14 research outputs found

    Pandangan Orientalis Terhadap Identitas Dan Isu Politik Tokoh Perempuan Dalam Putri Cina

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    Penelitian ini membahas dua permasalahan tentang pandangan orientalis terhadap identitas dan isu politik yang terdapat pada novel Putri Cina karya Sindhunata. Karya ini memiliki kekuatan dalam mengungkap identitas dan isu politik. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh tradisi dan posisi Putri Cina di tengah masyarakat Jawa dan Cina. Penelitian ini berfokus pada kajian Postkolonial yang dikemukakan oleh Edward Said (1978). Hubungan kisah traumatik menjadi perempuan yang sama-sama mengalami kepedihan ini dianggap sebagai cara untuk memahami hal yang tidak dikenal dan dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah proyeksi psikologis terhadap dunia eksternal. Dalam pendekatan ini peneliti akan menggunakan penelitian pendekatan kritik secara objektif. Itu berarti bahwa peneliti akan menekankan struktur karya sastra dalam pengembangan dunia pengarang, publik pembaca, dan situasi zaman yang melahirkan karya sastra tersebut. Dari hasil analisis ditemukan penilaian orientalis yang diperankan oleh tokoh perempuan pada novel Putri Cina karya Shindunata ini direpresentasikan dalam eksistensinya di tengah masyarakat Jawa dan Cina sebagai tokoh perempuan yang mencitrakan identitasnya dengan citra perempuan secara fisik, perilaku, psikis, dan sosial

    Konflik Antar-tokoh dan Antar-agama dalam Novel Keluarga Permana karya Ramadhan K.H

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang konflik antar tokoh dan agama pada novel Keluarga Permana karya Ramadhan K.H. Karya ini memiliki kekuatan dalam mengungkap ideologi seseorang dalam sebuah keluarga. Terkait dengan ideologi, karya ini dipengaruhi oleh struktur sosiologi masyarakat yang dilatarbelakangi oleh perbedaan keyakinan. Penelitian ini membahas kajian sosiologi sastra. Dari hasil analisis penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa ideologi seseorang menimbulkan beberapa konflik antar tokoh dan agam

    Kajian Feminisme: Analisis Perbandingan Ideologi “Cantik” Tokoh Perempuan Pada Dua Chick-lit; The Debutante Divorcéé (Janda-Janda Gres) Karya Plum Sykes dan Test Pack Karya Ninit Yunita

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    This research discusses two chicklit to compare, Translation chicklit and Indonesian chicklit, The Debutante Divorcéé by Plum Sykes dan Test Pack by Ninit Yunita. Both of them have strength to find “beautiful” ideology. The different of “beautiful” ideology in both texts be influenced by popular culture of position and status as woman’s imagery. This research disscusses about Cixousan feminism. From this analysis found that “beautiful” ideology in both texts representated in different form of love

    An analysis of declaration speech act in Twilight

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    This research analyzes about n nalsis of elaration eeh t in iliht The main reason of this research chooses declaration speech act because declaration is the most common speech act which is always used in daily expression. The researcher concentrates to the types of declaration speech act used in twilight novel and the effects result from the declaration speech act in twilight novel. The common theme in this novel is love. The researcher chooses twilight novel because it includes one of the novels with love theme. The discussion, however, is divided into two statements of problem, namely, 1. What are the types of declaration speech act used in twilight novel? 2. What are the effect results from the declaration speech act in twilight novel? Then the data are categorized based on Yule’s theory of declaration speech act identifying declaration types and the effect as the result of declaration. The theory used in this research is based on eorge ule’s theory of declaration speech act. Speech act is one of the studies about how to know more about utterances. In doing this research, the research uses the descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative method describes the data systematically, factually and accurately, also the correlation between the phenomena that will be researched. The data of this research are collected by the technique of library research by searching data from twilight novel. Declaration speech act is one of speech act form that use in common expression. In any occasion, the action performed by producing an utterance will consist of three related acts. First locutionary act, is the basic act of utterance, or a producing a meaningful linguistic expression. Second illocutionary act, is performed via the communicative force of an utterance. Third perlocutionary act, is simply to create un utterance with a function without intending to have an effect. In this research, the researcher found six declaration speech act types. They are greeting, information question, apologizing, invitation, suggestion and prediction. The effects as result can be classified into two forms, verbal and non verbal. In this research, the researcher found 52 data about the effect as result of declaration types. There are 31 data of verbal forms and 21 data of non verbal forms. The verbal form means that the effects appear in the form of utterances or statements which are directly stated by the characters to show the response or the effect of each declaration type. The non-verbal form means that the effects appear in the form of action or expression given by the characters


