246 research outputs found

    Superfluid to Mott insulator transition in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model for arbitrary integer filling factors

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    We study the quantum phase transition between the superfluid and the Mott insulator in the one-dimensional (1D) Bose-Hubbard model. Using the time-evolving block decimation method, we numerically calculate the tunneling splitting of two macroscopically distinct states with different winding numbers. From the scaling of the tunneling splitting with respect to the system size, we determine the critical point of the superfluid to Mott insulator transition for arbitrary integer filling factors. We find that the critical values versus the filling factor in 1D, 2D, and 3D are well approximated by a simple analytical function. We also discuss the condition for determining the transition point from a perspective of the instanton method.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    W_\infty and w_\infty Gauge Theories and Contraction

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    We present a general method of constructing Winf and winf gauge theories in terms of d+2 dimensional local fields. In this formulation the \Winf gauge theory Lagrangians involve non-local interactions, but the winf theories are entirely local. We discuss the so-called classical contraction procedure by which we derive the Lagrangian of winf gauge theory from that of the corresponding Winf gauge theory. In order to discuss the relationship between quantum Winf and quantum winf gauge theory we solve d=1 gauge theory models of a Higgs field exactly by using the collective field method. Based on this we conclude that the Winf gauge theory can be regarded as the large N limit of the corresponding SU(N) gauge theory once an appropriate coupling constant renormalization is made, while the winf gauge theory cannot be.Comment: 21 pages, plain Te

    Self Consistent Field Method for Planar phi^3 Theory

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    We continue and extend earlier work on the summation of planar graphs in phi^3 field theory, based on a local action on the world sheet. The present work employs a somewhat different version of the self consistent field (meanfield) approximation compared to the previous work on the same subject. Using this new approach, we are able to determine in general the asymptotic forms of the solutions, and in the case of one solution, even its exact form. This solution leads to formation of an unstable string, in agreement with the previous work. We also investigate and clarify questions related to Lorentz invariance and the renormalization of the solution.Comment: Latex, no other macros neede

    Further Results about Field Theory on the World Sheet and String Formation

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    The present article is the continuation of the earlier work, which used the world sheet representation and the mean field approximation to sum planar graphs in massless phi^3 field theory. We improve on the previous work in two respects: A prefactor in the world sheet propagator that had been neglected is now taken into account. In addition, we introduce a non-zero bare mass for the field phi. Working with a theory with cutoff, and using the mean field approximation, we find that, depending on the range of values of the mass and coupling constant, the model has two phases: A string forming phase and a perturbative field theory phase. We also find the generation of a new degree of freedom, which was not in the model originally. The new degree of freedom can be thought of as the string slope, which is now promoted into a fluctuating dynamical variable. Finally, we show that the introduction of the bare mass makes it possible to renormalize the model.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figures, typos corrected and one equation simplifie

    More On The Connection Between Planar Field Theory And String Theory

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    We continue work on the connection between world sheet representation of the planar phi^3 theory and string formation. The present article, like the earlier work, is based on the existence of a solitonic solution on the world sheet, and on the zero mode fluctuations around this solution. The main advance made in this paper is the removal of the cutoff and the transition to the continuum limit on the world sheet. The result is an action for the modes whose energies remain finite in this limit (light modes). The expansion of this action about a dense background of graphs on the world sheet leads to the formation of a string.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Equivalence of Two Dimensional QCD and the c=1c=1 Matrix Model

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    We consider two dimensional QCD with the spatial dimension compactified to a circle. We show that the states in the theory consist of interacting strings that wind around the circle and derive the Hamiltonian for this theory in the large NN limit, complete with interactions. Mapping the winding states into momentum states, we express this Hamiltonian in terms of a continuous field. For a U(N)U(N) gauge group with a background source of Wilson loops, we recover the collective field Hamiltonian found by Das and Jevicki for the c=1c=1 matrix model, except the spatial coordinate is on a circle. We then proceed to show that two dimensional QCD with a U(N)U(N) gauge group can be reduced to a one- dimensional unitary matrix model and is hence equivalent to a theory of NN free nonrelativistic fermions on a circle. A similar result is true for the group SU(N)SU(N), but the fermions must be modded out by the center of mass coordinate.Comment: 15 pages, CERN-TH 6843/93, UVA-HET-93-0

    Solitons and excitations in the duality-based matrix model

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    We analyse a specific, duality-based generalization of the hermitean matrix model. The existence of two collective fields enables us to describe specific excitations of the hermitean matrix model. By using these two fields, we construct topologically non-trivial solutions (BPS solitons) of the model. We find the low-energy spectrum of quantum fluctuations around the uniform solution. Furthermore, we construct the wave functional of the ground state and obtain the corresponding Green function.Comment: 13 pages,v2: new solutions constructed, title changed accordingl

    Quantum phase slips in one-dimensional superfluids in a periodic potential

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    We study the decay of superflow of a one-dimensional (1D) superfluid in the presence of a periodic potential. In 1D, superflow at zero temperature can decay via quantum nucleation of phase slips even when the flow velocity is much smaller than the critical velocity predicted by mean-field theories. Applying the instanton method to the O(2) quantum rotor model, we calculate the nucleation rate of quantum phase slips Γ\Gamma. When the flow momentum pp is small, we find that the nucleation rate per unit length increases algebraically with pp as Γ/Lp2K2\Gamma/L \propto p^{2K-2}, where LL is the system size and KK is the Tomonaga-Luttinger parameter. Based on the relation between the nucleation rate and the quantum superfluid-insulator transition, we present a unified explanation on the scaling formulae of the nucleation rate for periodic, disorder, and single-barrier potentials. Using the time-evolving block decimation method, we compute the exact quantum dynamics of the superflow decay in the 1D Bose-Hubbard model at unit filling. From the numerical analyses, we show that the scaling formula is valid for the case of the Bose-Hubbard model, which can quantitatively describe Bose gases in optical lattices.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, Sec. V is adde

    Field Theory On The World Sheet: Improvements And Generalizations

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    This article is the continuation of a project of investigating planar phi^3 model in various dimensions. The idea is to reformulate them on the world sheet, and then to apply the classical (meanfield) approximation, with two goals: To show that the ground state of the model is a solitonic configuration on the world sheet, and the quantum fluctuations around the soliton lead to the formation of a transverse string. After a review of some of the earlier work, we introduce and discuss several generalizations and new results. In 1+2 dimensions, a rigorous upper bound on the solitonic energy is established. A phi^4 interaction is added to stabilize the original phi^3 model. In 1+3 and 1+5 dimensions, an improved treatment of the ultraviolet divergences is given. And significantly, we show that our approximation scheme can be imbedded into a systematic strong coupling expansion. Finally, the spectrum of quantum fluctuations around the soliton confirms earlier results: In 1+2 and 1+3 dimensions, a transverse string is formed on the world sheet.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, several typos and eqs.(74) and (75) are corrected, a comment added to section

    Fluctuation effects of gauge fields in the slave-boson t-J model

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    We present a quantitative study of the charge-spin separation(CSS) phenomenon in a U(1) gauge theory of the t-J model of high-Tc superconductures. We calculate the critical temperature of confinement-deconfinement phase transition below which the CSS takes place.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, 3 figure