10 research outputs found

    Nutritional Properties of Milk from Dairy Ewes Fed with a Diet Containing Grape Pomace

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    Abstract: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of a diet containing a 10% of grape pomace (GP) on the milk yield, chemical-nutritional characteristics, total phenolic compounds (TPCs), antioxidant activity (AOA), fatty acids and proteins profile of dairy ewe’s milk. Forty-six ewes were dived into two groups: a control group (Ctrl), fed a standard diet, and an experimental group (GP+), whose diet was supplemented with 10% of GP on dry matter. The trial lasted 60 days and milk samples were collected and analyzed at the beginning (T0) and after 60 (T60) days. Dietary enrichment with GP did not affect the yield and the chemical composition of the milk. TPCs and AOA were not affected by the diet. After 60 days, the diet induced an increase in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and a decrease in medium chain saturated fatty acids (MCSFA), but the total saturated fatty acids (SFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), short chain saturated fatty acids (SCSFA) and long chain saturated fatty acids (LCSFA) were not modified. A decrease in the C14 desaturation index and an increase in the C18 index were also detected. Total caseins and whey protein were not affected by GP, even if a lower content of k-casein in GP+ milk compared to Ctrl milk was observed on the 60th day. The results of the present study suggest that 10% of GP can be included in the diet of lactating ewes without modifying milk gross composition but inducing significantly changes the fatty acid profile

    Physical, Nutritional, and Sensory Properties of Cheese Obtained from Goats Fed a Dietary Supplementation with Olive Leaves

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the physical, nutritional, and sensory properties of cheese obtained from goats fed a dietary supplementation with olive leaves (OL). Thirty Saanen goats were randomly allocated into two groups of 15 goats each, (1) a control group fed with a standard diet (CG), and (2) an experimental group (EG) fed an OL-enriched diet. The trial lasted for 30 days. The milk of each group was then collected and used to produce Caciotta cheese, which was analyzed at the beginning and at the end of the ripening period (60 days). The results showed a positive effect of dietary OL supplementation in improving the fatty acid profiles due to the significant increase of unsaturated fatty acids, mostly α-linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3), with the consequent reduction of the ω-6/ω-3 ratio, a condition commonly associated with an increased health functionality of food products. Moreover, improved oxidative stability was observed in cheese during ripening, a presumable consequence of the transfer into the milk of dietary bioactive compounds, mainly polyphenols of high biological value, and credited as a marked antioxidant potential. Furthermore, reduced lipolytic action was observed in 60-day ripened cheese, even if no significant changes in sensory properties were evidenced

    Multi-approach methods to predict cryptic carbapenem resistance mechanisms in Klebsiella pneumoniae detected in Central Italy

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    The rapid emergence of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) strains in diverse environmental niches, even outside of the clinical setting, poses a challenge for the detection and the real-time monitoring of novel antimicrobial resistance trends using molecular and whole genome sequencing-based methods. The aim of our study was to understand cryptic resistance determinants responsible for the phenotypic carbapenem resistance observed in strains circulating in Italy by using a combined approach involving whole genome sequencing (WGS) and genome-wide association study (GWAS). In this study, we collected 303 Kp strains from inside and outside clinical settings between 2018–2022 in the Abruzzo region of Italy. The antimicrobial resistance profile of all isolates was assessed using both phenotypic and bioinformatic methods. We identified 11 strains resistant to carbapenems, which did not carry any known genetic determinants explaining their phenotype. The GWAS results showed that incongruent carbapenem-resistant phenotype was associated specifically with strains with two capsular types, KL13 and KL116 including genes involved in the capsule synthesis, encoding proteins involved in the assembly of the capsule biosynthesis apparatus, capsule-specific sugar synthesis, processing and export, polysaccharide pyruvyl transferase, and lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis protein. These preliminary results confirmed the potential of GWAS in identifying genetic variants present in KL13 and KL116 that could be associated with carbapenem resistance traits in Kp. The implementation of advanced methods, such as GWAS with increased antimicrobial resistance surveillance will potentially improve Kp infection treatment and patient outcomes

    Detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in dairy cow farms

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the most common pathogens causing nosocomial infections worldwide. Animal-associated MRSA hazard has been recently identified, but less information is currently available regarding MRSA in cattle. The aim of this study was to estimate the presence of MRSA in samples of bulk milk, environmental dust, conjunctival and nasal swabs of workers obtained from thirty dairy cow farms. A total of 200 S. aureus strains were identified using phenotypic and molecular approaches. Three other species (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus xylosus and Staphylococcus saprophyticus) were found. In five S. aureus strains isolated from environmental dust and one S. epidermidis strain derived from human samples, mecA gene was detected showing a specific fragment at 527 bp. Moreover, 66 S. aureus strains were distinguished by susceptibility to 15 antimicrobial agents. The highest resistance profile was ascribed to ampicillin, amoxicillin and penicillin G, both in workers and bulk milk samples. Generally, a multiple resistance to 4 up to 10 antibiotics was detected. S. aureus mecA+ strains and S. epidermidis mecA+ strain showed multiple resistance to 13 and 11 antibiotics, respectively. The obtained results suggested that the low number of MRSA strains, probably of human origin, was due to the appropriate hygienic practices adopted by the dairy cow farm

    Angiostrongylus vasorum in 20 cani della provincia di Chieti, Italia

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    A seguito di un caso di Angiostrongylus vasorum, diagnosticato all’inizio del 2008 nella provincia di Chieti, è stata organizzata una ricerca parassitologica al fine di indagare la presenza del parassita nei cani nella stessa area. Da gennaio a settembre 2008 sono stati esaminati 178 cani, 56 carcasse e 122 campioni di feci. Nelle carcasse sono stati ricercati i parassiti adulti nel ventricolo destro e nell’arteria polmonare e le forme larvali in tessuti di organi interni e cervello. Nelle feci è stata ricercata la forma larvale L1 con tre metodiche diagnostiche utilizzate correntemente per la ricerca di endoparassiti e larve di strongili broncopolmonari. Sono stati diagnosticati 20 casi (8,9%) con identificazione di parassiti adulti in 5 cani e larve L1 in altri 15 soggetti. L’esame anatomopatologico delle carcasse dei cani con nematodi adulti ha evidenziato polmonite, pleurite, schiuma rossastra in trachea, versamento di liquido sieroemorragico in cavità toracica e ingrossamento di linfonodi medinici e meseraici. L’esame istologico dei tessuti ha evidenziato quadri gravi e sovrapponibili con lesioni da localizzazione dei parassiti in reni, linfonodi e cervello. Il numero cospicuo di casi riscontrati ha reso indispensabile considerare l’angiostrongilosi nelle diagnosi differenziali degli esami clinici e autoptici di cani della provincia di Chieti (Italia) e dei territori confinanti

    Severe Streptococcus equi Subspecies zooepidemicus Outbreak from Unpasteurized Dairy Product Consumption, Italy

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    During November 2021–May 2022, we identified 37 clinical cases of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus infections in central Italy. Epidemiologic investigations and whole-genome sequencing showed unpasteurized fresh dairy products were the outbreak source. Early diagnosis by using sequencing technology prevented the spread of life-threatening S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus infections