1,711 research outputs found

    Relaciones entre el conocimiento visual y numérico: porcentajes, decimales, fracciones en el aprendizaje del número racional

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    El curso está conformado por las siguientes tres sesiones. En la primera, presentamos una revisión de las investigaciones realizadas en relación al aprendizaje escolar de los números racionales y los argumentos sobre el papel de la visualización en el uso de representaciones de decimales y porcentajes en medios de comunicación. En la segunda sesión, ejemplarizamos con el montaje de un escenario de aprendizaje en el que se aprecia la referencia del conocimiento visual y numérico como referentes en las actividades de aprendizaje propuestas. En la tercera parte, con las herramientas de análisis propuestas sugerimos una serie de actividades para la clase de matemáticas

    Estudio etnolexicográfico de la ganadería y la fiesta de la herranza en el distrito de Tupe

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    Registra el léxico de la ganadería y de la fiesta de la herranza en el distrito de Tupe: el conjunto de palabras que lo conforma y los respectivos ejemplos de uso. Asimismo, define estas palabras bajo los criterios lexicográficos, teniendo en cuenta, además, el Vocabulario de la lengua aymara ([1612] 2011), el Vocabulario jacaru-castellano/castellano-jacaru (1995), el Diccionario de americanismos (DA 2010) y el Diccionario de la lengua española (DLE 2014). Indica la filiación lingüística de las palabras registradas en el léxico de la ganadería y de la fiesta de la herranza en el distrito de Tupe. Describe los saberes y creencias acerca de la realidad de los usuarios del léxico de la ganadería y de la fiesta de la herranza en el distrito de Tupe. Describe en qué medida los saberes y creencias acerca de la realidad se manifiestan en el léxico de la ganadería y de la fiesta de la herranza en el distrito de Tupe, el cual es resultado de la interrelación entre la lengua y la cultura de los usuarios.Tesi

    Evaluación de diferentes condiciones del proceso de fermentación en fase sólida de polen apícola

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    El interés en obtener nuevos productos mediante bioprocesos ha aumentado en los últimos años, debido a las múltiples aplicaciones y ventajas, especialmente en la industria de alimentos. La fermentación en fase sólida, es un bioproceso que se ha desarrollado de forma natural en ensilajes y en la obtención de pan de abejas al interior de la colmena. El polen apícola es un alimento con características funcionales debido a su contenido de proteína, lípidos, fibra dietaria y micronutrientes, además de las características bioactivas debidas al contenido de vitaminas, carotenoides y fenoles totales, que permiten el desarrollo de los microorganismos que actúan en el proceso. Sin embargo, el polen es una matriz alimenticia con protección natural que impide la completa biodisponibilidad de los nutrientes hacia el exterior del grano. En el presente trabajo se realizó un bioproceso de fermentación en fase sólida, con el fin de obtener un producto similar al desarrollado por las abejas; se evaluó la calidad de la materia prima, se contemplaron operaciones de acondicionamiento mediante tratamientos térmicos (autoclave) y la evaluación de diferentes condiciones de proceso como cepas de microorganismos (L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, S. cerevisiae y un cultivo mixto), composición del sustrato (polen húmedo, polen seco:agua 2:1 y 1:1), temperaturas de incubación (35 y 40°C) y tiempos de fermentación (hasta 72 horas). Se evaluaron los cambios en parámetros fisicoquímicos, bioactivos, sensoriales y microestructurales a fin de seleccionar las mejores condiciones de proceso, encontrando que la fermentación desarrollada por el cultivo mixto, inoculado en un sustrato polen:agua 1:1 incubado a 35°C permite obtener un producto con características bioactivas mejores que la materia prima, así como carácter probiótico.Abstract. The interest in obtaining new products through bioprocesses has increased in recent years due to the multiple applications and advantages, especially in food industry. Solid-state fermentation is a bioprocess naturallydeveloped in silages and in obtaining beebread inside the hive. Bee-pollen is a food with functional characteristics due to its content of protein, lipids, dietary fiber and micronutrients as well as bioactive properties due to the content of vitamins, carotenoids and total phenols, which allow the development of microorganisms on the process. However, bee-pollen is a food having a natural protection that prevents the complete bioavailability of nutrients towards the outside of the grain. In this paper a solid-state fermentation bioprocess was performed, in order to obtain a similar product to those developed by bees; the quality of the raw material was evaluated, andconditioning operations by heat treatment and evaluation of different process conditions as strains of microorganisms (L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, S. cerevisiae and a mixed culture), substrate composition (wet bee-pollen, dry bee-pollen:water 2:1 y 1:1), incubation temperatures (35 y 40°C) and times of fermentation (until 72 horas) were contemplated. Changes in physicochemical, bioactive, sensory and microstructural parameters in order to select the best process conditions were evaluated, finding that fermentation done by the mixed culture, inoculated into a bee-pollen:water 1:1 substrate incubated at 35°C allows obtaining a product with improved bioactivity characteristics in comparison to the raw material as well as probiotic character.Maestrí

