788 research outputs found

    Pengunci Pintu Electric dengan Alarm Pengaman Berbasis Mikrokontroler At89s52

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    Electric door lock with a safety alarm is a tool AT89S52-based home security that is expected to reduce the risk of being broken due to theft. Electric door lock is designed to use radio waves and is specifically designed to lock the door in the room when closed and can be opened if the code entered on a device connected to a transmitter to an LCD. When you entered the code correctly, the receiver contained in the room will unlock. In addition, if the door forced open, the security alarm will sound at the door. Automatic Door Lock is designed and specially designed so it can function as an automatic homing a lock in the room in which to use as a receiver Rx signal from the transmitter that the receiver is mounted in an LCD device that uses a password, which can be used worldwide in industry and everyday life days. The purpose of making this electric door lock is able to know the workings of radio waves in moving the door lock on a room-based microcontroller AT89S52, can know the working system to the LCD keypad matrix connected with the microcontroller, can know how to work a series of drivers in moving equipment electronics automatically. While the benefits can be obtained is with the existence of this tool can be used to assist and also create a security system inside the house, safe or factory

    Aplikasi Mikrokontroller pada Pengukuran Intensitas Kapasitas (Berat) Batu Bara

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    To make weight measurements of goods needed a tool that can indicate many conditions or heavy goods. In everyday life such as a seller must have the scales used for weighing goods sold such as sugar, wheat, etc., whereas in the industrial application of such scales for weighing capacity of coal (briquettes). Electronic scales to measure the capacity of the coal using a microcontroller AT89S52 microcontroller with the consideration that it can provide better conditions and conventional instrument as a supporter. Each weighed coal will pass through the sensor which will be instantly displayed on the seven segments. It has a digital display and can weigh up to 9 pounds of coal

    Faktor-Faktor Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi UKM Kain Tenun Songket Palembang

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    Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi dan industri suatu negara. Penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap  UKM tenun songket di Palembang ini menemukan bahwa secara umum adopsi teknologi informasi (TI) oleh UKM tenun songket masih rendah. Kendala yang dialami baik pemilik USAha songket maupun pekerjanya disebabkan oleh minimnya ilmu pengetahuan dan keahlian yang mereka dapat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor pemanfaatan teknologi informasi pada karyawan/ti UKM kain tenun songket Palembang. Survei dilakukan  pada 70 karyawan/ti UKM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor sosial, kompleksitas, dan konsekuensi jangka panjang tidak berpengaruh terhadap pemanfaatan TI. Sedangkan kondisi yang memfasilitasi berpengaruh terhadap pemanfaatan TI karyawan/ti UKM kain tenun songket Palembang

    Development of E-learning Software Based Multiplatform Components

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    E-learning software is a product of information and communication technology used to help dynamic and flexible learning process between teacher and student. The software technology was first used in the development of e-learning software in the form of web applications. The advantages of this technology because of the ease in the development, installation, and distribution of data. Along with advances in mobile/wireless electronics technology, e-learning software is adapted to this technology known as mobile learning. The ability of this electronic device is the same as a single computer even though it is simpler than a single computer. The problem that arises when e-learning software operates on multiple platforms is that computer programs are made repeatedly depending on the platform being used. This situation will obviously affect the quality of e-learning software. To overcome these problems, in this study developed component-based software that is a modern paradigm for software development that produces reusable software components, high quality, and cost-effective. In software development, software components will be assembled in the software in need. The result of this research is high quality e-learning software based multiplatform component

    Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak E-learning Berbasis Komponen Multiplatform

