37 research outputs found


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    This study assessed the moderating effect of social problem-solving (SPS) in the association between risk factors and peer victimization in a sample of Colombian adolescents. Using structural equation modeling techniques, this study assessed the extent to which changes in victimization varied as a function of the interaction between risk factors and social problem-solving. Results showed that both aggression and avoidance were predictive of initial scores on victimization, but only avoidance was found to predict its change over time. Only a main effect of SPS was found at the beginning of the year; no moderating effects were found. Results are consistent with previous findings by confirming that avoidance and aggression are risk factors for peer victimization

    Educación Superior Pública: oportunidades que se crean

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    Es un texto que desde la dimensión cualitativa y cuantitativa explora las características de los estudiantes que, en las Instituciones de Educación Superior del municipio de Medellín- Colombia, financian sus estudios con dineros priorizados por las comunidades desde la estrategia de planeación local y presupuesto participativo.From a qualitative and quantitative perspective, this text explores the characteristics of the students who, in Higher education schools in Medellin, Colombia, fund their studies with money granted by communities from the strategy of local planning and participative budget (presupuesto participativo)

    The moderating effects of social problem-solving in the relationship between risk factors and peer victimization in colombian early adolescents/ efectos moderadores de la habilidad de solución de problemas sociales en la relación entre factores ...

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    This study assessed the moderating effect of social problem-solving (SPS) in the association between risk factors and peer victimization in a sample of Colombian adolescents. Using structural equation modeling techniques, this study assessed the extent to which changes in victimization varied as a function of the interaction between risk factors and social problem-solving. Results showed that both aggression and avoidance were predictive of initial scores on victimization, but only avoidance was found to predict its change over time. Only a main effect of SPS was found at the beginning of the year; no moderating effects were found. Results are consistent with previous findings by confirming that avoidance and aggression are risk factors for peer victimization

    Context-Dependent Peer Victimization: Are physical and relational aggression tolerated differently in mixed-sex versus all-girl schools?

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    Contextual differences in the association between different forms of aggressive behavior and victimization were studied with a sample of 197 boys and 149 girls from mixed-sex schools and in 336 girls from all-girl schools (M = 10.21 years of age) in two cities in Colombia. Results showed that boys generally engage in more physical than relational aggression, whereas girls engage in more relational than physical aggression. Among boys, the association between aggression and victimization was significant only for the measure of relational aggression, whereas, for girls, victimization was significantly correlated only with physical aggression. This latter association was found to be significantly stronger for girls from the all-girl schools than for the girls from the mixed-sex schools. These findings are discussed in terms of how mixed-sex and same-sex groups, as different forms of peer context, affect the social dynamics related to the association between aggression and victimization

    Enfermedad del suero secundaria al uso de rituximab en pacientes con síndrome de Sjögren primario

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    La enfermedad del suero constituye un síndrome clínico causado por la formación de complejos inmunes que generan una reacción de hipersensibilidad, con manifestaciones clínicas típicas de erupción cutánea, artritis, y fiebre que inician de 1 a 3 semanas después de la administración de un fármaco y suelen desaparecer al cabo de varios días de interrumpir la administración del agente causal, pudiendo persistir durante intervalos mayores, especialmente cuando son fármacos de acción prolongada o retardada. Se describe el caso de una paciente con síndrome de Sjögren primario que presentó enfermedad del suero secundaria al uso de rituximab

    Sistema inalámbrico detector de vibraciones sísmicas, con interfaz gráfica en el entorno industrial labview

