35 research outputs found
Best leadership practices for retaining direct care staff in residential treatment centers
The purpose of this study is to identify best leadership practices in retaining direct-care staff in residential treatment centers. While research exists on employee retention, there is a lack of research focused on employee retention in residential care. How leaders engage with direct-care staff members in residential care can have a significant influence on increasing employee retention rate. The literature review revealed transformational leadership theory as the theoretical framework, including 4 components: idealized influence, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, and intellectual stimulation. The design for this research was a qualitative case study. The residential treatment center was selected as the study case because of its exemplar performance reporting a 73% employee retention rate in contrast to the national retention rate of 40%. The theoretical framework served as a foundation for the purpose and research questions. Semistructured questions were developed to interview leaders at a residential treatment center in order to identify best practices. In combination with a thorough review of the literature, an expert panel of researchers established the validity of the interview instrument. Content analysis was applied to code themes and a 2nd reviewer provided reliability. Participants responses revealed 9 best practices in 4 categories: 3 best practices linked to idealized influence, 2 best practices connected to individualized consideration, 2 best practices aligned with inspirational motivation, and 2 best practices specific to intellectual stimulation. In addition to correlating with the 4 components of transformational leadership, more than 100 authors supported the 4 theoretical components. The results of the study highlight the influence leaders can have on retaining employees. The identified best practices represent key approaches that health care leaders can apply. This study is helpful in identifying leadership practices in the health care field that will assist in increasing employee retention. Consequently, the results of this study can assist other residential treatment center leaders to consider these leadership practices in an effort to improve employee retention
Love in the Time of COVID-19: Negligence in the Nicaraguan Response
The response of the Nicaraguan government to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has been perhaps the most erratic of any country in the world to date. Directly contradicting mitigation strategies recommended by WHO, President Daniel Ortega has refused to encourage any physical distancing measures. Vice President Rosario Murillo (Daniel Ortega\u27s wife) instead called on thousands of sympathisers to congregate in street marches under the slogan \u27love in the time of COVID-19\u27. By downplaying the danger of the pandemic and increasing the risk of community transmission in the second-poorest country in the western hemisphere, the Nicaraguan government is violating the human rights of its citizens
Obesidade infantil: os fatores predisponentes e comorbidades associadas
Introdução: A obesidade Ă© uma preocupação significativa de saĂşde pĂşblica a nĂvel mundial, devido ao aumento contĂnuo da prevalĂŞncia, sobretudo, nos mais jovens. A partir disso, alguns fatores interferem decisivamente nesse panorama de alta morbidade, tais como: o estilo de vida contemporâneo, o sedentarismo e a carga hereditária, que atuam como gatilho ao aparecimento de doenças tĂpicas desse perfil, que contribui para a manutenção dessa comorbidade. Objetivo: Estabelecer as causas da obesidade infantil e o aparecimento de patologias associadas. Material e mĂ©todo: O presente trabalho consiste em uma revisĂŁo integrativa da literatura realizada a partir de 10 artigos, publicados entre 2015 e 2018, obtidos nas plataformas PubMed, Google AcadĂŞmico e Capes periĂłdicos. Utilizou-se como descritores indexados no DeCS: obesidade pediátrica; sobrepeso; nutrição da criança e polĂtica pĂşblica. Os critĂ©rios utilizados para seleção dos artigos foram o ano de publicação do estudo, a relevância temática e o idioma utilizado (portuguĂŞs ou inglĂŞs). Resultados: A obesidade Ă© descrita como o acĂşmulo excessivo de tecido adiposo no corpo humano. Tal problema tem acometido cada vez mais crianças