141 research outputs found

    Species of the genus Pratylenchus Filip'jev, 1936 (Nematoda : Tylenchida) from Cameroon

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    Quatre espèces déjà connues de #Pratylenchus - P. brachyurus (Godfrey, 1929) Filip'ev & Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1941 ; #P. goodeyi Sher & Allen, 1953 ; #P. scribneri Steiner, 1943 ; #P. sefaensis Fortuner, 1973 ont été extraites d'échantillons de sols provenant de la rhizosphère de plantes cultivées en différents endroits de la région ouest du Cameroun. L'identification spécifique n'a cependant pas été facile. La population de #P. goodeyi du Cameroun ne possède que trois anneaux céphaliques au lieu de quatre. La population de #P. sefaensis du Cameroun montre une extrémité caudale très variable - au lieu d'une extrémité typiquement arrondie - et un champ latéral formé d'une large bande parcourue de lignes irrégulières ou bien une paire de lignes internes faiblement marquées - au lieu de quatre à cinq lignes. L'identification réalisée en microscopie optique pour ces deux espèces a été confirmée par les observations au MEB ; de plus, le MEB a montré que les sensilles céphaliques de #P. goodeyi$ sont plus développées chez le mâle que chez la femelle. Les différences dans les caractères morphométriques ont été évaluées. Ces quatre espèces sont signalées au Cameroun pour la première fois. (Résumé d'auteur


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    Policies are living documents that require various inputs to assist in fulfilling their goals, and as such attention to policy issues does not end at the creation of the policy. Its implementation is increasingly a multi-sectored endeavour and a successful policy process requires democratic public participation, wherein the national sphere, different stakeholders get involved in order to reduce the political pressure on the government and thus achieve its objectives. Yet, this engagement might not continue during the policy implementation stage. Thus, it is crucial to consider the dimensions of stakeholder engagement in policy implementation. The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the dimensions of stakeholders’ engagement in policy implementation and the factors associated with implementation failure due to this gap. Some practical strategies are suggested to overcome implementation performance (way forward) and conclude with the proposition that implementation failure is partly due to a lack of stakeholders’ engagement

    Validité de la Technique d’alignement automatique en Traduction Assistée par Ordinateur (TAO): Cas de Wordfast Aligner

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    Les outils d’alignement automatique en traduction assistée par ordinateur (TAO) continuent de présenter des limites. Cet article a pour principal but d’évaluer la technique de l’alignement automatique de Wordfast Aligner. Cette étude vise à identifier les lacunes dans les segments du TC au moyen d’une description comparée avec les segments du TS, à évaluer le pourcentage du rendu en nous servant de l’évaluation automatique de Wordfast Aligner, à identifier et évaluer l’algorithme utilisé dans Wordfast Aligner dans la segmentation, et à étudier la qualité de l’alignement produit par Wordfast Aligner et voir si cela est valable dans un cadre général. Quatre hypothèses sont émises dans cette recherche. La première stipule que les lacunes existant dans les segments du TC dans un bi-texte produit automatiquement dans Wordfast Aligner sont identifiables suivant une analogie cognitive. La deuxième postule que l’outil Wordfast Aligner rend tout le sens des segments du TS dans les segments du TC. La troisième stipule que l’algorithme d’alignement automatique utilisé dans Wordfast Aligner est valide. Et la quatrième postule que la technique de l’alignement automatique dans Wordfast Aligner ne bâtit pas une MT optimale. Il ressort de l’analyse de 50 segments pertinents que les lacunes se trouvant dans les segments du TC en rapport avec les segments du TS sont de quatre (4) catégories : des lacunes provenant d’une mauvaise segmentation (2%), des lacunes provenant d’une sur-traduction (16%), des lacunes provenant d’une sous-traduction (64%), des segments avec zéro (0) lacune (18%). Ces résultats montrent également que l’outil Wordfast Aligner, en effectuant l’alignement automatique, ne rend pas toujours tout le sens du segment du texte source. La moyenne générale du rendu par Wordfast Aligner est de 69,68% ≈ 70%, ce qui est acceptable, mais pas optimale. ABSTRACT Machine alignment tools in computer-assisted translation (CAT) continue to have limitations. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the Wordfast Aligner machine alignment technique. This study aims to identify gaps in TT segments by means of a comparative description with ST segments, to evaluate the percentage of rendering using Wordfast Aligner's automatic evaluation, to identify and evaluate the algorithm used in Wordfast Aligner in the segmentation, and to study the quality of the alignment produced by Wordfast Aligner and see if this is valid in a general setting. Four hypotheses are put forward in this research. The first states that gaps in the TT segments in a bi-text automatically produced in Wordfast Aligner are identifiable by a cognitive analogy. The second postulates that the Wordfast Aligner tool renders all the meaning of the ST segments into the TT segments. The third hypothesis states that the automatic alignment algorithm used in Wordfast Aligner is valid. And the fourth hypothesis postulates that the automatic alignment technique in Wordfast Aligner does not build an optimal TM. The analysis of 50 relevant segments shows that the gaps found in the TT segments in relation to the ST segments fall into four (4) categories: gaps due to poor segmentation (2%), gaps due to over-translation (16%), gaps due to under-translation (64%), segments with zero (0) gaps (18%). These results also show that the Wordfast Aligner tool, when performing automatic alignment, does not always render the full meaning of the source text segment. The overall average rendering by Wordfast Aligner is 69.68% ≈ 70%, which is acceptable, but not optimal

