33 research outputs found

    Assessing Deep-Water Culture and Sand-Bed Aquaponics Systems for Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Yield and Water Consumption

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    Agriculture and aquaculture play an important role in food security and water withdrawals. Agriculture and aquaculture contribute to over 70% of global water consumption. Aquaponics provides a solution for both sectors to reduce the combined water consumption and pollution and increase food production. The goal of the present study was to assess two aquaponics systems Deep-Water Culture (DWC) and Sand-Bed lettuce (Lactuca sativa variety capitata Type Batavia) production and water consumption. Each system contained a fish tank, plant bed, collection bed, three replicates per system and a mechanical filter; whereas, DWC contained an additional biological filter after the mechanical filter. The main differences assumed between DWC and Sand-Bed are Sand-Bed uses less water and does not require biological filter as sand media acts like a biological filter. Both systems had similar nitrate and ammonium concentration over 35 days period. PH, temperature, EC, SAR and DO in both systems remained within acceptable ranges compared to literature. Sand-Bed nitrifying bacteria counts were also higher than DWC\u27s bacteria by end of study period. Results showed that the lettuce root length in DWC were nearly two-fold the root length in Sand-Bed which provides larger surface area for nutrients uptake and enhance nitrification rate by bacteria. Calcium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, magnesium and boron concentrations in lettuce samples harvested form the DWC were nearly two-times the concentrations in lettuce samples growing in Sand- Bed. The DWC Lettuce yields per m2 were 27% higher than the Sand-Bed system\u27s lettuce of 1.42 kg/m2 in DWC and 1.04 kg/m2 in Sand-Bed system. However, the daily water consumption in DWC system was higher than Sand-Bed system. Overall, DWC system performed better by producing higher lettuce yield with higher nutritional content while consuming more water compared to Sand bed system. Therefore, the Sand-Bed system requires further research to reach productive yields like the DWC system and benefit from its reduced water consumption and the potential of growing larger variety of crops

    "I shall Intervene, With Nomad Memory and Intermittent Voice" : resurrecting collective memory in Assia Djebar's fantasia, an algerian cavalcade - Lobna Ben Salem

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    En les narracions de guerra d'Assia Djebar la veu i les experiències de les dones són el centre de la narració, en contrast amb les narracions masculines tradicionals centrades en la guerra i els conflictes. A L'Amour, la fantasia hi ha diverses protagonistes femenines, supervivents de la guerra d'independència, que, a través de la narració de relats presenten perspectives canviants i una multiplicitat de veus que desafien les versions històriques monològiques. Mitjançant la unió de fragments de les identitats individuals, perdudes i oblidades per la història, l'escriptora forja la identitat col·lectiva, centrant-se en els aspectes comuns, més que no en els privats, de la memòria. L'article posa en relleu la naturalesa específica de gènere de les memòries de guerra; examina el paper de la narrativa com a mitjà per contrarestar les deficiències de la memòria i per combatre l'amnèsia històrica. Tot centrant-se en la idea que la memòria construeix la identitat, l'article investiga fins a quin punt una memòria de gènere de la guerra pot contribuir a la formació de la identitat col·lectiva, tenint en compte la interdependència, però també la dissonància entre l'oralitat i el text.In Assia Djebar's war narratives, it is women's voices and experiences that are at the centre of narration, in contrast to traditional male-centred narratives of war and conflict. In Fantasia, an Algerian Cavalcade, there are multiple female protagonists, survivors of independence war, who, through storytelling, present shifting perspectives and a multiplicity of voices that contest monological historical versions. By reassembling the fragments of individual identities, lost and forgotten by history, the writer forges collective identity, focussing on the communal rather than private aspect of memory. The paper highlights the gender-specific nature of war memories; it examines the role of the narrative as a means of countering deficiencies of memory and combating historic amnesia. Centred on the idea that memory constructs identity, the paper investigates the extent to which a gendered memory of war can contribute in shaping collective identity, bearing in mind the interdependence but also the dissonance of orality and texting.En los relatos de guerra de Assia Djebar, son las voces y experiencias femeninas las que ocupan el centro de la narración, a diferencia de los relatos de guerra y conflictos tradicionales, centrados en figuras masculinas. Su obra El amor, la fantasía cuenta con múltiples protagonistas femeninas, supervivientes de la guerra de independencia argelina, quienes presentan, mediante la narración de historias, unos puntos de vista cambiantes y una gran diversidad de voces que ponen en tela de juicio las versiones históricas monológicas. Al recomponer los fragmentos de las identidades individuales perdidas y olvidadas por la historia, la escritora logra forjar una identidad colectiva, centrándose en el aspecto comunitario, en lugar de en el privado, de la memoria. El presente trabajo hace hincapié en la naturaleza específica de los recuerdos de guerra desde la perspectiva de género. Asimismo, estudia el papel de la narrativa como medio para hacer frente a las deficiencias de la memoria y combatir la amnesia histórica. Centrado en la idea de que la memoria construye la identidad, este trabajo examina hasta qué punto la memoria de género puede contribuir a la configuración de una identidad colectiva, teniendo en cuenta la interdependencia, así como la disonancia, entre oralidad y escritura.Emakumeen ahotsa eta bizipenak dira Assia Djebar-en gerra-narratiben muina, gizonak protagonistatzat hartzen zituzten gerra narratiba tradizionaletan ez bezala. Fantasia, an Algerian Cavalcade liburuan hainbat emakume protagonista daude. Emakume horiek bizirik irten ziren Independentzia gerratik eta beren esperientzia kontatuz, ikuspuntu desberdinak adierazi dituzte, baita bertsio historiko monologikoen aurkako hainbat ahots ere. Historiak galdutako eta ahaztutako norbanakoen identitateen zatiak batzen ditu idazleak, talde-identitatea osatzeko, eta talde-memoria azpimarratzen du norbanakoena azpimarratu beharrean. Artikuluak gerra-memorien genero izaera nabarmentzen du. Narratibaren rola aztertzen du, memoriaren gabeziak kontatzeko eta amnesia historikoari aurre egiteko tresna gisa. Ideia nagusia memoriak identitatea osatzen duela dela kontuan hartuz, artikuluak aztertzen du generodun gerra-memoria batek noraino baldintza dezakeen talde identitatearen osaera, eta horretarako, aintzat hartzen ditu ahozkotasunaren eta testualitatearen elkarrekiko mendekotasuna eta desadostasuna

