3,151 research outputs found

    The Relationship among Principal Instructional Leadership, Collective Teacher Efficacy, Student Academic Achievement, and Socioeconomic Status in Appalachia Eastern Kentucky High Schools

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    Current studies have shown that principal instructional leadership can affect student academic achievement as much as 15% (Hallinger & Murphy, 1982; Hallinger & Heck, 1996; Leithwood & Beatty, 2009). Research studies on collective teacher efficacy have shown that teacher efficacy can significantly affect student academic achievement (Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 2001; Tschannen, Moran &Woolfolk, 2001; Woolfolk; 2004; Goddard, et. al, 2000; Francera, 2009). Previous research has suggested that the effects of socioeconomic status of students can be ameliorated through a combination of principal instructional leadership and collective teacher efficacy (Howley & Howley, 2010; Coleman, 1966). This non-experimental research project developed four hypotheses and three research questions to examine the relationship among principal instructional leadership, collective teacher efficacy and student academic achievement, accounting for socioeconomic status. Teachers provided data for measures of collective teacher efficacy and instructional leadership behaviors by responding to items on the Collective Teacher Efficacy Scale (Goddard, et. al, 2004), and the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (Hallinger and Murphy, 1986). Data was obtained from 449 teachers and aggregated to the school level of 42 individual schools. Archived data from the Kentucky Department of Education Report Card provided data for free and reduced lunch percentages (socioeconomic status) and ACT composite scores (student academic achievement). Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients and multiple regressions were computed to identify the direct and indirect influences of principal instructional leadership, collective teacher efficacy and student academic achievement. This study revealed two interesting observations: Teacher Perceptions of Classroom Management was highly correlated to Student Motivation to Learning at r = .479, p = .001, indicating that teacher\u27s sense of efficacy regarding classroom management affects student\u27s motivation to engaging in the learning process. Protects Instructional Time (a subscale of Developing the School Learning Climate Program) was highly correlated to Maintains High Visibility, indicating that the principal\u27s physical presence is as important as is his or her ability to manage the instructional program of the school; it was correlated at r =.485, p = .001. Socioeconomic status, as other studies have shown (Lubbers,1998; Francera, 2009; Goddard, et. al. 2004, Tschannen-Moran, M., & Woolfolk Hoy, A. 2001; Coleman, 1966) was a strong predictor of student academic achievement. It was correlated at an inverse r = -.479, p = .001. Implications for future research merit examining the principal\u27s instructional leadership ability to provide professional development in-service workshops to increase teacher\u27s collective efficacy behaviors, using school-based data to improve and sustain student academic achievement. The goal of finding what predictive measures affect student academic achievement warrants further study

    Desarrollo de algoritmo y prototipo móvil para medir el grado de madurez del aguacate Hass mediante procesamiento digital de imágenes

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    La producción de aguacate Hass está presente en diferentes regiones de Colombia. Los agricultores cosechan el aguacate cuando ha alcanzado su madurez fisiológica y desde allí puede ser dispendioso conocer su estado de madurez para los comercializadores o consumidores. Por ello se hace necesario tener conocimiento sobre el estado de maduración del fruto con ayuda de herramientas tecnológicas para facilitar su clasificación en base a su madurez y determinar su tiempo de vida, proporcionando detalles precisos para su exportación y venta regional. Los principales criterios de maduración son el cambio de color y pérdida de brillo de la fruta, los cuales pueden ser poco precisos debido a la subjetividad de cada persona. La idea principal es capturar el color y brillo del aguacate por medio de imágenes digitales para analizar su estado y obtener su clasificación

    A checklist of the hepatics and anthocerotes of Panamá

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    A brief account of the geography and floristic regions of Panamá is complemented with an historical account of the liverwort studies of this country. This is followed by an annotated checklist of 289 taxa, including 93 new for Panamá. Among these are four hornwort taxa that represent the first anthocerotes reported. Each checklist entry comprises proper taxon citation, collection data and/or bibliographic references.Una revisión de la geografía y regiones florísticas de Panamá es complementada con una nota histórica de los estudios sobre hepáticas de este país. Esto es seguido por una lista anotada de 289 taxa, incluyendo 93 que son nuevos para Panamá. Entre éstos se encuentran cuatro antocerotes que representan las primeras comunicaciones en esta División. Cada taxon ingresado contiene la citación apropiada, datos de colecta y/o referencias bibliográficas

    El diálogo erótico como posibilidad de formación : una propuesta didáctica para el fortalecimiento de la comprensión lectora

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    Este trabajo investigativo tiene como propósito presentar el diseño de una secuencia didáctica para el fortalecimiento de la comprensión del texto narrativo erótico y la formación para la ciudadanía en estudiantes de grado undécimo. Esta propuesta está basada en documentos vigentes que plantea el Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) para la enseñanza en Colombia, como los Lineamientos curriculares, los Estándares básicos de competencias del área del lenguaje y el Proyecto de Sexualidad para la Educación y Construcción de Ciudadanía. Esta propuesta enfatiza el trabajo del texto narrativo erótico como una posibilidad para la formación de la sexualidad a partir de la lectura y la escritura como prácticas sociales