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    Perangkat lunak e-learning merupakan produk teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang digunakan untuk membantu proses belajar mengajar yang dinamis dan fleksibel antara guru dan siswa. Teknologi perangkat lunak yang pertama kali digunakan dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak e-learning berbentuk aplikasi web. Keunggulan teknologi ini karena kemudahan dalam pengembangan, instalasi, dan distribusi data. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi perangkat elektronika mobile/wireless, perangkat lunak e-learning diadaptasi ke teknologi ini yang dikena sebagai mobile learning. Kemampuan perangkat elektronika ini sama dengan komputer tunggal meskipun berbentuk lebih sederhana dibandingkan komputer tunggal. Permasalahan yang muncul ketika perangkat lunak e-learning beroperasi pada multi platform adalah program komputer dibuat berulang-ulang bergantung pada platform yang digunakan. Keadaan ini jelas akan mempengaruhi kualitas perangkat lunak e-learning. Pengembangan perangkat lunak berbasis komponen merupakan paradigma modern pengembangan perangkat lunak yang menghasilkan komponen perangkat lunak yang reusable (mudah digunakan ulang), berkualitas tinggi, dan hemat biaya. Pada pengembangan perangkat lunak komponen perangkat lunak akan dirakit di perangkat lunak yang membutuhkan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan perangkat lunak e-learning multi platform berbasis komponen yang berkualitas tinggi

    Penerapan Hand Motion Tracking Pengendali Pointer pada Virtual Mouse dengan Metode Optical Flow

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi metode yang akan digunakan agar pengguna dapat berinteraksi dengan objek virtual harus dituntut untuk lebih natural dan intuitif, salah satu contoh perkembangannnya adalah virtual mouse. Virtual mouse didesain bagi user agar dapat berinteraksi secara langsung dengan komputer tanpa menggunakan input device seperti mouse konvensional tetapi menggunakan tangannya sendiri sebagai objek penggerak atau menggunakan media lain seperti warna sebagai objeknya. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian bagaimana melakukan pelacakan pada suatu objek yang bergerak dalam melakukan perintah mouse dengan menggunakan perantara berupa webcam video berbasis image processing yang diambil secara real-time dengan menggunakan objek tracking berupa 5 variabel warna yang disusun berdasarkan komposisi RGB dengan menggunakan metode optical flow dalam pendeteksian pergerakannya. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan secara keseluruhan objek warna yang digunakan sebagai pengendali pointer atau mouse dengan metode optical flow dapat terdeteksi dengan baik dalam setiap kondisi yaitu pada saat kondisi gelap, sedang dan terang

    Hak Politik Perempuan Kajian Tafsir MawdĂ»`Ă®

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    This study relates to women's political rights according to islamic perspective within thematic exegesis. There are two perception that can be found in the society. One is that women should stay home taking care of husband and their domain is at home and have no access to politics. Another is that women can involve in politics and other public arena. Such different perceptions are due to lack understanding about women political rights and limited understanding of Islam particularly al-Qur'an. The aim of this study is to elaborate women political rights according to Islam using thematic exegesis. Also, people may accept women participating in politics. Thematic method by firstly indentifying verses relates to women politicak rights. Study found that Islam acknowledges that women have political rights as men do. They have the same obligation to do amar makrûf nahî munkar with different ways such as political media. They have similar personal and community rights that are relevant to destiny. Penelitian ini berjudul Hak Politik Perempuan Perspektif Islam dalam kajian Tafsir Mawdû`î, Sementara ini, pandangan yang berkembang dalam masyarakat, masih terjadi dua kutub yang berseberangan. Satu pandangan menyatakan perempuan harus di dalam rumah, mengabdi kepada suami, dan hanya mempunyai peran domestik dan tidak boleh berpolitik. Pandangan lain menyatakan perempuan mempunyai kemerdekaan untuk berperan, baik di dalam maupun di luar rumah demikian juga dalam bidang politik. Hal tersebut terjadi karena belum difahaminya konsep tentang hak politik perempuan secara murni, juga karena dalam memahami teks ayat al-Qur`an masih bias jender. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, ditemukan bahwa perempuan mempunyai hak dalam berpolitik menurut Islam. Laki-laki dan perempuan berkewajiban untuk amar makrûf nahî munkar melalui beberapa cara termasuk diantaranya dengan media politik Islam tidak membedakan laki-laki dan perempuan dalam hak-hak individu dan hak-hak kemasyarakatan utamanya hak politik. Namun demikian, yang perlu dicatat adalah bahwa semua hak tersebut harus diletakkan dalam batas-batas kodrati sebagai perempuan


