1,111 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of In-Core and Out-of-Core Equation Solvers for Microcomputer Applications

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    This research evaluates the applicability to microcomputers of various methods for determining the solution of large systems of simultaneous linear algebraic equations. Such systems of equations characterize physical systems often encountered in Civil Engineering and other engineering disciplines. Many methods of solution involving either in-core or out-of-core storage of data have been developed for use with large digital computers. These methods are reviewed and their applicability to microcomputers is evaluated. A comparison of several schemes is made regarding core size required, time of execution, and precision of results. The out-of-core solution schemes for banded matrices are found to be most applicable to microcomputers with large out-of-core storage capacity

    A Cloud Platform-as-a-Service for Multimedia Conferencing Service Provisioning

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    Multimedia conferencing is the real-time exchange of multimedia content between multiple parties. It is the basis of a wide range of applications (e.g., multimedia multiplayer game). Cloud-based provisioning of the conferencing services on which these applications rely will bring benefits, such as easy service provisioning and elastic scalability. However, it remains a big challenge. This paper proposes a PaaS for conferencing service provisioning. The proposed PaaS is based on a business model from the state of the art. It relies on conferencing IaaSs that, instead of VMs, offer conferencing substrates (e.g., dial-in signaling, video mixer and audio mixer). The PaaS enables composition of new conferences from substrates on the fly. This has been prototyped in this paper and, in order to evaluate it, a conferencing IaaS is also implemented. Performance measurements are also made.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, IEEE ISCC 201

    The Impact of Macroeconomic Indicator on Islamic Insurance Demand in Indonesia

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    This research aimed to determine the development of Islamic insurance industry in Indonesia and analyze the influence of macroeconomic indicators Islamic insurance demand in Indonesia. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) was used in this research with monthly time series data from January 2014 to December 2016. The results of this research indicated that the variables of money supply, interest rate, GDP per capita, and education had a positive (significant) effect to the Islamic insurance demand in Indonesia. Moreover, the inflation variable and dependency ratio had a negative (significant) effect to the Islamic insurance demand in Indonesia

    Voltage driven, local, and efficient excitation of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond

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    Magnetic sensing technology has found widespread application in industries as diverse as transportation, medicine, and resource exploration. Such use cases often require highly sensitive instruments to measure the extremely small magnetic fields involved, relying on difficult to integrate Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) and Spin-Exchange Relaxation Free (SERF) magnetometers. A potential alternative, nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond, has shown great potential as a high sensitivity and high resolution magnetic sensor capable of operating in an unshielded, room-temperature environment. Transitioning NV center based sensors into practical devices, however, is impeded by the need for high power RF excitation to manipulate them. Here we report an advance that combines two different physical phenomena to enable a highly efficient excitation of the NV centers: magnetoelastic drive of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and NV-magnon coupling. Our work demonstrates a new pathway to combine acoustics and magnonics that enables highly energy efficient and local excitation of NV centers without the need for any external RF excitation, and thus could lead to completely integrated, on-chip, atomic sensors.Comment: Fixed an issue with the display of figure

    A study of reverse osmosis reject water at Bukit Gambir, Tangkak Haemodialysis Centre

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    Water is categorized by their few aspects according to the specific feature and it function usage in a certain compatible condition. Yet with rapidly population growth increasing around the world by about 85 million per year, the accessibility for fresh water supply per persons keep declining [1]. The increasing clean water demand causes the increasing environmental risks, costs and economic exploitation as it may disturb surrounding nature which leads into the more distant sources or greater depth. At this state, the minimization of waste water produce should be focused on to prevent it become worsen

    Smart Growbox Design with Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System Via the Internet

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    Pada tahun 2015, dengan perkiraan populasi 255 juta orang, Indonesia membutuhkan lahan seluas 13,38 juta hektar. Artinya, dalam beberapa tahun kedepan, Indonesia akan mengalami krisis lahan pertanian sehingga Indonesia dituntut untuk meningkatkan total areal budidaya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya perkembangan industri dan jasa, sehingga pertanian konvensional kurang kompetitif karena tingginya harga tanah. Salah satu pengembangan teknologi pertanian pertanian disebarkan teknologi budidaya pertanian yang layak dengan teknologi smart growbox memberikan alternatif bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki lahan untuk pertanian. Desain smartbox dengan sistem pemantauan suhu dan kelembaban melalui internet telah dirancang, dengan menggunakan sensor suhu dan kelembaban (DHT22) serta sensor kelembaban tanah (FC-28), maka kondisi tanaman dan lingkungannya akan mudah dipantau oleh melihat nilai output dari sebuah sensor. Hasil pengujian kecepatan rata - rata respon manual control via perangkat berbasis web adalah 5 detik. Kontrol kecepatan respon secara manual tergantung pada lalu lintas jaringan dan kondisi jaringan. Sistem siap untuk digunakan
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