267 research outputs found

    Cambios edáficos en las Marismas de Doñana y su relación con la invasión de Azolla filiculoide

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    2 páginas, 7 referencias. En el Capítulo: Degradación de suelos y desertificación. Simposio celebrado en Fuerteventura, 16-20, septiembre, 2007. Los editores son del Departamento de Edafología y Geología, Universidad de La Laguna.La Marisma de de Doñana es una extensa planicie dominada por suelos arcillosos, calcáreos y salinos (Clemente et al., 1998) que se inunda estacionalmente -por efecto de la lluvia y de algunos arroyos- y acoge a una de las poblaciones de aves acuáticas más importantes de Europa (Clemente et al. 2004). En 2001 uno de los autores (J.L. Espinar) documentó por primera vez la presencia del helecho de origen americano Azolla filliculoides, una especie invasora con capacidad para fijar el N atmosférico, que acabó extendiéndose por el humedal en los años siguientes (Cobo y Bañuls, 2005) En este trabajo se analizan los cambios ambientales ocurridos en la marisma de Doñana con anterioridad a la invasión, en relación con lo acaecido en anteriores episodios de invasión por Azolla de otras áreas naturales.Peer reviewe

    La chagra (a chagra): uma experiência de inculturação (endoculturação) para a soberania alimentar

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    The food crisis affects not only Colombia, but the entire world. In that sense, it is a social responsibility to seek strategiesto mitigate it. The food crisis manifests itself in staggering figures in Colombia: almost half of the population lives in poverty,lacks access to food for a sufficient economic level and leaves at least 41% of Colombian households in risk of starvation.To our government’s shame, the country’s hunger rate is higher than in sub-Saharan Africa, 45% of pregnant women inColombia suffer from anemia and 58.2% of rural households say that their children go to bed without eating. In ethniccommunities, more than 80% of children under five suffer from chronic malnutrition. The objective of this research is toconduct a reflective analysis on the use of the chagra as a pedagogical strategy to promote an experience of endoculturationleading to food sovereignty in educational contexts, focusing on the traditions of the indigenous reservation of Ipiales, LosPastos locality. Taking into account that modern trends are generating other lifestyles, the question arises as to whetherthe cultural knowledge and traditions of indigenous peoples are being relegated. To achieve our purpose a qualitativemethodology was used that focused on the documentary review different sources associated with this topic, which weretriangulated for the generation of final reflections. As a result of the research process, it was found that the transmissionof ancestral knowledge that has been lost over the years is fundamental, and that cultural elements such as the chagragenerate significant impacts at the level of food sovereignty, health, economy and sustainable development.La crisis alimentaria afecta no solo a Colombia, sino al mundo entero. En ese sentido, es una responsabilidad social buscarestrategias encaminadas a mitigarla. La crisis alimentaria se manifiesta en cifras asombrosas en Colombia: casi la mitad de lapoblación vive en la pobreza, carece de acceso a alimentos para un nivel económico suficiente y deja al menos al 41% de loshogares colombianos en riesgo de inanición. Para vergüenza de nuestro Gobierno, el índice de hambre del país es más alto queen el África subsahariana, el 45% de las mujeres embarazadas en Colombia padecen anemia y el 58,2% de los hogares ruralesafirman que sus hijos se acuestan sin comer. En las comunidades étnicas, más del 80% de los niños menores de cinco añossufren de desnutrición crónica. El objetivo de esta investigación es realizar un análisis reflexivo sobre el uso de la chagra comoestrategia pedagógica para promover una experiencia de endoculturación conducente a la soberanía alimentaria en contextoseducativos, centrándose en las tradiciones del resguardo indígena de Ipiales, localidad de Los Pastos. Teniendo en cuentaque las tendencias modernas están generando otros estilos de vida, se plantea la interrogante de si los saberes y tradicionesculturales de los pueblos indígenas están siendo relegados. Para lograr nuestro propósito se utilizó una metodología cualitativaque se centró en la revisión documental de diferentes fuentes asociadas con este tema, las cuales fueron trianguladas parala generación de reflexiones finales. Como resultado del proceso investigativo se encontró que la transmisión de saberesancestrales que se han ido perdiendo con el paso de los años es fundamental, y que elementos culturales como la chagrageneran impactos significativos a nivel de soberanía alimentaria, salud, economía y desarrollo sostenible.A crise alimentar afeta não apenas a Colômbia, mas o mundo inteiro. Neste sentido, é uma responsabilidade social buscarestratégias para mitigá-la. A crise alimentar se manifesta em números espantosos na Colômbia: quase metade da populaçãovive na pobreza, não tem acesso a alimentos para um nível econômico suficiente e deixa pelo menos 41% dos lares colombianosem risco de fome. Para vergonha de nosso governo, a taxa de fome do país é mais alta do que na África subsaariana, 45% dasmulheres grávidas na Colômbia estão anêmicas e 58,2% dos lares rurais relatam que seus filhos vão para a cama sem comer.Nas comunidades étnicas, mais de 80% das crianças menores de cinco anos sofrem de desnutrição crônica. O objetivo destapesquisa é realizar uma análise reflexiva sobre o uso da chagra como estratégia pedagógica para promover uma experiênciade endocultura que leve à soberania alimentar em contextos educacionais, com foco nas tradições do resguardo indígena deIpiales, localidade de Los Pastures. Levando em conta que as tendências modernas estão gerando outros estilos de vida, surgea questão se o conhecimento cultural e as tradições dos povos indígenas estão sendo relegados para segundo plano. Paraatingir nosso objetivo, utilizou-se uma metodologia qualitativa que se concentrou na revisão documental de diferentes fontesassociadas a este tema, que foram trianguladas para a geração das reflexões finais. Como resultado do processo de pesquisa,descobriu-se que a transmissão de conhecimentos ancestrais perdidos ao longo dos anos é essencial, e que elementos culturaiscomo a chagra geram impactos significativos no nível da soberania alimentar, saúde, economia e desenvolvimento sustentável

