614 research outputs found

    Assessment of motion-induced fluidization of dense pyroclastic gravity currents

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    The paper addresses some fundamental aspects of the dynamics of dense granular flows down inclines relevant to pyroclastic density currents. A simple mechanistic framework is presented to analyze the dynamics of the frontal zone, with a focus on the establishment of conditions that promote air entrainment at the head of the current and motion-induced self-fluidization of the flow. The one-dimensional momentum balance on the current along the incline is considered under the hypothesis of strongly turbulent flow and pseudo-homogeneous behaviour of the two-phase gas-solid flow. Departures from one-dimensional flow in the frontal region are also analyzed and provide the key to the assessment of air cross-flow and fluidization of the solids in the head of the current. The conditions for the establishment of steady motion of pyroclastic flows down an incline, in either the fluidized or «dry» granular states, are examined

    Chemical engineering and industrial ecology: Remanufacturing and recycling as process systems

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    Climate change and resource scarcity are just two of the planetary crises that make radical socio-economic change essential if human society is to be sustainable. Chemical engineering is a skill-set that can make a unique contribution to the socio-economic transition, going beyond new technological processes to provide a system-level understanding of economic activities from the perspective of industrial ecology. This paper provides an example by applying process system analysis to the use, re-use, remanufacturing, and recycling of material products. Unlike the ‘circular economy’ approach, the analysis starts from the stock of goods and materials in use in the economy and models the flows required to build up, operate, and maintain the stock. Metrics are developed to account for the effect of stock growth on demand for materials. The significance of the analysis is illustrated for four metals whose industrial ecologies are at different levels of maturity: lead, copper, aluminium, and lithium. Extending product life through re-use and remanufacturing is crucial for resource efficiency, using labour to reduce demand for energy and non-renewable resources. If end-of-life products are processed to recover individual elements, the cost penalties increase rapidly with the decreasing concentration of valuable materials and increasing number of materials in the mixture. Thus, shifting from a linear economy (make−use−dispose) to closed-loop use of materials involves rethinking product design to reduce the number of materials used. Material substitution to reduce demand for scarce materials needs to look beyond equivalence of function to consider changing patterns of use in the regenerative economy

    A CFD-VOF based model to address intensive photobioreactor design

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    The design and optimization of photobioreactors for intensive microalgal cultures are key issues to increase process performance. A model to assess the photosynthetic performance of tubular, bubble column and flat photobioreactors is presented. The model has coupled microalgal light distribution, photosynthesis kinetics and gas-liquid hydrodynamics. A lumped kinetic parameter model of photosynthetic unit (PSU) has been adopted for photosynthetic reactions. The dynamics of a microalgal cell has been described according to the gas-liquid flow of a bubble column. The flow field induced by liquid turbulence and bubbles uprising throughout the photobioreactor have been simulated with ANSYS-FLUENT. A representative domain of the flat photobioreactor has been selected by adopting proper periodic boundary conditions. Turbulence dispersion fields have been assessed by numerical simulations for several bubble size. A random-walk model developed in MATLAB has been adopted to microalgal cells to assess the irradiance experienced by the PSU-cell in the photobioreactors. The photobioreactor performances - expressed in terms of global photosynthesis rate – have been assessed. Irradiance level and biomass concentration have been changed in the range of operating conditions typically adopted for known processes

    Dynamic modeling of a solar receiver/thermal energy storage system based on a compartmented dense gas fluidized bed

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    Fluidized beds may be considered a promising option to collection and storage of thermal energy of solar radiation in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) systems thanks to their excellent thermal properties in terms of bed-to-wall heat transfer coefficient and thermal diffusivity and to the possibility to operate at much higher temperature. A novel concept of solar receiver for combined heat and power (CHP) generation consisting of a compartmented dense gas fluidized bed has been proposed to effectively accomplish three complementary tasks: collection of incident solar radiation, heat transfer to the working fluid of the thermodynamic cycle and thermal energy storage. A dynamical model of the system laid the basis for optimizing collection of incident radiative power, heat transfer to the steam cycle, storage of energy as sensible heat of bed solids providing the ground for the basic design of a 700kW th demonstration CSP plant


