153 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Novel Doxorubicin-Loaded Magnetic Wax Nanocomposite Vehicles as Cancer Combinatorial Therapy Agents

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    The development of nanotechnology-based solutions for cancer at a preclinical level advances at an astounding pace. So far, clinical translation of these new developments has not been able to keep the pace due to a range of different reasons. One of them is the mismatch between in vitro and in vivo results coming from the expected difference in complexity. To overcome this problem, extensive characterisation using advanced in vitro models can lead to stronger preliminary data to face in vivo tests. Here, a comprehensive in vitro validation of a combinatorial therapy nanoformulation against solid tumours is presented. The information extracted from the different in vitro models highlights the importance of advanced 3D models to fully understand the potential of this type of complex drugs."Local specific treatment of triple-negative-breast-cancer through externally triggered target-less drug carriers" project - FCT 031142ERDF through NORTE2020Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology UTAP-EXPL/NTec/0038/20172014-2020 INTERREG Cooperation Programme Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_

    Factores que forman parte de la mejora de la calidad en el servicio al cliente de la empresa Auto Álamo Hyundai sede Tuluá Valle para el año 2022

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    El presente trabajo realizado en el estudio investigativo donde expone la importancia de identificar los factores que forman parte primordial al momento de mejorar la calidad en el servicio al cliente de la empresa Auto Álamo Hyundai ubicada en Tuluá Valle. Donde se constituye una conceptualización teórica de la transcendencia que hay entre calidad y la satisfacción del servicio, ya que nos enfocamos en un nicho de mercado automotriz que cada día va exigiendo más de los vendedores desde el saber (conceptos teóricos y básicos de los automóviles), saber hacer (habilidades y destrezas para vender) y el saber ser (manejo de las emociones). A lo largo de la construcción se indaga desde diferentes expectativas a los colaboradores de la organización, identificando los conocimientos requeridos que se establecen bajo la historia, políticas, procesos, funciones y deberes que tiene a cargo colaborador de Auto Álamo Hyundai, logrando una caracterización contextual de las habilidades que demuestran el rendimiento y el cumplimiento de cada miembro del personal para aplicar las operaciones del servicio al cliente; así como la eficiencia y el comportamiento frente al sentido de pertenencia que cada personal le brinda a sus clientes y expresando el respaldo que recibe cada área sobre las actividades de satisfacción y marcar la experiencia vivida de cada cliente en la empresa. Una vez definida la investigación se decide aplicar el método investigativo cualitativo en el que se genera una trazabilidad sobre los procesos deficientes en el sector del servicio al cliente, con el fin de conocer qué recursos se están implementando para aumentar la preparación de los colaboradores al momento de atender a los usuarios; así cómo utilizar estrategias de mejoras mediante la herramienta investigativa como recolección de datos y entrevistas que se aplicaría a los colaboradores y conocer a la experiencia desde las áreas internas como externas. De esta manera se realiza una observación sobre el servicio que se presta en Auto Álamo Hyundai en Tuluá 5 Valle y aplicamos el método deductivo por medio de 50 encuestas de satisfacción del servicio que se generaron de manera aleatoria a clientes de la sede.The present work carried out in the investigative study where it exposes the importance of identifying the factors that are an essential part when improving the quality of customer service of the Auto Álamo Hyundai company located in Tuluá Valle. Where a theoretical conceptualization of the transcendence between quality and service satisfaction is constituted, since we focus on a niche automotive market that every day demands more from sellers from knowledge (theoretical and basic concepts of automobiles). , knowing how to do (skills and skills to sell) and knowing how to be (management of emotions). Throughout the construction, the organization's collaborators are inquired from different expectations, identifying the required knowledge that is established under the history, policies, processes, functions and duties of the Auto Álamo Hyundai collaborator, achieving a contextual characterization. of the skills demonstrated by the performance and compliance of each staff member in applying customer service operations; as well as the efficiency and behavior towards the sense of belonging that each staff provides to their clients and expressing the support that each area receives regarding satisfaction activities and marking the experience of each client in the company. Once the investigation is defined, it is decided to apply the qualitative investigative method in which traceability is generated on the deficient processes in the customer service sector, in order to know what resources are being implemented to increase the preparation of the collaborators at the moment. to serve users; as well as how to use improvement strategies through the investigative tool such as data collection and interviews that would be applied to collaborators and know the experience from internal and external areas. In this way, an observation is made about the service provided at Auto Álamo Hyundai in Tuluá Valle and we apply the deductive 7 method through 50 service satisfaction surveys that were randomly generated to clients of the headquarters

