91 research outputs found

    Englishness Within: Navigating the Colonial and Patriarchal Motives in \u3ci\u3e Prospero\u27s Daughter \u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3e Wide Sargasso Sea \u3c/i\u3e

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    With the arrival of postcolonial theory and studies surrounding culture and identity, the increased awareness of English cultural identity found itself rooted in the attempts to set the narrative of how identity is a mere checklist of qualifications that presumably leads one to be deemed as one of the “English.” Fixating on the spaces formerly colonized by the British, Englishness has come around to define and establish a discourse of Otherness. From language and dress to food and environment, Englishness finds itself present in postcolonial retellings of colonial texts that set the tone for what is presumably and hegemonically filled to the brim with “Englishness.” This entails the superiority of culture, the aesthetics and standards rooted in patriarchal and colonial motives that will be specifically examined in Elizabeth Nunez’s Prospero’s Daughter, a retelling of Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea, a retelling of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. Both of these postcolonial counterparts, Prospero’s Daughter taking place during the 20th century at the height of anti-colonial efforts to establish independence and Wide Sargasso Sea taking place after the abolition of slavery in 1833, showcase the implicit and explicit presence of Englishness. These works illustrate the patriarchal and colonial implications within the framework of Englishness that provoke and confront the dichotomy between the colonizer and the colonized from characters deemed “lesser than,” due to the presence of maleness and whiteness, and in some instances, both. Advisor: Professor Kwame Dawe

    Mapping Dispersion of Urban Air Particulate Matter Over Kirkuk City Using Geographic Information System

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    Urban air pollution problem is a major concern in many large cities and becomes increasingly critical around the world. The effects of urban air pollution on public health are being felt worldwide. Pollutants can  destroy sensitive tissues (in people, animals and plants), impair respiratory functions, degrade building materials and deteriorate the aesthetic aspects of environment. Mapping of urban air pollution dispersion is very complex as it depends upon various  factors including weather conditions, urban structural features and their topographic. In this research , the relationship between in-suite urban air pollutants (particulates matters - PM and total suspend particulate-TSP) and some metrological factors (Temperature, Humidity and wind speed) has been investigated. Geographic Information System (GIS ) was utilized to map urban air pollution dispersion in Kirkuk city - Iraq. The rapid growth of Kirkuk city as the main petroleum city in Iraq  last years  has resulted in significant increase in environmental pollution. A correlation analysis was performed to establish between air pollutants and metrological parameters. GIS technique was used to investigate the spatial distribution of the pollutants and identification of the city area of high concentration of pollutants. The results shows that there is a weak linear correlation between metrological factors and most of air pollutants. PM10 only shows a significant correlation with temperature. Generally we can conclude that the impact of  metrological factors can be almost ignored. From GIS  distribution maps for  PM and TSP pollutants, the highest concentration pollutants located around oil industrial area and in the center of the city. Keywords Urban Air Pollution, Particulates Matters, Total Suspend Particulate, Geographic Information System (GIS ) , Correlation Analysis

    Development of Stage – Distance – Discharge Relationship and Rating Curve using Least Square Method

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    For any river, besides the importance of stage – discharge relationship (rating curve), a stage-discharge- distance relationship is of more significance.  The accurate estimation of both relationships along a river reach is considered a key point for various applications of water resources engineering such as operation and management of water resources projects, designing of hydraulic structures, and sediment analysis.  In this paper, both relationships were established for the Shatt Al – Hillah river reach by applying multiple linear regression and simple linear regression using least square method for determining regression equations. Twelve gauging stations including three primary and nine secondary stations were considered for this method. Moreover, for evaluating the performance of both regressions, statistical measures such as coefficient of determination, root mean square error, mean square error, and Thiel's factor were used. The study results generally indicate a superior performance of both modeling techniques. MLR model was able to predict and mimic the stage-discharge-distance relationship with a coefficient correlation of about 0.932, while SLR model was able to predict three rating curves for the three primary stations with coefficient correlation of about 0.960, 0.943, and 0.924 respectively

    Public Health Leadership Theory In Immunization Campaigns: a look at the Transactional and Transformational Leaderships Styles

