5,616 research outputs found

    To make a nanomechanical Schr\"{o}dinger-cat mew

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    By an explicite calculation of Michelson interferometric output intensities in the optomechanical scheme proposed by Marshall et al. (2003), an oscillatory factor is obtained that may go down to zero just at the time a visibility revival ought to be observed. Including a properly tuned phase shifter offers a simple amendment to the situation. By using a Pockels phase shifter with fast time-dependent modulation in one arm, one may obtain further possibilities to enrich the quantum state preparation and reconstruction abilities of the original scheme, thereby improving the chances to reliably detect genuine quantum behaviour of a nanomechanical oscillator.Comment: For Proc. DICE-2010 (Castiglioncello), to be published in J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 201

    Synthesis of Supported Catalysts by Dry Impregnation in Fluidized Bed

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    The synthesis of catalytic or not composite materials by dry impregnation in fluidized bed is described. This process can be carried out under mild conditions from solutions of organometallic precursors or colloidal solutions of preformed nanoparticles giving rise to reproducible metallic nanoparticles containing composite materials with a high reproducibility. The adequate choice of the reaction conditions makes possible to deposit uniformly the metal precursor within the porous matrix or on the support surface. When the ratio between the drying time and the capillary penetration time (tsec/tcap) is higher than 10, the impregnation under soft drying conditions leads to a homogeneous deposit inside the pores of the particles of support. The efficiency of the metal deposition is close to 100%, and the size of the formed metal nanoparticles is controlled by the pores diameter. Finally, some of the presented composite materials have been tested as catalysts: iron-based materials were used in carbon-nanotubes synthesis, while Pd and Rh composite materials have been investigated in hydrogenation reactions

    Relationship Between Sanitation Access and Poverty Rate: a Case Study in Central Java Province

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    The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) shows the inter¬dependent relationship between sanitation and poverty rate. In addition, the development and improvement of sanitation aspect will indirectly reduce poverty. This study is aimed to investigate the relationship between sanitation and poverty in several cases occurring in all regencies/municipalities in the central Java Province.The results show that the factors affecting sanitation are the per capita gross regional domestic product (PGRDP), income distribution, and the cultural awareness of household on health related to sanitation. Further, household sanitation accessibility could affect the economic and social aspects such as poverty rate and the gross regional domestic product per capita. This study also shows that Banyumas, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Purworejo, Wonosobo, Rembang, Demak, Pekalongan, Pemalang, and Tegal are some regen¬cies/municipalities in Central Java province whose sanitation access is less conducive.Keywords: Human Development Indexes, Sanitation, Millennium Development Goals, Poverty, GRDP per capit

    What is the right theory for Anderson localization of light?

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    Anderson localization of light is traditionally described in analogy to electrons in a random potential. Within this description the disorder strength -- and hence the localization characteristics -- depends strongly on the wavelength of the incident light. In an alternative description in analogy to sound waves in a material with spatially fluctuating elastic moduli this is not the case. Here, we report on an experimentum crucis in order to investigate the validity of the two conflicting theories using transverse-localized optical devices. We do not find any dependence of the observed localization radii on the light wavelength. We conclude that the modulus-type description is the correct one and not the potential-type one. We corroborate this by showing that in the derivation of the traditional, potential-type theory a term in the wave equation has been tacititly neglected. In our new modulus-type theory the wave equation is exact. We check the consistency of the new theory with our data using a field-theoretical approach (nonlinear sigma model)


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    The term “Patorani” refers to a person who works to catch flying fish. This activity is still mostly done by fishermen in South Sulawesi. In the activity of catching flying fish, there are a number of things that work outside of human rationality wrapped with religious understanding by using simple technology that is environmentally friendly. Departing from that premise, this paper intends to reveal various occult and religiosity in catching flying fish. The method used to reveal patorani activity is ethnography through in-depth discussion with patorani fishermen. This research was conducted in Galesong sub district of Takalar regency. The results show that the world of fly fishing is full of mysticism and is influenced by the religious ideology of patorani. It is argued that it would be anachronistic if patorani fishermen practicing centuries old methods were seen as an act of "environmental destruction". The heart of the problem is not in catching the flying fish, but in its patorani culture (magic, religiosity, and technology) that keeps their activities in a controlled environment, a culture that is proven to be sustainable even though the blue revolution and world markets demand shakes it.