    Ultrasonography-guided anterior approach for axillary nerve blockade: an anatomical study

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    Combined ultrasound-guided blockade of the suprascapular and axillary nerves has been proposed as an alternative to interscalene blockade for pain control in shoulder joint pathology or post-surgical care. This technique could help avoid respiratory complications and/or almost total upper limb palsy. Nowadays, the axillary nerve blockade is mostly performed using an in-plane caudal-to-cephalic approach from the posterior surface of the shoulder, reaching the nerve immediately after it exits the neurovascular quadrangular space (part of the spatium axillare). Despite precluding most respiratory complications, this approach has not made post-surgical pain relief any better than an interscalene blockade, probably because articular branches of the axillary nerve are not blocked. Cephalic to caudal Methylene Blue injections were placed in the first segment of the axillary nerve of six Thiel-embalmed cadavers using an ultrasound-guided anterior approach in order to compare the distribution with that produced by a posterior approach to the contralateral axillary nerve in the same cadaver. Another 21 formalin-fixed cadavers were bilaterally dissected to identify the articular branches of the axillary nerve. We found a good spread of the dye on the axillary nerve and a constant relationship of this nerve with the subscapularis muscle. The dye reached the musculocutaneous nerve, which also contributes to shoulder joint innervation. We describe the anatomical landmarks for an ultrasonography-guided anterior axillary nerve blockade and hypothesize that this anterior approach will provide better pain control than the posterior approach owing to complete blocking of the joint nerve. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento Valle del Cauca.

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    Los hechos violentos y acciones victimizantes dejan un lastre de impacto psicosocial que desajusta de alguna manera la identidad, la dignidad, la subjetividad y la intersubjetividad de las poblaciones impactadas por los actos violentos del conflicto armados en Colombia, por ello es necesario una intervención psicosocial que responda a las demandas y necesidades de las comunidades impactadas, pero también un acompañamiento que no deje de lado los fundamentos disciplinares que puedan producir un gran impacto positivo en la comunidad atendida; un buen ejemplo de ello es el enfoque narrativo que ha logrado un camino reflexivo significativo en los abordajes terapéuticos y psicosociales de violencia sistemáticas. En el presente trabajo se encuentra el análisis y valoración de eventos psicosociales traumáticos de dos casos distintos pero que dan cuenta de los impactos colectivos e individuales a nivel psicosocial del conflicto armado, realizando una argumentación analítica y reflexiva desde una perspectiva psicológica que refleja el análisis de relatos, estrategias de acompañamiento psicosocial y formulación de preguntas que favorecen el impacto positivo de la acción terapéutica. Se finaliza con un proceso reflexivo entramado de realidades sociales que reflejan presupuestos de subjetividad, memoria y violencia en un ejercicio que emplea la imagen y la narrativa como instrumento de la acción psicosocial orientada al cambio o la transformación social, analizando también elementos simbólicos y representaciones sociales de los diferentes territorios habitados por las participantes constructoras de todo el contenido del trabajo.Violent acts and victimizing actions leave a ballast of psychosocial impact that unfit somehow the identity, the dignity, the subjectivity and the inter-subjectivity of populations impacted by the violent acts of the armed conflict in Colombia., because of that it is necessary a psychosocial intervention that responds to the demands and needs of the impacted communities, but also, an accompaniment that does not leave out the disciplinary foundations that can produce a great positive impact in the attended community, a good example of this is the narrative approach that has achieved a reflective communicative path in therapeutic and psychosocial approaches of systematic violence. In the present work, you will find the analysis and evaluation of traumatic psychosocial events of two different cases but that realize of the collective and individual impacts at the psychosocial level of the armed conflict, making an analytical reflective argumentation from a psychological perspective and that reflects the analysis of stories, psychosocial accompaniment strategies and formulation of questions that favor the positive impact of the therapeutic action. It finishes with a reflective process framework of social realities that reflect the presuppositions of subjectivity, memory and violence in an exercise that uses image and narrative as an instrument of psychosocial action oriented to change or social transformation analyzing also symbolic elements and social representations of the different territories inhabited by the constructing participants of all the content of the work

