17 research outputs found

    Century-long Dynamics of Meadow Steppes in the Privolzhskaya Uplands

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    Information on the structure and dynamics of the zonal Central Russian meadow steppes is presented in terms of the example of the Privolzhskaya forest-steppe state nature reserve (Penza region, Russia). The cenotic diversity of the herbaceous vegetation of the reserve is represented by 91 associations, of which 48 referto steppes and 43 to steppe meadows. It has been revealed that the vegetation of the studied placer sites under the influence of an absolutely reserved regime undergoes mesophyticization and silvatization, which are more intensively manifested in the forest-steppe landscapes of the secondary moraine plains (areas of thePoperechenskaya steppe and Ostrovtsovskaya forest-steppe reserve) than in the eroded denudational plains of forest-steppe landscapes (areas of the Kuncherovskaya steppe and Ostrovtsovskaya forest-steppe reserves). The study of the dynamics of zonal meadow steppes in the Volga Uplands testifies to the inevitability of theirtransformation in modern climatic conditions into meadow, shrubby and even forest communities. Keywords: forest-steppe, meadow steppes, structure, dynamics, succession, reserve, geobotanical mapping, protection of steppe vegetatio

    Floristic Phenomena of the Samara Bend: The Fractal Organization of Taxonomic Diversity

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    Considering the problem of taxonomic diversity as a fractal object is the aim of this article. The prerequisites for such an approach were articles with varying degrees of detail and argumentation that substantiate taxonomic diversity from the standpoint of fractal geometry. Common to these papers is that the authors in their theoretical constructs start from the Willis rule (law) describing the rank distribution of the relationship between the number of taxa and their volume. The flora of the Samara Bend (the bend of the Volga River in its middle reaches) has become an object of the research. The authors distinguish seven basic floristic areas on the Samara Bend, the boundaries of which coincide with the respective landscapes. The authors discuss the efficiency of the Willis rule (law), which approximates the relationship between the number of taxa and their volume by rank distribution. The multifractal spectrum (a generalized geometric image of generic structure) of the taxonomic diversity of vascular plants of the Samara Bend is presented. Keywords: taxonomic diversity, fractal organization, Samara Ben

    Alien Species in the Flora of the Middle Volga Region

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    The article presents information on the diversity and structure of the alien flora of the Middle Volga region on the border between the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European botanical and geographical province. In the studied area, we identified 440 alien species of plants (24.6% of the total floristic diversity), including 59 invasive and potentially invasive species, the dispersal of which has already caused environmental consequences or could become a threat in the future. According to the degree of naturalization, alien plant species among the regional flora are represented by 146 ephemerophytes (33.2%), 122 colonophytes (27.7%), 151 epecophytes (34.3%) and 21 agriophytes (4.8%). As verified via the main method of skidding, alien species are distributed almost equally – 228 xenophytes (51.8%) and 212 ergasiophygophytes (48.2%). It was revealed that of the 150 species of alien plants, there are only 84 of the most common European species in the Middle Volga region, most of which do not show high cenotic activity. The obtained results actualize the development of a system of ecological and economic assessment of the consequences of introducing alien plant species into regional flora. Keywords: alien plants, invasive species, Middle Volga region, regional flor

    Automated Logical-Probabilistic Methodology and Software Tool as Component of the Complex of Methodologies and Software Tools for Evaluation of Reliability and Survivability of Onboard Equipment of Small Satellites

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    The paper presents solutions for current problems with estimation and analysis of indicators of reliability and survivability in onboard equipment (OE) of small satellites (SS) based on the logical-probabilistic approach to the reliability and survivability estimation of complex systems. There were developed modified logical-probabilistic method and software tool for evaluating the reliability and survivability of OE SS systems. The correctness of suggested method and software tool was shown by computational experiments on some systems of OE SS similar to Belarusian SS, later compared with “Arbitr” software complex results. The software tool was integrated into the complex of methodologies and software tools for evaluation, analysis and prediction of the values of reliability and survivability indicators of OE SS in local desktop and distributed web versions

    An international collaborative evaluation of central serous chorioretinopathy: different therapeutic approaches and review of literature. The European Vitreoretinal Society central serous chorioretinopathy study