    Stratégies et techniques de traduction des métaphores bibliques en langue yemba

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    Résumé: La métaphore est une figure de rhétorique qui permet de faire référence à une chose par une autre dans le but d’apporter de l’obscurité ou de la clarté ou d’identifier des similitudes cachées entre deux idées différentes. La traduction des métaphores pose un problème très sérieux aux traducteurs yemba car celles-ci sont enracinées dans la culture. Cette étude identifie les éléments métaphoriques dans le Nouveau Testament de Louis Segond et leurs équivalents dans le Nouveau Testament yemba. Elle examine par la suite les procédés et les stratégies de traduction qui ont permis de rendre le sens implicite desdites métaphores. L’étude apporte enfin des suggestions aux mauvaises traductions des éléments métaphoriques. Les deux versions retenues dans le cadre de cette étude sont les Nouveaux Testaments Louis Segond et yemba. Un corpus de 26 éléments métaphoriques françaises et de leur traduction en langue yemba tous tirées du Nouveau Testament ont été décrites et analysées. La méthodologie adoptée est basée sur l’analyse du corpus.  Les résultats de l’analyse montrent que sur un corpus de 26 éléments métaphoriques, 17 ont conduit à de bonnes traductions, soit 65,38% contre 09 traductions non acceptables pour 34,61%. Deux types de techniques de traduction ont été utilisées pour aboutir à ce résultat. Il s’agit des techniques simples telles que l’explicitation, la traduction littérale, la modulation, l’adaptation, l’emprunt pour ne citer que celles-là et les techniques composées à l’instar de la traduction littérale et l’explicitation, l’adaptation et la transposition. Quant aux stratégies de traduction, la domestication et l’équivalence dynamique ont permis d’aboutir à de bonnes traductions tandis que l’équivalence formelle et l’exotisation ont conduit à des traductions non acceptables. Mots-clés: métaphore, traduction, stratégie, technique. Abstract: Metaphor is a figure of speech used to refer to one thing through another in order to provide obscurity or clarity, or to identify hidden similarities between two different ideas. The translation of metaphors poses a very serious problem for Yemba translators because they are rooted in the culture. This study identifies the French-Yemba metaphorical elements. It then examines the translation techniques and strategies used to convey the implicit meaning of these metaphors. Finally, the study makes suggestions as to how to avoid mistranslations of the metaphorical elements. The two versions used in this study are the Louis Segondand Yemba New Testament Bibles. A corpus of 26 French metaphorical elements and their Yemba translations, all from the New Testament, were described and analyzed. The methodology adopted is based on corpus analysis.  The results of the analysis show that out of 26 metaphorical elements, 17 led to good translations, i.e. 65.38% while 09 led to unacceptable translations, i.e. 34.61%. Two types of translation techniques were used to achieve this result. These were simple techniques such as explicitation, literal translation, modulation, adaptation and borrowing, to name but a few, and compound techniques such as literal translation and explicitation, adaptation and transposition. As for translation strategies, domestication and dynamic equivalence have led to good translations while formal equivalence and foreignization have led to bad translations