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    We know ASEAN motto is one vision, one identity, one community. For the purpose of ASEAN tourism, ASEAN using the tagline feel the warmth. Not only ASEAN trying to promote the tourism in the community but also each country in ASEAN has their own tourism slogan. Namely Brunei (Brunei, The Green Heart of Borneo, The Kingdom of Unexpected Treasures), Cambodia (Kingdom of Wonder), Indonesia (Wonderful Indonesia), Laos (Simply Beautiful), Malaysia (Malaysia Truly Asia), Myanmar (Mystical Myanmar), Philippines (It’s More Fun in the Philippines), Singapore (Your Singapore), Thailand (Amazing Thailand, Always Amazes You), Vietnam (The Timeless Charm). According to Kotler (2008) brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller of a group the of seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors. In 1965 Association for Better New York launched campaign “The Big Apple”. It was J FitzGerald a reporter in Morning Telegraph who started using the word The Big Apple in 1920. After the campaign New York had shown the significant increasing tourist number. Now days there are a lot of cities in famous country also using the branding too promote it tourism. Not only in developing country but also in develop country such as France, England, USA and others. This paper is trying to explain how city branding has been developing in almost all ASEAN country. But we will focusing on city branding in Indonesia. Literature study is used for this research. Keywords: branding, tourism, Asea


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    The movement to shape Pancasilaist human from mover school was the foundation of conducting this research. Literature is one of the culture products which is easy to be used as the character education media for children. This research was a combination of qualitative and classroom action research which was conducted at Jepun elementary school in Tulungagung. The selection of Laskar Pelangi’s movie spirit by Andrea Hirata which was directed by Riri Rexa as the media of character education for elementary students because the movie was very popular among children. In addition, the characters in the movie had unique and diverse characteristics from different economic social status but they could work together in achieving their dreams. Children were given the values of tolerance, confidence, creativity, and persistence to achieve their dreams. Children in this movie were pictured to love the local and national cultures. The research findings of the two cycles showed that there was attitude and behavior change in children from being shy and apathetic to being excited, cheerful, creative, and willing to work together in finishing their homework. From the findings, it is suggested that character education may use national children movies and further researchers are expected to study more using children songs

    Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Media Digital Sederhana untuk Pemasaran Online dalam Kelompok Usaha Katering Penajoh Aceh

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    Desa Glumpang Bungkok, Kecamatan Glumpang Baro, merupakan salah satu wilayah pesisir yang ada di Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh. Desa Glumpang Bungkok memiliki akses ke lahan tambak yang cukup luas, sehingga desa ini menjadi desa yang mudah mendapatkan ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos). Atas dasar potensi tersebut, kelompok perempuan Desa Glumpang Bungkok tersebut membuat kelompok usaha Katering Penajoh Aceh. Namun, kelompok usaha ini masih melakukan promosi secara tradisional tanpa memanfaatkan media digital sederhana yang kini banyak tersedia. Maka dari itu, adapun solusi yang ditawarkan untuk menjamin keberlanjutan kelompok usaha yakni dengan mentransformasikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan maketing secara digital. Hasil dari pelaksanaan pengabdian pemberdayaan masyarakat ini didapati bahwa kini kelompok usaha telah mendapat tambahan wawasan dan pengetahuan terkait pemasaran melalui media digital, terciptanya kemampuan adaptasi kelompok usaha dengan perkembangan terbaru, adanya kemampuan kelompok membuat dan mengelola media digital sederhana, adanya kepemilikan akun Instagram atas nama kelompok sasaran sebagai bukti/penerapan ilmu saat pelatihan telah teraplikasi, serta adanya kemampuan kelompok usaha dalam tata kelola keuangan yang lebih efisien
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