    Immunohistochemical and Histopathological Study of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase and Tyrosine-kinase Receptor Expression in Bronchogenic Carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Adenocarcinoma of the lung is the most common tumor type of primary lung cancer and is characterized by heterogeneity on the molecular, clinical, and pathological levels. The presence of an anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) fusion oncogene defines a molecular subset of non-small cell lung cancer with distinct clinical and pathologic features. Furthermore, the tyrosine-kinase receptor (C-kit) is considered to be expressed in various solid tumors, including carcinomas of the lung. AIM: This study aims to correlate immunohistochemical (IHC) expression of ALK and C-kit with pathological features of lung carcinoma and to correlate IHC expression of ALK with IHC expression of C-kit in lung carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The material of this study consists of paraffin blocks of 60 cases of patients with bronchogenic carcinoma, IHC staining with ALK and C-kit then analysis of immunoreactivity scoring was done. RESULTS: As regards ALK expression, 3 (5%) cases showed positive expression of ALK and 57 (95%) cases showed negative expression of ALK with no statistically significant correlation between the ALK expression and the histopathological type. While C-kit expression, 4 (6.7%) cases showed positive expression and 56 (93.3%) cases showed negative expression of C-kit with statistically significant correlation between the C-kit expression and the histopathological type. CONCLUSION: There is an association between expression of c-kit and tumor histological type in lung carcinoma. Expression was notably significant among adenocarcinomas and small cell carcinomas

    Co-amoxiclav-induced Stevens Johnson Syndrome in a child

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    Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is an uncommon life threatening disease generally induced by drugs. Antibiotics, mainly sulphonamides, are the most involved drugs in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in children. Co-amoxiclav is a well tolerated antibiotic. It has never been reported to cause, lonely this syndrome in children. Herein, we report a co-amoxiclav-induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome occurring in an 18-month-old child. The diagnosis of SJS is often challenging in children and other possible diseases should be ruled out. The etiology of this syndrome is not yet fully understood. It is thought to be mediated by an immunologic mechanism. Management involves early identification, withdrawal of the culprit drug and rapid initiation of supportive therapies.Pan African Medical Journal 2013; 14:3

    0380: Study of anatomical features of pulmonary veins assessed by computed tomography according to age

