145 research outputs found

    Harmonizacja prawa krajowego państw członkowskich UE a konieczność zmiany Konstytucji RP z 2 kwietnia 1997 r.

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    The subject of considerations in this study will be the issue of the consequences of introducing the provisions of the Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant into the legal order of the Republic of Poland, including the relationship of these provisions to the constitutional prohibition on the extradition of Polish citizens. In the opinion of the Criminal Law Codification Committee at the Minister of Justice, it follows that the implementation of framework decisions by a Member State is subject to the same rules and principles as the implementation of directives by a Member State. A Member State cannot justify the non-implementation of a directive by domestic law (including constitutional provisions). However, the issue of the effect of the framework decision is not directly related to the implementation (implementation) of that decision by a Member State, as it concerns the process of applying Community law by the courts of a Member State. The statement that the framework decision does not have direct effect is therefore irrelevant for the assessment of the compliance of the Polish provisions introducing the European arrest warrant with the provisions of the Polish Constitution. As a consequence, the issue of EAW implementation may be properly resolved by amending the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.The subject of considerations in this study will be the issue of the consequences of introducing the provisions of the Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant into the legal order of the Republic of Poland, including the relationship of these provisions to the constitutional prohibition on the extradition of Polish citizens. In the opinion of the Criminal Law Codification Committee at the Minister of Justice, it follows that the implementation of framework decisions by a Member State is subject to the same rules and principles as the implementation of directives by a Member State. A Member State cannot justify the non-implementation of a directive by domestic law (including constitutional provisions). However, the issue of the effect of the framework decision is not directly related to the implementation (implementation) of that decision by a Member State, as it concerns the process of applying Community law by the courts of a Member State. The statement that the framework decision does not have direct effect is therefore irrelevant for the assessment of the compliance of the Polish provisions introducing the European arrest warrant with the provisions of the Polish Constitution. As a consequence, the issue of EAW implementation may be properly resolved by amending the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.Przedmiotem rozważań niniejszego opracowania jest kwestia konsekwencji wprowadzenia do porządku prawnego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej przepisów decyzji ramowej w sprawie Europejskiego Nakazu Aresztowania, w tym relacji tych przepisów do konstytucyjnego zakazu ekstradycji obywateli polskich. W ocenie Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej Prawa Karnego przy Ministrze Sprawiedliwości wynika z tego, że implementacja decyzji ramowych przez państwo członkowskie podlega tym samym regułom i zasadom, co implementacja dyrektyw przez państwo członkowskie. Państwo członkowskie nie może usprawiedliwiać niewdrożenia dyrektywy prawem wewnętrznym (w tym przepisami konstytucyjnymi). Kwestia skutków decyzji ramowej nie jest jednak bezpośrednio związana z wdrożeniem (implementacją) tej decyzji przez państwo członkowskie, gdyż dotyczy procesu stosowania prawa unijnego przez sądy państwa członkowskiego. Stwierdzenie, że decyzja ramowa nie ma skutku bezpośredniego, nie ma zatem znaczenia dla oceny zgodności polskich przepisów wprowadzających Europejski Nakaz Aresztowania z przepisami Konstytucji RP. W konsekwencji kwestia implementacji ENA może być właściwie rozwiązana w drodze zmiany Konstytucji RP

    Quantitative analysis of waterfowl parvoviruses in geese and Muscovy ducks by real-time polymerase chain reaction: correlation between age, clinical symptoms and DNA copy number of waterfowl parvoviruses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Waterfowl parvoviruses cause serious loss in geese and ducks production. Goose parvovirus (GPV) is infectious for geese and ducks while Muscovy duck parvovirus (MDPV) infects Muscovy ducks only. So far, for these viruses' sensitive detection polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) were applied. However, there was no molecular biology method for both waterfowl parvoviruses detection and quantification which could unify the laboratory procedures. The level of GPV and MDPV replication and distribution plays a significant role in the parvoviral infection progress and is strictly correlated to clinical symptoms. Meanwhile, experiments conducted previously on GPV distribution in geese, performed as animal trial, did not involve epidemiological data from the disease field cases. The study on the correlation between age, clinical symptoms and viral DNA copy number may be benefitable in understanding the GPV and MDPV infection. Such data may also aid in determination of the stage and severity of the infection with parvoviruses. Therefore the aim of this study was to develop quantitative real-time PCR for parallel detection of GPV and MDPV in geese and Muscovy ducks and to determine the correlation between the age of the infected birds, clinical symptoms and DNA copy number for the estimation of the disease stage or severity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to develop quantitative real-time PCR the viral material was collected from 13 farms of geese and 3 farms of Muscovy ducks. The designed primers and <it>Taqman </it>probe for real-time PCR were complementary to GPV and MDPV inverted terminal repeats region. The pITR plasmid was constructed, purified and used to prepare dilutions for standard curve preparation and DNA quantification. The applied method detected both GPV and MDPV in all the examined samples extracted from the heart and liver of the infected birds. The conducted correlation tests have shown relationship between age, clinical symptoms during parvoviral infection and the DNA copy number of these pathogens. The method allowed for a sensitive detection of GPV and MDPV even in 1-week old infected goslings or 2-week old ducklings before observation of any disease symptoms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The developed method was found to be a valuable tool for the unification of laboratory procedures and both parvoviruses parallel detection and quantification. The conducted analysis revealed significant correlation between the age of the infected birds, the observed clinical symptoms and DNA copy number of GPV and MDPV in the examined organs. The obtained data may aid in better understanding of the pathogenesis and epidemiology of Derzsy's disease and 3-w disease as well as estimation of the infection's severity and stage of the disease.</p

