55 research outputs found
Character, Habit and Taste of woman with coldeness in their bodies
冷え性の発現は寒冷刺激に対する血管運動性体温調節と密接に関係しているが,患者の性格・生活習慣・食事の嗜好等にも関わっていると考えられる。そこで今回は冷え性婦人100名を対象にCMl調査と35項目にのぼるアンケート調査を行った。その結果,冷え性の増悪因子として,日頃の運動不足・神経症的性格傾向・過労・食べ物の嗜好がクローズアップされ,この面での生活指導が冷え性の治療を行っていく上で,薬物的な治療と並んで重要であることか示唆された。The character, habit and taste were studied about by means of a questionnaire survey and Cornell Medical Index in 100 women who felt cold in their part of bodies. More than 30% of the women showed the neurotic personality, They had a tendency to dislike the greasy foods, and frequently had sweet foods. More than 50% of them ordinally complained of shoulder stiffness and generalfatigue. The women who played
sports weekly were less than 20%. The neurotic porsonality, the tendency to dislike the greasy foods and the lack of exercise were seemed to be the feature of their character, taste, and habit. Thus, improvement of their personality and life style may have a good effect on the coldness in women
The efficacy of maternity swimming to reduce mother's weight
第1報において妊婦水泳に関する妊婦の認識について報告し (1) ,第2報において妊婦水泳の現状とその適応について報告した (2) 。その後,第3報において妊婦水泳が母児の循環系におぼす影響について報告し (3) ,第4報にて出産後1年間の児の予後調査を行った (4) 。今回は,妊婦水泳による体重減少効果について検討を行った。その結果,妊婦水泳前後で平均460gの体重減少がみられた。また水泳を10回以上行った妊婦において,水泳を行っている期間の体重増加が水泳を行っていない期間の体重増加に比べて有意に少なかった。これより,妊婦水泳には一定の減量効果があり,肥満妊婦の治療にも応用できると考えられた。The efficacy of awimming to reduce mother's weight were studided retrospectively in 107 women. Each time they swum for a hour. They were given a chance of swimming at only one time in a week. Most of them reduced their weight after
the swimming. The average of the weight loss was 460 gram after each time of swimming. In women who had a chance of swimming at ten times or more, the mother's weight gain in a week when they had a chance of swimming, was statistically (p<0.01) less than the weight in a week when they didn't swim. Thus, the maternity swimming was thought to have the efficacy to reduce mother's weight. If the maternlty swimming is clinically applied for the treatment of obese pregnant women, their weight will reduce efficiently
Prevalence of urinary stress incontinence in women
三朝分院外来を訪れた女性患者を対象に尿失禁に関する18項目のアンケート調査を行った。その結果,全体の過半数が尿失禁の経験者であった。腹圧性尿失禁が大部分を占め,高齢になるほど 経産回数が多いほど頻度が高くなる傾向がみられた。そのうちの約1割に尿漏れの頻度と程度が重かった。以上より,尿失禁について積極的な啓蒙,診断,治療の必要性が認められた。The prevalence of urinary stress incontinence was investigated in 93 women consulting in our hospital by means of a questionnaire survey. The survey showed that 52.7% of the total cases experienced the loss of urine. 87% of the cases with the loss of urine were the cases with stress incotinence. The prevalence of incontinence increased with age up to 69.2% in the 60's. A positive
correlation was found between the number of childbirths and the prevalence of incontinence
Maternity swimmlng at Misasa Hospital of Okayama University Medical School. Second report. The indication and its practice.
第一報において,当科外来通院妊婦を対象とした妊婦水泳に関するアンケート調査の結果を報告1)したが,その結果にもとづき,1988年2月より妊婦水泳を開始し,11カ月を経過した。この間,初産婦および前回難産経験をもつ経産婦を主たる対象として,積極的に水泳を奨めた結果,18例の妊婦水泳を経験することができた。その結果,流早産例は1例もなく,児の予後も良好であり,妊婦管理の一環としての妊婦水泳の安全性と有用性が確認できたので,当科における妊婦水泳の現状とその適応につき報告する。From February to December, 1988, 18 cases of maternity swimming were deliverd at Misasa hospital of Okayama university medical school. Then we discussed the indication, safety and effectiveness of maternity swimmmg.
(Results) (1) Fifteen cases (83.3%) were primiparas and 5 cases (27.8%) were 30 years old or more. (2) As for the weeks of pregnancy at the beginning of swimming, the earliest one was at 18 weeks and the latest one was at 37 weeks. (3) The times of swimming during pregnancy were variou in each case, and the maxirnum one was 20 times and the minimum one was 2 times. (4) There was no abortion and premature delivery. (5) There was no low birth weight infant and no asphxia of the newborn. (Conclusion) The inducement of maternity swimming is safe and effective to the management of pregnancy, especially to the cases of primipara, old aged or having minor disturbance
Maternal swimming at Misasa Hospital Of Okayama University Medical School First report. Recognition of the pregnant women to maternity swimming
妊婦のスポーツに対する考え方は近年まで比較的消極的であったが,最近マスコミに取り上げられるようになり,妊婦水泳・エアロビクスダンス等は全国的にもかなり普及していると思われる。今回外来通院患者を対象に妊婦水泳に関するアンケート調査を行った結果,大多数のものが関心を持ち,また実施希望を持っていることが判明したのでその概要を報告する。The sports have been contraindication for pregnant women till resent years. Since Dr. Murooka reported the safety and the effectiveness of maternity swimming in 1978. maternity swimming have been taken up and fasionarised by mass media. And then maternity swimming becomes popular in our all over the country. Now we made inquiries about maternity swimming to 25 pregnant women in our outpatients clinic. (Results) 1. Eightyfour percent of them were interested in maternity swimming. 2. Eightyeight percent of them wanted to swim. 3. Most of them had little knowledge about tocological effectiveness of maternity swimming. (Conclusion) It is nessesary that the enlightenment and the active management of maternity
swimming by obstetricians
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