9 research outputs found

    What determines the distribution of shallow convective mass flux through cloud base?

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    The distribution of cloud-base mass flux is studied using large-eddy simulations (LES) of two reference cases, one representing conditions over the tropical ocean, and another one representing mid-latitude conditions over land. To examine what sets the difference between the two distributions, nine additional LES cases are set up as variations of the two reference cases. We find that the total surface heat flux and its changes over the diurnal cycle do not influence the distribution shape. The latter is also not determined by the level of organization in the cloud field. It is instead determined by the ratio of the surface sensible heat flux to the latent heat flux, the Bowen ratio BB. BB sets the thermodynamic efficiency of the moist convective heat cycle, which determines the portion of the total surface heat flux that can be transformed into mechanical work of convection against mechanical dissipation. The thermodynamic moist heat cycle sets the average mass flux per cloud ⟹m⟩\langle m \rangle, and through ⟹m⟩\langle m \rangle it also controls the shape of the distribution. An expression for ⟹m⟩\langle m \rangle is derived based on the moist convective heat cycle and is evaluated against LES. This expression can be used in shallow cumulus parameterizations as a physical constraint on the mass flux distribution. The similarity between the mass flux and the cloud area distributions indicate that BB also has a role in shaping the cloud area distribution, which could explain its different shapes and slopes observed in previous studies.Comment: submitted to J. Atmos. Sci., revise

    Theoretical understanding of the linear relationship between convective updrafts and cloud-base height for shallow cumulus clouds. Part II: Continental conditions

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    This is the Part II of a two-part study that seeks a theoretical understanding of an empirical relationship for shallow cumulus clouds: subcloud updraft velocity covaries linearly with the cloud-base height. This work focuses on continental cumulus clouds that are more strongly forced by surface fluxes and more deviated from equilibrium than those over oceans (Part I). We use a simple analytical model for shallow cumulus that is well tested against a high-resolution (25 m in the horizontal) large-eddy simulation model. Consistent with a conventional idea, we find that surface Bowen ratio is the key variable that regulates the covariability of both parameters: under the same solar insolation, a drier surface allows for stronger buoyancy flux, triggering stronger convection that deepens the subcloud layer. We find that the slope of the Bowen-ratio-regulated relationship between the two parameters (defined as l) is dependent on both the local time and the stability of the lower free atmosphere. The value of l decreases with time exponentially from sunrise to early afternoon and linearly from early afternoon to sunset. The value of l is larger in a more stable atmosphere. In addition, continental l in the early afternoon more than doubles the oceanic l. Validation of the theoretical results against ground observations over the Southern Great Plains shows a reasonable agreement. Physical mechanisms underlying the findings are explained from the perspective of different time scales at which updrafts and cloud-base height respond to a surface flux forcing

    The Two‐Energies Turbulence Scheme Coupled to the Assumed PDF Method

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    An update of the two‐energy turbulence scheme is presented, the 2TE + APDF scheme. The original version of the two‐energy scheme is able to successfully model shallow convection without the need of an additional parameterization for non‐local fluxes. However, the performance of the two‐energy scheme is worse in stratocumulus cases, where it tends to overestimate the erosion of the stable layers. We have identified the causes: the non‐local stability parameter does not consider local stratification, the scheme lacks an internal parameter that could distinguish between a shallow convection regime and a stratocumulus regime, and it uses an inflexible turbulence length scale formulation. To alleviate this problem, we propose several modifications: an update of the stability parameter, a modified computation of the turbulence length scale, and the introduction of the entropy potential temperature to distinguish between a shallow convection and a stratocumulus regime. In addition, the two‐energy scheme is coupled to a simplified assumed probability density function method in order to achieve a more universal representation of the cloudy regimes. The updated turbulence scheme is evaluated for several idealized cases and one selected real case in the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) modeling framework. The results show that the updated scheme corrects the overmixing problem in the stratocumulus cases. The performance of the updated scheme is comparable to the operational setup, and can be thus used instead of the operational turbulence and shallow convection scheme in ICON. Additionally, the updated scheme improves the coupling with dynamics, which is beneficial for the modeling of coherent flow structures in the atmospheric boundary layer.Plain Language Summary: The two‐energy turbulence scheme parametrizes turbulence and boundary layer clouds in a unified framework. This enables the scheme to be more consistent and more continuous in time and space than the classical combination of separate turbulence and convection schemes. The original version of the scheme tends to overestimate the erosion of the stable layers, particularly in stratocumulus cases. We have identified several reasons for this problem and updated the scheme accordingly. To achieve a more universal representation of the cloudy regimes, the two‐energy scheme has been also coupled to the assumed probability density function (PDF) method. This method is based on assuming the shape of the trivariate PDF of moisture, heat and vertical velocity. The new version of the scheme was implemented into the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) modeling framework and was tested on several idealized cases and one realistic case. The results show that the updated scheme corrects the overmixing problem in the stratocumulus cases. The performance of the updated scheme is comparable to the operational setup, and can be thus used instead of the operational turbulence and shallow convection scheme in ICON. Additionally, the updated scheme improves the coupling with dynamics, which is beneficial for the modeling of coherent flow structures in the atmospheric boundary layer.Key Points: An update of the two‐energy scheme for the unified parameterization of the turbulence and clouds in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is presented. The performance of the updated scheme is comparable to the operational ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic configuration. The updated scheme shows the ability to model coherent flow structures in the ABL.Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research of DWDDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659https://zenodo.org/record/822842https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.640303