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    Purpose: To study and compare the efficacy of different therapeutic options for the treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR). Methods: This is a nonrandomized, international multicentre study on 1719 patients (1861 eyes) diagnosed with CSCR, from 63 centres (24 countries). Reported data included different methods of treatment and both results of diagnostic examinations [fluorescein angiography and/or optical coherent tomography (OCT)] and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) before and after therapy. The duration of observation had a mean of 11 months but was extended in a minority of cases up to 7 years. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the different therapeutic options of CSCR in terms of both visual (BCVA) and anatomic (OCT) improvement. Results: One thousand seven hundred nineteen patients (1861 eyes) diagnosed with CSCR were included. Treatments performed were nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops, laser photocoagulation, micropulse diode laser photocoagulation, photodynamic therapy (PDT; Standard PDT, Reduced-dose PDT, Reduced-fluence PDT), intravitreal (IVT) antivascular endothelial growth factor injection (VEGF), observation and other treatments. The list of the OTHERS included both combinations of the main proposed treatments or a variety of other treatments such as eplerenone, spironolactone, acetazolamide, beta-blockers, anti-anxiety drugs, aspirin, folic acid, methotrexate, statins, vitis vinifera extract medication and pars plana vitrectomy. The majority of the patients were men with a prevalence of 77%. The odds ratio (OR) showed a partial or complete resolution of fluid on OCT with any treatment as compared with observation. In univariate analysis, the anatomical result (improvement in subretinal fluid using OCT at 1 month) was favoured by age <60 years (p < 0.005), no previous observation (p < 0.0002), duration less than 3 months (p < 0.0001), absence of CSCR in the fellow eye (p = 0.04), leakage outside of the arcade (p = 0.05) and fluid height >500 \u3bcm (p = 0.03). The OR for obtaining partial or complete resolution showed that anti-VEGF and eyedrops were not statistically significant; whereas PDT (8.5), thermal laser (11.3) and micropulse laser (8.9) lead to better anatomical results with less variability. In univariate analysis, the functional result at 1 month was favoured by first episode (p = 0.04), height of subretinal fluid >500 \u3bcm (p < 0.0001) and short duration of observation (p = 0.02). Finally, there was no statistically significant difference among the treatments at 12 months. Conclusion: Spontaneous resolution has been described in a high percentage of patients. Laser (micropulse and thermal) and PDT seem to lead to significant early anatomical improvement; however, there is little change beyond the first month of treatment. The real visual benefit needs further clarification


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    Summary. The classification of factors limiting abundance and distribution of vascular plantsis discussed. It is concluded that each of the limiting factors is shown through the effects characterizing change of conditions of populations (dynamics) – complex, synergetic, cumulative.Работа выполнена в рамках бюджетной темы ИЭВБ РАН № АААА-А17-117112040040-3


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    Summary. In the flora of Middle Volga region are revealed 518 species of vascular plants which are on borders of the continuous distribution. The characteristic of their distribution on physiographic provinces is provided. Distribution of vascular plant species in the Middle Volga region allows us to trace of zonal differences of the flora of Predvolzhye and Zavolzhye Forest-steppe from Zavolzhye Steppe, to more fully characterize the native biota of the forest-steppe ecotone and indicates the boundary position of region on the border of Pribalto-Volgo-Dneprovskii (Volgo-Donskoi area) and Vostochnyi (Zavolzhskii area) districts of European Botanical and Geographical province.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках проекта № 16-44-630414р_а

    Service-oriented distributed software complex for evaluation and multi-criteria analysis of reliability and survivability of on-board equipment of small satellites: Russian and Belarusian segments

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    The paper presents solutions to the problems of estimation, analysis and forecasting of indicators of reliability, survivability and efficiency of on-board equipment (BE) of small satellites (SS) in standard and specified conditions of operation. A distributed software complex for multi-criteria evaluation, analysis and prediction of the values of reliability and survivability indicators of SS BE was developed taking into account the factors of outer space, as well as control of their reconfiguration at different stages of the life cycle (SPIIRAS). The developed complex of methodologies and software tools for estimating the reliability of SS BE (UIIP) was integrated as a distributed segment into the SPIIRAS software complex. The developed software systems are based on using the applied control theory of structural dynamics of complex objects, as well as the developed methods of estimation, analysis and forecasting of indicators of reliability, survivability and efficiency of SS BE, and database mining approach


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    Consideration of the problem of taxonomic diversity as a fractal object is the aim of this paper. The prerequisites for such an approach were the articles with varying degrees of detail and argumentation, which substantiate taxonomic diversity from the standpoint of fractal geometry. Common to these papers is that the authors in their theoretical constructions start from the Willis rule (law) describing the rank distribution of the relationship between the number of taxa and their volume. Flora of the Samara Bend (the bend of the Volga river in its middle reaches) has become an object of the research. We distinguish seven basic floristic areas on the Samara Bend, which boundaries coincide with the respective landscapes. We discuss the efficiency of the Willis rule (law), which approximates the relationship between the number of taxa and their volume by rank distribution. The multifractal spectrum (generalized geometric image of generic structure) of taxonomic diversity of vascular plants of the Samara Bend is presented.Авторы благодарны Российскому фонду фундаментальных исследований (РФФИ), частично поддержавшему данное исследование (грант 17-44-630113 р_поволжье_а)