14 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurai nilai-nilai filosofis selembayung sebagai wujud identitas budaya melayu Riau dan merunut makna dibalik ornamen (ukiran), warna dan berbagai atribut yang melekat padanya. Upaya itu dilakukan untuk menggali lebih dalam falsafah kehidupan masyarakat dan budaya Melayu Riau. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga melakukan penelusuran terhadap gerakan sosial yang dilakukan oleh berbagai elemen masyarakat dalam, merespons, menerima, melestarikan dan atau mempertahankan selembayung sebagai identitas budaya Melayu Riau, juga peran pemerintah daerah dalam mengambil kebijakan atau menyusun peraturan daerah (perda) dalam menetapkan selembayung sebagai salah identitas budaya Melayu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dalam menelaah selembayung sebagai strategi dalam melestarikan budaya melayu. Berdasarkan pendekatan ini peneliti melakukan observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap unit analisis yang diteliti sehingga didapatkan data akurat sesuai alur penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa selembayung sebagai arsitektur Melayu dalam penelitian ini diletakkan pada landasan konseptual identitas budaya, yakni identifikasi komunikasi dari sistem perilaku simbolis verbal dan nonverbal yang memiliki arti dan yang dibagikan di antara anggota kelompok yang memiliki rasa saling memiliki dan saling membagi tradisi, warisan, bahasa, dan norma-norma yang sama. Berdasarkan pemahaman itu, mempertahankan identitas budaya dan menguatkannya bisa melalui kesadaran dan pelestarian terhadap selembayung itu sendiri

    North Rupat Island Governance Development as Rural Area Cultural Tourism of Bengkalis Regency in Destination Branding

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    Administratively Rupat Island located inBengkalis Regency of Riau Province, which currentlydeveloping into a tourism area, both nature and culturaltourism. This area specificly has a rural area culturaltourism such as, customs, daily life, traditionalarchitecture, and rural spatial structure. The aim of thisresearch is to analyze government regulation that hasbeen compile in Rupat Island development as a culturaltourism rural and the gate of Bengkalis Regency’s MalayCultural. To explore the government efforts of buildingthe public space in Rupat Island as the rural area culturaltourism in destination branding, and find out the locals,entrepreneurs, and businees people real involvement increating destination branding-based infrastructure, anddesire to compile the development infrastructure towardsthe growth of cultural tourism rural and another sectorsthat has been supporting the living of society in this area.This research use qualitative method, obtaining the datawith interview, observation and enough reference. Theresult of this research, shows that government hasn’t actbased on the regulation regarding North Rupat Islandwith tourism rural awareness. Regardless, this researchable to find some main potential related to public spacespecificly eventful public space on the Island as startercommunity for rural area cultural tourism. Local society,stakeholder and the media also keep on giving theirsupport towards the developtment following theacceleration growth of infrastructure


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    Modernization fishery tools facilitated by government support is assumed to help improving fishermen incomes. However, on reality the introduction of the more advanced tools has also posed challenges to the traditional fishermen. Modernization of fishery technology can also caused conflict between fishermen. This found evidence in the conflict between longline (rawai) fishers and trawl fishers in Bengkalis District-Riau has occurred for more than 30 years. The modernization of fishing gear by government is one of the triggers of the conflict. This research aims to uncover the root causes of conflict and understand communication management to overcome the conflict between traditional and modern fishers. This research used the qualitative and explorative method. The results show that the conflict among fishers in the coastal area of Bengkalis occurs due to the use of trawl and the territorial dispute in fishing. The causes of conflict between fishers are related to lack of rule understanding, economic inequality, and differences in value and culture. Government delivery of the aid that is not sensitive to the need fo traditional fishermen play role in the conflict. This is due to the problem communication management. The resolution of the conflicts at the Fishers community level is possible if the government is able to build the atmosphere through appropriate policies, programs and communication ways for the Fishers community

    Family Communication in Mixed Marriage Couples Between Indonesia-Australia

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    The way each person communicates depends on culture; language, rules, and norms of each. Culture has the responsibility for all communicative behavior and meaning that everyone has. Communication difficulties faced by the individuals involved are caused by differences in their respective cultural expectations. Differences in cultural expectations can lead to fatal risks, one of which is a misunderstanding. In intermarried family life there will be a misunderstanding of intercultural communication, which involves all family members. This situation can lead to an agreement to recognize one culture that will dominate or develop another culture which is a fusion of the two cultures (third culture), or even both cultures can go together in one family. This study discusses family communication in mixed marriage couples between Indonesia and Australia. The research carried out is intended to find out and analyze the negotiation of self-identity in interactions, conflict management mediated by face and culture, family communication processes, inhibiting factors, and supporting family communication in mixed marriage couples between Indonesia and Australia. Using advanced negotiation theory and symbolic interaction theory. In this study, the authors used a descriptive qualitative method. The data collection techniques used are through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data obtained shows that Mindfulness: Acceptance of new cultures, in terms of language (using both languages), nature (Australia: Individualism-Indonesia: collectivism). Mindlessness: Stereotype, perspective, building tolerance, dealing with habits, opening up to accept a new culture