    Sound field in several theatres of cádiz, before and after its restoration

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    In order to recover the historical and architectural heritage in our region, the Andalusian Goverment is carrying out since recent times a quite interesting an important project called "Rehabilitation Plan of Theaters in Andalusia". This ambitious project, still running, includes the rehabilitation of more than thirty andalusian theaters, and inside it we are playing the role of "acoustic consultors" at the request of the region administration. Five of these theaters belonging to the the Cadiz's province has been already rehabilitated and reopened for different uses. They are: Manuel de Falla Theater, in Cadiz, Villamarta Theater in Jerez de la Frontera, Principal Theater in Puerto Real, Olivares-Veas Theater in Arcos de la Frontera, de las Cortes Theater, in San Fernando. They are characterised because they cover a quite wide range ofvolumes (scene excluded), oscillating between 790 m3, in Olivares-Veas Theater, and 81 14 m3, in Manuel de Falla Theater, and seats that oscillate between 221, in Olivares- Veas Theater, and 122 1, in Villamarta Theater. This paper will be devoted to show the results, experimental and modelled, obtained for severals room acoustic parameters, before and after the perfomed restoration in the five theaters previously mentioned. These results will be discussed according to the diferent uses foreseen for these theaters and consequently the success of the restoration perfomed in them will be evaluated fiom the acoustical point of view

    Overproduction and purification of protein p6 of Bacillus subtilis phage ø29

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    A ø29 DNA fragment containing gene 6, required for DNA replication, has been cloned in plasmid pPLc28 under the control of the PL promoter of phage lambda. A polypeptide with an electrophoretic mobility close to that of p6 was labelled with 35S methionine after heat induction. This protein, representing about 4% of the total E. coli protein after 1 h of induction, was obtained in a highly purified form. The protein was characterized as p6 by amino acid analysis and NH2 COOH-terminal sequence determination. Protein p6 has an apparent molecular weight of 23,600 suggesting that the native form of the protein is a dimer. The purified protein p6 stimulated the protein-primed initiation of ø29-coded DNA replication when added to purified proteins p2 (ø29-coded DNA polymerase) and p3 (terminal protein).Peer reviewe

    Acoustic rehabilitation of the former royal tobbaco factory, headquartes of the university of seville: a global assessment

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    The former Royal Tobacco Factory in Seville is one of the most important civic buildings built in Spain in the eighteenth century, and was also the setting for Bizet's opera Carmen. Since the inauguration of the Law Faculty in 1954 it has served as the headquarters for the University of Seville, with a ground plan of 185147 m. Major renovation work is currently being carried out following a master plan executed by the University of Seville, and supervised by the Andalusian regional government's Department of Culture. This aims to significantly modify the current uses of many of its spaces and strengthen the building's heritage value. As part of this master plan, a team from the University of Seville's Institute of Architecture and Building Science has carried out an acoustic study of the different spaces within the building, almost all covered with some sort of vault. This will establish the renovations needed to ensure suitable acoustic conditions for the use of these spaces as classrooms, offices, meeting rooms, administration offices, and even a university cafeteria and canteen. The work we are presenting shows a global overview of the methodology used in the study, including an initial survey on site and simulation techniques based on raytracing, to assess different solutions. We also include the conclusions regarding the correction of acoustics and preservation of the building's heritage value to be incorporated into the master plan