    Comparación del manejo de aguas residuales domésticas de la ciudad de Ibagué, con las tecnologías empleadas en la ciudad de São Carlos Brasil

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    Visita Técnica InternacionalLa investigación se realizó con el fin de hacer una comparación del manejo de las aguas residuales domesticas en Colombia, con las empleadas en Brasil, donde se recopiló la información en la salida internacional que se hizo en la ciudad de Sao Carlos, estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil, donde se contemplaron los sistemas de tratamiento y los datos de operación (físico/químicos) de entrada y salida de la planta, con el fin de verificar como funciona cada una de ellas y hacer su respectiva comparación.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LAS PTAR EN IBAGUÉ-COLOMBIA Y SAO CARLOS-BRASIL 3. INFRAESTRUCTURA Y FUNCIONAMIENTO DE LA PTAR EL TEJAR Y LA PTAR MONJOLINHO 4. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS COMPARATIVO DE LOS DOS SISTEMAS DE TRATAMIENTO 5. CONCLUSIONES 6. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Diseño de un modelo basado en autómatas celulares para el cambio del uso del suelo en Bogotá

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl saneamiento es ciertamente lo más importante a la hora de construir comunidad, pero con la evolución del suelo esto se deja a un lado, es decir; vamos cambiando el uso del suelo sin pensar como afectamos la convivencia de la comunidad. Es importante que haya una proyección del uso del suelo en cualquier comunidad ya que el saneamiento con el cambio del uso del suelo no será el mismo, este dependerá del uso y repercutirá directamente en la convivencia de la comunidad.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Collegiate Sports Fans Perceptions and Expectations of Personal Seat License Programs

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    Steve Chen, DSM, is associate professor of management and marketing, School of Business Administration, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY 40351. Kenneth Henderson, PhD, is associate professor of management and marketing, School of Business Administration, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY 40351. Evan Worrell, BA, is recent graduate of management and marketing, School of Business Administration, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY 40351. William Salazar, MA, is grant coordinator of the Kentucky AHED program, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY 40351

    A scientific note on the use of stingless bees for commercial pollination in enclosures

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    Stingless bees are considered to be very important pollinators in the tropics, and they are known to effectively pollinate at least 9 crops [1]. Nevertheless, they are seldomly used for commercial pollination. To our knowledge, only one study has been published using stingless bees for crop pollination [2]. In that study, Nannotrigona testaceicornis was used successfully to pollinate strawberries in a greenhouse in Japan. There are several advantages that might make stingless bees more suitable for the pollination of certain crops than the commonly used honeybee [1, 3]. The fact that they lack a functional sting makes them especially suitable for pollination in enclosures. In our study, we compared the pollinating activity between two species of sting-less bees and honeybees on the ornamental plant Salvia farinacea var. strata (Lamiaceae) in enclosures. S. farinacea is an ornamental herbaceous plant, with small (ca. 1 cm) purple and white flowers. It is commercially grown for seed export, usually in enclosures to ensure the production of pure seeds. Experiments were carried out at the seed company Flora Feliz, Cartago, Costa Rica (9° 43 51 N, 83° 54 51 W, altitude 1388 m). Flower visitors of S. farinacea were captured in an open-air patch of 40 plants in December 1995. Pollination experiments were conducted in four netted enclosures (6 ´ 3 ´ 3 m) in April 1996. Each enclosure contained 60 plants that were pollinated by one of the three bee species during one month, or were left without pollinators (control). The following bee species were used: Nannotrigona testaceicornis, Tetragonisca angustula, and Apis mellifera. N. testaceicornis is a small robust bee with a body length of 4.1 4.2 mm. Colonies contain a few thousand individuals and the species is quite common in the Neotropics. T. angustula is a small, slender bee with a body length of 4.4 4.7 mm. It is the most abundant stingless bee species in Costa Rica with a colony size up to 5,000 individuals. We used a 5-frame hive of Africanized A. mellifera with approximately 10,000 workers

    Linear-nonlinear duality for circuit design on quantum computing platforms

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    The unitary description of beam splitters (BSs) and optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) in terms of the dynamical Lie groups SU(2)SU(2) and SU(1,1)SU(1,1) has a long history. Recently, an inherent duality has been proposed that relates the unitaries of both optical devices. At the physical level, this duality relates the linear nature of a lossless BS to the nonlinear Parametric Down-Conversion (PDC) process exhibited by an OPA. Here, we argue that the duality between BS and PDC can instead be naturally interpreted by analyzing the geometrical properties of both Lie groups, an approach that explicitly connects the dynamical group description of the optical devices with the aforementioned duality. Furthermore, we show that the BS-PDC duality can be represented through tensor network diagrams, enabling the implementation of a PDC as a circuit on a standard quantum computing platform. Thus, it is feasible to simulate nonlinear processes by using single-qubit unitaries that can be implemented on currently available digital quantum processors