    Plan de comercialización para el dulce de papaya empresa Conservas Risaralda, año 2015

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    CD-T 658.83 A75;123 p.El estudio que aquí se motiva tiene el interés de identificar la mejor manera de comercializar un producto de alimentos de manera adecuada, velando por la presencia eficiente del mismo en los canales determinados, a un precio adecuado, con sentido de responsabilidad social y generándole valor a la empresa que lo produce.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Bioatividade de fungos isolados de áreas de cultivo de coco contra Rhynchophorus palmarum

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the chitinolytic activity and bioactivity of fungi isolated from the palm weevil (Rhynchophorus palmarum) and from soil samples from coconut (Cocos nucifera) crops against the insect itself. Initially, to determine the chitinolytic properties of the isolated fungi, their ability to hydrolyze chitin in a liquid culture medium was evaluated. Then, preliminary pathogenicity assays were carried out, using the bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus) as a reference, to select the fungal isolates to be used in the experiments with the palm weevil. Finally, the bioactivity of two selected entomopathogenic fungi on palm weevil larvae and adults was assessed. There was no direct correlation between chitinolytic activity and pathogenicity capacity on the bean weevil nor between the isolates and bioactivity on the palm weevil. Beauveria bassiana CSU9 shows the highest activity on palm weevil larvae and adults, with a median lethal time of 0.8 and 14.4 days, respectively.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade quitinolítica e a bioatividade de fungos isolados do gorgulho-da-palmeira (Rhynchophorus palmarum) e de amostras de solos de áreas de cultivo de coco (Cocos nucifera) contra o próprio inseto. Inicialmente, para determinar as propriedades quitinolíticas dos fungos isolados, foi avaliada a sua capacidade de hidrolisar quitina em meio de cultura líquido. Em seguida, foram realizados ensaios preliminares de patogenicidade, tendo-se utilizado o gorgulho-do-feijão (Acanthoscelides obtectus) como modelo, para selecionar os isolados fúngicos a serem usados nos experimentos com o gorgulho-da-palmeira. Por fim, avaliou-se a bioatividade de dois fungos entomopatogênicos selecionados em larvas e adultos do gorgulho-da-palmeira. Não houve correlação direta entre a atividade quitinolítica e a capacidade de patogenicidade sobre o gorgulho-do-feijão nem entre os isolados e a bioatividade sobre o gorgulho-da-palmeira. Beauveria bassiana CSU9 apresenta a maior atividade sobre larvas e adultos do gorgulho-da-palmeira, com tempo letal médio de 0,8 e 14,4 dias, respectivamente

    Macular Thickness Decrease in Asymptomatic Subjects at High Genetic Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease: An OCT Study

