126 research outputs found

    Population dynamics of epiphytic chironomid communities in the aquatic macrophyte zones of eutrophic Lakes Suwa and Kitaura

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    We studied the population dynamics of epriphytic chironomid larvae in the vegetated areas of Lakes Suwa and Kitaura. We quantitatively collected chironomid larvae from samples of the 4 species of angiosperms present in the lakes: the emergent plants phragmites australis (a reed) and Zizani latifolia; the floating plant Nymphoides peltata; and the submerged plant Potamogeton malaianus. Collections were made from all 4 plant zones in Lake Suwa from April 2000 to November 2000 and from the reed zone in Lake Kitaura from April 2000 to March 2001. In both lakes the most abundant chironomid Larvae on the reed stems from late May to September were Chironominae (especially, Dicrotendipes pelochloris and Glyptotendipes tokunagai). On the leaves of submerged and floating plants in Lake Suwa, Orthocladinae larvae (especially, Cricotopus trifasciatus) dominated during the sampling period. On the reed stems in Lake Suwa, mean larval density was 0.4 ind cm⁻² and biomass of epiphytic chironomids was 12.9μgcm⁻²; these values were 23% and 22%, respectively, of those in Lake Kitaura. The differences in chironomid abundance observed in the lakes seemed to be caused by differenes in food availability (i.e., abundance of algae attached to reed stem). The average of diversity index (1/λ,λ:Simpson's index) of chironomid larvae on each plant was 2.7-3.3 on reed and Z.latifolia. 1.8 on N. Peltata and 1.8 on P. malaianus from June to August. The differnces in diversity index may be correlated with the conditions of DO concentration during this period.Article信州大学山地水環境教育研究センター研究報告 2: 111-115(2004)departmental bulletin pape

    Preventive effect of fermented brown rice and rice bran on spontaneous type 1 diabetes in NOD female mice

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    Consumption of brown rice and rice bran fermented with Aspergillus oryzae (FBRA) suppresses spontaneously occurring diabetes in female NOD mouse. While control diet-fed mice showed glucosuria and hyperglycemia at around 20 week of age and the ratio reached to 57% at 30 weeks of age, the ratio did not increase in the 0.5% FBRA-containing diet-fed group. The FBRA-fed group at 30 weeks of age kept higher ratio of intact islets and showed significantly lower insulitis score compared to the control diet group, with dose-dependency from 0.25% to 0.5% dietary concentration of FBRA. The percentage of diabetic mice was significantly lower at 24 weeks of age as compared to the control group (p = 0.01, log rank test). These results indicate that the suppressive effects of dietary administration of 0.5% FBRA in delaying the spontaneous onset of diabetes in NOD mice is probably achieved by maintaining the number of intact islets

    Atomic-scale characterization of nitrogen-doped graphite: Effects of dopant nitrogen on the local electronic structure of the surrounding carbon atoms

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    We report the local atomic and electronic structure of a nitrogen-doped graphite surface by scanning tunnelling microscopy, scanning tunnelling spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and first-principles calculations. The nitrogen-doped graphite was prepared by nitrogen ion bombardment followed by thermal annealing. Two types of nitrogen species were identified at the atomic level: pyridinic-N (N bonded to two C nearest neighbours) and graphitic-N (N bonded to three C nearest neighbours). Distinct electronic states of localized {\pi} states were found to appear in the occupied and unoccupied regions near the Fermi level at the carbon atoms around pyridinic-N and graphitic-N species, respectively. The origin of these states is discussed based on the experimental results and theoretical simulations.Comment: 6 Pages, with larger figure

    Phospholipase C Produced by Clostridium botulinum Types C and D:Comparison of Gene, Enzymatic, and Biological Activities with Those of Clostridium perfringens Alpha-toxin