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    This study aims to determine the types of icons, indexes, and symbols contained in advertisements on YouTube about one beauty product named Wardah Perfect Bright Creamy Foam Face Wash. This ad aims to explain to the Indonesian people especially teenagers that to be beautiful it must look clean, healthy and shining. By caring for themselves and using certain products in order to highlight the characteristics of each without having to be someone else. The theory used in this research is the sign system theory with the Semiotics approach proposed by Charles Sanders Pierce. Where this theory can divide the sign system into three part namely icons, indexes, and symbols. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method that is applied to determine the contents of the overall meaning of Wardah Perfect Bright Creamy Foam Face Wash beauty products. As a research using descriptive research, this study only describes the writer's purpose in analyzing this advertisement, not looking for relationships, not testing hypotheses or making predictions. The data in this study are using qualitative data. In conducting this research, the writer collects, sorts, and groups the available data. Then the data are analyzed using the theory of semiotics, and finally the writer presents the results. Meanwhile, the writer found 3 data of the icon sign system, 3 data of the index sign system and 2 data of the symbol sign system. The overall data contained in Wardah Advertisement YouTube of Perfect Bright Creamy Foam Facial Wash is 8 data. Thus, it could be concluded that each advertisement had different sign and also different meaning. These differences had given different interpretations

    CITRA PEREMPUAN DALAM NOVEL THE HOLY WOMAN: SATU KAJIAN FEMINIS (The Image of Woman in “The Holy Woman”: A Feminism Study)

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    Penelitian ini memaparkan citra perempuan dalam novel The Holy Woman karya Qaisra Shahraz. Citra perempuan yang terungkap dalam novel The Holy Woman tidak lepas dari isu-isu seputar perempuan yang berada dalam kekuasaan patriarki, yaitu kekuasaan yang cenderung menempatkan perempuan sebagai korban. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori feminis yang diungkapkan oleh Mary Ann Ferguson yang melihat feminitas perempuan sebagai perempuan yang diidealkan (The Submissive Wife) dan perempuan sebagai objek seks (The Sex Object). Hasil yang ditemukan adalah citra The Submissive Wife atau perempuan yang diidealkan menunjukkan perempuan sebagai istri atau anak perempuan yang dapat memberikan kebahagiaan dan ketentraman untuk keluarganya, dan The Sex Object atau perempuan sebagai objek seks telah menunjukkan adanya politik dan kekuasaan patriarki.Abstract:This research is aimed at explaining how the image of woman in  Qaisra Shahraz’s “The Holy Woman”. It dwells on women’ issues in a patriarchal power, that is, treating women as victims. The study applies  Mary Ann Ferguson’s feminism theory. Her view  considers that woman feminism is from (a) the submissive wife (idolized woman) and (b) the sex object (woman as sex object). The research concludes that (a) the submissive wife  —either as wife or as daughter—can give happi- ness and peace for her family;(b) the sex object   indicates that there has been  an involvement both a political and a patriarchal power