    Uso del Registro de Solicitudes de Medicamentos no Incluidos en el Listado de Medicamentos Esenciales como Nueva Fuente de Información en los Sistemas Nacionales de Farmacovigilancia

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    AbstractObjectiveTo describe the frequency of adverse drugs events (ADEs) as possible causes of request of drugs not included in national essential Medicines list in Colombia.MethodsThis was a descriptive study developed in a private medical insurance company in Bogota, Colombia. Data were obtained from drug request form of drugs not included in a national essential Medicines list. We analyzed the content of the notes to identify the records related to the occurrence of ADEs in the period 2008 to 2009. Information concerning the adverse event and the drug involved was recorded in a data collection instrument developed by the researchers. The pharmacological classification of drugs was performed according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC).ResultsWe study 3,336 request forms of drugs not included in a national essential Medicines list. The level 1 groups of the ATC of drugs with greater frequency of ADEs were the cardiovascular agents (47%), nervous system agents (24%) and antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents (15%). The great majority was cases of light severity (62.7%) and classified as possible (48.4%).ConclusionThe results of this study support the innovative approach of using request form of drug not included in national essential Medicines list to obtain information regarding ADEs in developing countries; recognizing the importance of looking for new sources of report of adverse reactions to diminish the under-notification of ADEs

    Reação de genótipos do fruto de lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.) a Meloidogyne spp. em condições de campo

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    In Colombia, root-knot nematodes Meloidog yne spp. are considered as one of the main constraints in lulo crop production. These nematodes can cause root damage resulting in low production. The aim of this study was to evaluate under field conditions the reaction of 16 genotypes of lulo, Solanum quitoense Lam. (Solanaceae), of the Castilla variety and the species S. hirtum Vahl., previously selected in a greenhouse experiment and categorized as moderately resistant and resistant to the attack by Meloidog yne sp. A chemical treatment and a control treatment, the latter based on the most susceptible genotype in greenhouse experiments were also included. The experiment was conducted in a lulo grove naturally infested with root-knot nematodes under a randomized complete block design with three replications and nine plants per experimental unit. The response variables were incidence, severity and yield. The incidence was higher than 80 % in all cases, but the severity varied because of their genetic condition; BR03 and BR01 being genotypes with lower rates of severity, with values of 1.0 % and 0.8 %, respectively. The yield analysis of variance showed significant differences, indicating that genotypes SQBR01 and SQLF04, reached the highest values with 4.77 and 4.74 t/ha in a total of three harvests.En Colombia, los nematodos del nudo radical Meloidogyne spp. son considerados como uno de los principales inconvenientes en la producción de lulo, por los daños que ocasionan en las raíces y la pérdida de producción asociada. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar en condiciones de campo la reacción de 16 genotipos de lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam., Solanaceae), variedad Castilla y la especie S. hirtum Vahl (seleccionados previamente en un experimento en invernadero y categorizados como resistentes y mode-radamente resistentes) al ataque de Meloidogyne sp. Además, se incluyeron dos testigos: uno químico (nematicida) y uno absoluto (que correspondió al genotipo con mayor susceptibilidad en invernadero). El ensayo se estableció en un lote naturalmente infestado por el nematodo, en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones y nueve plantas por cada unidad experimental. Las variables de respuesta fueron incidencia, severidad y rendimiento. La incidencia fue superior al 80 % en todos los casos, pero la severidad varió debido a su condición genética. BR03 y BR01 fueron los genotipos con índices de severidad más bajos, con valores de 1,0 y 0,8 respectivamente. El análisis de varianza de rendimiento mostró diferencias significativas y evidenció que los genotipos SQBR01 y SQLF04 alcanzaron los valores más altos con 4,77 y 4,74 t/ha en tres pases de cosecha.Na Colômbia, os nematoides das galhas Meloidog ynespp. são considerados como um dos principais limitantes na produção do fruto de lulo devido aos danos que causam nas raízes e à perda de produção associada. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar em condições de campo a reação de 16 genótipos de lulo Solanum quitoense Lam. (Solanaceae), variedade Castilla, e a espécie S. hirtum Vahl (selecionados previamente num experimento em estufa e categori-zados como resistentes e moderadamente resistentes) ao ataque de Meloidog yne sp. Além disso, incluíram-se dois indicadores: um químico (nematicida) e um absoluto (que correspondeu ao genótipo com maior suscetibilidade em estufa). O ensaio foi estabelecido em um lote naturalmente infestado pelo nematoide, num desenho de blocos completos ao acaso com três repetições e nove plantas por cada unidade experimental. As variáveis de resposta foram incidência, severidade e rendimento. A incidência foi superior a 80 % em todos os casos, mas a severidade variou por sua condição genética. BR03 e BR01 foram os genótipos com índices de severidade mais baixos, com valores de 1,0 e 0,8 respectivamente. A análise de variância de rendimento mostrou diferenças significativas e evidenciou que os genótipos SQBR01 e SQLF04 atingiram os valores mais altos com 4,77 e 4,74 t/ha em três passes da colheita