    Oligo and polyuronic acids interactions with hypervalent chromium

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    Selective oxidation of galacturonic residues of oligo and polyuronic acids by CrVI affords CO2/HCO2H, oxidized uronic acid, and CrIII as final redox products. Kinetic studies show that the redox reaction proceeds through a mechanism combining CrVI → CrIV → CrII and CrVI → CrIV → CrIII pathways. The mechanism is supported by the observation of free radicals, CrO22+ and CrV as reaction intermediates. The EPR spectra show that five- and six coordinated oxo-CrV intermediates are formed. Penta-coordinated oxo-CrV species are present at any [H+], whereas hexa-coordinated ones are only observed at pH <1. At low pH CrV predominating species are coordinated by carboxylate groups and Oring (giso = 1.9783/5). At pH 7.5, the predominating ones are those coordinated by alcoholate groups of the ligand (giso = 1.9800). Polygal can reduce CrVI and efficiently trap CrIII. This behaviour represents an interesting model for the study of biomaterials, which possess a high proportion of polygal, in order to remove chromium from polluted waters.Fil: González, Juan Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Química Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Química Rosario; ArgentinaFil: García, Silvia Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Química Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Química Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Bellú, Sebastián Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Química Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Química Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Atria, Ana María. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Salas Pelegrín, Juan Manuel. Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias; EspañaFil: Rockenbauer, Antal. Hungary Academy of Sciences. Chemical Research Center; HungríaFil: Korecz, Lazlo. Hungary Academy of Sciences. Chemical Research Center; HungríaFil: Signorella, Sandra Rosanna. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Química Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Química Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Sala, Luis Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Química Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Química Rosario; Argentin

    Drug Repurposing for Cancers With Limited Survival: Protocol for a Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Only 5% of the molecules tested in oncology phase 1 trials reach the market after an average of 7.5 years of waiting and at a cost of tens of millions of dollars. To reduce the cost and shorten the time of discovery of new treatments, drug repurposing (research with molecules already approved for another indication) and the use of secondary data (not collected for the purpose of research) have been proposed. Due to advances in informatics in clinical care, secondary data can, in some cases, be of equal quality to primary data generated through prospective studies.Objective: The objective of this study is to identify drugs currently marketed for other indications that may have an effect on the prognosis of patients with cancer.Methods: We plan to monitor a cohort of patients with high-lethality cancers treated in the public health system of Catalonia between 2006 and 2012, retrospectively, for survival for 5 years after diagnosis or until death. A control cohort, comprising people without cancer, will also be retrospectively monitored for 5 years. The following study variables will be extracted from different population databases: type of cancer (patients with cancer cohort), date and cause of death, pharmacological treatment, sex, age, and place of residence. During the first stage of statistical analysis of the patients with cancer cohort, the drugs consumed by the long-term survivors (alive at 5 years) will be compared with those consumed by nonsurvivors. In the second stage, the survival associated with the consumption of each relevant drug will be analyzed. For the analyses, groups will be matched for potentially confounding variables, and multivariate analyses will be performed to adjust for residual confounding variables if necessary. The control cohort will be used to verify whether the associations found are exclusive to patients with cancer or whether they also occur in patients without cancer.Results: We anticipate discovering multiple significant associations between commonly used drugs and the survival outcomes of patients with cancer. We expect to publish the initial results in the first half of 2024.Conclusions: This retrospective study may identify several commonly used drugs as candidates for repurposing in the treatment of various cancers. All analyses are considered exploratory; therefore, the results will have to be confirmed in subsequent clinical trials. However, the results of this study may accelerate drug discovery in oncology

    Crisis económica y migración ¿Impactos temporales o estructurales?

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    La reciente crisis global, que para algunos autores ha sido tan o más profunda que la de los años treinta del siglo pasado extendida a un importante conjunto de países en el mundo, podría marcar el inicio de un nuevo patrón de acumulación, y como consecuencia un nuevo patrón migratorio que respondería a las exigencias de los nuevos mercados laborales, conceptos que se encuentran a debate entre los autores del presente libro. Destaca un análisis histórico que sirve de marco para conocer cómo Estados Unidos se desarrolló hasta ser una potencia hegemónica y el papel que desempeñaron los países periféricos como exportadores de materias primas, así como la forma como se articularon los flujos migratorios al responder a los intereses de las corporaciones trasnacionales. Se observa el estudio de la relación México-Estados Unidos en un escenario de crisis bajo la posición diversa de los autores lo que enriquece la discusión acerca de sus causas y posibles formas de enfrentarla, así como sus efectos sobre los mercados de trabajo y los flujos migratorios a los que se encuentran articulados internacionalmente. Se discuten también las repercusiones que ha tenido la crisis sobre la migración internacional de trabajadores, en México, en España y en latinoamérica. Finalmente, se destaca la importancia de la educación y los problemas que enfrentan algunos países ante la falta de absorción de sus profesionales en los mercados laborales internos, situación que genera graves desequilibrios e incrementa la participación de los migrantes con mayores niveles de calificación en respuesta a las nuevas exigencias de los mercados laborales internacionales