    Fenomena Game Higgs Domino Island Pada Kalangan Masyarakat Produktif Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Game Higgs Domino Island mulai dirilis 12 November 2018 di apilikasi PlayStore maupun AppStore dan merupakan game online yang sangat populer di Indonesia termasuk di Kota Pekanbaru. Adanya transaksi jual beli koin game membuat arah tujuan dalam bermain menjadi berubah, awalnya game Higgs Domino Island dijadikan sebagai sarana hiburan namun saat ini justru dijadikan mata pencaharian bagi sebagian pemainnya. Karena dalam bermain memerlukan pembelian koin, kebanyakan pemainnya adalah kalangan masyarakat produktif yang telah memiliki pekerjaan dan menghasilakan nilai ekonomis. Untuk menemukan pemain maupun agen jual beli koin game dapat ditemukan dibeberapa tempat seperti di group facebook, warung harian, pos ronda maupun konter pulsa. Dalam perkembangannya, transaksi jual beli koin game Higgs Domino Island mulai terindikasi kepada perjudian, hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan adanya beberapa penangkapan agen koin game oleh pihak berwajib dibeberapa wilayah di Indonesia seperti di Aceh Timur, Rokan Hulu dan Lhokseumawe.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis motif, pemaknaan dan pengalaman komunikasi kalangan masyarakat produktif dalam bermain game Higgs Domino Island di Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi Alfred Shutz. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari lima orang pada kalangan masyarakat produktif di Kota Pekanbaru yang dipilih menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yakni observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertama, motif kalangan masyarakat produktif dalam bermain game Higgs Domino Island di Kota Pekanbaru terdiri dari motif karena yakni hobi, rasa penasaran, percaya diri dan lingkungan sosial. Sedangkan motif untuk yakni hiburan, uang dan rasa senang. Kedua, pemaknaan terhadap game dikategorikan menjadi tiga yakni game keberuntungan, game menghasilkan uang dan game merugikan. Ketiga, pengalaman komunikasi dibagi menjadi dua bentuk yakni pengalaman komunikasi interpersonal dikategorikan menjadi dua yakni pengalaman komunikasi menyenangkan berupa adanya penerimaan dari keluarga, lingkungan sosial dan antara sesama pemain. Sedangkan pengalaman komunikasi tidak menyenangkan berupa adanya cacian, tekanan dan perselisihan antara sesama pemain. Bentuk kedua yakni pengalaman komunikasi intrapersonal dikategorikan menjadi dua yakni kesadaran diri karena telah kecanduan game Higgs Domino Island dan penyesalan diri karena telah banyak dirugikan berupa uang, waktu dan kesehatan


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    Utilizing content using shoppe affiliate allows a product to be better known and will sell well in the market, so that sellers and business people make Tiktok shoppe affiliate a digital marketing platform that is being widely used at this time. One of the online accounts that is active in producing Tiktok shoppe affiliate content as a digital marketing communication medium is the Tiktok account “Indisyindi. The purpose of this study is to determine the use of TikTok content as a digital marketing communication medium. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it is concluded that the utilization of Tiktok Content as a Digital Marketing Communication Media is in accordance with the circular of SOME concept. At the share stage, there are three important aspects that must be considered, namely, Participants use TikTok as a medium for spreading, Connect builds connections with their followers, and Build Trust provides reliable information about products. In the second stage, Optimize, there are three aspects that must be considered, such as listening to find out by utilizing the tiktok feature, learning how to upload content and building interactions, and taking part in authentic communications using hashtags, mentions and captions. At the Manage stage there are three important aspects that must be considered, namely, media monitoring sees audience feedback in the form of comments like the number of shares and saves, Real Time interaction interacts with the viewer or audience through live broadcasts, Quick response performs quick responses such as replying to comments from viewers or audience. At the Engage stage there are three important aspects that must be considered, namely, influencer relations have not done influencer relations, where is the audience doing research on creativity, and how do I reach them regularly uploading content


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    Utilizing content using shoppe affiliate allows a product to be better known and will sell well in the market, so that sellers and business people make Tiktok shoppe affiliate a digital marketing platform that is being widely used at this time. One of the online accounts that is active in producing Tiktok shoppe affiliate content as a digital marketing communication medium is the Tiktok account “Indisyindi. The purpose of this study is to determine the use of TikTok content as a digital marketing communication medium. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it is concluded that the utilization of Tiktok Content as a Digital Marketing Communication Media is in accordance with the circular of SOME concept. At the share stage, there are three important aspects that must be considered, namely, Participants use TikTok as a medium for spreading, Connect builds connections with their followers, and Build Trust provides reliable information about products. In the second stage, Optimize, there are three aspects that must be considered, such as listening to find out by utilizing the tiktok feature, learning how to upload content and building interactions, and taking part in authentic communications using hashtags, mentions and captions. At the Manage stage there are three important aspects that must be considered, namely, media monitoring sees audience feedback in the form of comments like the number of shares and saves, Real Time interaction interacts with the viewer or audience through live broadcasts, Quick response performs quick responses such as replying to comments from viewers or audience. At the Engage stage there are three important aspects that must be considered, namely, influencer relations have not done influencer relations, where is the audience doing research on creativity, and how do I reach them regularly uploading content

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Minapolitan di Desa Petalongan Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MINAPOLITAN TOURISM AREAS IN PETALONGAN VILLAGE, INDRAGIRI HULU REGENCY. Petalongan village is located in the district of Pasir Penyu, Indragiri Hulu Regency-Riau Province. This village is still underdeveloped. Even though petalongan village has a lot of potential to be developed. In this case, the service activity aims to change people’s behavior in organizing, utilizing or managing their nature, traditions and culture to improve the community’s economy through the development of a tourist village minapolitan area. The targets of this service activity are BUMDes managers and PKK mothers. The service model uses Community Based Tourism (CBT), starting from mapping village potential, socialization, FGD, training, and mentoring. Based on the mapping and FGD, the potential of a village that can be developed is to make the village a minapolitan area for aquaculture-based tourism. The training activities focused on catfish and tilapia farming for BUMDes. Product development training is carried out aimed at supporting tourism and is also carried out in order to increase community understanding, attitudes and expertise in utilizing the potential of the village. This community service activity has had a positive impact on increasing community awareness and expertise in utilizing the existing potential by cultivating fish in the lake and having the will to develop the village as a tourist destination