154 research outputs found

    La càtedra Endesa red i el vehicle elètric

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    Single-institution experience in clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: Not so bad after all?

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    The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in Spain during March-April 2020 has been unbalanced throughout the different regions of the country. The alarm status defined by the government on March 14, and still in place at the time of this writing, has transformed the country in different perspectives, including care of patients with cancer.1 In many centers, clinical trial activity was suspended, because it was not considered a priority under the health care challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.2 Nevertheless, experimental therapy is the only and/or best therapeutic option for many patients with cancer

    New approaches for the identification of KChIP2 ligands to study the KV4.3 channelosome in atrial fibrillati

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en el VIII Congreso Red Española de Canales iónico, celebrado en Alicante (España) del 24 al 27 de mayo de 2022.Ion channels are macromolecular complexes present in the plasma membrane and in intracellular organelles of the cells, where they play important functions. The dysfunction of these channels results in several disorders named channelopathies, which represent a challenge for study and treatment.[1] We are focused on voltage-gated potassium channels, specifically on KV4.3. Kv4.3 is expressed in smooth muscle, heart and brain. Within the heart, Kv4.3 channels generate the transient outward potassium current (ITO). However, ITO characteristics are only observed when Kv4.3 assemble with accessory subunits as KChIP2 and DPP6. KV4.3 channelosome play a key role in atrial fibrillation (AF),the most common cardiac arrhythmia, with an estimated prevalence in the general population of 1.5–2%. However, current antiarrhythmic drugs for AF prevention have limited efficacy and considerable potential for adverse effects.[2] KChIP2 (Potassium Channel Interacting Protein 2) belongs to the calcium binding protein superfamily. It is the KChIP member predominantly expressed in heart and a key regulator of cardiac action potential duration. The identification of novel KChIP2 ligands could be useful to understand the role of KV4.3 channelosome in AF and it could help to discover new treatments for AF. [3] In this regard, structure-based virtual screening could be an important tool to accelerate the identification of novel KChIP2 ligands. In this communication, we will describe a multidisciplinary approach that, starting with a structurebased virtual screening, followed by an iterative process of synthesis/biological evaluation/docking studies, has led to the identification of new KChIP2 ligands.PID2019-104366RB-C21, PID2019-104366RB-C22, PID2020-114256RB-I00 and PID2020-119805RB-I00 grants funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and PIE202180E073 and 2019AEP148 funded by CSIC. C.V.B. holds PRE2020-093542 FPI grant funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. PGS was recipient of an FPU grant (FPU17/02731). AB-B holds BES-2017-080184 FPI grant and A.P-L.holds RYC2018-023837-I grant both funded by MCIN/ AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future

    New approaches for the identification of KChIP2 ligands to study the KV4.3 channelosome in atrial fibrillati

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en el VIII Congreso Red Española de Canales iónico, celebrado en Alicante (España) del 24 al 27 de mayo de 2022.Ion channels are macromolecular complexes present in the plasma membrane and in intracellular organelles of the cells, where they play important functions. The dysfunction of these channels results in several disorders named channelopathies, which represent a challenge for study and treatment.[1] We are focused on voltage-gated potassium channels, specifically on KV4.3. Kv4.3 is expressed in smooth muscle, heart and brain. Within the heart, Kv4.3 channels generate the transient outward potassium current (ITO). However, ITO characteristics are only observed when Kv4.3 assemble with accessory subunits as KChIP2 and DPP6. KV4.3 channelosome play a key role in atrial fibrillation (AF),the most common cardiac arrhythmia, with an estimated prevalence in the general population of 1.5–2%. However, current antiarrhythmic drugs for AF prevention have limited efficacy and considerable potential for adverse effects.[2] KChIP2 (Potassium Channel Interacting Protein 2) belongs to the calcium binding protein superfamily. It is the KChIP member predominantly expressed in heart and a key regulator of cardiac action potential duration. The identification of novel KChIP2 ligands could be useful to understand the role of KV4.3 channelosome in AF and it could help to discover new treatments for AF. [3] In this regard, structure-based virtual screening could be an important tool to accelerate the identification of novel KChIP2 ligands. In this communication, we will describe a multidisciplinary approach that, starting with a structurebased virtual screening, followed by an iterative process of synthesis/biological evaluation/docking studies, has led to the identification of new KChIP2 ligands.PID2019-104366RB-C21, PID2019-104366RB-C22, PID2020-114256RB-I00 and PID2020-119805RB-I00 grants funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and PIE202180E073 and 2019AEP148 funded by CSIC. C.V.B. holds PRE2020-093542 FPI grant funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. PGS was recipient of an FPU grant (FPU17/02731). AB-B holds BES-2017-080184 FPI grant and A.P-L.holds RYC2018-023837-I grant both funded by MCIN/ AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future

    Respuesta productiva y económica del reemplazo parcial de mazorca de maíz quebrado con maíz molido o melaza para vacas de doble propósito

