169 research outputs found

    Fomento de la creatividad para el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado lleva a cabo un estudio que tiene como objetivo fundamental intentar demostrar que la creatividad es un elemento vital dentro de la expresión oral de los alumnos de Educación Primaria en el aprendizaje de la Lengua Extranjera (Inglés). Una vez estudiados los contenidos teóricos sobre la creatividad en Lengua Extranjera, destacar que despierta la motivación de los alumnos, aumenta su autoestima, mejoran la originalidad, la imaginación, la socialización y la comunicación en esta lengua. Mediante este estudio se pretende analizar con el mayor grado de detalle posible la evolución que han tenido los alumnos en el desarrollo paulatino de la creatividad. El estudio comenzó con un test para conocer el nivel inicial de creatividad de los alumnos. Posteriormente, se pasó a la aplicación de una actividad basada en la estimulación de la creatividad oral. Esta actividad utilizaba objetos cotidianos que permitieran potenciar su imaginación en el uso de la Lengua Extranjera a través de la libre expresión. Finalmente se realizó un último test a los alumnos, también de forma individual, para analizar el impacto de las estrategias de creatividad oral.Grado en Educación Primari

    Diagnóstico del estado nutricional de micronutrientes y evaluación antropométrica en una población infantil suburbana de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Objetivo: determinar el estado nutricional evaluado por antropometría, y el estado nutricional de micronutrientes en una población infantil. Métodos: se estudiaron 205 niños de 4 a 10 años de una comunidad suburbana de La Plata, Argentina. Se determinó Peso/ edad, Talla/edad y Peso/talla y se comparó las referencias. Para determinar las deficiencias de micronutrientes y anemia se establecieron los siguientes puntos de corte: deficiencia zinc y cobre < 70 mcg/dl (absorción atómica), hierro por ferritina < 12 ng/dl (quimioluminiscencia), hemoglobina < 11,5 g/dl (Coulter). Se realizó una encuesta social y de ingesta y hábitos alimentarios. Los datos se analizaron con EpiInfo 6. Se utilizaron las correlaciones de Pearson y Spearman. Resultados: la media de edad fue de 6,69 (± 2,04), 46,6% de sexo femenino. El número de integrantes por familia fue de 6 (± 1,98). La dieta cubría las recomendaciones de proteínas, pero el 19,4 % no cubría las recomendaciones de calorías y 30, 33, y 40 % de los niños no cubrieron las recomendaciones de hierro, zinc y vitamina A respectivamente. La prevalencia de Insuficiente progresión de peso fue 4,5% (Score Z < -2 de P/E), y por < Percentilo 10 de P/E 19,2 %; retraso crónico de crecimiento (< -2 score Z T/E) fue 5,6%, y 23,2% (< percentilo 10); por el indicador P/T la emaciación de primer grado alcanzó el 5%, sobrepeso y la obesidad llegó al 17,7%. La prevalencia de anemia fue 21,6%. El 6,8% de los niños presentó deficiencia de hierro, 5,1% deficiencia de cobre y 11,3% deficiencia de zinc. No se halló correlación significativa entre Peso/edad, peso/talla y talla/edad, con los niveles séricos de micronutrientes y Hb, ni al comparar el estado nutricional y la prevalencia de deficiencia de cada micronutrientes, excepto la prevalencia deficiencia de hierro en niños con retraso crónico de crecimiento que fue mayor que en el resto de los niños (p:0,01). Conclusión: la carencia de micronutrientes afecta a todos los estados nutricionales estimados por antropometría en los niños estudiados. El sobrepeso y la obesidad aparecen como un problema nutricional emergente.Aim: determine the micronutrient nutritional statusin an infant suburban population and its relationwith nutritional status as assessed by anthropometry,eating habits, and socioeconomic situation

    Consequences of Lockdown During COVID-19 Pandemic in Lifestyle and Emotional State of Children in Argentina

