126 research outputs found

    A new approach in the use of microelements as tracers for identification and differentiation of natural and anthropogenic impacts in the sediments

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    Моbilizаciја mikrоеlеmеnаtа y biоsfеru pоd uticајеm lјudskе аktivnоsti je pоstаlа vаžаn prоcеs u gеоhеmiјskоm ciklusu оvih еlеmеnаtа. To je pоstаlо pоsеbnо izrаžеnо u urbаnim srеdinаmа, gdе sе iz rаzličitih izvоrа оslоbаđајu vеlikе kоličinе tоksičnih еlеmеnаtа u аtmоsfеru, vоdеnе tоkоvе, zеmlјištе i sеdimеnt. Sа pоvеćаnjеm еmisiје оvih еlеmеnаtа, pоvеćаvајu sе i njihоvе prirоdnе kоncеntrаciје u svim srеdinаmа. Ha tај nаčin tоksični еlеmеnti pоstајu znаčајni trаsеri zаgаđеnjа živоtiе srеdinе. Dеtаlјnоm аnаlizоm uzоrаkа sеdimеntа, primеnоm mеtоdе еlеmеntаrnе аnаlizе, grаnulоmеtriјskе i rеndgеnskе difrаkciоnе аnаlizе, mеtоdе sеkvеnciјаlnе еkstrаkciје, kао i primеnоm kоmbinоvаnоg еkоhеmiјskоg i gеоhеmiјskоg pristupа u intеrprеtаciјi dоbiјеnih rеzultаtа, kојim je оbuhvаćеnа аnаlizа rеzultаtа dоbiјеnih mеtоdоm sеkvеnciјаlnе еkstrаciје, diskusiја о rаspоdеli еlеmеnаtа no lоkаlitеtimа i dubinаmа, primеnа mеtоdе gеоhеmiјskоg nоrmirаnjа, оdrеđivаnjе fоnskih kоncеntrаciја u sеdimеntimа, оdrеđivаnjе fаktоrа оbоgаćеnjа i stаtističkа оbrаdа lоdаtаkа, u оvоm rаdu je izvеdеnо idеntifikоvаnjе i difеrеnciјаciја аntrоpоgеnоg uticаја i prirоdnоg fоnа tоksičnih i pоtеnciјаlnо tоksičnih mikrоеlеmеnаtа u rеčnоm sеdimеntu Тisе i аluviјаlnоm sеdimеntu Dunаvа, izvršеnа je prоcеnа njihоvоg аntrоpоgеnоg pоrеklа i kvаntifikоvаnjе аntrоpоgеnоg udеlа i dеfinisаni su mоgući izvоri kоntаminаciје u ispitivаnim sеdimеntimа. Аnаlizоm rеzultаtа kоntаminаciје аluviјаlnоg sеdimеntа Dunаvа u Pаnčеvu je pоkаzаnо dа je sа pоvеćаnjеm rаstојаnjа оd Rаfinеriје, аntrоpоgеni uticај nа sаdržај еlеmеnаtа slаbi i pоstаје znаčајniја gеоhеmiјskа kоntrоlа. Rаzdvојеni su uticајi dvа dоprinоsа kоја znаčајnо оdrеđuјu sаdržај ispitivаnih mikrоеlеmеnаtа i tо: аntrоpоgеni unоs Cr, Zn, Cd, Ni, V i Pb kао pоslеdicа uticаја blizinе industriјskоg kоmplеksа, dоkје pоrеklо Cu i Pb pоvеzаnо sа pоstојаnjеm drugih lоkаlnih izvоrа kоntаminаciје i uticајеm sаоbrаćаја, prvеnstvеnо еmisiјаmа iz аutоmоbilа. Sеdimеnt rеkе Тisе prеdstаvlја rеzеrvоаr zа аkumulаciјu tоksičnih i pоtеnciјаlnо tоksičnih еlеmеnаtа iz оkоlnih urbаnih i industriјskih srеdinа, kао i аkumulаciјu еlеmеnаtа kојi su dоnеti rеkоm Тisоm, uslеd еmisiје u zеmlјаmа iz njеnоg slivа. U sеdimеntu оvе rеkеје оdrеđеn vеći sаdržај Cu, Cr, Zn, Pb, Cd, As i Hg i mаnjе V i Ni u оdnоsu nа sеdimеnt njеnih lritоkа.Mobilization of microelements in the biosphere under the influence of human activities has become an important process in the geochemical cycle of these elements. It has become particularly pronounced in urban areas, where different sources release large amounts of toxic elements in the atmosphere, waterways, soil and sediment. With increasing emission of these elements increases and their concentration in all natural environments. In this way, toxic elements become important tacers of environmental pollution. Detailed analysis of sediment samples, using methods of elementary analysis, granulometric and X-ray diffraction analysis, sequential extraction methods, and applying the combined ecochemical and geochemical approach to the interpretation of results, which included analysis of the results obtained by the method of sequential extraction, discussion on the distribution of elements by localities and depths, the application of geochemical normalization, determination background concentration, the determination of enrichment factors and statistical analysis, in this thesis was conducted to identify and differentiation of natural and anthropogenic influences of toxic and potentially toxic microelements in the Tisza river sediments and alluvial sediments of the Danube, was made assessment of their anthropogenic origin and quantification of anthropogenic contribution and defined a possible sources of contamination in the sediments. The analysis results of contamination Danube alluvial sediments from Pančevo was shown that with increasing distance from refineries, anthropogenic impact on the content elements weakens and becomes more important geochemical control. Separated by two contributions, which impacts significantly determine the content of microelements: anthropogenic input Cr, Zn, Cd, Ni, V and Pb as a result of the proximity of the impact of industrial complexes, while the origin of Cu and Pb associated with the existence of other local sources of contamination and the influence of traffic, primarily emissions from cars. Tisa river sediment is a reservoir for the accumulation of toxic and potentially toxic elements from the surrounding urban and industrial areas, and accumulation of elements in the Tisa river sediment, due to emissions from countries in its basin. The sediments of this river is determined by a higher content of Cu, Cr, Zn, Pb, Cd, As and Hg and less V and Ni in relation to the sediment of its tributaries

