study is experimental with factorial and repeated measure design. The results show No. interaction effects, outlining is significantly better than without outlining, and definition shows almost the same results as exemplification both with and without outlines. Keywords : writing, outlines, definition, exemplification, expositio


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    Abstract People generally use means of communication to interact with others. The communication is either in the form of verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication exists through oral sound production whereas non-verbal communication exists by means of body movement which is known kinesics. The use of kinesics to communicate is very often both in formal and informal settings. Some forms of kinesic are eye brow raising, eye closing, eye contact, finger pointing, and keeping silent. Few of these forms bear universal meaning, but others convey different meanings. The article provides examples of 'Duri' complex kinesics which might be differant from ohers in other community. Keywords: kinesics, verbal, nonverbal communicatio


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    Abstract This article describes the concept of cohesion, coherence, the relationship of cohesion and coherence to comprehension, and several strategies to improve reading comprehension, and infer ability, the way to improve questioning. Educators must be aware of the factors within a text that effect understanding, in fostering reading development. In fact cohesion helps the reader achieve coherence and therefore facilitates comprehension. Teachers can teach students about cohesion and coherence factors in their textbooks, and teachers can predict conprehension problems and facilitate successful comprehension. Keywords : reading, understanding, method, infering performanc

    Ragangan Pengembangan Tertib Menulis dan Berpikir Kreatif, Inovatif

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    PRAKATA Puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, atas berkah dan inayah- Nya, buku ini yang berjudul “Ragangan Pengembangan Tertib Menulis dan Berpikir Kreatif, Inovatif” dapat dirampungkan. Buku ini disusun berdasarkan hasil penelitian Hibah Doktor RISTEKDIKTI yang didesain sebagai salah satu buku referensi teori dan ragangan untuk meningkatkan kualitas tulisan melalui praktik menulis. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa, termasuk bahasa Indonesia, menulis merupakan salah satu aspek keterampilan berbahasa sebaiknya diajarkan dengan porsi waktu yang seimbang dibandingkan keterampilan bahasa lainnya. Namun kenyataannya di lapangan, keterampilan menulis ini masih sering diabaikan peran pentingnya. Hal ini berdampak pada tingginya angka penulis pemula yang mengalami kesulitan dalam menuangkan ide dan gagasannya dalam bentuk tulisan. Perlu diketahui bahwa buku ini dapat menjadi buku referensi yang efektif dalam membantu penulis pemula meningkatkan kompetensi dan performansi pengembangan tulisan ilmiah mereka. Pembahasan dalam buku ini mengungkap gambaran berpikir kritis bagi penulis pemula dalam menyikapi suatu fenomena sehingga aspirasi, gagasan, dan pendapat yang diperoleh dapat disampaikan dalam sebuah tulisan yang baik dan benar. Tujuan utama dalam buku referensi ini diperuntukkan bagi penulis pemula dan khalayak umum yang akan memulai menulis oleh karenanya diharuskan menguasai strategi untuk menghasilkan tulisan yang baik dan bermakna. Serta buku ini sebagai bentuk manifestasi kegiatan penyusun untuk turut serta memberikan kontribusi dalam upaya mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Dengan harapan melalui buku ini memudahkan pembaca untuk memulai menulis, serta bagi penyusun sendiri bertujuan untuk mengasah dan mengembangkan diri untuk menulis sehingga menghasilkan tulisan-tulisan produktif. Buku ini terwujud dan berada di tangan pembaca karena partisipasi dan dukungan berbagai pihak. Begitu juga dorongan moril dan perhatian yang tidak kalah pentingnya dari anak-anak, yang setia setiap saat memberikan inspirasi untuk menulis sekaligus motivasi. Akhirnya, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah bekerja sama, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan tulisan ini dengan baik. Mudah-mudahan Allah subhanahu wataala membalas amal tersebut dan bernilai ibadah, Amin

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter Siswa SMP di Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi Selatan

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    Abstrak - Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran bahasa lnggris berbasis Pendidikan karakter yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemanpuan bahasa Inggris sisva dengan mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai karakter yang terdapat dalam budaya lokal yang mengandung pesan nilai moral untuk meningkatkan kualitas karakter dan moral siswa SMP di Kabupaten Gowa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pehgembangan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris berbasis pendidikan karakter siswa SMP di Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi Selatan. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yang direncanakan akan mengikuti model desain penelilian dan pengembangan yang dirancang oleh Thiagarajan dalam pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran model Four-D terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu pendefinisian (define), perancangan (design), pengembangan (develop), dan penyebaran (disseminate). Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP di Kabupaten Gowa Sulawesi Selatan. Sampel penelitian direncanakan adalah siswa SMP yang menurut data lan informasi Dinas Pendidikan ditemukan telah terlibat dalam tawuran antar siswa di Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian direncanakan berlangsung selama satu tahun. Produk yang dihasilkan pada berbentuk prototipe bahan ajar keterampilan berbahasa lnggris secara integratif dan perangkat pembelajaran pendukungnya. Pada bagian akhir kegiatan penelitian adalah pengemasan dan penyebarluasan model produk yang dihasilkan. Penyebarluasan dilakukan melalui forum ilmiah, kelompok diskusi terfokus, dan publikasi di jurnal Internasional. Kata kunci: perdidikan karakter, perangkat pembelajaran bahasa inggri