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    The implications of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) lockdown measurements and social isolation in children and their parents are still unknown. The aims of this study were to examine the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on emotional state, feelings and lifestyle of children and their parents, to explore the association between parental characteristics and child well-being and to examine whether the impact of lockdown depends on socio-economic status. Parents completed an online survey including data about socio-demographic information, parent and child feelings and lifestyle during lockdown. Logistic regression and correlation analysis were used to establish associations between variables. In total, 814 parents with children between 4 and 11 were included in the study. According to parents, 69.5% of the children showed changes in their emotional state, 55.3% altered their routine and 62.6% showed sleep disorders. Families with lower socio-economic status were more worried about health, shortage of food and household income (p < 0.01). Parent and children concern about food/essential items were highly associated [OR (CI 95%) 13.0 (6.81, 26.5), p < 0.01]. Adverse children’s emotional state was associated with parental feeling of loneliness (r = 0.35) and inversely associated with keeping a routine (r = −0.11). Sleep changes were inversely associated with keeping a routine and having a balcony/garden (r = −0.53 and −0.16). We conclude that lockdown affected emotional state and lifestyle of children and parents, which were strongly related. Routine and positive parental attitude supported children’s well-being. Economic issues were an important concern in families with lower socio-economic status. Our findings can help to promote child health during lockdown.Fil: Fasano, Maria Victoria. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital de Niños "Sor María Ludovica" de La Plata. Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.exactas. Centro de Matematica de la Plata.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Padula, Marcela. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital de Niños "Sor María Ludovica" de La Plata. Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas; ArgentinaFil: Azrak, María Ángeles. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital de Niños "Sor María Ludovica" de La Plata. Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas; ArgentinaFil: Avico, Ana Julia. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital de Niños "Sor María Ludovica" de La Plata. Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas; ArgentinaFil: Sala, Marisa. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital de Niños "Sor María Ludovica" de La Plata. Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas; ArgentinaFil: Andreoli, Maria Florencia. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital de Niños "Sor María Ludovica" de La Plata. Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Formation and Characterization of Early Bacterial Biofilms on Different Wood Typologies Applied in Dairy Production

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    The main hypothesis of this work was that Sicilian forestry resources are suitable for the production of equipment to be used in cheese making and indigenous milk lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are able to develop stable biofilms providing starter and nonstarter cultures necessary for curd fermentation and cheese ripening, respectively. Hence, the present work was carried out with deproteinized whey to evaluate LAB biofilm formation on different woods derived from tree species grown in Sicily. Microbiological and scanning electron microscopy analyses showed minimal differences in microbial levels and compositions for the neoformed biofilms. The specific investigation of Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS), and sulfite-reducing anaerobes did not generate any colony for all vats before and after bacterial adhesion. LAB populations dominated all vat surfaces. The highest levels (7.63 log CFU/cm2) were registered for thermophilic cocci. Different colonies were characterized physiologically, biochemically, and genetically (at strain and species levels). Six species within the genera Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, and Streptococcus were identified. The species most frequently present were Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactococcus lactis. LAB found on the surfaces of the wooden vats in this study showed interesting characteristics important for dairy manufacture. To thoroughly investigate the safety of the wooden vat, a test of artificial contamination on new Calabrian chestnut (control wood) vats was carried out. The results showed that LAB represent efficient barriers to the adhesion of the main dairy pathogens, probably due to their acidity and bacteriocin generation. IMPORTANCE This study highlights the importance of using wooden vats for traditional cheese production and provides evidence for the valorization the Sicilian forest wood resources via the production of dairy equipment

    Evolution of the lactic acid bacterial biofilms on different wood typologies applied for the production of vats intended for cheese making

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    The present work was carried out to evaluate the lactic acid bacterial biofilms formation on wooden vat produced with seven different woods, derived from trees species grown in Sicily. The biofilm formation on the wooden surfaces was performed as reported by Gaglio et al. Microbiological and scanning electron microscopy analyses did not show differences in terms of microbial levels and composition within the neoformed biofilms (Fig.1). The specific investigation of Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and positive-coagulase staphylococci did not generate any colony for all vats before and after microbial activation. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) populations dominated the surfaces of all vats and the highest concentration of approximately 7.63 Log CFU/cm2 was registered for thermophilic cocci. All colonies of different morphologies were isolated and characterized for their physiological and biochemical characteristics before being investigated genetically at strain level by RAPD-PCR and species level by a polyphasic approach consisting of 16S rRNA gene sequencing. As reported in a preview investigation conducted on wooden vat surfaces. we found species within the genera Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, and Streptococcus. The species most frequently present were Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactococcus lactis. The technological characterization of the LAB found at high numbers on to the surfaces of the wooden vats showed interesting dairy properties. In order to deeply investigate on the safety of the wooden vat, a test of artificial contamination on new Calabrian chestnut vats was carried out showing that the acidity and the bacteriocin generated by LAB represent efficient barriers to their adhesion. This study highlights the importance to use the wooden vats for traditional cheese production and provides evidences for their safety in terms of bacterial community evolution

    Tumor phenotype and breast density in distinct categories of interval cancer: results of population-based mammography screening in Spain