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    IntroductionPulmonary veins (PV) play a crucial role in triggering and generating atrial fibrillation (AF). Isolation of PVs is fundamental in the AF ablation whether paroxysmal or persistent. The presence of four distinct pulmonary veins (two left PVs and two right PVs) has been described as the normal variant.AimThe purpose of our study was to investigate whether the age of the patients had an influence on the incidence of anatomical abnormalities of PVs.MethodsOur study was a prospective study which has included 38 patients followed for AF in the cardiology’s department of our hospital. All patients underwent a CT scan of PVs in order to characterize their anatomy. PVs’ size was represented by the largest diameter. We have divided our cohort into two groups: group 1: patients aged more than 50 years and group 2: patients aged less than 50 years.ResultsOur patients had a mean age of 50.5±13 years. The majority of our patients had paroxysmal AF (65%), 4 had persistent AF (10%), 9 had prolonged persistent AF (25%).CT Scan of PV results according to age are summarized in table.ConclusionIn our study, we found no significant relationship between age and anatomical abnormalities of the PVs. Hence, it is important to look for these anatomical anomalies whatever was the age of the patients to increase the success rate and to avoid complications during the AF ablation procedures.Abstratct 0380 – Table: Comparison of PV features evaluated by CT scan according to ageGroup 1 Age>50 years old N=20 patientsGroup 2 Age≤50 years old N=18 patientsPThe average left atrium volume140.8±75.78ml75.72±29.10mLP=0.01Mean number of PV3.85±0.484±0.65NSAverage diameter of left PV26.82±8.6825.03±12.29NSAverage diameter of right PV20.58±5.3522.81±6.05NSLeft single ostium forming a core collector4 (20%)3 (16.6%)NSRight single ostium forming a core collector1 (5%)4 (22%)N

    Characterization of greater middle eastern genetic variation for enhanced disease gene discovery

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    The Greater Middle East (GME) has been a central hub of human migration and population admixture. The tradition of consanguinity, variably practiced in the Persian Gulf region, North Africa, and Central Asia1-3, has resulted in an elevated burden of recessive disease4. Here we generated a whole-exome GME variome from 1,111 unrelated subjects. We detected substantial diversity and admixture in continental and subregional populations, corresponding to several ancient founder populations with little evidence of bottlenecks. Measured consanguinity rates were an order of magnitude above those in other sampled populations, and the GME population exhibited an increased burden of runs of homozygosity (ROHs) but showed no evidence for reduced burden of deleterious variation due to classically theorized ‘genetic purging’. Applying this database to unsolved recessive conditions in the GME population reduced the number of potential disease-causing variants by four- to sevenfold. These results show variegated genetic architecture in GME populations and support future human genetic discoveries in Mendelian and population genetics

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    “Fugitive Without Knowing it”: Language, Displacement and Identity in Assia Djebar’s Autobiographic Narratives

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    If in Edward Said’s words, “everyone lives life in a given language; everyone’s experiences therefore are had, absorbed, and recalled in that language” (Out of Place, 1999: 217), a writer who chooses to write in a language other than the mother-language is inevitably a victim of  displacement. In a geography-decentred world, being linguistically out of place is usually accompanied with a physical displacement, issuing into a problematic interplay between language, self and identity. In Assia Djebar’s autobiographic narratives, the role of the written word is made more complex, not only because Djebar is a Muslim woman, but also due to the conflict between her oral ‘maternal’ Arabic/Berber language, and the written ‘paternal’ language which is French. Djebar has a complex relationship with these two languages in and between which she lived; two languages that worked in tandem, but also Othered each other in a shifting myriad of experiences and forms of being and becoming. This paper aims at discussing the intersectionality of language, identity and displacement. It starts with the view that the written word separates the writer from her maternal language, and her expression in French has become a source of anxiety. Knowing that her association of language and home underlies her double displacement both linguistically and geographically, how does Djebar come to terms with the anxiety of a double exile? At what point was she able to proclaim that writing in “the enemy’s language” heralds the self’s plurality, positionality, alterity and uniqueness. What role has the autobiographic genre played in this self-fulfilment? The paper postulates that linguistic hybridity is the only possible venue for Djebar when it comes to escaping the alienation inherent in her expression in the enemy's language. The integration of orality in Djebar’s (written) autobiographies allows the author to surmount her linguistic exile, to properly mourn the loss of the maternal tongue, enhancing a linguistic and cultural reconciliation.Keywords: Linguistic exile- female collective memory- displacement - Algeria- French languag