3,642 research outputs found

    Air entrainment in the primary impact of single drops on a free liquid surface

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    Air-bubble entrainment produced by the impact of water drops on a liquid pool is investigated with the use of high-speed imaging. A wide range of drop volumes and impact velocities is considered to determine how the entrainment mechanisms change with varying the impact conditions. Five different entrainment regimes are distinguished on the basis of the observed flow phenomena. Their characteristic features are described in terms of bubble formation, crater evolution, jetting and secondary drop ejection. A regime map is reconstructed in the Froude-Weber space. Results obtained in the present study show good agreement with the phase diagrams reported in the literature and contribute to complete the scenario of the entrainment regimes. Quantitative data about the size and the residence times of the entrained nuclei are also presented

    Inverse ac Josephson Effect for a Fluxon in a Long Modulated Junction

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    We analyze motion of a fluxon in a weakly damped ac-driven long Josephson junction with a periodically modulated maximum Josephson current density. We demonstrate both analytically and numerically that a pure {\it ac} bias current can drive the fluxon at a {\it resonant} mean velocity determined by the driving frequency and the spatial period of the modulation, provided that the drive amplitude exceeds a certain threshold value. In the range of strongly ``relativistic'' mean velocities, the agreement between results of a numerical solution of the effective (ODE) fluxon equation of motion and analytical results obtained by means of the harmonic-balance analysis is fairly good; morever, a preliminary PDE result tends to confirm the validity of the collective-coordinate (PDE-ODE) reduction. At nonrelativistic mean velocities, the basin of attraction, in position-velocity space, for phase-locked solutions becomes progressively smaller as the mean velocity is decreased.Comment: 15 pages, 26 kbytes, of text in plain LaTeX. A uuencoded, Z-compressed tar archive, 21 kbytes, containing 3 PostScript, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Real-time drought forecasting system for irrigation management

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    In recent years frequent periods of water scarcity have enhanced the need to use water more carefully, even in European areas which traditionally have an abundant supply of water, such as the Po Valley in northern Italy. In dry periods, water shortage problems can be enhanced by conflicting uses of water, such as irrigation, industry and power production (hydroelectric and thermoelectric). Furthermore, in the last decade the social perspective in relation to this issue has been increasing due to the possible impact of climate change and global warming scenarios which emerge from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC, 2013). Hence, the increased frequency of drought periods has stimulated the improvement of irrigation and water management. In this study we show the development and implementation of the PREGI real-time drought forecasting system; PREGI is an Italian acronym that means "hydro-meteorological forecast for irrigation management". The system, planned as a tool for irrigation optimization, is based on meteorological ensemble forecasts (20 members) at medium range (30 days) coupled with hydrological simulations of water balance to forecast the soil water content on a maize field in the Muzza Bassa Lodigiana (MBL) consortium in northern Italy. The hydrological model was validated against measurements of latent heat flux acquired by an eddy-covariance station, and soil moisture measured by TDR (time domain reflectivity) probes; the reliability of this forecasting system and its benefits were assessed in the 2012 growing season. The results obtained show how the proposed drought forecasting system is able to have a high reliability of forecast at least for 7–10 days ahead of time

    Atomic Josephson junction with two bosonic species

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    We study an atomic Josephson junction (AJJ) in presence of two interacting Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) confined in a double well trap. We assume that bosons of different species interact with each other. The macroscopic wave functions of the two components obey to a system of two 3D coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations (GPE). We write the Lagrangian of the system, and from this we derive a system of coupled ordinary differential equations (ODE), for which the coupled pendula represent the mechanic analogous. These differential equations control the dynamical behavior of the fractional imbalance and of the relative phase of each bosonic component. We perform the stability analysis around the points which preserve the symmetry and get an analytical formula for the oscillation frequency around the stable points. Such a formula could be used as an indirect measure of the inter-species s-wave scattering length. We also study the oscillations of each fractional imbalance around zero and non zero - the macroscopic quantum self-trapping (MQST) - time averaged values. For different values of the inter-species interaction amplitude, we carry out this study both by directly solving the two GPE and by solving the corresponding coupled pendula equations. We show that, under certain conditions, the predictions of these two approaches are in good agreement. Moreover, we calculate the crossover value of the inter-species interaction amplitude which signs the onset of MQST.Comment: Accepted for the publication in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phy

    Radiation risks knowledge in resident and fellow in paediatrics: A questionnaire survey

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    Background: Analyse through a multi-choice anonymous questionnaire the knowledge's level in paediatric residents and fellows in two different main Italian hospital, looking mainly to the information to patients and relatives related to risks of ionizing radiation used in common radiological investigations in children. Methods: 65 multi choice questionnaires were distributed to paediatric residents and fellows of two different hospitals, an University Hospital (A.O.U.P. "P. Giaccone"- University of Palermo) and a national reference centre for paediatrics (Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù - Rome). The questionnaire included twelve multiple-choice questions with the aim of analyzing the knowledge about ionizing radiation related risks in infants and children who undergo common diagnostic radiology investigations. The data obtained were processed using software Stata/MP version 11.2. In order to measure the level of expertise of each interviewee a binary indicator was built. The value 1 was assigned if the percentage of correct answers exceeds the median of the distribution and 0 for values not exceeding the median. The association between the level of competence and demographic characteristics (gender, age) and training experience was measured by means of α2 test. Results: 51/65 questionnaires were completed, returned and analysed (87.7%). Only 18 surveyed (35%), (95% IC=[22%-48%]) can be defined as competent in radiation risk knowledge for common radiological investigations, considering the percentage of correct answers at least of 50% (sufficient knowledge was given with a minimum score of 8 correct answers out of 12). Conclusions: The study demonstrates an urgent need to implement the radiation protection knowledge in the training programme of paediatricians, that improve if just a short targeted training is performed