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    Introduction: Interval cancers are tumors arising after a negative screening episode and before the next screening invitation. They can be classified into true interval cancers, false-negatives, minimal-sign cancers, and occult tumors based on mammographic findings in screening and diagnostic mammograms. This study aimed to describe tumor-related characteristics and the association of breast density and tumor phenotype within four interval cancer categories. Methods: We included 2,245 invasive tumors (1,297 screening-detected and 948 interval cancers) diagnosed from 2000 to 2009 among 645,764 women aged 45 to 69 who underwent biennial screening in Spain. Interval cancers were classified by a semi-informed retrospective review into true interval cancers (n = 455), false-negatives (n = 224), minimal-sign (n = 166), and occult tumors (n = 103). Breast density was evaluated using Boyd’s scale and was conflated into: 75%. Tumor-related information was obtained from cancer registries and clinical records. Tumor phenotype was defined as follows: luminal A: ER+/HER2- or PR+/HER2-; luminal B: ER +/HER2+ or PR+/HER2+; HER2: ER-/PR-/HER2+; triple-negative: ER-/PR-/HER2-. The association of tumor phenotype and breast density was assessed using a multinomial logistic regression model. Adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: Forty-eight percent of interval cancers were true interval cancers and 23.6% false-negatives. True interval cancers were associated with HER2 and triple-negative phenotypes (OR = 1.91 (95% CI:1.22-2.96), OR = 2.07 (95% CI:1.42-3.01), respectively) and extremely dense breasts (>75%) (OR = 1.67 (95% CI:1.08-2.56)). However, among true interval cancers a higher proportion of triple-negative tumors was observed in predominantly fatty breasts (<25%) than in denser breasts (28.7%, 21.4%, 11.3% and 14.3%, respectively; <0.001). False-negatives and occult tumors had similar phenotypic characteristics to screening-detected cancers, extreme breast density being strongly associated with occult tumors (OR = 6.23 (95% CI:2.65-14.66)). Minimal-sign cancers were biologically close to true interval cancers but showed no association with breast density. Conclusions: Our findings revealed that both the distribution of tumor phenotype and breast density play specific and independent roles in each category of interval cancer. Further research is needed to understand the biological basis of the overrepresentation of triple-negative phenotype among predominantly fatty breasts in true interval cancers

    Consequences of Lockdown During COVID-19 Pandemic in Lifestyle and Emotional State of Children in Argentina

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    The implications of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) lockdown measurements and social isolation in children and their parents are still unknown. The aims of this study were to examine the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on emotional state, feelings and lifestyle of children and their parents, to explore the association between parental characteristics and child well-being and to examine whether the impact of lockdown depends on socio-economic status. Parents completed an online survey including data about socio-demographic information, parent and child feelings and lifestyle during lockdown. Logistic regression and correlation analysis were used to establish associations between variables. In total, 814 parents with children between 4 and 11 were included in the study. According to parents, 69.5% of the children showed changes in their emotional state, 55.3% altered their routine and 62.6% showed sleep disorders. Families with lower socio-economic status were more worried about health, shortage of food and household income (p < 0.01). Parent and children concern about food/essential items were highly associated [OR (CI 95%) 13.0 (6.81, 26.5), p < 0.01]. Adverse children's emotional state was associated with parental feeling of loneliness (r = 0.35) and inversely associated with keeping a routine (r = -0.11). Sleep changes were inversely associated with keeping a routine and having a balcony/garden (r = -0.53 and -0.16). We conclude that lockdown affected emotional state and lifestyle of children and parents, which were strongly related. Routine and positive parental attitude supported children's well-being. Economic issues were an important concern in families with lower socio-economic status. Our findings can help to promote child health during lockdown.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Trends in detection of invasive cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ at biennial screening mammography in Spain: a retrospective cohort study

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    Background: Breast cancer incidence has decreased in the last decade, while the incidence of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has increased substantially in the western world. The phenomenon has been attributed to the widespread adaption of screening mammography. The aim of the study was to evaluate the temporal trends in the rates of screen detected invasive cancers and DCIS, and to compare the observed trends with respect to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use along the same study period. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of 1,564,080 women aged 45–69 years who underwent 4,705,681 screening mammograms from 1992 to 2006. Age-adjusted rates of screen detected invasive cancer, DCIS, and HRT use were calculated for first and subsequent screenings. Poisson regression was used to evaluate the existence of a change-point in trend, and to estimate the adjusted trends in screen detected invasive breast cancer and DCIS over the study period. Results: The rates of screen detected invasive cancer per 100.000 screened women were 394.0 at first screening, and 229.9 at subsequent screen. The rates of screen detected DCIS per 100.000 screened women were 66.8 at first screen and 43.9 at subsequent screens. No evidence of a change point in trend in the rates of DCIS and invasive cancers over the study period were found. Screen detected DCIS increased at a steady 2.5% per year (95% CI: 1.3; 3.8), while invasive cancers were stable. Conclusion: Despite the observed decrease in breast cancer incidence in the population, the rates of screen detected invasive cancer remained stable during the study period. The proportion of DCIS among screen detected breast malignancies increased from 13% to 17% throughout the study period. The rates of screen detected invasive cancer and DCIS were independent of the decreasing trend in HRT use observed among screened women after 2002