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    The economic scenario established at the beginning of the third millennium has revived the interest in Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) fermentations. Recent developments in molecular techniques applied to solventogenic microrganisms in combination with recent advances in fermentation systems and downstream processing have contributed to improve ABE fermentation processes feasibility and competitiveness. The challenges raised over the last years as regards ABE production may be synthesized in: i) use of renewable resources as substrate; ii) selection of strains characterized by high ABE productivity; iii) development of new fermentation systems; iv) development of new downstream strategies for enhanced solvent recovery. The selection of unconventional substrates is favoured by the ability of clostridia strains to metabolize a wide range of carbohydrates like glucose, lactose, etc...., typically present in wastewater streams e.g. from food industries. Even though clostridia have been proven successful to produce ABE, information about kinetics of substrate conversion, cell growth and butanol production is still lacking. Studies available in literature most typically regard batch tests whose results do not apply easily to continuous processes. The strong interaction between the growth/acidogenesis phase and the solventogenesis phase should be taken into account. The reactor systems investigated for the ABE fermentation belong to the batch and fed-batch typologies. Some attempts are reported in literature regarding continuous fermentation by means of clostridia strains confined in the reactor by immobilization or cell-recycling. The present study reports the preliminary results of a research activity aiming at investigating the feasibility of the ABE production by Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC824 in a continuous biofilm reactor adopting cheese whey as feedstock. The contribution regards the characterization of the kinetics related to the ABE production process by free C. acetobutylicum ATCC824 adopting as medium lactose solutions, in order to emulate the cheese whey. The conversion process is characterized in terms of cells, acids, solvents, pH, gas composition and total organic compounds as a function of time. Results are worked out to assess the kinetics of the cells growth and of the ABE production. The yields of the carbon source in cells, acids and solvents are also assessed. The investigation is carried out adopting both batch reactors and two continuous reactors. In particular, the continuous reactors are equipped to operate under controlled conversion regimes, acidogenesis or solventogenesis. Tests carried out under batch conditions show that: i) cells growth follows the Monod kinetics for lactose concentration (CL) smaller than 100 g/L; ii) the butanol specific production rate increases linearly with CL; iii) the lactose conversion - measured at the end of the solventogenesis phase - decreases with CL; iv) the selectivity of butanol with respect to total solvents increases with CL and stabilizes at about 72%W for CL larger than 30 g/L. Preliminary tests carried out with the continuous reactor operated under solventogenesis regime show that steady state establishes with respect to cells and metabolites concentration at dilution rate of about 0.04 h-1

    Hydrodynamic Characterization of GULF STREAM Circulation in a Pilot Scale Fluidized Bed Combustor

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    The present study addresses the hydrodynamics of a pilot-scale fluidized bed combustor with a focus on the establishment of "Gulf Stream" circulation patterns as a solids mixing promoter. Time-resolved pressure signals measured at different locations in the bed and in the plenum were analyzed in the time, frequency and phase-space domains. Results were matched against qualitative characterization of fluidization patterns by visual observation of the bed surface

    Integrating Knowledge Graphs for Analysing Academia and Industry Dynamics

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    Academia and industry are constantly engaged in a joint effort for producing scientific knowledge that will shape the society of the future. Analysing the knowledge flow between them and understanding how they influence each other is a critical task for researchers, governments, funding bodies, investors, and companies. However, current corpora are unfit to support large-scale analysis of the knowledge flow between academia and industry since they lack of a good characterization of research topics and industrial sectors. In this short paper, we introduce the Academia/Industry DynAmics (AIDA) Knowledge Graph, which characterizes 14M papers and 8M patents according to the research topics drawn from the Computer Science Ontology. 4M papers and 5M patents are also classified according to the type of the author's affiliations (academy, industry, or collaborative) and 66 industrial sectors (e.g., automotive, financial, energy, electronics) obtained from DBpedia. AIDA was generated by an automatic pipeline that integrates several knowledge graphs and bibliographic corpora, including Microsoft Academic Graph, Dimensions, English DBpedia, the Computer Science Ontology, and the Global Research Identifier Database

    Development of large radii half-wave plates for CMB satellite missions

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    The successful European Space Agency (ESA) Planck mission has mapped the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropy with unprecedented accuracy. However, Planck was not designed to detect the polarised components of the CMB with comparable precision. The BICEP2 collaboration has recently reported the first detection of the B-mode polarisation. ESA is funding the development of critical enabling technologies associated with B-mode polarisation detection, one of these being large diameter half-wave plates. We compare different polarisation modulators and discuss their respective trade-offs in terms of manufacturing, RF performance and thermo-mechanical properties. We then select the most appropriate solution for future satellite missions, optimized for the detection of B-modes.Comment: 16 page

    AI-KG: an Automatically Generated Knowledge Graph of Artificial Intelligence

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    Scientific knowledge has been traditionally disseminated and preserved through research articles published in journals, conference proceedings, and online archives. However, this article-centric paradigm has been often criticized for not allowing to automatically process, categorize, and reason on this knowledge. An alternative vision is to generate a semantically rich and interlinked description of the content of research publications. In this paper, we present the Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Graph (AI-KG), a large-scale automatically generated knowledge graph that describes 820K research entities. AI-KG includes about 14M RDF triples and 1.2M reified statements extracted from 333K research publications in the field of AI, and describes 5 types of entities (tasks, methods, metrics, materials, others) linked by 27 relations. AI-KG has been designed to support a variety of intelligent services for analyzing and making sense of research dynamics, supporting researchers in their daily job, and helping to inform decision-making in funding bodies and research policymakers. AI-KG has been generated by applying an automatic pipeline that extracts entities and relationships using three tools:DyGIE++, Stanford CoreNLP, and the CSO Classifier. It then integrates and filters the resulting triples using a combination of deep learning and semantic technologies in order to produce a high-quality knowledge graph. This pipeline was evaluated on a manually crafted gold standard, yielding competitive results. AI-KG is available under CC BY 4.0 and can be downloaded as a dump or queried via a SPARQL endpoint
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