    Phylogenetic Relationships Amongst 10 Durio Species Based on Pcr-rflp Analysis of Two Chloroplast Genes

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    Twenty seven species of Durio have been identified in Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia, but their relationships have not been studied. This study was conducted to analyse phylogenetic relationships amongst 10 Durio species in Malaysia using PCR-RFLP on two chloroplast DNA genes, i.e. ndhC-trnV and rbcL. DNAs were extracted from young leaves of 11 accessions from 10 Durio species collected from the Tenom Agriculture Research Station, Sabah, and University Agriculture Park, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Two pairs of oligonucleotide primers, N1-N2 and rbcL1-rbcL2, were used to flank the target regions ndhC-trnV and rbcL. Eight restriction enzymes, HindIII, BsuRI, PstI, TaqI, MspI, SmaI, BshNI, and EcoR130I, were used to digest the amplicons. Based on the results of PCR-RFLP on ndhC-trnV gene, the 10 Durio species were grouped into five distinct clusters, and the accessions generally showed high variations. However, based on the results of PCR-RFLP on the rbcL gene, the species were grouped into three distinct clusters, and generally showed low variations. This means that ndhC-trnV gene is more reliable for phylogenetic analysis in lower taxonomic level of Durio species or for diversity analysis, while rbcL gene is reliable marker for phylogenetic analysis at higher taxonomic level. PCR-RFLP on the ndhC-trnV and rbcL genes could therefore be considered as useful markers to phylogenetic analysis amongst Durio species. These finding might be used for further molecular marker assisted in Durio breeding program

    Demonstration of the Complementarity of One- and Two-Photon Interference

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    The visibilities of second-order (single-photon) and fourth-order (two-photon) interference have been observed in a Young's double-slit experiment using light generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion and a photon-counting intensified CCD camera. Coherence and entanglement underlie one-and two-photon interference, respectively. As the effective source size is increased, coherence is diminished while entanglement is enhanced, so that the visibility of single-photon interference decreases while that of two-photon interference increases. This is the first experimental demonstration of the complementarity between single- and two-photon interference (coherence and entanglement) in the spatial domain.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Kajian Jenis Pengorok Daun (Liriomyza SP.) (Diptera: Agromizydae) pada Berbagai Tanaman Inang di Lembah Palu

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    Hama pengorok daun merupakan hama pendatang dari benua Amerika Latin yang masuk ke Indonesia sekitar tahun 90 an dan dilaporkan keberadaannya di Palu, Sulawesi Tengah sekitar tahun 2005. Hama ini memiliki banyak tanaman inang atau bersifat polifagus. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis pengorok daun pada berbagai tanaman inang di Lembah Palu. Penelitian di laksanakan di Kelurahan Boyaoge, Kelurahan Pengawu (Kecamatan Palu Barat) dan Desa Langaleso (Kecamatan Dolo) dan di Laboratorium Hama dan penyakit tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tadulako yang berlangsung pada bulan Juli sampai Oktober tahun 2012. Karakter morfologi yang diamati adalah warna scutellum, pola warna tergit pada abdomen dan warna tungkai. Selain itu, diamati juga ciri serangan Liriomyza pada tanaman inangnya. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi yang telah di lakukan di Laboratorium didapatkan 5 (lima) spesies lalat penggorok daun, yakni Liriomyza brassicae pada tanaman Sawi; Tomat dan Kembang kol, Liriomyza bryonae pada tanaman Sawi, Liriomyza chinensis pada tanaman Bayam, Liriomyza huidobrensis pada tanaman Kacang Panjang dan Liriomyza sativae pada tanaman Tomat dan Kemangi. Kelima spesies Liriomyza tersebut selain berbeda secara morfologi juga menunjukkan ciri serangan yang berbeda pada tanaman inangnya

    Keragaan Komunikasi pada Gapoktan Penerima Dana Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan di Kecamatan Siak Kecil Kabupaten Bengkalis Riau

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    Rural Agribusiness Development Program (PUAP) is a program that focuses in reducing poverty and also creating a huge work field in rural area by providing venture capital to support on farm and off farm activities. Farmers' association group (gapoktan) as an implementer of PUAP has a pivotal function to distribute incentives, venture capital, and also as the managers of all the programs given. From that perspective gapoktan holds an important role for the success of this program. Communication process among group members in gapoktan and interpersonal communication between agents of change and the gapoktan needed to be inquired because it was estimated as one of the important factor that influencing PUAP program. The objectives of this research were: (1) to describe the characteristic and the communication process (2) to see the communication among agents of change (3) to see the role and the ability of gapoktan (4) to analysis the correlation between all of the variables. This research resulted several outputs, namely: The characteristics were categorized good, role and the ability were not enough, communication of gapoktan was good and the communication agents of change were not enough until less than not enough. There were a significant correlation between the characteristics with the communication of gapoktan, between the communication of agents of change with the role of gapoktan and between role with ability of farmers' group association