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    Clostridium botulinum type C and D strains recently have been found to produce PLC on egg yolk agar plates. To characterize the gene, enzymatic and biological activities of C. botulinum PLCs (Cb-PLCs), the cb-plc genes from 8 strains were sequenced, and 1 representative gene was cloned and expressed as a recombinant protein. The enzymatic and hemolytic activities of the recombinant Cb-PLC were measured and compared with those of the Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin. Each of the eight cb-plc genes encoded a 399 amino acid residue protein preceded by a 27 residue signal peptide. The protein consists of 2 domains, the N- and C-domains, and the overall amino acid sequence identity between Cb-PLC and alpha-toxin was greater than 50%, suggesting that Cb-PLC is homologous to the alpha-toxin. The key residues in the N-domain were conserved, whereas those in the C-domain which are important in membrane interaction were different than in the alpha-toxin. As expected, Cb-PLC could hydrolyze egg yolk phospholipid, p-nitrophenylphosphorylcholine, and sphingomyelin, and also exhibited hemolytic activity;however, its activities were about 4- to over 200-fold lower than those of alpha-toxin. Although Cb-PLC showed weak enzymatic and biological activities, it is speculated that Cb-PLC might play a role in the pathogenicity of botulism or for bacterial survival

    Completion of the first ITER toroidal field coil structure

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    本論文は、日本が100%調達責任を有するITERのトロイダルコイル構造物の第1号機の完成を報告するものである。主な技術的な課題は、(i)極低温(4K)でも高い延性を持つ新規材料の開発、(ii)部分溶け込み溶接の適用、(iii)溶接変形対応、(iv)オーステナイトステンレス鋼溶接部の減衰効果を加味した超音波探傷試験法の開発、(v)巨大で複雑なD形状構造物の封止溶接開先の0.5mmオーダー公差での開先合わせ、などである。これらの各技術課題を解決し、ITER TFコイル構造物第1号機は成功裏に完成することができた

    Role of Sphingomyelinase in Infectious Diseases Caused by Bacillus cereus

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    Bacillus cereus (B. cereus) is a pathogen in opportunistic infections. Here we show that Bacillus cereus sphingomyelinase (Bc-SMase) is a virulence factor for septicemia. Clinical isolates produced large amounts of Bc-SMase, grew in vivo, and caused death among mice, but ATCC strains isolated from soil did not. A transformant of the ATCC strain carrying a recombinant plasmid containing the Bc-SMase gene grew in vivo, but that with the gene for E53A, which has little enzymatic activity, did not. Administration of an anti-Bc-SMase antibody and immunization against Bc-SMase prevented death caused by the clinical isolates, showing that Bc-SMase plays an important role in the diseases caused by B. cereus. Treatment of mouse macrophages with Bc-SMase resulted in a reduction in the generation of H2O2 and phagocytosis of macrophages induced by peptidoglycan (PGN), but no effect on the release of TNF-α and little release of LDH under our experimental conditions. Confocal laser microscopy showed that the treatment of mouse macrophages with Bc-SMase resulted in the formation of ceramide-rich domains. A photobleaching analysis suggested that the cells treated with Bc-SMase exhibited a reduction in membrane fluidity. The results suggest that Bc-SMase is essential for the hydrolysis of SM in membranes, leading to a reduction in phagocytosis

    In-situ mechanical weakness of subducting sediments beneath a plate boundary décollement in the Nankai Trough

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    © 2018, The Author(s). The study investigates the in-situ strength of sediments across a plate boundary décollement using drilling parameters recorded when a 1180-m-deep borehole was established during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 370, Temperature-Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto (T-Limit). Information of the in-situ strength of the shallow portion in/around a plate boundary fault zone is critical for understanding the development of accretionary prisms and of the décollement itself. Studies using seismic reflection surveys and scientific ocean drillings have recently revealed the existence of high pore pressure zones around frontal accretionary prisms, which may reduce the effective strength of the sediments. A direct measurement of in-situ strength by experiments, however, has not been executed due to the difficulty in estimating in-situ stress conditions. In this study, we derived a depth profile for the in-situ strength of a frontal accretionary prism across a décollement from drilling parameters using the recently established equivalent strength (EST) method. At site C0023, the toe of the accretionary prism area off Cape Muroto, Japan, the EST gradually increases with depth but undergoes a sudden change at ~ 800 mbsf, corresponding to the top of the subducting sediment. At this depth, directly below the décollement zone, the EST decreases from ~ 10 to 2 MPa, with a change in the baseline. This mechanically weak zone in the subducting sediments extends over 250 m (~ 800–1050 mbsf), corresponding to the zone where the fluid influx was discovered, and high-fluid pressure was suggested by previous seismic imaging observations. Although the origin of the fluids or absolute values of the strength remain unclear, our investigations support previous studies suggesting that elevated pore pressure beneath the décollement weakens the subducting sediments. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]


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