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of partial replacement of cracked maize ears with ground maize (GM) or sugar cane molasses (SCM) in supplements for dual purpose cows. Eighteen (18) multiparous cows (414 ± 13 kg of body weight and 106 ± 32 d in milk) were randomly assigned to the treatments. Treatments were as follows: 1) Control supplement (CS) which consisted of 87% of cracked maize ears (CME), 11% soybean meal, and 2% urea; 2) Ground maize replacing 20% of CME in CS (GMS); 3) Sugar cane molasses replacing 18% of CME in the CS (MOS). Each cow received 5 kg/d of supplement DM, whereas their calves received 1.8 kg/d DM of the CS. The experiment lasted eleven weeks, and data were recorded once at the end of every week. Data were analysed using a linear mixed model as a completely randomized design. Net profit from milk and beef due to supplements were estimated using the partial budget approach. There were no differences (P>0.05) between treatments on milk composition, body conditions score, nor daily weight gain of cows and calves. However, compared to GM, CS shown greater (9.0 %, P0.05) entre los tratamientos sobre la composición de la leche, la condición corporal ni el aumento de peso diario de las vacas y terneros. Sin embargo, en comparación con el MM, el ST mostró mayor (9.0 %, P0.05) en las demás variables de respuesta. Los márgenes combinados de ganancias netas (ventas de leche y terneros), fueron 9 % mayores para el tratamiento con MCA en comparación con el resto de los suplementos

    Antibody response in patients admitted to the hospital with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection: results from a multicenter study across Spain

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    Aim: To evaluate the serological response against SARS-CoV-2 in a multicenter study representative of the Spanish COVID pandemic. Methods: IgG and IgM + IgA responses were measured on 1466 samples from 1236 Spanish COVID-19 patients admitted to the hospital, two commercial ELISA kits (Vircell SL, Spain) based on the detection of antibodies against the viral spike protein and nucleoprotein, were used. Results: Approximately half of the patients presented antibodies (56.8% were IgM + IgA positive and 43.0% were IgG positive) as soon as 2 days after the first positive PCR result. Serological test positivity increased with time from the PCR test, and 10 days after the first PCR result, 91.5% and 88.0% of the patients presented IgM + IgA and IgG antibodies, respectively. Conclusion: The high values of sensitivity attained in the present study from a relatively early period of time after hospitalization support the use of the evaluated serological assays as supplementary diagnostic tests for the clinical management of COVID-19

    Salut a Internet: les biblioteques i els serveis de documentació davant de notícies falses

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    Internet, les xarxes socials i els mitjans de comunicació són una font habitual per a la cerca i difusió d'informació sobre salut tant per als ciutadans com per als professionals de la salut. La proliferació de disposiUus mòbils personals, la connecUvitat global i els canals de comunicació immediata han creat un nou escenari comunicaUu. L’accés universal a innombrables fonts d'informació, sovint no validades, i la sobrecàrrega informaUva afavoreixen les conclusions infundades sobre temes de salut que poden confondre i comportar efectes contraris al benestar de les persones; especialment, quan qui busca no és un professional de la salut i ho fa en un context de necessitat, ansietat i preocupació. S'hi afegeixen les no6cies falses (fake news), de vegades originades intencionadament i amb afany lucraUu, o potenciades per influenciadors (influencers), sense rigor cien6fic o amb arguments pseudocien6fics, que poden comportar importants conseqüències per a la salut. En aquest escenari, les biblioteques i els serveis de documentació de ciències de la salut i els seus professionals de la informació són imprescindibles no només amb l’habitual selecció de fonts d’informació veraces i contrastades sinó també amb la realització de bones pràcUques que ajudin els usuaris a prendre consciència del nou escenari i actuïn verificant i validant la informació que localitzen i la que comparteixen

    Inducible viral receptor, A possible concept to induce viral protection in primitive immune animals

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    A pseudolysogen (PL) is derived from the lysogenic Vibrio harveyi (VH) which is infected with the VHS1 (Vibrio harveyi Siphoviridae-like 1) bacteriophage. The lysogenic Vibrio harveyi undergoes an unequivalent division of the extra-chromosomal VHS1 phage genome and its VH host chromosome and produces a true lysogen (TL) and pseudolysogen (PL). The PL is tolerant to super-infection of VHS1, as is of the true lysogen (TL), but the PL does not contain the VHS1 phage genome while the TL does. However, the PL can become susceptible to VHS1 phage infection if the physiological state of the PL is changed. It is postulated that this is due to a phage receptor molecule which can be inducible to an on-and-off regulation influence by an alternating condition of the bacterial host cell. This characteristic of the PL leads to speculate that this phenomenon can also occur in high organisms with low immunity such as shrimp. This article proposes a hypothesis that the viral receptor molecule on the target cell can play a crucial role in which the invertebrate aquaculture animals can become tolerant to viral infection. A possible mechanism may be that the target cell disrupts the viral receptor molecule to prevent super infection. This concept can explain a mechanism for the prevention of viral infection in invertebrate animals which do not have acquired immunity in response to pathogens. It can guide us to develop a mechanism of immunity to viral infection in low-evolved-immune animals. Also, it can be an additional mechanism that exists in high immune organism, as in human for the prevention of viral infectio

    Mapping Protein Interactions between Dengue Virus and Its Human and Insect Hosts

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    Dengue virus (DENV) represents a major disease burden in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and has shown an increase in the number of cases in recent years. DENV is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito, typically Aedes aegypti, after which it begins the infection and replication lifecycle within human cells. To perform the molecular functions required for invasion, replication, and spread of the virus, proteins encoded by DENV must interact with and alter the behavior of protein networks in both of these hosts. In this work, we used a computational method based on protein structures to predict interactions between DENV and its human and insect hosts. We predict numerous interactions, with many involved in known cell death, stress, and immune system pathways. Further investigation of these predicted protein-protein interactions should provide targets to combat the clinical manifestations of this disease in humans as well as points of intervention focused within the mosquito vector