    Analgesia and sedation in hemodynamic unstable patient

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    Pain, restlessness, tension and delirium are almost always encountered while treating hemodynamic unstable critical patients in the intensive care units. Usually in critical patients, the evaluation of the nature and pain intensity (VAS scale) are often impossible. During the last 10 years intense nociceptor somatic and visceral post operative pain is believed to be the most crucial factor in the development of endocrine and neurohumoral disorders, within the postoperative period. Chronic post operative pain is appearing often (30%-40%), with great influence on the quality of patients life. The modern principal in treating acute pain is the use of multimodal balanced analgesia approach, which is individually catered with drug and dose for each patient. Modern systemic analgesia is understood to be the continuous use of opiates or opioids, titrated towards pain intensity, with a minimum number of complications even in hemodynamic unstable patients. The combined use of opioids with NSAID and paracetamol reduces the overall dosage of opioids by 20% - 30% and therefore significantly contributes to hemodynamic and respiratory stability. Effective and safe epidural analgesia in hemodynamic unstable patients can be optimized by simultaneous use of various drugs with different mechanisms of action (local anaesthetic, opioid, adrenalin, ketamin). The accepted concept of analgosedation in critical patients is understood to be the use of short acting drugs (fentanyl, sufentanil, remifentanil, midazolam, propofol) in which drug dosage can be quickly adjusted in respect to the present clinical state of the patient

