7 research outputs found

    Estudi sobre la dinàmica dels sistemes estel·lars amb simetria cilíndrica

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    [spa] Se ha desarrollado un modelo galáctico no estacionario con simetría cilíndrica basado en las hipótesis de Chandrasekhar, habiéndose caracterizado las funciones que lo determinan. La forma obtenida para el potencial ha permitido el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo con la hipótesis suplementaria de separabilidad para el potencial en el que se han hallado las trayectorias de las estrellas y de los centroides locales y que se ha aplicado a la descripción de una población estelar en el entorno solar

    High order hydrodynamical equations

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    Hydrodynamical equations act as a link between the local observed magnitudes of galactic motion and the general ones accounting for the behaviour of the Galaxy as a whole. Constraints are set usually in order to use them even in the lower order hierarchy. The authors present in this paper the complete expressions up to their fourth order. These equations will be used in the next future in their general form taking into account both the expected increase of kinematic data that the astrometric mission Hipparcos will provide, and some recent results indicating the possibility to obtain estimates for the momenta gradients

    High order hydrodynamical equations

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    Hydrodynamical equations act as a link between the local observed magnitudes of galactic motion and the general ones accounting for the behaviour of the Galaxy as a whole. Constraints are set usually in order to use them even in the lower order hierarchy. The authors present in this paper the complete expressions up to their fourth order. These equations will be used in the next future in their general form taking into account both the expected increase of kinematic data that the astrometric mission Hipparcos will provide, and some recent results indicating the possibility to obtain estimates for the momenta gradients

    UBVRI photoelectric photometry of high proper motion stars

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    UBVRI photoelectric photometry is presented for 269 late spectral type, high proper motion stars belonging to the 'Lowell Proper Motion Survey' and included in the present version of the Hipparcos Input Catalogue. The observations and data reduction are described. The external errors obtained by comparison of the results with those obtained in other studies are presented

    UBVRI photoelectric photometry of nearby stars. II.

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    A second set of UBVRI photometry results for nearby stars of Gliese's (1969) catalog and its supplements, including in this case some multiple systems, are presented. Most of the observations were carried out between July 1984 and December 1985 at Calar Alto with the 1.23-m Centro Astronomico Hispano-Aleman telescope and the 1.52-m Observatorio Astronomico Nacional telescope. The number of observations of program and standard stars for the six runs and the final results for 60 stars are presented

    UBVRI photoelectric photometry of nearby stars

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    In order to complete the photometric data of the Gliese (1969) 'Catalog of Nearby Stars', and in addition use these data for the Hipparcos space astrometry mission, program stars have been selected from the catalog and its supplements on the basis of their having an incomplete set of UBVRI photometric data of magnitude lower than 13. The program developed rejects determinations of any magnitude or color index having a residual greater than 2(sigma-prime), where sigma-prime is the standard deviation for the determinations of unit weight

    UBVRI photoelectric photometry of nearby stars. II.

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    A second set of UBVRI photometry results for nearby stars of Gliese's (1969) catalog and its supplements, including in this case some multiple systems, are presented. Most of the observations were carried out between July 1984 and December 1985 at Calar Alto with the 1.23-m Centro Astronomico Hispano-Aleman telescope and the 1.52-m Observatorio Astronomico Nacional telescope. The number of observations of program and standard stars for the six runs and the final results for 60 stars are presented