    Nonlinear quantum model for atomic Josephson junctions with one and two bosonic species

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    We study atomic Josephson junctions (AJJs) with one and two bosonic species confined by a double-well potential. Proceeding from the second quantized Hamiltonian, we show that it is possible to describe the zero-temperature AJJs microscopic dynamics by means of extended Bose-Hubbard (EBH) models, which include usually-neglected nonlinear terms. Within the mean-field approximation, the Heisenberg equations derived from such two-mode models provide a description of AJJs macroscopic dynamics in terms of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We discuss the possibility to distinguish the Rabi, Josephson, and Fock regimes, in terms of the macroscopic parameters which appear in the EBH Hamiltonians and, then, in the ODEs. We compare the predictions for the relative populations of the Bose gases atoms in the two wells obtained from the numerical solutions of the two-mode ODEs, with those deriving from the direct numerical integration of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations (GPEs). Our investigations shows that the nonlinear terms of the ODEs are crucial to achieve a good agreement between ODEs and GPEs approaches, and in particular to give quantitative predictions of the self-trapping regime.Comment: Accepted for the publication in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phy

    Metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to harness natures valuable compounds

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    Nature contains a treasure trove of small molecule ingredients that can improve health, wellness and nutrition. However, most of these ingredients have “issues”: the organism that makes the compound of interest is too rare, too hard to grow or does not make enough of it. Hence, the ingredient is not available at the right quality, the right price nor the necessary amount. These issues need to be solved in order to allow a larger society having access to these valuable ingredients in a sustainable manner at low costs. Evolva is leader in metabolic engineering of yeast for the production by fermentation of a diverse array of small molecule ingredients. The small molecule ingredients introduced to the market by Evolva include Resveratrol, Nootkatone, Valencene and Vanillin. Evolva and its commercial partner will launch the next-generation stevia sweetener EverSweetTM in 2018. All of these molecules are produced in a sustainable, reliable, cost-effective production at consistent quality by fermentation of engineered yeast strains, using abundant, inexpensive raw materials. Of particular interest to Evolva are the terpenes, which are known to work in a wide range of high value applications including sweeteners, flavors and fragrances, personal care, as well as human and animal health products. In spite of proven efficacy, there has been relatively little commercial development of terpene-based ingredients, mostly due to their high production cost. Here, we will present a number of terpene-based Evolva ingredient projects such as e.g. the stevia pathway, which use Evolva’s technology platforms, allowing us to produce these ingredients in an efficient and sustainable way. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Extracapsular Tonsillectomy versus Intracapsular Tonsillotomy in Paediatric Patients with OSAS

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    Objective: The objective of our study was to compare our experience of intracapsular tonsillotomy performed with the help of a microdebrider usually used for adenoidectomy with results obtained from extracapsular surgery through dissection and from adenoidectomy in cases of people affected with OSAS, linked to adeno-tonsil hypertrophy, observed and treated in the last 5 years. Methods: 3127 children with adenotonsillar hyperplasia and OSAS-related clinical symptoms (aged between 3 and 12 years) underwent tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy. A total of 1069 patients (Group A) underwent intracapsular tonsillotomy, while 2058 patients (Group B) underwent extracapsular tonsillectomy, from January 2014 to June 2018. The parameters considered in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the two different surgery techniques taken into consideration were as follows: the presence of possible postoperative complications, represented mainly by pain and perioperative bleeding; the level of postoperative respiratory obstruction compared with the original obstruction through night pulse oximetry, performed 6 months before and after the surgery; tonsillar hypertrophy relapse in Group A and/or the presence of residues in Group B with clinical evaluation performed 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year after the surgery; and postoperative life quality, evaluated through submitting to parents the same survey proposed before the surgery 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year after the surgery. Results: Regardless of the technique used (extracapsular tonsillectomy or intracapsular tonsillotomy), there was a clear improvement in both the obstructive respiratory symptomatology and quality of life in both patient groups, as highlighted by the pulse oximetry and the OSA-18 survey submitted later. Conclusions: Intracapsular tonsillotomy surgery has improved in terms of a reduction in postoperative bleeding cases and pain reduction, with an earlier return to patients’ usual lifestyle. Lastly, using a microdebrider with the intracapsular technique seems to be particularly effective in removing most of the tonsillar lymphatic tissue, leaving only a thin border of pericapsular lymphoid tissue and preventing lymphoid tissue regrowth during one year of follow-up

    Smart drugs and neuroenhancement: what do we know?

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    Introduction: Smart drugs are among the most common drugs used by students. It is estimated that they are second in incidence after cannabis. Although they are usually used for diseases such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dementia, in most cases the use of smart drugs is illegal and without a prescription. Methodological issues: A systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. SCOPUS, Medline (using PubMed as a search engine), Embase, Web of Sciences, and Google Scholar were used as search engines from January 1, 1980 to June 1, 2021 to evaluate the association between smart drugs and neuro-enhancement. A total of 4715 articles were collected. Of these, 295 duplicates were removed. A total of 4380 articles did not meet the inclusion criteria. In conclusion, 48 articles were included in the present systematic review. Results: Most of the studies were survey studies, 1 was a prospective longitudinal study, 1 was a cross-over study, and 1 was an experimental study in an animal model (rats). The largest group of consumers was school or university students. The most frequent reasons for using smart drugs were: better concentration, neuro enhancement, stress reduction, time optimization, increased wake time, increased free time, and curiosity. There are conflicting opinions, in fact, regarding their actual functioning and benefit, it is not known whether the benefits reported by consumers are due to the drugs, the placebo effect or a combination of these. The real prevalence is underestimated: it is important that the scientific community focus on this issue with further studies on animal models to validate their efficacy
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