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    Después de observar los fenómenos naturales y catástrofes por las cuales ha pasado la Tierra, de ver que a medida que pasa el tiempo por la falta de sistemas de gestión de riesgos se han perdido muchas vidas humanas, se ve la necesidad de buscar métodos tecnológicos que ayuden a determinar y notificar posibles catástrofes o fenómenos naturales. De esta forma con la ayuda de la tecnología se desea realizar un levantamiento de requisitos que ayuden a implementar un sistema que permita obtener alertas tempranas a posibles eventualidades de la Tierra, utilizando estándares inalámbricos como lo es el IEEE 802.15.4 el cual maneja tasas de baja transmisión de datos y un consumo de energía reducido, todo esto integrado en una herramienta llamada Labview. La finalidad del proyecto es presentar una simulación de un sismógrafo de bajo costo, con dispositivos portables desplegados para conformar la red de sensores, por tal motivo se consideran las distintas tecnologías inalámbricas, hasta seleccionar la más indicada para el desarrollo del trabajo, de esta forma optar por la mejor alternativa para el levantamiento de requisitos de un sistema que permita visualizar el comportamiento de las ondas y a su vez permite generar alertas y reportes tempranos a posibles fenómenos naturales. Con el desarrollo de este proyecto se pretende integrar el estándar IEEE 802.15.4, con una red de dispositivos electrónicos como lo son: sensores de velocidad, transductores ideales y circuitos integrados implementados a través de un software diseñado en la interfaz gráfica de LabVIEW que permite detectar, analizar y notificar picos sísmicos que estén fuera del umbral natural de la Tierra. De esta forma generar reportes gráficos y alertas tempranas las cuales se puedan visualizar en un software que permita monitorear en tiempo real el estado de la Tierra.Ingeniero de Telecomunicacionespregrad

    Debates contemporáneos en derecho de familias, de infancias y de adolescencias

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    This work results from the call for proposals “Contemporary debates on family, childhood and adolescent law. Challenges and realities” carried out by the Luis Amigó Catholic University. It consists of a series of contributions from academics and professionals who seek, from an interdisciplinary perspective, to broaden the debate in family, childhood, and adolescent law. The reader will find reflections on the transformation in affective relationships between couples in Colombia, the recognition of successor rights to foster children, the right to probation in family law from a gender perspective, and the importance of citizenship education of children and adolescents. Likewise, the reader will be able to delve into issues of social and environmental relevance, such as the drama of migrant children, the armed conflict and forced recruitment, and the active role of children and adolescents in the fight against climate change and conservation of the Amazon.PublishedEsta obra es resultado de la convocatoria “Debates contemporáneos en derecho de familias, de infancias y de adolescencias. Desafíos y realidades” realizada por la Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. Consta de una serie de contribuciones de académicos y profesionales los cuales pretenden, desde una mirada interdisciplinar, ampliar el debate en el área de derecho de familias, infancia y adolescencia. Es así como el lector encontrará reflexiones en torno a la transformación en las relaciones afectivas entre las parejas en Colombia, el reconocimiento de derechos sucesorales a los hijos de crianza, el derecho probatorio en derecho de familia desde una perspectiva de género y la importancia de la formación ciudadana de los niños, niñas, adolescentes. Asimismo, el lector podrá profundizar en temas de relevancia social y ambiental como el drama de infancias migrantes, el conflicto armado y reclutamiento forzado, y el rol activo de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en la lucha contra el cambio climático y en la conservación de la Amazonía

    Guía de práctica clínica para la prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento y rehabilitación de la falla cardiaca en población mayor de 18 años, clasificación B, C y D

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    La falla cardíaca es un síndrome clínico caracterizado por síntomas y signos típicos de insuficiencia cardíaca, adicional a la evidencia objetiva de una anomalía estructural o funcional del corazón. Guía completa 2016. Guía No. 53Población mayor de 18 añosN/

    Quality of Chicken Fat by-Products: Lipid Profile and Colour Properties

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    The growth in the production and consumption of chicken meat and related products is responsible for the formation a large number of by-products. Among these, abdominal and gizzard fat is usually considered as waste and thus is discarded, creating an environmental problem. This work aims to characterize chicken fat by-products, evaluating their lipid profile and colour properties for their potential use as fat sources in meat products in substitution of traditionally used fats. In addition, the role of farm location, keeping the feeding and other farmer routines fixed, in the lipid profile was also evaluated. “Parrilleros” Colombian chickens from three farms located in various geographical zones of the Antioquia region were selected. After slaughtering, abdominal and gizzard fat was obtained. Lipid profile was evaluated by gas chromatography and the CIELAB colour properties were assessed. The production results and the lipid profile of chicken fat by-products (abdominal and gizzard fat) was similar in the three farms studied, which is important for their potential application as fat source in the formulation of meat products. The predominant fatty acids were oleic, palmitic and linoleic acids, showing a higher amount of unsaturated fatty acids than the fat sources traditionally used for this purpose. Valorization of chicken by-products by the use of abdominal and gizzard fat as fat source in chicken meat products formulation could be a feasible alternative contributing to the poultry sector sustainability


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