    Exclusive breastfeeding and its relation with vitamin A nutritional status of mother-infant dyad

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: las mujeres en período de lactancia y los lactantes son grupos vulnerables a la deficiencia de vitamina A (DVA). El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la relación entre el estado nutricional de vitamina A en la madre y el lactante alimentado con lactancia materna exclusiva. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal en lactantes de 6 meses y sus madres. Se determinó vitamina A en suero y leche por cromatografía líquida. Se calcularon concentraciones medias de vitamina A y prevalencias de DVA en suero y leche, y se compararon mediante tests estadísticos. RESULTADOS: se estudiaron 63 binomios madre-hijo. Las medias de retinol en suero materno y del lactante fueron 1,84±0,48 μmol/L y 1,09±0,25 μmol/L, respectivamente. No hubo madres con DVA, y el 5% de los lactantes estaban deficientes. La mediana de retinol en leche materna fue 15,57 μg/g grasa (11,37; 23,98), y el 12% de las leches eran deficientes. Se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa en los niveles medios de retinol en suero entre los lactantes alimentados con leches deficientes y adecuadas (0,85±0,16 μmol/L y 1,10±0,24 μmol/L, respectivamente; p=0,042). DISCUSIÓN: el estado nutricional de vitamina A de las madres fue adecuado, aunque el 12% de las leches fueron deficientes. El 5% de los lactantes presentaron DVA. Los niveles de retinol en suero de los lactantes alimentados con leches deficientes fueron inferiores al de los alimentados con leches adecuadas.INTRODUCTION: Breastfeeding mothers and infants are vulnerable groups to vitamin A deficiency (VAD). The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the nutritional status of vitamin A in the mother and the exclusively breastfed infant. METHODS: An observational, analytical, cross-sectional study was carried out in 6-month-old breastfed infants and their mothers. Serum and milk vitamin A concentration was assessed by liquid chromatography. Average vitamin A concentrations and prevalences of VAD in serum and milk were calculated and compared using statistical tests. RESULTS: A total of 63 mother-child dyads were studied. The mean concentrations of retinol in maternal and infant serum were 1.84±0.48 μmol/L and 1.09±0.25 μmol/L, respectively. There were no mothers with VAD in serum, and 5% of the infants were deficient. The median concentration of retinol in breast milk was 15.57 μg/g fat (11.37; 23.98), and 12% were deficient. A statistically significant difference was found between serum retinol levels of infants fed adequate and deficient milk (0.85±0.16 μmol/L and 1.10±0.24 μmol/L, respectively; p=0.042). DISCUSSION: The nutritional status of vitamin A of the mothers was adequate, although 12% of the milk was deficient, and 5% of infants presented VAD. The serum retinol levels of infants fed poor milk were lower than those fed adequate milk.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Estudio cuali-cuantitativo del estado nutricional y la alimentación en niños de 1 a 3 años de familias de bajos recursos en dos grupos poblacionales con diferentes actividades productivas (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 2007-2008

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    The aim of this article is to describe the nutritional status and eating patterns of children aged 1-3 years from low-income families who reside in areas with different productive activities: primary production and production of goods and services. A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed with a qualitative and quantitative methodology, evaluating anthropometric and biochemical nutritional status, food intake, economic and demographic characteristics, dietary practices and representations. The results show that children from areas of primary production had a lower prevalence of anemia and iron deficiency. They also had a higher consumption of energy, calcium, zinc, vitamin A and protein and a greater diversity and quality in food consumption. We can conclude that the geographical context of families closer to sources of primary production favors interaction with individuals outside of the family, expanding both the informal social network and access to better quality nutritional food.El objetivo de este artículo es describir el estado nutricional y los patrones de alimentación de niños de 1 a 3 años de familias de bajos recursos, que residen en dos áreas con diferentes actividades productivas: producción primaria y de bienes y servicios. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, con metodología cuali-cuantitativa; se evaluó el estado nutricional antropométrico y bioquímico, ingesta alimentaria, características económicas y sociodemográficas, prácticas alimentarias y representaciones. Los resultados muestran que los niños del área de producción primaria presentaron menor prevalencia de anemia y deficiencia de hierro. Asimismo tuvieron un consumo superior de energía, calcio, zinc, vitamina A y proteínas y una mayor diversidad y calidad en el consumo de alimentos. Podemos concluir que el contexto geográfico de las familias que residen cerca de fuentes de producción primaria favorecería la interacción con individuos ajenos a la familia, ampliando la red social informal y el acceso a alimentos de mejor calidad nutricional