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    Ringkasan: Sastra adalah sebuah hasil karya yang tercipta dari ide kreatif seseorang mengenai pandangannya terhadap kehidupan manusia dengan menggunakan bahasa sebagai mediumnya. Penelitian ini bcrtujuan mendeskripsikan karakter tokoh dalam Novel "5 CM" berdasarkan pendekatan psikoanalisis Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini adalali kali mat atau paragraf karakter tokoh dalam novel 5 cm karya Donny Dhirgantoro. Sumber datanya adalali novel .5 cm karya Donny Dhirgantoro. sebanyak 381 halaman. Tcknik pengumpulan data adalali membaca. mencatat. mengelompokkan. Aiialisis data yang digunakan mengikuli langkah-langkah operasional seperti: menafsirkan. mengklasifikasi. dan menganalisis datfi berdasarkan pendekatan psikoanalisis. I lasil aiialisis data, ditemukan karakter tokoh dalam novel 5 cm karya Donny Dhirgantoro melalui pendekatan psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud Ada tiga yaitu id. ego. superego, penggambaran id dan superego }uga ditonjolkan. Id adalali perasaan senang tidak senang sebingga dikatakan bahwa sistem kerja id dengan prinsip untuk kepribadian kesenangan. Superego adalali bagian moral dari kepribadian manusia. karena ia merupakan Filter dari sensor baik-buruk. benar-salah. boleh-tidak sesuatu yang dilakukan oleh dorongan ego

    The Influence of Peer Groups on Students’ Anxiety in EFL Learning

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    This research aimed to identify the factors in peer groups which positively and negatively influence the students’ anxiety in learning English and determine which peer groups have more effect to the students’ anxiety in terms of grouping division by the teacher or by the students. The researcher applied descriptive qualitative research method. The data collection was done through observation and interview. The participants of the research were the second grade students of SMAN 2 Parepare. They were selected by using purposive sampling referring to the English teachers who provide their classrooms in grouping teaching method and also referring to the students who were involved in peer groups. The result of data analysis showed that some factors which positively influence the students’ anxiety in learning English consist of communication skill development, sharing diverse assumption, and collaborative learning. Meanwhile, students’ self-perception, low language proficiency, and peer rejection are factors which negatively influence their anxiety. Besides, competitiveness becomes one factor in peer group which positively and also negatively influence the students’ anxiety in learning English. Furthermore, grouping division by the teacher which created heterogeneous grouping gave better impact to the students’ anxiety in learning than by the students which created homogeneous grouping. Therefore, it is suggested to the English teacher to know how to create a good condition in teaching and learning environment among the students in order that they can do some methods or teaching strategies that provide students to work in a group. They can be more concerned with some factors that cause students’ anxiety and help them to reduce their anxiety in EFL learning

    Teachers’ Oral Feedback in EFL Classroom Interaction (A Descriptive Study of Senior High School in Indonesia)

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    This research aimed to identify types and ways of oral feedback used by teachers in EFL classroom interaction based on the theory of Tunstall & Gipss (1996), Lyster & Ranta (1997), Cullen (2002), and Mackiewicz & Thompson (2013). This research also investigated teachers’ reasons for using oral feedback and students’ perceptions of oral feedback used by teachers in EFL classroom interaction. This research was conducted at Senior high school in Indonesia. The researcher applied descriptive qualitative research method. The subjects of this research were 2 English teachers and 12 students. All of them were chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The instruments of this research were audio recording, field notes, and interview. The result of this research showed that the teachers used 5 types of oral feedback, namely evaluative feedback, corrective feedback, descriptive feedback, interactional feedback, and motivational feedback. The teachers used oral feedback through providing evaluative statements to students’ work or performance, indicating and correcting students’ errors explicitly or implicitly, informing students’ achievement and the improvement strategies of learning, clarifying and embellishing some ideas on students’ responses, and providing motivational statements to students. The teachers employed oral feedback because of teachers’ responsibility and obligation to provide it, the effective and efficient feedback mode, the utility of oral feedback, positive effect to students, and consequences of none of oral feedback. Mostly, the students perceived positively to oral feedback. Some students found felt sensitive to oral feedback. Nevertheless, they still realized to its positive effect on the result of their work or performance

    Students' Perception on Social Media in Writing Class at STKIP Muhammadiyah Rappang, Indonesia

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    Abstract: Almost all students use social media but few lecturers use it in their teaching process. This study examines students' perceptions of the use of social media in the process of teaching English in STKIP Rappang Muhammadiyah, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study was conducted using a mixed method, including quantitative and qualitative data Data were collected using a questionnaire that collected background information of participants, a four-point Likert scale to gauge the students' perceived use of social media in class. and open-ended questions to gather more data rich in the beliefs, attitudes, wishes and concerns of students regarding the use of social media in the writing classroom. Findings from this study indicate that the majority of students showed a positive attitude toward and a willingness to use social media in the writing classroom However, factors such as large classes, lack of training on the use of the Internet, and the lack of facilities could be possible barriers to the use of social media in the classroo

    The Naturalness and Accuracy of English Short Story Translation Into Indonesian

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    The objectives of this research were to find out the naturalness of English short story translation into Indonesian and to find out the accuracy of English short story translation into Indonesian. This research employed descriptive qualitative research design which conducted at the second year students of  MTsN 1 Makassar in academic years 2017/2018 . The researcher used purposive sampling technique by taking one class from the twelve classes. The researcher chooses class VIII-11 which consisted of 40 students. The data were collected using document by translation text and interview. The results showed that the naturalness and accuracy of students’ translation of short story entitled The Proud Lion gained score 7-8 with classification “almost completely successful” from 30 students. And 10 students gained score 5-6 with classification “adequate”. It was caused by wrong choice of words and they were still less in selecting the indicated meaning so that their translation sound strange, unnatural, inaccuracy for the readers
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