    Ambientes de aprendizaje, inclusión e intersubjetividad

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    Se presentan algunos resultados de investigación del grupo Educación Matemática, Diversidad y Subjetividades (Colombia) en el desarrollo de ambientes de aprendizaje que propenden por la inclusión de estudiantes en escuelas públicas colombianas que se encuentran en posición de frontera (Skovsmose, O., Scandiuzzi, P., Valero, P., & Alro, H., 2011). Dichos ambientes se plantearon en el marco del proyecto de investigación (García y Valero, 2011), cofinanciado por COLCIENCIAS y las Universidades Distrital, Pedagógica Nacional y Aalborg. Para tal presentación, se desarrolla un análisis de los ambientes de aprendizaje, favorecidos por escenas, que integraban situaciones cercanas a la vida social, política y económica de los estudiantes e involucraron sus intenciones y disposiciones. Además, se analiza el sentido que construyen los estudiantes para las matemáticas, la coordinación de esfuerzos para participar en tales ambientes y las demandas que implica su participación cuando requieren de una actividad conjunta (Mejía, 2001), indagando también por las posibilidades y las limitaciones que encuentran éstos de participar y construir oportunidades de porvenir (Skovsmose et al, 2011). La complejidad de estos ambientes, implica considerar aspectos como: los recursos empleados, la mixtura de los lenguajes que usan, las formas de expresión verbales y no verbales, los espacios físicos y algunas manifestaciones de la política de obstáculos de aprendizaje

    Number and nature of psychiatric emergency department visits in a tertiary hospital before, during, and after coronavirus pandemic