    The process of naturalisation of refugees under international and South African law and its implications for human rights

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    This study seeks to examine the naturalisation of refugees under international law with specific focus on the South African refugee system. The universalised nature of human rights and the difficulties of refugees finding new roots in host states form the basis of this study. This study takes a closer look at the South African refugee system and the path to naturalisation of refugees. It identifies policy and legal gaps in the process of naturalisation of refugees and argues that the practice as it stands today, fundamentally abuses the rights of refugees and questions South Africa’s good faith in meeting its international obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention. It argues further that the biopolitical philosophy upon which South African citizenship is anchored is itself a hindrance to the realisation of efforts aimed at naturalising refugees and their descendants. The research methodology used in this study is non-empirical. This is so because the study is based on available data, information already available in print or on the internet. The study attempts to accomplish the above by undertaking an in-depth analysis of the history of refugees, the current position of naturalisation under international law, and identifies the inherent challenges. In the South African context, the study makes use of extensive statutory, constitutional and case law materials to justify that the current treatment of refugees in their quest for naturalisation is indefensible within the context of a human rights-based approach and the dictates of the Constitution. This study concludes by making recommendations that would help close the legal and policy gaps that obtain presently. These include amendments to the Refugees, Immigration and Citizenship Acts and strengthening policy implementation at the DHA. It is hoped that the recommendations will strengthen and evolve a human rights culture and bring refugee, immigration and citizenship laws in line with the Constitution. It will also pave the way for a more just and peaceful South Africa as she strives to meet her obligations under regional and international law

    Service Chain Logistics Management for Increasing Equipment Uptime

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    Currently, as Industrial Product Service Systems (IPS2) concepts are becoming increasingly adopted by capital assets suppliers, further increase of equipment uptimes is increasingly gaining attention by academics and practitioners. Uptimes can be managed by both improving the maintenance decision making as well as considering appropriate service supply chain design decisions. Furthermore, the integration of Industry 4.0 tools can further boost the previous with its communication and connectivity ability. Knowledge on these aspects is available in academia as well as in practice, but, as this paper argues, not structured for making decisions that consider all of these aspects in an integrated way aiming at improving equipment uptime. Through literature review, we assess the existing literature on IPS2. In doing so this paper offers a two-fold contribution: On the one hand, it presents an exploratory literature review to identify knowledge gap and on the other hand, it proposes a suitable future research project

    Prevalence of six viruses in potato seed tubers produced in informal seed system in the North West Region of Cameroon.

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    Evidence has accumulated that there is a trade-off between benefits and costs associated with rapid growth. A trade-off between growth rates and critical. swimming speed (U-crit) had been also reported to be common in teleost fish. We hypothesize that growth acceleration in the F-3 generation of "all-fish" growth hormone gene (GH) transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) would reduce the swimming abilities. Growth and swimming performance between transgenic fish and non-transgenic controls were) compared. The results showed that transgenic fish had a mean body weight 1.4-1.9-fold heavier, and a mean specific growth rate (SGR) value 6%-10% higher than the controls. Transgenic fish, however, had a mean absolute U-crit (cm/s) value 22% or mean relative Ucrit (BL/s) value 24% lower than the controls. It suggested that fast-growing "all-fish" GH-transgenic carp were inferior swimmers. It is also supported that there was a trade-off between growth rates and swimming performance, i.e. faster-growing individuals had lower critical swimming speed
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