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    The need for public health practitioners to acquire the attributes and the necessary skills that makes up an effective leader should not be over emphasized especially now that the challenges in the public health sector is more than ever before with emerging and re-emerging diseases. We all know that public health leadership aims to protect health of the public, promote good health at a population level, prevent diseases, and to reduce health inequity and inequality. There is no doubt that public health leaders require certain traits and skills to enable them build infrastructure that would prevent diseases, serve people irrespective of their backgrounds, ensure population based approach on public health issues, create strategies aimed at preventing diseases, promoting good health, adhere to timeliness and completeness of data collection, and have community-wide health strategies. The role of transactional and transformational leadership styles in immunization campaigns aims to give the desired leadership for policy makers to understand problems associated with immunization campaigns, so that the end result would be to create awareness on the importance of immunization among parents and other stakeholders, to enlighten the public on benefits associated with eligible children getting vaccinated with the vaccines. It is expected that once the right leadership is at the helm of affairs, social change would be promoted within communities to improve on the country’s the health indicators. Keywords: Public Health, Leadership Theory, Immunization Campaigns, Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership, Vaccine Preventable Disease

    Design of Multi-gas Monitoring Device for Indoor Air Quality

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    Besides the need for low-cost instruments for air pollution measurement and detection, nowadays there are many concerns about air pollution due to the fast changes and used technologies. This research was applied using an MQ2 gas detector, and microcontroller/Arduino-Uno. The design steps included bonding and connecting readymade sensors, coding, and finally testing the device. Testing has been conducted in Environment and Pollution Engineering Department laboratories, at the Technical Engineering College of Kirkuk. This study proposed the use of an MQ2 sensor for multi-gas rate detection which can exist indoors. The system uses also a DHT22 sensor for measuring environment temperature and humidity. The sensors are connected to Arduino and LCD to present data on LCD by powering the system with external power. Overall, the testing was conducted, and the device served as a measuring tool for indoor air as an accurate multigas rate detector

    Flax Seed (Linum usitatissimum): the Healthy Medicinala and Preventive Food

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    اشتهرت بذور الكتان منذ القدم لدى الإغريق والفراعنة بكونها أحد أهم أنواع البذور الطبية ذات الفوائد العديدة للجسم، تعتبر بذور الكتان بشكل أساسي من المحاصيل التي اكتسبت اهتماماً كبيراً كونها غذاءً صحياً فقد أُثبت دورها الفعال في مجال أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية وتقليل نسبة الدهون والسكر في الدم وكمواد مضادة لسرطان الثدي والقولون. كما ثبت أن بذور الكتان تمتلك خصائص  مضادة للأكسدة ومضادة للالتهابات في الدراسات التجريبية على الحيوانات وكذلك البشر. أفاد الباحثون أن المنتجات الغذائية التي تحتوي على بذور الكتان يمكن أن تحظى بقبول جيد للمستهلك إلى جانب فوائدها الغذائية. تسلط هذه المقالة الضوء على الدور الفعال لبذور الكتان في علاج العديد من الامراض او الوقاية منها باعتبارها كغذاء طبي ووقائي وعلاجي.Flaxseeds have been known since ancient times to the Greeks and Pharaohs for being one of the most important types of medicinal seeds with many benefits for the body. Flaxseed is mainly considered as one of the oil crops that has gained great attention as a health food, as it has proven its effective role in the field of cardiovascular diseases, reducing  the proportion of fat and sugar in the blood, and as an anti-cancer of the breast and colon.  Flaxseeds have also been shown to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties  in experimental studies in animals as well as humans. Researchers have reported that food products containing flaxseeds can have good consumer acceptance along with their nutritional benefits. This article highlights the effective role of flax seeds in the treatment or prevention of many diseases as a medicinal, preventive and curative food

    Toxicological Pathology of Contraceptive in Rat by Oral Intubation for Six Months

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    The study was done on laboratory white rats(Sprague dawelly) in 2groups, 8 male and female as untreated control and 8 male and female as treated with contraceptive pills. The study showed that untreated animals were normal in breeding respect while treated animals showed no evidence of breeding at all and histopathologically untreated controls showed normal ovaries and testis while treated animals showed atrophy of ovaries and marked suppression of spermatogenesis. Other histopathological changes were also seen in liver and kidney. Keywords: contraceptive, ovary, testis and ra