    Geochemistry of water and sediment

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    Access to drinking water is one of the largest problems of modern times, and water pollution is a growing problem worldwide. Increased concentrations of different toxic substances, especially heavy metals, affect biodiversity and are hazardous for human health. Sediment may act as a sink for a huge number of toxic substances and should, therefore, be investigated in addition to water, as it contains a record of previous pollution. Geochemical investigations of aquatic sediments in freshwater and marine environments present excellent insights into the state of pollution of investigated water bodies and their ecosystems. The chemical composition of sediment is informative, both in investigations of mineral resources of a particular region for mining purposes and in tracing contamination from different sources. Pollution affects all sources of drinking water—ground, spring, river, and lake. The interaction of water and sediment is of special importance, as sediment can also release heavy metals and act as a source of pollution. Systematic geochemical investigations of river sediments and their quality in the broader region of SE Europe started in 1989 in Croatia [1], with pioneering study of heavy metals in sediments of the Krka River Estuary, Croatia. This study was the first attempt to determine anthropogenic influence in sediments. First systematic assessment of multi-elemental composition of stream sediments for evaluating sediment quality guidelines in a large drainage basin of this region was performed in 2005 and 2007 on example of Kupa River drainage basin (Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina) [2, 3]. During the following years, Croatian scientists expanded their research with introducing the new fast and efficient method of magnetic susceptibility applied on sediment con-tamination with heavy metals research in Croatia and nearby countries [4]. Their research and collaboration expanded through the region and among other we highlight the fruitful collaboration with team from Centre of Excellence of University of Belgrade, Serbia. Research expertise of Croatian and Serbian partners is complementary and currently joint research on example locations in Croatia (Kupa River) and Serbia (Vlasina River) are under way. Until now it resulted in published paper on thematic of geochemical fractionation and risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in sediments from Kupa River, Croatia [5]. Croatian partners are disseminating to Serbian partners their experience and knowledge about river sediment research and monitoring, as well as about introducing of magnetic methods, while Serbian partners are disseminating to Croatian partners their experience in geochemical fractionation and risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in sediments. Intensive collaboration between Croatian and Serbian scientists resulted in joint idea to launch a Special Issue of Water focusing on geochemistry of water and sediment. This idea was accepted from Editorial Board of Water and Dr. Stanislav Frančišković-Bilinski from Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia and Dr. Sanja Sakan from Centre of ex-cellence of the University of Belgrade, Serbia, have been confirmed as Editors of the Special Issue under the title “Geochemistry of Water and Sediment”, within the section “Aquatic Systems—Quality and Contamination”. The purpose of this Special Issue was to publish original, high-quality research papers, as well as review articles, addressing recent advances in water and aquatic sediment research, new methods and developments in monitoring, as well as legislative development. This Special Issue was announced in May 2019 and opened for submissions with a deadline of 30 December 2020. However, due to the pandemic and lockdown over most of the world in spring 2020, the deadline was extended until 30 November 2020, when submissions for this Special Issue were closed. A total of 12 papers were submitted for publication and they have undergone a scrutinized review process. Eventually, ten papers passed the rigorous review by at least two recognized international reviewers and extensive editorial checks. The papers compiled in this Special Issue show a wide variety of topics

    Acute thrombosis of portal, lienal, superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric veins as a rare complication of COVID-19

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    Krajem 2019. godine je prvi put izoliran SARS-CoV-2 s bolesnika iz respiratornog sustava, međutim kako se pandemija COVID-19 bolesti širila svijetom pored respiratornih simptoma uočena je povećana sklonost zgrušavanju krvi kod bolesnika s težim oblikom infekcije. U ovom prikazu slučaja radi se o mladom bolesniku bez komorbiditeta, koji se javlja u hitnu službu zbog bolova u trbuhu. Fizikalnim pregledom, laboratorijskom i slikovnom obradom uočena je akutna tromboza vene porte, vene lienalis i obje mesenterične vene. Obzirom na potrebu hospitalizacije učinjen je bris nazofarinksa na SARS-CoV-2 koji je došao pozitivan. Liječen je u jedinici intenzivne medicine COVID-19 oboljelih bolesnika Kliničke bolnice Dubrava (PRIC) niskmolekularnim heparinom u terapijskoj dozi te je po pristizanju negativnog PCR nalaza na SARS-CoV-2 premješten na Zavod za hematologiju gdje su isključili najčešće poremećaje zgrušavanja krvi i s kojeg je dobrog općeg stanja otpušten iz bolnice.Since the first SARS-CoV-2 case in humans wasreported at the end of 2019, a pandemic of COVID-19 disease spread around theworld, causing not only respiratory symptoms, but also a hypercoagulable statein some patients with severe forms of infection. In this case report we present a young male patient with nocomorbidities, who presents in the ER with severe abdominal pain. Physical examination,laboratory tests and imaging showed acute portal, splenic and mesenteric veinthrombosis. After he had been hospitalised the nasopharyngeal swab was positivefor SARS-CoV-2. He was treated in ICU UH Dubrava for COVID-19 patients (PRIC) withtherapeutic doses of low molecular weight heparin, and when the PCR swab forSARS-CoV-19 was negative, he was transferred to Haematology ward where theyperformed tests and excluded some of the most common diseases associated withhypercoagulability, and in a good condition he was discharged from thehospital