e adolescentes contribuĂdo para o aparecimento de comorbidades, tais como: distĂşrbios metabĂłlicos, endĂłcrinos, cardiovasculares, pulmonares, gastrointestinais, psiquiátricos, hematolĂłgicos, alĂ©m do desenvolvimento de neoplasias malignas. Paralelamente, sabe-se, tambĂ©m, que os hábitos de vida sĂŁo moldados na infância e persistem durante a vida adulta. Dessa forma, a alimentação inadequada nessa fase pode comprometer o desenvolvimento fisiolĂłgico da criança. Assim, o papel da televisĂŁo e das novas tecnologias merece destaque, pois figuram como fatores determinantes na influĂŞncia alimentar desses indivĂduos, já que esses veĂculos padronizam hábitos alimentares muitas vezes pouco saudáveis e, assim, fortalecem esse panorama de desajuste alimentar na infância. AlĂ©m disso, foi possĂvel verificar que uma das comorbidades associadas a obesidade infantil Ă© a redução da aptidĂŁo cardiorrespiratĂłria. Notou-se que as alterações de peso na infância tambĂ©m estĂŁo relacionadas Ă predisposição a disfunções ortopĂ©dicas. Por fim, o crescente nĂşmero de casos de obesidade tem dificultado o tratamento dos indivĂduos que, em sua maioria, sĂŁo dependentes do Sistema Ăšnico de SaĂşde (SUS) que, notadamente, possui recursos limitados e um financiamento falho. ConclusĂŁo: O aumento da obesidade infantil Ă© uma situação preocupante no cenário atual. Diante dessa realidade, reconhecer que o sobrepeso na infância predispõe hipertensĂŁo, doenças cardĂacas, diabetes tipo 2 e distĂşrbios psicolĂłgicos, assim como identificar que o sedentarismo e a mĂdia tambĂ©m podem desestimular hábitos saudáveis, fomenta uma realidade em que investimentos pĂşblicos em saĂşde tornam-se indispensáveis. Em suma, enquanto nĂŁo houver uma avalição crĂtica e reflexiva sobre essa epidemia do sĂ©culo XXI, tal doença continuará persistente
Establecer un buen equipo y desarrollar su totipotencia
Le but de cette démarche fut d’accompagner
l’équipe de direction pluridisciplinaire des
soins afin qu’elle se construise d’une manière
solide, d’être armée face aux changements
structurels prévus dans les deux ans et d’en
anticiper les impacts. C’était également de
démontrer la pertinence d’un outil efficace
permettant l’augmentation de la cohésion
d’équipe, ainsi qu’une méthode simple pour
accroitre la compréhension mutuelle de
l’équipe, permettre une meilleure utilisation
du potentiel et des compétences de l’équipe,
fluidifier la communication dans l’équipe. Le
contexte et la description du problème sont
: une équipe de cadres du département
hospitalier à un premier stade de maturité avec
beaucoup de personnes nouvellement promues
dans une fonction de cadre. A cela s’ajoute la
perspective d’une fusion dans 2 ans avec une
1 Institution de Lavigny-Suisse
2 Coaching.LM-Suisse
3 HR TOP-Suisse
institution de culture différente (privée/public,
universitaire.). Cette équipe n’était pas en pleine
confiance quant à ses propres compétences et
forces. A la base, cette démarche apporte une
meilleure compréhension du fonctionnement
d’une équipe, une meilleure tolérance et plus
de liberté au sein de l’équipe pour construire
collectivement. En même temps, le débriefing
individuel permet une introspection bénéfique
Ă un cadre offrant un accompagnement dans la
prise de position à responsabilité de personnes.
Cela permet un temps de découverte
Online video translation and subtitling: examining emerging practices and their implications for media activism in South East Asia
This article examines the ways in which one organisation and a number of citizens have begun to make use of new video translation and subtitling/captioning technologies to address local and regional social and environmental justice issues in the South East Asia region. We conceptualise these emerging practices as instances of 'citizen translation' by connecting them with earlier work carried out around citizens' media. In order to examine and analyse the practices of, motivations for, and (potential) impact of citizen translation, we carried out an online survey and a number of interviews with people who are doing or supporting citizen translation. We found that citizen translators see their practices as enacting their own political sensibilities and addressing a number of barriers to social and political participation; we also found that citizen translators have important contributions to make regarding how citizen translation might further develo