5 research outputs found

    L'analyse en molĂ©cule unique du rĂ©cepteur de l’IL-2 rĂ©vĂšle l'importance de son oligomĂ©risation pour l'endocytose et la signalisation dans les lymphocytes

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    Signaling by the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) is regulated by its clathrin-independent endocytosis (CIE) and subsequent degradation, while playing a critical role in immunity. Interestingly, CIE lacks a coat protein that drives pit formation, raising the question of how the CIE vesicle is initiated. Protein clustering generates forces that can induce membrane conformational changes. Notably, IL-2R has been shown to accumulate at the base of membrane protrusions, where receptors might cluster and thereby initiate the pit.To study the relevance of IL-2R clustering in its endocytosis, we generated a CRISPR-edited T cell line expressing GFP-IL-2Rᔧ and analyzed its stoichiometry at the plasma membrane, by TIRF microscopy coupled to a single-molecule endocytic tracking method. We identified distinct IL-2Rᔧ cluster populations. IL-2Rᔧ seems to reach the cell surface as a preassembled cluster to which further molecules are added, reaching an optimal cluster size that is key for its internalization. Binding of IL-2 promotes the formation of endocytic clusters and receptor uptake, highlighting the importance of clustering for CIE internalization.Moreover, we found that cholesterol depletion increases the proportion of large, non-endocytic clusters as well as IL-2R signaling. Disruption of the actin meshwork also promotes the formation of large clusters, yet it decreases IL-2R signaling. Thus, both factors regulate IL-2R endocytosis and signaling in a distinct manner. Our results provide new insights into the mechanisms regulating receptor signaling and CIE.La signalisation par le rĂ©cepteur de l'interleukine-2 (IL-2R), est rĂ©gulĂ©e par son endocytose indĂ©pendante de la clathrine (EIC) et sa dĂ©gradation ultĂ©rieure, tout en jouant un rĂŽle essentiel dans l'immunitĂ©. L'endocytose indĂ©pendante de la clathrine Ă©tant dĂ©pourvue de manteau protĂ©ique induisant la formation des puits, la question qui se pose est de savoir comment la vĂ©sicule d’IL-2R est-elle initiĂ©e. Le regroupement local des protĂ©ines peut induire des changements de conformation de la membrane et crĂ©er une invagination. Sachant que l'IL-2R s'accumule Ă  la base des protubĂ©rances membranaires avant d’initier sa vĂ©sicule d’endocytose, nous avons analysĂ© si le regroupement des rĂ©cepteurs pourrait favoriser son internalisation. Pour Ă©tudier l’importance du regroupement de l'IL-2R, nous avons gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© une lignĂ©e lymphocytaire humaine Ă©ditĂ©e (CRISPR) pour exprimer GFP-IL-2Rᔧ. Nous avons ensuite analysĂ© la stoechiomĂ©trie du rĂ©cepteur au niveau de la membrane plasmique, par microscopie TIRF couplĂ©e Ă  une mĂ©thode de suivi de GFP-IL-2Rᔧ en molĂ©cule unique et identifiĂ© des populations distinctes d’oligomĂ©risation. L'IL-2Rᔧ semble atteindre la surface cellulaire sous forme d'oligomĂšres prĂ©-assemblĂ©s auxquels d'autres molĂ©cules sont ajoutĂ©es, atteignant ainsi une taille d'oligomĂ©risation optimale qui est essentielle Ă  son internalisation. La liaison de l'IL-2 favorise la formation de ces oligomĂšres, compĂ©tents pour l’endocytose, ce qui souligne l'importance du regroupement des rĂ©cepteurs dans l'internalisation EIC.De plus, nous avons constatĂ© que la dĂ©plĂ©tion du cholestĂ©rol augmentait la proportion de gros oligomĂšres, non compĂ©tents pour l’endocytose mais induisant une forte signalisation. La perturbation du rĂ©seau d'actine favorise Ă©galement la formation de gros oligomĂšres, mais cette fois en diminuant la signalisation de l’IL-2R. Ainsi, les deux facteurs rĂ©gulent l'endocytose et la signalisation de l'IL-2R de maniĂšre distincte. Nos rĂ©sultats apportent de nouvelles connaissances sur les mĂ©canismes rĂ©gulant la signalisation des rĂ©cepteurs et l’EIC

    Cytokine receptor cluster size impacts its endocytosis and signaling

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    International audienceThe interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) is a cytokine receptor essential for immunity that transduces proliferative signals regulated by its uptake and degradation. IL-2R is a well-known marker of clathrin-independent endocytosis (CIE), a process devoid of any coat protein, raising the question of how the CIE vesicle is generated. Here, we investigated the impact of IL-2Rγ clustering in its endocytosis. Combining total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) live imaging of a CRISPR-edited T cell line endogenously expressing IL-2Rγ tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP), with multichannel imaging, single-molecule tracking, and quantitative analysis, we were able to decipher IL-2Rγ stoichiometry at the plasma membrane in real time. We identified three distinct IL-2Rγ cluster populations. IL-2Rγ is secreted to the cell surface as a preassembled small cluster of three molecules maximum, rapidly diffusing at the plasma membrane. A medium-sized cluster composed of four to six molecules is key for IL-2R internalization and is promoted by interleukin 2 (IL-2) binding, while larger clusters (more than six molecules) are static and inefficiently internalized. Moreover, we identified membrane cholesterol and the branched actin cytoskeleton as key regulators of IL-2Rγ clustering and IL-2–induced signaling. Both cholesterol depletion and Arp2/3 inhibition lead to the assembly of large IL-2Rγ clusters, arising from the stochastic interaction of receptor molecules in close correlation with their enhanced lateral diffusion at the membrane, thus resulting in a default in IL-2R endocytosis. Despite similar clustering outcomes, while cholesterol depletion leads to a sustained IL-2–dependent signaling, Arp2/3 inhibition prevents signal initiation. Taken together, our results reveal the importance of cytokine receptor clustering for CIE initiation and signal transduction

    Shigella promotes major alteration of gut epithelial physiology and tissue invasion by shutting off host intracellular transport

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    International audienceIntracellular trafficking pathways in eukaryotic cells are essential to maintain organelle identity and structure, and to regulate cell communication with its environment. Shigella flexneri invades and subverts the human colonic epithelium by the injection of virulence factors through a type 3 secretion system (T3SS). In this work we report the multiple effects of two S. flexneri effectors, IpaJ and VirA, which target small GTPases of the Arf and Rab families, consequently inhibiting several intracellular trafficking pathways. IpaJ and VirA induce large-scale impairment of host protein secretion and block the recycling of surface receptors. Moreover, these two effectors decrease clathrin-dependent and-independent endocytosis. Therefore, S. flexneri infection induces a global blockage of host cell intracellular transport, affecting the exchange between cells and their external environment. The combined action of these effectors disorganizes the epithelial cell polarity, disturbs epithelial barrier integrity, promotes multiple invasion events and enhances the pathogen capacity to penetrate into the colonic tissue in vivo. bacteria | pathogen | secretion | endocytosis | polarit