    Anestezija bez primjene opioida u kliničkoj praksi - pregledni rad

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    Currently, enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols are multimodal perioperative care pathways with the goal to achieve early patient recovery after surgery with minimal postoperative complications. According to studies, opioid free general anesthesia has many perioperative benefits and should be part of the ERAS protocols in specific surgical and patient indications. Opioid free general anesthesia is a multimodal balanced technique that is based on the concept that opioids are not used preoperatively or intraoperatively until the patient has aroused. The basic concept of opioid free general anesthesia is intravenous administration of several nonopioid drugs that operate at different pharmacological sites blocking surgical stress and sympathetic activation response. Moreover, current studies have shown that opioid free anesthesia is a technique which satisfactorily controls postoperative pain as the fifth vital sign, and has minimal side effects and better patient recovery with the same surgical conditions as general multimodal balanced anesthesia. However, further research is needed.Primjena protokola ERAS (enhanced recovery after surgery) u svakodnevnoj anesteziološkoj i kirurškoj praksi omogućava brži oporavak bolesnika nakon operacije uz minimalne poslijeoperacijske komplikacije. Prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima opća anestezija bez primjene opioida trebala bi biti dio protokola ERAS u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi u skladu s primjenom prema unaprijed određenim indikacijama s obzirom na vrstu operacije i status bolesnika. Opća anestezija bez opioida je multimodalna uravnotežena tehnika koja se temelji na konceptu da se opioidni lijekovi ne primjenjuju prijeoperacijski i intraoperacijski sve dok se bolesnik ne probudi iz anestezije. Iako su novija istraživanja pokazala prednosti anestezije bez opioida u odnosu na opću multimodalnu uravnoteženu anesteziju s primjenom opioida, daljnja istraživanja su potrebna

    Geochemical Fractionation and Assessment of Probabilistic Ecological Risk of Potential Toxic Elements in Sediments Using Monte Carlo Simulations

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    The need for further research into potentially toxic elements in Serbian rivers led to an investigation of distributions, sources, and ecological risks in a sample base of sediments from 15 rivers. The analyses were carried out through both experimental and theoretical methods. Geochemical fractionation of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, As, V, and Zn in sediments was studied using a sequential extraction procedure. Both a Håkanson risk index (RI) and a Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) were used in order to estimate ecological risk, applying the probability distribution of RI values instead of single-point calculations. In order to both further the development of the used method and include additional processes, software for the simulations was developed instead of using proprietary solutions. Metal fractionation showed high percentage recoveries of Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and V in residual fractions. The high content of Pb, Mn, and Zn in mobile fractions might cause serious environmental concerns. In some localities, Cu and Cd could be problematic elements, since their mobility was high. An environmental assessment based on the described criteria provided risk levels varying from low to median (mainly contributed by Cd and Cu)

    Magnetic and Geochemical Properties of Zagreb City Area Soils

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    This study was performed to derive the first insight into the distribution of low-field volume magnetic susceptibility (MS) throughout Zagreb city, based on in situ field measurements. The most interesting locations were selected for soil sampling and their geochemical contents were determined using ICP-OES. A geostatistical approach was applied to the MS and geochemical results. A median of 0.245 × 10−3 SI units was proposed as the average MS value in Zagreb. The mean concentrations of heavy metals in Zagreb’s soils (in µg/g) are Pb (36.82), Zn (87.77), Cu (30.84), Cd (0.66), Cr (29.04), Co (11.89), and Ni (28.40), and these measurements are relatively low in comparison to the Croatian legislation and the European and world average. Boxplot analyses demonstrate that 45% of the studied elements do not feature any anomalies, while most of the remaining elements indicate only one weak anomaly located at the same site as the MS anomalies. Our statistical analysis found significant correlations between MS and the following elements: Cd, Co, Fe, Mn, Na, Pb, Sb, and Zn. In situ MS measurements proved to be an efficient tool for the initial screening of large areas with elevated concentrations of heavy elements, enabling the cheap and fast assessment of the state of the environment

    Supplementary information for the article: Sakan, S.; Mihajlidi-Zelić, A.; Škrivanj, S.; Frančišković-Bilinski, S.; Đorđević, D. An Integrated Approach in the Assessment of the Vlasina River System Pollution by Toxic Elements. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2022, 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.909858.

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    Increasing pollutant levels in surface water are a very important problem in developing countries. In Serbia, the largest rivers are transboundary rivers that cross the border already polluted. Taking this into account, evaluation of the distribution characteristics, ecological risk, and sources of toxic elements in river water and surface sediments in the watercourses of the Vlasina watershed is of great significance for the protection of water resources in Serbia. A total of 17 sediment and 18 water samples were collected and analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma—Optical Emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and Inductively Coupled Plasma—Mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine micro- and macroelements contents. The geo-accumulation index (Igeo) was applied to determine and classify the magnitude of toxic element pollution in this river sediment. The contents of the studied toxic elements were below water and sediment quality guidelines. For studied river water, results of principal component analysis (PCA) indicated the difference in behavior of Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, and As and V, respectively. Cluster analysis (CA) classified water samples according to As and Cu content. The PCA results revealed that lead in river sediments had different behavior than other elements and can be associated mainly with anthropogenic sources. According to the degree of Igeo, the majority of sediments in the Vlasina region were uncontaminated regarding studied toxic elements. The origin of elements is mostly from natural processes such as soil and rock weathering.Related to published version: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5501]Related to accepted version: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5501