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    Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan utama untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan Bahasa inggris para dosen tetap di Jawa Barat khususnya di Universitas Alghifari. Universitas Al-Ghifari adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi yang berlokasi di Jln.Cisaranten Kulon no.140 Bandung, JawaBarat. Berdasarkan Data kepegawaian, Universitas Al-ghifari memiliki 63 Dosen tetap yang tentu saja  mempunyai kemampuan Bahasa inggris yang berbeda-beda. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan nantinya akan terpetakan secara detail tingkat kemampuan Bahasa inggris dari skor  TOEFL yang di hasilkan masing-masing dosen tetap maupun kemampuan secara keseluruhan dosen tetap dengan cara diambil rata-rata. Dalam mengklasifikasikan tingkat atau level kemampuan tersebut peneliti akan berlandaskan pada tingkatan kemampuan  dari CEFR ( Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) yang dikeluarkan oleh ETS (Educational Testing System). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian diskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sedangkan metode pengambilan data berupa test TOEFL peneliti menggunakan aplikasi google form quiz. Pengolahan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, yaitu dengan statistik deskriptif yaitu mengelola, meringkas dan menggambarkan hasil penelitian. Selain itu dengan statistic deskriptif ditujukan untuk mengetahui rata-rata hasil skor TOEFL sehingga akan diketahui gambaran jelas tentang tingkat kemampuan Bahasa inggris para dosen tetap Universitas Al-ghifari.  Hasil penelitian kami sajikan per fakultas, dan hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut: Fakultas Sastra rata-rata skor adalah 564 level B2 atau Upper Intermediate, Fakultas Ekonomi rata-rata skor adalah 468 level B1 atau intermediate, Fakultas ISIP rata-rata skor adalah 437 level A2  atau elementary, Fakultas MIPA rata-rata skor 491 level B1 atau intermediate dan Fakultas TEKPER rata-rata skor 464 level B1 atau Intermediate. TINGKAT KEMAMPUAN BAHASA INGGRIS DOSEN TETAP PERGURUAN TINGGI SWASTA DI JAWA BARAT BERDASARKAN SKOR TOEFL; STUDI KASUS DI UNIVERSITAS AL-GHIFARI BANDUN


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    This study intends to reveal the satire about Jihad concept misunderstanding which causes negative image for Islam that caused by irresponsible British Moslems. They act without sufficient religious understanding and only out of lust to get rid of the unjust infidels towards minority Moslems. So, with the analysis of the signifier-signified of Saussure's semiotic theory, it’s hoped that satire can be conveyed, understood and aware by the parties who become the targets of satire. This study has a significance for eliminating misunderstandings about Islam which are always associated with terrorism, namely stupid acts that only harm fellow Moslems. This study will use a qualitative method because it related to phenomena in society. In this study, film as the object where the data are collected and supported by literature studies. The results from 20 data contain signifier and signified of radical Moslem’s act who misunderstanding about Jihad then satire that is intended to prove those who deviate are not acting in the name of Islam, terrorism is a stupid act and British government must be more fair to minorities. It’s recommended for further studies to examine Islamophobia in Asia with poster as the object the uses qualitative method and Peircean semiotics

    Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce pada Karikatur Cover Majalah Tempo Edisi 16-22 September 2019

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    This research aims to identify the representamen or sign, object, and interpretant on Tempo magazine cover of the 16-22 September 2019 edition. Tempo magazine carries political elements, and it is interesting to analyze. The caricature of the Indonesian President is used as the primary discussion to seek the messages that are being delivered. The magazine cover conveys meanings. This study uses qualitative research by using Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic analysis. The study focuses on signs which are divided into three categories: representamen, object, and interpretant. The finding shows that the caricature implies that the President of Indonesia betrayed himself and the citizens. His promise to make the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stronger was only an empty promise. The controversial icon of Pinocchio is associated with the Indonesian president because of the revision of Law No. 30 2002 that weakens KPK


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    This research purposes at describing the roles of semantic study precisely the roles of agent and experiencer in Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra novel written by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The research conducted by the writer is qualitative research. The data of this study are agent and experiencer roles that the data source is taken from Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra novel written by Habiburrahman El Shirazy published in 2003. The method that is used by the writer to collect the data is documentation with the steps: (1) figure out the sentences that contain agent and experiencer in that novel, (2) classify the types of sentences by investigating the novel. In analyzing data, the writer used Saeed’s theory of participant roles for the major theory. The result of this study shows that there are seventeen patterns that are classified into two roles. They are ten sentences of the agent and seven sentences of the experiencer.Keywords: Semantic, Participant Roles, Agent, Experiencer