    The two-energies turbulence scheme coupled to the assumed PDF method

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    An update of the two-energy turbulence scheme is presented, the 2TE + APDF scheme. The original version of the two-energy scheme is able to successfully model shallow convection without the need of an additional parameterization for non-local fluxes. However, the performance of the two-energy scheme is worse in stratocumulus cases, where it tends to overestimate the erosion of the stable layers. We have identified the causes: the non-local stability parameter does not consider local stratification, the scheme lacks an internal parameter that could distinguish between a shallow convection regime and a stratocumulus regime, and it uses an inflexible turbulence length scale formulation. To alleviate this problem, we propose several modifications: an update of the stability parameter, a modified computation of the turbulence length scale, and the introduction of the entropy potential temperature to distinguish between a shallow convection and a stratocumulus regime. In addition, the two-energy scheme is coupled to a simplified assumed probability density function method in order to achieve a more universal representation of the cloudy regimes. The updated turbulence scheme is evaluated for several idealized cases and one selected real case in the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) modeling framework. The results show that the updated scheme corrects the overmixing problem in the stratocumulus cases. The performance of the updated scheme is comparable to the operational setup, and can be thus used instead of the operational turbulence and shallow convection scheme in ICON. Additionally, the updated scheme improves the coupling with dynamics, which is beneficial for the modeling of coherent flow structures in the atmospheric boundary layer

    Simulated Tropical Precipitation Assessed across Three Major Phases of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP)

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    The representation of tropical precipitation is evaluated across three generations of models participating in phases 3, 5, and 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). Compared to state-of-the-art observations, improvements in tropical precipitation in the CMIP6 models are identified for some metrics, but we find no general improvement in tropical precipitation on different temporal and spatial scales. Our results indicate overall little changes across the CMIP phases for the summer monsoons, the double-ITCZ bias, and the diurnal cycle of tropical precipitation. We find a reduced amount of drizzle events in CMIP6, but tropical precipitation occurs still too frequently. Continuous improvements across the CMIP phases are identified for the number of consecutive dry days, for the representation of modes of variability, namely, the Madden-Julian oscillation and El Nino-Southern Oscillation, and for the trends in dry months in the twentieth century. The observed positive trend in extreme wet months is, however, not captured by any of the CMIP phases, which simulate negative trends for extremely wet months in the twentieth century. The regional biases are larger than a climate change signal one hopes to use the models to identify. Given the pace of climate change as compared to the pace of model improvements to simulate tropical precipitation, we question the past strategy of the development of the present class of global climate models as the mainstay of the scientific response to climate change. We suggest the exploration of alternative approaches such as high-resolution storm-resolving models that can offer better prospects to inform us about how tropical precipitation might change with anthropogenic warming

    FESSTVaL: the Field Experiment on Submesoscale Spatio-Temporal Variability in Lindenberg

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    Numerical weather prediction models operate on grid spacings of a few kilometers, where deep convection begins to become resolvable. Around this scale, the emergence of coherent structures in the planetary boundary layer, often hypothesized to be caused by cold pools, forces the transition from shallow to deep convection. Yet, the kilometer-scale range is typically not resolved by standard surface operational measurement networks. The measurement campaign FESSTVaL aimed at addressing this gap by observing atmospheric variability at the hectometer to kilometer scale, with a particular emphasis on cold pools, wind gusts and coherent patterns in the planetary boundary layer during summer. A unique feature was the distribution of 150 self-developed and low-cost instruments. More specifically, FESSTVaL included dense networks of 80 autonomous cold pool loggers, 19 weather stations and 83 soil sensor systems, all installed in a rural region of 15-km radius in eastern Germany, as well as self-developed weather stations handed out to citizens. Boundary layer and upper air observations were provided by 8 Doppler lidars and 4 microwave radiometers distributed at 3 supersites; water vapor and temperature were also measured by advanced lidar systems and an infrared spectrometer; and rain was observed by a X-band radar. An uncrewed aircraft, multicopters and a small radiometer network carried out additional measurements during a four-week period. In this paper, we present FESSTVaL’s measurement strategy and show first observational results including unprecedented highly-resolved spatio-temporal cold-pool structures, both in the horizontal as well as in the vertical dimension, associated with overpassing convective systems