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    In this case control study, we examined the retinal thickness of the different layers in the macular region and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) with optical coherence tomography (OCT) in healthy cognitive subjects (from 51 to 74 years old) at high genetic risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Thirty-five subjects with a family history of Alzheimer disease (AD) (FH+) and ApoE ɛ4 carriers and 29 age-matched control subjects without a family history of AD (FH−) and ApoE ɛ4 non-carriers were included. Compared to FH− ApoE ɛ4 non-carriers, in FH+ ApoE ɛ4 carriers, there were statistically significant decreases (p < 0.05) in (i) the foveal area of mRNFL; (ii) the inferior and nasal sectors in the outer and inner macular ring in the inner plexiform layer (IPL); (iii) the foveal area and the inferior sector in the outer macular ring in the inner nuclear layer (INL); and (iv) the inferior sector of the outer macular ring in the outer plexiform layer (OPL). However, no statistically significant differences were found in the peripapillary thickness of RNFL between both study groups. In subjects with cognitive health and high genetic risk for the development of AD, initial changes appeared in the macular area. OCT could be a promising, cost-effective and non-invasive test useful in early AD, before the onset of clinical symptoms

    Perception and experiences of the elderly in the Mier y Pesado Foundation

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    La Organización Mundial de la Salud (2014) define el envejecimiento como un proceso fisiológico que se inicia en la concepción y provoca cambios en las características de una especie a lo largo del ciclo de vida. Objetivo: determinar la percepción del adulto mayor frente a su vida antes y después de ingresar a un centro gerontológico, de los residentes de la fundación Mier y Pesado de Orizaba, Ver., en el periodo agosto 2022- enero 2023. Metodología: Enfoque cualitativa, fenomenológico y enfoque hermenéutico, corte trasversal, con una muestra de 14 residentes de la Fundación Mier y Pesado. Resultados: Datos sociodemográficos: 10 mujeres y 4 hombres. Perspectiva sobre la vida: “La vida es un regalo de dios que nos dio la oportunidad de tener.” La vida antes de ingresar al asilo: “Normal, una vida de casado, ya no vivían los hijos con nosotros, solo con mi esposa.” Experiencia en el asilo: “Una vida muy bonita, jamás vivida por mí, jamás pensé que yo iba a vivir así.” Conclusión: se determina que la percepción que tuvieron los adultos mayores si cambia en su vida antes y después de ser ingresados a un asilo.The World Health Organization (2014) defines aging as a physiological process that begins at conception and causes changes in the characteristics of a species throughout the life cycle. Objective: to determine the perception of the elderly regarding their life before and after entering a gerontological center, of the residents of the Mier y Pesado Foundation of Orizaba, Ver., in the period August 2022- January 2023. Methodology: Qualitative approach, phenomenological and hermeneutic approach, cross section, with a sample of 14 residents of the Mier y Pesado Foundation. Results: Sociodemographic data: 10 women and 4 men. Perspective on life: "Life is a gift from God who gave us the opportunity to have." Life before entering the asylum: "Normal, married life, the children no longer lived with us, only with my wife." Experience in the asylum: "A very beautiful life, never lived by me, I never thought that I would live like this." Conclusion: it is determined that the perception that older adults had does change in their lives before and after being admitted to a nursing home

    Foveal avascular zone and choroidal thickness are decreased in subjects with hard drusen and without high genetic risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease

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    A family history (FH+) of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and ɛ4 allele of the ApoE gene are the main genetic risk factors for developing AD, whereas ɛ4 allele plays a protective role in age-related macular degeneration. Ocular vascular changes have been reported in both pathologies. We analyzed the choroidal thickness using optical coherence tomography (OCT) and the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) using OCT-angiography and compared the results with ApoE gene expression, AD FH+, and the presence or absence of hard drusen (HD) in 184 cognitively healthy subjects. Choroidal thickness was statistically significantly different in the (FH−, ɛ4−, HD+) group compared with (i) both the (FH−, ɛ4−, HD−) and the (FH+, ɛ4+, HD+) groups in the superior and inferior points at 1500 μm, and (ii) the (FH+, ɛ4−, HD+) group in the superior point at 1500 μm. There were statistically significant differences in the superficial FAZ between the (FH+, ɛ4−, HD+) group and (i) the (FH+, ɛ4−, HD−) group and (ii) the (FH+, ɛ4+, HD−) group. In conclusion, ocular vascular changes are not yet evident in participants with a genetic risk of developing AD