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted mental health globally, leading to a deterioration in the overall mental health of the population and changes across all healthcare levels, including emergency departments (ED). However, the evolution of the quantity and nature of psychiatric ED visits in the post-pandemic period remains uncertain. Aims: To examine changes in the number and nature of psychiatric emergencies at a general hospital before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: Psychiatric ED visits from a tertiary hospital in the Basque Country (Spain) between January 2019 and November 2023 were investigated. Electronical health registers detailing the number and nature of psychiatric care consultations were analyzed for the study timeframe. Three periods were then compared: pre-pandemic (from January 2019 to February 2020), pandemic (from March 2020 to January 2022), and post-pandemic (from February 2022 onwards). Results: 16,969 psychiatric ED visits were recorded for the study period. The number of psychiatric ED visits remained stable from pre-pandemic (269.93 visits/month) to pandemic (264.48 visits/month) periods but experienced a significant rise during the post-pandemic period (330.00 visits/month; t=-6.42; p<0.001), which was not reflected in medical and traumatological visits. The proportion of visits for anxiety (Z=-2.97; p=0.003), suicidal ideation (Z=-5.48; p<0.001), and administrative and social consultations (Z=-5.69; p<0.001) increased over the course of the pandemic. In contrast, visits for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders (Z=4.85; p<0.001), as well as unspecified behavioral alterations (Z=2.51; p=0.012), significantly decreased. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath have altered the patterns of urgent psychiatric care, characterized by a sharp increase of average monthly number of consultations and a shift in their nature. Future efforts should focus on characterizing this surge in demand and enhancing both emergency services and outpatient settings

    Transcriptome analysis and postharvest behavior of the kiwifruit `Actinidia deliciosa¿ reveal the role of ethylene-related phytohormones during fruit ripening

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    Kiwifruit are climacteric fruit, so they must be harvested before they are fully ripe, allowing for the extension of their shelf-life via cold storage. Therefore, an adequate knowledge about how ethylene-induced fruit senescence is required to avoid significant economic losses. The main goal of the present study was to investigate the kiwifruit ripening process at the physiological and molecular levels by RNA-seq after 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP, ethylene inhibitor) and Ethrel® (ethylene stimulator) treatments. The results showed that Ethrel® (ethephon) treatment induced more accelerated fruit ripening, leading to rapid fruit senescence, meanwhile 1-MCP caused a slowing flesh softening, and thus a longer shelf-life period. The RNA-seq was carried out on the fruit after 4 and 13 days, considering day 4 as the most determinant in terms of differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The sequencing achieved 70.7% alignment with the `Hongyang¿ genome, obtaining 18,036 DEGs. The protein-protein interaction (PPI) network shows the interaction between different pathways in two main clusters: (1) pentose and glucoronate interconversions, citrate cycle, glycolysis and gluconeogenesis or starch, and sucrose metabolism and (2) porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism. The first cluster is mainly interconnected by G6PD1 (pentose pathway); E1 ALPHA and ACLB-2 (citrate cycle); Achn209711 (pentose and glucoronate); LOS2 (glycolysis); HKL1 and HXK1 (glycolysis¿starch and sucrose); and PHS2 (starch and sucrose). In the second cluster, GUN5 through PORA is interacting with CRD1 and NYC1 which were overexpressed by 1-MCP in the porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism. In addition, genes linked to PSBY and PSBP photosynthesis-linked proteins in photosystem 2 were overexpressed by 1-MCP which is undoubtedly related to chlorophyll degradation and fruit senescence. These results suggest that in kiwifruit, the main pathways that are regulated by ethylene-induced senescence comprise sugar catabolism and chlorophyll degradation.The authors would like to thank the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) of Chile government through the project FONDEF N° D09i-1136. Additionally, we thank the Seneca Foundation in the region of Murcia (Spain) through the Regional subprogram “Saavedra Fajardo” (20397/ SF/17) and Ministry of Science and Innovation through the project “Juan de la Cierva Incorporación” N° IJC2018-0366-

    Experience of the cleft lip and palate clinic at the hospital general de México 2017-2023

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    Background: The care of cleft lip and palate patients at the general hospital of Mexico has nearly 70 years of experience. Methods: An observational study of a 7-year cohort of resolved cases of cleft lip and palate by the plastic and reconstructive surgery service of the general hospital of Mexico (2017-2023) was conducted. Results: The 121 patients were recorded, with 47 palatoplasties, 44 primary cheiloplasties, 24 secondary cheiloplasties, and 11 veloplasties performed. All patients are evaluated by a multidisciplinary team composed of plastic surgery, dentistry, clinical nutrition, speech therapy, audiology, genetics, and psychology to determine a comprehensive treatment plan. Conclusions: The data reported by the cohort in this work aligns with international reports. The frequency of cases decreased due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but has increased in recent years