    Konstytucyjne gwarancje wolności od złośliwego niepokojenia

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    The constitutional guarantees of freedom from malicious disturbance can be reconstructed from several provisions of the current constitution (among others, Articles 47, 50 and 51). The protection of the home, the secrecy of communications or the protection of privacy provides for guarantees of freedom from malicious disturbance of individuals. Some of the rights are also enjoyed by entrepreneurs (legal persons). Freedom from malicious disturbance is reflected, inter alia, in the Act on Combating Unfair Competition or Counteracting Unfair Market Practices. Despite many regulations, protection against malicious disturbance is in fact insufficient and fragmentary.Konstytucyjne gwarancje wolności od złośliwego niepokojenia można zrekonstruować z kilku przepisów aktualnie obowiązującej konstytucji (między innymi z art 47, 50 i 51). Ochrona miru domowego, tajemnicy komunikowania się czy ochrony prywatności przewiduje gwarancje wolności od złośliwego niepokojenia osób fizycznych. Część uprawnień przysługuje także przedsiębiorcom (osobom prawnym). Wolność od złośliwego niepokojenia znajduje swoje odzwierciedlenie m.in. w ustawie o zwalczaniu nieuczciwej konkurencji czy przeciwdziałaniu nieuczciwym praktykom rynkowym. Mimo wielu regulacji faktycznie ochrona przed złośliwym niepokojeniem jest niewystarczająca i fragmentaryczna

    Analysis of the effectiveness of decontamination fluids on the level of biological contamination of firefighter suits

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    The scope of tasks of chemical and ecological rescue procedures includes prevention of terrorist attacks with biological weapons. After each action, firefighters are obliged to clean and disinfect their outfits to prevent the potential spreading of harmful microorganisms. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of decontamination fluids used to disinfect firefighter&rsquo;s suits. Two types of clothes were analyzed: special combat clothing (NOMEX), and the heavy gas-tight chemical type 1a suit. Swabbed places were cut out and sterilized mechanically using detergent and alcohol. Each time, smears were made on sterile glass, fixed in pure ethanol and stained using the Gram method. After this, the staining samples were air dried and photographed under a light microscope at magnification 1000&times;. Each smear was made in triplicate and the relative number of stained microorganisms was analyzed using ImageJ software. The results showed that detergent significantly decreased the number of pathogens in the chest area on the NOMEX suit and the type 1a-gas-tight clothing and was more effective than alcohol, especially in case of the NOMEX suit. In conclusion, the detergent was more efficient in decontaminating the NOMEX outfit than the heavy gas-tight clothing, whose surface was better cleaned by the alcohol

    Numerical description of jet and duct ventilation in underground garage after LPG dispersion

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    Contamination of toxic and odorous gases emitted from stacks in buildings located in an urban environment are potential health hazards to citizens. A simulation using the computational fluid dynamic technique may provide detailed data on the flammable region and spatial dispersion of released gases. Concentrations or emissions associated with garage sources and garage-to-house migration rates are needed to estimate potential exposures and risk levels. Therefore, the aim of the study was to use an original mathematical model to predict the most accurate locations for LPG sensors in an underground garage for vehicles powered with LPG. First, the three-dimensional geometry of an underground garage under a multi-family building was reconstructed. Next, two types of ventilation, jet and duct, were considered, and different sources of LPG leakage were assumed. Then, the Ansys Fluent software was applied as a solver, and the same initial value of released LPG (5 kg) was assumed. As a simplification, and to avoid the simulation of choked outflow, the emission from a large area was adopted. The results showed stagnation areas for duct ventilation in which gas remained for both the jet and duct ventilation. Moreover, it was observed that the analyzed gas would gather in the depressions of the ground in the underground garage, for example in drain grates, which may create a hazardous zone for the users of the facility. Additionally, it was observed that for jet ventilation, turbulence appearance sometimes generated differentiated gas in an undesirable direction. The simulation also showed that for blowing ventilation around the garage, and for higher LPG leakage, a higher cloud of gas that increased probability of ignition and LPG explosion was formed. Meanwhile, for jet ventilation, a very low concentration of LPG in the garage was noticed. After 35 s, LPG concentration was lower than the upper explosive limit. Therefore, during the LPG leakage in an underground garage, jet ventilation was more efficient in decreasing LPG gas to the non-explosive values

    Low seroprevalence and low incidence of infection with "Toxoplasma gondii" (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) in pediatric hematopoietic cell transplantation donors and recipients : polish nationwide study

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    Czyzewski, Krzysztof, Fraczkiewicz, Jowita, Salamonowicz, Malgorzata, Pieczonka, Anna, Zajac-Spychala, Olga, Zaucha-Prazmo, Agnieszka, Gozdzik, Jolanta, Styczynski, Jan (2019): Low seroprevalence and low incidence of infection with Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) in pediatric hematopoietic cell transplantation donors and recipients: Polish nationwide study. Folia Parasitologica (019) 66: 1-6, DOI: 10.14411/fp.2019.019, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.14411/fp.2019.01